What a beautiful day!
For me, what mades it so is the one form I do.
I start off the day with this form,
and I end the day with this form.
Oh, I still do Sanchin (including Seisan)
and my matrix forms,
but the one form that geets my full intention
day after day,
is in my new book
Advanced Tai Chi Chuan for Real Self Defense!
In this book I get rid of ALL the mystical bushwah,
and I focus on the dozen postures.
The moves that actually work, and can be used in freestyle.
The form is done on the nine square pattern,
it is short,
and I do it with closed eyes.
This aids in visualization
and really starts the energy flowing.
There are about 30 techniques taken directly from this form,
and I have a section on Lop Sau,
which helps understand how the moves can be translated from
the perfection of form
to the discipline of application
to the chaos of freestyle.
The book is 108 pages,
has included some matrixing theories,
I do it every day.
Rain or shine.
I do it slowly,
Tai Chi style,
And it is the only form in the art of
Nine Square Diagram Boxing!
check it out…
Advanced Tai Chi Chuan for Real Self Defense!
And have a GREAT work out!
Don’t forget to check out the interview
‘The Last Martial Arts Book’ has 12 ratings for 5 stars.
(There is a video version of this book with no stars yet)
My two yoga books have 9 ratings between them for 5 stars.
‘The Book of Five Arts’ has 8 ratings for 5 stars.
‘The Science of Government’ has 7 ratings for 5 stars.
‘Chiang Nan’ has 6 ratings for 5 stars.
My novel, ‘Monkeyland,’ has 5 ratings for 5 stars
That’s a lot of good ratings
so hopefully you’ll find the book that works for you.
How to Fix Karate:
A Karate Training and Workout Book
(Two Volumes)
T-Day is over!
Long live HanaKwanMass!
You’ve been warned! ;0)
Many people think the martial arts are all about fighting.
they are about a lot more than that,
but let’s just consider the fighting aspect.
I was okay as a fighter.
Some people thought I was good,
some people could kick my ass.
It happens.
But I didn’t care about fighting
I wanted to understand.
that was my goal.
I consider martial arts as a way to understand life.
As time went by I became better at fighting.
I was aging,
I didn’t have the strength,
but I found that with intense practice
i could see what people were going to do before they did it.
Then I wrote the Flow Chart.
Take a glance at it below
and then I’ll tell you what it means.
What this weird thing is is an analysis of motion in the martial arts.
The squares are the footwork.
I probably could have used a key,
or better terminology.
But if you think about it
it gets understandable.
You’re standing about where the ‘wing chun’ label is
and you either step out,
or you cross step,
with the right or the left foot.
The oval refers to hand techniques.
I had a lot of fun making this,
trying to make sense out of where i would be
what direction I would be traveling,
which foot or which hand,
and so on.
I was influenced in the creation of this by Eddie Rickenbacker.
He was a WW1 flying ace,
and he would imagine himself in the center of a bubble,
and try to imagine all the directions he could be attacked from
and what he would do for each attack.
My Flow Chart is more concerned
with facing a person,
and imagining incoming directions, motions, hands, feet,
and so on and so on,
and what to do about each possibility.
The take away from this,
was I was able to understand each art
as it relates to each art.
Taekwondo at the kicking distance
Karate at the punching distance
Aikido moving in the direction of a circular punch
Pa Kua Chang against the direction of a circular punch.
What I have said here
is VERY simplistic.
Every art has solutions for every incoming attack.
But by isolating the concepts of an art
I was able to use all arts together.
So I began using these concepts in teaching.
I would freestyle with a student
and restrict myself only to the footwork of a specific art.
Some of my conclusions were:
No trouble with Karate because I had trained
that specific art and was familiar with specific solutions.
We had kicks in karate so I was able to understand
and isolate taekwondo.
I was not able to use Aikido purely,
but it became the most powerful of my tools
when I was able to isolate Karate and Wing Chun
and then put them together
(understand at what distances they could be used
and developed Lop Sau (circling fists)
I was never able to use Pa Kua Chang.
At all.
When I limited myself to X stepping
every student I had,
from the lowest white belt
could kick my ass.
I would see people use it who had studied only Pa Kua
and it was very effective.
My training methods,
being eclectic,
hurt me in this one instance.
So here’s some ways you can use the Flow Chart
help yourself isolate concepts from other arts.
help yourself understand how concepts
from various arts have become mushed together
and how that interferes with your understanding.
figure out to be more specific in your training and drills.
Do these simple things
and you will find a lot of gold in the Flow Chart.
Okey dokey.
I was looking at Amazon,
and I have some highly rated books.
