Tag Archives: martial realization

Achieve Enlightenment in the Martial Arts

Newsletter 962

How to Have Enlightenment in the Martial Arts

Martial Arts realization,
as in Morihei Ueshiba,
as in a supreme moment of enlightenment.
The physical part is easy.
Do your forms.
The mental part is a little harder.
Learn your art,
but go outside your art,
create a huge database,
commit yourself until their is no doubt,
and so on.
The spiritual part is the hardest.
Grow your awareness.

Now how the heck do people grow awareness?
I mean,
according to teachers, psychologist,
and anybody who knows anything…
people only get dumber with age,
they never get smarter.

But the truth is this…
people who say you can’t get smarter
are referring to themselves.
If they haven’t done it,
then it can’t be done.


And this points to a simple fact:
while you have to read,
and explore the various fields of knowledge,
school is not designed to make you smarter.
It is designed to make you a compliant worker
who does what he is told
in the great factories of life.
Do what you are told,
don’t complain,
and make sure you buy the right kind of soap,
car, dogfood, jeans, condoms, and so on.

leaving all that aside,
how does one become smarter?
If you follow the one advice I offer here,
it’s easy.
intelligence isn’t how much you know,
it’s how aware you are,
how fast you make the connections
necessary to thinking.
So here it is:

The slower you go the more you will look,
the more you look the more you will know.

the short version,
the slower you go the more you know.

I use to write something on my hand,
then I would ask the student to read it.
I would open and close my hand quickly.
They saw nothing,
a smear of letters,
So I would open and close my hand slower.
‘To be more intelligent look harder.’
‘You’ve got to look when you seek or you won’t find.’
Student goes ‘aha!’

You see,
it’s not in the IQ tests,
it is in your appreciation of life,
it’s in knowing how to see life.

I teach fast,
but I also,
especially in the beginning,
go slow and make sure the student understands
what it is I am saying.
If they yawn or look blank,
I repeat.
Once they blink and go, ‘Aha!’
Then I speed up.
And I speed up far more
than any martial arts school you will ever see.

Once the mouth of awareness is open
you can through a whole universe into it.

Of course,
it helps that what I throw is matrixed,
makes sense,
is logical.

You see,
if things move in too fast
the mind rejects it.
The mind just becomes overwhelmed.
But if what I throw is logical,
then I almost can’t go too fast.
The mind gulps life at an astounding rate
if it makes sense.

that is all there is to becoming smarter,
more aware,
in the martial arts.
And that is all there is to becoming enlightened,
if you have the will to endure
and the desire to succeed.

You guys and gals
have a wonderful and deep work out!

Hey Al… I probably spent the first couple of years, reading the material and somewhat doing the forms, apps and freestyle. Really, not enough to make a real difference. Once I actually did the work, do the art until the art does you, I noticed both a better delivery in personal energy, not in only my strikes, but the energy could be directed downward. My mental focus has improved and even my wife notice my anger last seconds. A warrior both pushes his mind and his body. With your massive volume of work, and a dedication too doing the work, and with your method for attaining awareness. The process is expedited, it really is a science…
… I know you get a lot of crap for Your theories, but as you say…”A truth not shared is no truth at all”.
…Your matrixing and Neutronic material is a science, if You do the work….you will get it.

Michael G
Master Instructor

‘A wise man can learn more from a foolish question than a fool can learn from a wise answer.’
– Bruce Lee