Using Matrixing to Heal in the Martial Arts!

Healing Method in the Martial Arts

Good morning!
Just had a wonderful hurricane here in Florida.
The newscasters said we would be washed into the sea.
But it was just a nice, clean, refreshing breeze,
a bit of rain,
and a lot of laughter at the doomsayers.

I received a wonderful win from Ryan.
In it he says,
‘I imagine that’s all pretty obvious to you…’
You would be surprised how much is not obvious to me.
And I LOVE it when somebody takes Matrixing
beyond my vision and imagination.
Here’s his win,
and I hope he sparks a few of you…

Howdy Al!

I have already studying the Master Instructor text, so I have found great success with Force and Flow (tension and release to stretch and tear my interior scar tissue gently, then wash it clean from the area with soft movement), and Matrixing ensures that I find unexpected gaps in my posture and recovery.

You might be interested to know that I’ve created a whole Art focused on active healing and stretching of a target subject by integrating my past Chinese Medicine, Western Neurology, and Massage training into the Matrix forms, and imagining that you are operating on a “battlefield” instead of against a single training partner.

The battlefield is the partner’s internal tension and stagnation, and their mind is on your side, but the Force components of their organs and tissues resist or flee or absorb your Force directions, unless you can set up Flow chains through tension relationships.

I imagine that’s all pretty obvious to you – the most awesome thing I’ve gotten from Matrix Martial Arts is the symbolic language to really understand and contextualize my knowledge, increasing transfer speed as well as learning.

I hope you have a great workout!
Ryan Owens
Thank Ryan,
you made my day!

I have more books republished.
Thus far I have

The Last Martial Arts Book

Advanced Tai Chi Chuan for Real Self Defense!

How to Fix Karate! (1)

How to Fix Karate! (2)

Five Martial Arts! should be up soon.

Now, the big surprise is that they are appearing on Amazon. If you can’t find them on the net, try Amazon. And be aware that sometimes it takes a couple of days for the ordering links on Amazon to start working.

And, if you have these books, I sure would appreciate a five star rating. Since these books are published by other companies, and distributed through Amazon, I have lost all my good ratings.

I’ll let you know as I publish more books…

And…last thing. I’m going to be republishing some of my older articles on the blog. They haven’t been seen for years, so I hope you enjoy them!



Don’t forget to check out the interview—Al-Case-e12e3np

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