Republishing the Monster Martial Arts Books!

Monster Books Published Again!

Hi guys!
I’m starting to republish my martial arts books.
It’s an arduous process,
especially in the beginning.
I’m figuring out how different publishing companies work.
Here’s the link…

Remember, the book has FIVE HOURS of video instruction!

I’ll let you know
as other books get published,
but, right now,
let me give you a win from
Stephan Hoffman…

Dear Master Case,

First up – I cannot believe it took me this long to accept the Master Training Program. I honestly thought it was there for people who were advanced enough to create their own style.

I am so happy I finally listened to you however! Every single course/book/training manual I have bought from you (and a few from other creators) suddenly makes sense!!!

CBM – where do I begin… this in conjunction with the Dan Tien Breathing (which I have heard of so often in Qigong etc) which you actually explain in simple terms, has absolutely put me in a new frame of mind. It reminded me of the Bene Gesserit Prana Bindu training from the original Dune novels. I admit to always having been envious of their incredible bodily control!

I went to the gym today and ONLY did a Yogata and Qigong flow using CBM and it was one of the hardest training sessions I think I have ever had! Not draining mind you, but definitely took a lot of concentration, and I could feel my energy starting to align correctly as I know it should in the energetic arts. This can only get better!

For me … this suddenly feels like I have the ability to finally play on an athlete level.

I have said for many years that my goal is to be … someone who not only understands how the Universal Energies operate, but is able to apply that knowledge to every aspect of their lives to create ease and Flow. To have you espouse the same idea from the Martial perspective is finally the missing piece to my puzzle!

I also am absolutely in awe of your description of Mastery. For the longest time, I have both been enamored with and hateful towards the Martial Arts. Only because the gyms and dojos are all about fighting and competing. Where I have always wanted to both Play, as well as learn energetic harmony. I enjoy combat as play but have no desire to actually hurt anyone – not even in competition. Your approach fits my ideology perfectly!

I hope to keep you updated as I progress. I cannot wait to revisit the 9sq boxing now once I have completed the Master Manuals and see how this shifts my understanding.

Oh, I even finally saw (or rather felt) how to use Matrixing in conjunction with CBM in BJJ. Which I have often wanted to know if that would even work – the answer is all in sensing/feeling the energy so that the reaction time is non-existent. I cannot WAIT to roll with my friend soon… He is a purple belt and I am only a white belt, but I just know I will have something to teach him and, in turn, have him test it out on me too!

Many thanks again Master!

Warm Regards
Stephan Hoffman

Thank you Stephan.
Your win is my win,
it really makes my day.

And to everybody,
if you wish to become a Master Instructor
the course is at

1d Master Instructor Course

If you order during September I will also send you


The Master Books.
These are ten books I wrote in the early nineties
when I was hard at work developing Matrixing.
This includes such gems as
and lots more.
The complete write up on the Master Books is here…

4e The Master Books

Please remind me after you order
so I can send you the disk, or the links if you order digital.

Okay, that’s about it for now…
As the books get republished I’ll let you know.
In the meantime…



Don’t forget to check out the interview—Al-Case-e12e3np

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