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Martial Arts and a Hurricane!

Republished More Martial Arts Books!

You guys ever been in a hurricane?
I live in Clearwater,
and we had our second hurricane in two weeks
and, man, it was a HOOT!

is there a hurricane martial arts out there?
I’ve read theories of swinging the arms in circular motions,
and how you have to mentally be the eye of the storm,
and, of course, lots of techniques named things like
‘hurricane fists!’

If you know of one,
let me know.
I’ll look into it for an article.

to be in a hurricane is incredible experience.

Here’s the set up…
the news media goes crazy trying to scare you.
You’re all going to die!
You have to leave your home!
There will be no emergency services
when you almost die
and there won’t be any food!
And on and on and on.

I ignore the naysayers.
They are all idiots.
I get gas for my car,
stock up on water and food,
have a way to cook when the electricity goes out.
Then I sit back and watch the roads jam up.
And the shelves empty.
And, of course,
the people on TV are going crazy trying to scare you.

Here’s the actual fact…
The wind goes up to 30 or 40 MPH
spatters of rain.
The lights flicker.
The people on 
TV tell you you are going to die
and they won’t even find your body!

Then the wind raise up to 50 or 60, with 75 to 80 gusts.
The carport starts banging,
so I go out and tie it down with a garden hose
and run my car over the hose.
End of emergency.

Things start slamming into the house,
it’s time to go to the shookie.
A shookie (sp?) is a little brick shithouse.
It is designed for hurricanes and laughs at them.
I have a bed set up in there,
lights and books.
I call my family on my cell phone
in the middle of the hurricane.
They are all crying and whining and
wailing and sobbing.
I ask them if they’ve been watching the news.
Poor fools.

A few hours the wind dies down
and I go back in the house and watch TV,
and the news people talk about bridges out
and pets abandoned and…
they can’t scare you anymore
so they try to make you sad.

in all honesty,
if I thought the hurricane was a big one
and it really was going to hit me square on
I’d have left,
or at least gone into the shookie earlier.
I’ve lived through four or five hurricanes now,
and they are scary,
but unless they hit you dead on,
or you live in a cardboard box,
nothing to worry about.

I advise that you do your homework,
before you do what I do,
before you live through one.

you want to know the truth?
I’ve lived through some incredible martial arts training.
I know when to be scared,
and when to laugh.
I even know when to laugh when scared!

So that’s my adventure,
and the real news is that I’ve got about 9 or 10 books republished.
I have included a big section below with links.
Note that Amazon is publishing me again,
but through third parties.
Also note that other book stores are picking me up.
If enough people order through Barnes and Noble
they’ll probably put it in their brick and mortar stores.

guys and gals,
get ready for the next hurricane and…

and try this link…
Barnes & Noble

It’s a heck of a book that goes into a LOT of stuff.


PS ~ you should sign up for the blog at

It’s expensive to pay Mailchimp and I want to cancel it.

Don’t forget to check out the interview—Al-Case-e12e3np


Barnes and Noble









Barnes & Noble




Barnes & Noble


American Kenpo Karate Problems!

The Things That Went Wrong With American Kenpo Karate

Here’s a short article on some of the things that happened Kenpo Karate, and made it less than it could be. If you disagree, leave a comment and detail why. Have a great work out! Al

I walked into my first American Kenpo Karate dojo back in 1967. This was the Rod Martin variation of Tracys Kenpo, which was an offshoot of Ed Parker Kenpo Karate. Therein is the first problem with American Kenpo.

It grew too fast. In the orient teachers didn’t teach until they had a minimum of a decade of experience, had studied under a variety of teachers and had learned a variety of martial arts styles. We were borning senseis every three years, which is how long it took to make a black belt back then.

Of course, there is also the problem of which kenpo is the true kenpo? Ed Parker, you see, developed five different kenpos. If you learned an earlier version, is it now considered…less than kenpo?

And, this bring us to the fact that there are variations on the variations. There are people who have evolved combat kenpo and tournament kenpo and MMA kenpo, and so on. It seems there are as many kenpos as there are people studying it.

I first became aware of this problem, too many variations, while putting together Monkey Boxing, which, in one sense, is my version of kenpo, or at least as close as I can come to a kenpo. I had studied the version of a version of it way back when, then I picked up Larry Tatum Kenpo, and I had some of the kenpo connection material, then I came across rather massive instruction manuals on Olympic kenpo, and I believe I had two other versions of the art.

As I went through the endless techniques I saw how the changes were sometimes small, and sometimes large, but always unique to the person making the changes. Now, to be sure, every art should be an expression of the individual, and kenpo does seem suited to this. Still, it would be nice to have a specific set of concepts, and maybe a list of techniques that would standardize the kenpo field before individual martial arts masters expanded it with their own variations.

In the end, I boiled the techniques of five complete arts, with a couple or three partial arts, down to forty techniques. I am sure there will be some who shake their heads at this. After all, how can one summate over 500 techniques, and all the evolutions thereof, with but 40 techniques?

