I felt a presence at the door to my dojo,

and my student suddenly stiffened.

I looked over,

it was an isntructor from

a ‘rival’ school.

I knew who the Instructor was,

he had studied in China for a number of years,

claimed to know Monkey and Iron Palm,

and all sorts of other things.

The look on his face showed

that he had come ready to fight.


this was nothing new to me.

Several of my students had come to me

and told me tales

of how I was reviled.

All the other instructors in town

were saying that I was a disgrace to the art,

I should be beaten up,

and thrown out of town.


I ain’t kiddin’.

And those were the mild threats.

And here was some fellow

ready to bleed,

ready to fight to the finish,

all because he had heard

I taught a One Year Black Belt course.

The funny thing was,

he was ready to fight,

and he had no clue as to what I could do.


he had no clue what  was involved in

a One Year Black Belt Course.

But he wanted to  fight.

He had to defend The Art,

you know.

I grinned at my student,

and said to the instructor,

‘Come on in!’

The rival instructor looked confused then.

He expected anger,

front kicks,

a death battle.

He didn’t expect a smile.

I pushed a chair over to him and said,

‘You own that Kung Fu school over on 3rd St.

How’s it going?’

‘Well, uh....”

‘Glad you came over,

been a lot of interest

in what I do.

The One Year Program,

you know.

Can I answer any of your questions?’

He sat down,

and the look on his face,

was absolutely priceless.

He expected some sort of a confrontation,

and here I was

greeting him like an old friend,


ready to share whatever I had with him.

‘Well, I did wonder about it.’

He spoke hesitantly,

with a trace of belligerence

trying to seep into his voice.


here it is,’

I tossed him my checklist.

‘These are the most workable techniques

I could find in all of Karate.’

He gazed raptly at the list of techniques.

His mind was moving a mile a minute.

He was trying to understand it all.

I mean,

he had all my data,

right there,

if he could just...

‘You know what my real problem is?’

He forced his gaze off the techniques

and looked up at me.

‘Uh, what?’


I held up the manual

I used to train students.

He eyed it like it was gold.

He just knew it was my ‘Secrets.’

‘If I could just get students

to understand this stuff,’

I said,

‘then everything on that list would work perfectly.’

He looked down at my techniques,

it was obvious he was torn between

wanting to know my techniques

and what was in my book.

I tossed him the book.

‘Don’t you agree?’

He paged through the book.

Unbelievably hungry.

And the look in his eyes changed.

‘This is what you’re teaching?’



Don’t you agree?

If I could just get students to understand this stuff...’

He put the book down.

and we started to talk then.

This is a true story.


we didn’t end up bosom buddies.


he never did like me.


knowing what I was trying to do,

he could no longer disrespect me.

And he would have loved

to have had copies of my techniques

and my training manual.

So what was in the program?

What was on that list and in that manual?

The hardest hitting techniques I could find.

The things that seemed to work

no matter what.

And the book was pure data

concerning  the how and why

of making the martial arts work.


I had already tried teaching other things,

I had made lots of mistakes,

and I had learned a lot.

I knew the proper balance of forms and techniques.

I knew how to t each freestyle,

I knew all the exercises and drills

that would enable a person to learn how to fight FAST!


I knew what a student had to know

before he could hope to master the martial arts.


I had taken everything I knew in Karate,

selected the best,

most damaging techniques,

arranged them in proper sequence,

and called the thing

Outlaw Karate.

Most people think,

because of the name,

that I was teaching Karate

that was bad and immoral.


I named it Outlaw Karate

for three reasons.

The first was

I had trained with Outlaw Bikers.

They were brutal

in their application of Art,

and if something didn’t work,

they let you know.


at one time,

my instructor had been

kicked out of his organization,

and his system was supposed to be ‘outlawed.’


the main reason I named it Outlaw Karate,

was because

it went outside the idea

of what Karate was.

I broke the mold.

I took the forms,

and instead of doing them mindlessly,

I thought about them,

analyzed them,

and tried to come up with something better.

And I did.

Outlaw Karate had all the brutality,

and in one third the time.

People would take three to four years

to learn Karate,

but I had seen the difference between

the Kang Duk Won,

and Kwon Bup.

I had separated those arts,

and I had seen what was in them.

I understood Karate.


I understood that it was taking longer and longer to learn.


I knew that it shouldn’t take longer to learn.

I was living in times

where people could traverse the ocean,

didn’t starve,

had TVs and video tapes and books

and virtually unlimited access

to all the arts of the world.

With more data it should have been easier

to learn an art,

not harder.

So I made Outlaw Karate.

I made something faster and more efficient.

I made something that would cover

the most important techniques of Karate,

and enable a student to learn

at a much faster rate.

I made something pure,

At this point,

I might add,

I had already started the Matrixing process,

I had started discovering those things

that make an Art totally and entirely logical.

So logical,

that it becomes quick to learn,

easy to draw on,

and intuitive in nature.


jump forward a few years.

I had taken videos of some of those forms.

Taught the forms point by point,

and showed the techniques

point by point.


they were sitting in a box in my garage.

I presented Matrixing,

and I found that a lot of people were interested

in where Matrixing came from,


people found out that

by learning where it came from,

they were able to Matrix better.


to tell you the truth,

these are still some of the most potent techniques

I ever learned.

Bone crunching,

head cracking,

body busting,

hard core techniques.

Techniques designed to rip the head off a rhino.


There are two DVDs

and they have three of the Outlaw forms on them.

To be honest,

I don’t know what happened

to the videos of the other three Outlaw forms.

But seeing these videos,

and having the training manual,

which includes ALL the forms,

you’ve got everything.


you get a training manual.

and two DVDs,

with some of the hardest hitting Karate

you’ve ever seen.

What’s more important,

is that this is the One Year Black Belt Course.

This is one of the most crucial breakthroughs

in the history of the Martial Arts.

Understand this stuff,

and you’re going to have,

not just some of the most brutal,

no nonsense techniques

from the entire Art of Karate,

but you’re going to have

an outlook

that strips away the nonsense,

and gets down to business.

You’re going to have

one of the most important breakthroughs in the martial arts,



that fellow who came into my school?

He went away.

I was safe in showing him

what my Art was

because he couldn’t remember it all from a glance,

and the material in the book...


maybe it’s time

that you got familiar with

what the martial arts are

really all about.



a training manual

157 pages long,

over 330 illustrations,

the original Outlaw forms,

and lots and lots of techniques.


you get the two DVDs

showing three essential forms.


That's right. $29.95.

(due to ancient video technology,

the image is slightly blurry,

but not too bad)


And you can have

what people were upset over,

what they threatened me for.

You can have the techniques,

the forms,

the methods of freestyle.

You can have a crucial piece of Matrixing history.

All you have to do is click on the button...

Monster Martial Arts


The courses I purchases last month are superb. I'm in the middle of Matrix Karate and the Master Instructors course. The MI course is a real eye opener, once I've studied the DVD's and written course I will submit an essay to be considered as an instructor with you. I will also be purchasing more courses including Create Your Own ART. Although I founded my own system in 2003 it's obvious I still have a lot to learn.--Paul C.