Martial Arts Reading Minds

Reading Minds in the Martial Arts!

Newsletter 1121

Reading minds is pretty easy with the martial arts,
but it takes some time to cultivate the ability.
First, dedicate yourself to doing the forms.
Do the forms until they become automatic
and you are halfway there.

Automatic is where most people stop,
and these people end up mouthing
about such things as muscle memory.
But they have only gone halfway.

You must continue to do the forms
until they become intuitive.
Intuitive is quite a bit different than automatic.
Automatic is memory,
it is working off patterns of the past.
Intuitive means you saw it coming,
you are creating spontaneously
as you enter the future.

Because people think they have reached the end
when they are only halfway
they tend to slack off.
They teach,
and think that is a work out.
You must dedicate yourself to exploring the forms
until there is no nook or cranny unexplored.

To sum:
you must do the forms until they are automatic,
then work harder
and undo the automaticity until awareness takes over.

I remember a time,
not the first,
but definitely a memorable time,
when I blew it.

A fellow walked into my school.
Asked a few questions,
watched the students working through the forms,
and he came up with that silliness
which visitors often entertain.

“So you can use this stuff to defeat somebody.”
I saw the challenge in his words.
Oh, he was curious and anxious and…silly.
Would you go up to a carpenter
and challenge him to pound a nail in
just so you could be sure?

But I was just as silly.
“Go ahead, take a punch at me.”

A moment while he considered me.
We were standing side by side
and I suddenly saw how he was going to have to twist
to throw a punch at me.
Then reality changed.
I saw a cartoon reality over imposed on reality.
I saw a cartoon of him twisting and striking,
and I moved.
But I didn’t move far,
because he had not punched.
He had just thought it.
I had picked up the thought and moved too soon.
I should have waited until his punch was almost to my face
before I moved.

I saw sadness in him, and a slump of the shoulder.
He was defeated and didn’t understand how I had beaten him.
I had beaten him in his thoughts.
I had overwhelmed him so thoroughly
he would never become a student.

Thoughts are where actions come from,
so practice the actions of the forms
until you see the thoughts.

Practice the forms until you are in a space that is silent of thoughts,
silent of the rattle and chatter of what goes for
‘human thinking.’

Practice until you are on top of a mountain,
no sounds, mental or otherwise, around you,
and the herd of humanity swirls and chatters below you.

And…you know what I’m going to say,
you can learn ten times faster
if your forms are aligned and make sense.
If they are…matrixed.
Check out the video courses at:

I’ve got matrixing applied to karate, kung fu, aikido, weapons,
and lots of other arts.
Matrix Karate is the start,
but start with what interests you.

Thanks to those who have been buying my books.
A few of them are listed at the bottom of this newsletter.

Have a great work out!

PS ~ sign up for the blog at

Don’t forget to check out the interview—Al-Case-e12e3np


The Last Martial Arts Book

Advanced Tai Chi Chuan for Real Self Defense!

Five Martial Arts!

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