Newsletter 934
Martial Arts Injuries!
I don’t usually get injured,
And when I do it’s usually something stupid.
I detached a tendon in the fourth finger of my right hand.
And it takes six weeks to grow back.
Every tragedy is an opportunity,
So let me elucidate on that.
When you are injured
You figure out better ways to do things,
You are forced out of the same old same old,
And start to think,
How can I do this technique?
Should I change angles?
Use the other hand in a different way?
And so on.
There is a bump in awareness.
You have to move so that you don’t impact,
But rather match the trajectory
Of whatever is incoming.
So you learn stuff,
And get smarter.
But stupid injuries are still just that…
At this point,
Let me offer the injury formula,
If not for your benefit,
Then mine.
Speed plus Ignorance equals Injury.
S + Ig = In
You’d think I would have that down,
Except that it is a caution to go slow enough
to engage your ability to analyze,
And not a guarantee.
That all said,
Let me point out that
‘Chiang Nan’
Is the book that teaches you
how to make karate into Tai Chi.
I’ll be doing a lot of Chiang Nan
For the next six weeks,
And I urge you to look into it.
It has a TREMENDOUS amount of knowledge,
And a whole new way of looking at the martial arts.
One other reason I am pushing this book,
I am about to come out with a new one.
So get caught up,
Don’t get left behind.
I’ll let you know about it,
Probably the next newsletter.
Okely Doggone Dokely,
I wave my busted finger at you,
And caution you…
You never when you’re going to get busted.
(insert a trickle of a tear down my cheek here)