Look for my author’s page if you want all my books,
but here’s a short list of my highest rated books.
The Last Martial Arts Book has 11 ratings for 5 stars.
My two yoga books have 9 ratings between them for 5 stars.
The Book of Five Arts has 7 ratings for 5 stars.
The Science of Government has 6 ratings for 5 stars.
Chiang Nan has 5 ratings for 5 stars.
And a whole bunch of books have 1 or 2 ratings for 5 stars.
Search for the Al Case author’s page
if you want to examine those,
or the lesser starred efforts.
that’s about it.
HanaKwanMass is coming,
so think about what art you want to gift yourself,
or some one else.
Have a great work out!
And don’t forget to check out the interview
I’ve got nothing but five star reviews on
The Science of Government.
It’s really nothing more than applying matrixing to politics.
Go to the Testimonials in the menu and do a search for your martial art!
Hi Sensei Al!
(On the Black Belt Course) Everything is working great! Thank you for the quick responses. I am enjoying the one on one videos. It may be cliche, but I do feel like I'm there. I also like the conversational style and the way you explain how you're teaching and why. You've got a new student for life. Thank you. ~ Daniel
What's interesting about Al Case's writings and teachings is there isn't any emphasis on 'the unknown' or 'mystery' behind martial arts. Al will slam this information in your face! Quite frankly the data isn't hidden, you'll find you're blind. ~ WG
Al Case is a powerful presence to be around, but if you can confront it, then you will not be sorry, for there is no one like him, and it is an extreme privilege and honor.
I used to read your articles in Inside Karate and was excited when I found your web site. ~ RV
As an old timer with thirty-five years of experience I was really bored, but your works have peaked my interest and shown me that there is much more to learn. I Thank You Again, Sincerely ~ CC
Where was this information 24 years ago? This course is one of the best things to ever happen to me. Thank you Al Case for the gift of knowledge!
Be blessed my teacher, ~ Rev. Ernest R
I bought the Infinite Fist tape YEARS ago and you know? I Keep going back to it! ~ KS
You are a master. You have opened me up to things that I have never thought of before. ~ KFM
I purchased your course on "Create Your Own Martial Art" and absolutely love it. I believe that your matrixing system is very unique. ~ DW
In my entire experience twenty years as a student and an instructor since, no one has contributed more to my martial arts education than you have. I started following your works twenty years ago and although I was young then I knew you had the True Art it was obvious to me even then. ~ Charles C
Students will know longer be slaves of poor instructors and practitioners. ~ Lonnie M
Win from Master Instructor Course
Let me start out by saying thank you. Thanks from all the martial artists who asked why. Al, I'm in the Security and Law enforcement field and carry Instructor credentials, so effective methods in combat and teaching them is what I constantly look for.
Win from Matrix Aikido
I just had to write to you to say WOW. Your INSTANT AIKIDO is great!!! ~ SD
My students have started coming up to me after class telling me how much more they are enjoying it, and that the classes have stopped being so ridged and now flow in a kind of give and take between me and them. I have stopped being a task master and started having fun and letting them teach me as well.
I did the Master Instructor Course and it hit me. The Basics that are so concisely communicated in this course including the Matrix principle IS the solution. It doesn’t matter what “style” I call my art, because all styles follow these same principles. It doesn’t matter how hard I train or how many repetitions I do if I don’t train the right way. And I would never become a master if I didn’t know how it all fits together. Now I do! I can honestly say that I am now on the path that I have always sought as a martial artist. Thank you Al!
I conducted a Matrix Aikido training class for a Security Team at a local manufacturing plant. I tailored the training according to their Use Of Force policy. As you know they need control and takedown skills. I knew Matrix Aikido would be the answer. The training plan you shared was boss. The class went so smoothly. The participants learned very quickly. By the end of the class you could see techniques of Monkey Boxing coming through. They were also able to create their own techniques. There was one female officer in the class who asked to become my private student. She was throwing, locking and taking down guys twice her size. The Security Supervisor wants me to come back and with more participants! I'll keep you posted. ~ L M
Have found your books and dvds excellent. My background is mainly in medical qigong but I practice Sun Style Tai CHi, BaGua and HsingI as well as Eagle Claw, Snake Style Kung Fu and several Wudang weapon styles. This is the first time I have had the underlying principles so clearly explained and in a way that they are immediately workable and demonstratable. I have worked through the Master Instructors Course, Aikido and Butterfly Bagua and have started to breakdown the Sun Hsing I using your matrix method. I was even able to teach a 70 year old friend of mine with no martial arts background your instant aikido where she was able to do some very accomplished locks and throws after the first lesson
Search the testimonials for your martial art!
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