Well, I offer no excuse, I merely invite you to try your own hand at collecting sufficient variations that you might have a complete overview of the art. Then, start organizing the data. It will be difficult, definitely a number nine headache, but you might find yourself a true master of American Kenpo Karate.

Al Case, the greatest martial arts writer of all time (nearly 2 million words in print), is at Monster Martial Arts. You can examine his 40 technique version of American Kenpo Karate there. Make sure you pick up his free ebook on Matrixing, and sign up for the newsletter.

Back in the Beginning of Kenpo…

A Bit of Kenpo History

I began studying Kenpo in 1967. 

It was so unknown that it was called Kenpo Karate so it could be identified with the art of Karate. Not that that many people knew what karate was.

Kenpo was born in Japan. There are many lineages, but the specific Kenpo that is so widely known these days came from James Mitose, Thunderbolt Chow, Ed Parker, and finally, an instructor near you.

Martial Arts were not studied widely at the time, and usually it was fellows who were tough, who looked forward to the street fight, who studied them.

Kenpo came from Okinawan Karate and Japanese Jujitsu. There were other sourcss, many and varied, but the American style Kenpo you might study was likely based, at least in the beginning, on these arts.

Right from the outset Americans realized that Kenpo could be marketed more easily through tournaments, so we studied our freestyle rabidly, and we looked forward to the weekend trips.

For such a violent art, the participants at these tournaments proved to be a polite bunch. Schools were located a distance apart and there wasn’t much competition. Instructors actually looked forward to seeing each other, to comparing notes, and even learning a ‘secret’ technique or two.

And, outside of school, fights did happen. Proud warriors, Kenpo stylists, all martial artists, were happy to step up to a challenge, take umbrage at a veiled insult, trade fists with a goon.

We were more rabid back then. We didn’t do ten or twenty kicks and think we were done, we would do a couple of hundred and chide ourselves for being lazy. We would do forms by the hour. See if we could do 60 forms in an hour.

In short, we would exhaust ourselves. We would go for a run, do some weightlifting, and then freestyle for a couple of hours in class, and know that we were doing it right.

Mistakes? We made a ton of them. But over time we fixed them; the martial arts tend to be self fixing; the turn of the foot, the line of the wrist, the physics of the universe corrected us and were our teachers.

And now, near fifty years later, all we wish is one thing: to do it all again. To do Karate and Kenpo, to throw and kick and punch to our hearts content.

And we feel sorry for all those people who quit early, or who were born too late, or who were just too lax in their training to really find the truth: You are what you do, that is your measure, and that is your worth.

If you want a REALLY good book on Kenpo, consider ‘How to Create Kenpo’ by Al Case. It has the real history, the one you don’t hear much about, plus a section on how to do forms, plus 150 kenpo techniques, thoroughly analyzed so that you can be the best Kenpoka you can be. That’s How to Create Kenpo. The hard work is up to you.

SPECIAL NOTE: How to Create Kenpo went out of print, but it is due to be republished in the very short future.

EXTRA SPECIAL NOTE: Here is a website with the nasty history behind Kenpo. The Man Who Killed Kenpo. The comments are truly amazing!

Don’t forget to join the blog.


Republishing the Book of Five Martial Arts!

A Book on Five Martial Arts!

just republished ‘Five Martial Arts.
It’s on Amazon at

Five Martial Arts!

You’ll see the basic house forms from Matrix Karate,
the two man forms from Shaolin Butterfly
and from Butterfly Pa Kua Chang.
The lines from Tai Chi Chuan
and the basic training moves from Monkey Boxing.

This is a a hefty book with 164 pages and 300 illustrations

It’s also a nifty look at how I progressed from soft to hard,
included fighting techniques, and so on.

Most important, it’s easy to do.
It will change how you look at and do your martial arts.

I’ll keep you updated as to when new books come out!



PS ~ you should sign up for the blog at

It’s expensive to pay Mailchimp and I want to cancel it.

Don’t forget to check out the interview—Al-Case-e12e3np

The Last Martial Arts Book

Advanced Tai Chi Chuan for Real Self Defense!

How to Fix Karate! (1)

How to Fix Karate! (2)

Five Martial Arts

Using Matrixing to Heal in the Martial Arts!

Healing Method in the Martial Arts

Good morning!
Just had a wonderful hurricane here in Florida.
The newscasters said we would be washed into the sea.
But it was just a nice, clean, refreshing breeze,
a bit of rain,
and a lot of laughter at the doomsayers.

I received a wonderful win from Ryan.
In it he says,
‘I imagine that’s all pretty obvious to you…’
You would be surprised how much is not obvious to me.
And I LOVE it when somebody takes Matrixing
beyond my vision and imagination.
Here’s his win,
and I hope he sparks a few of you…

Howdy Al!

I have already studying the Master Instructor text, so I have found great success with Force and Flow (tension and release to stretch and tear my interior scar tissue gently, then wash it clean from the area with soft movement), and Matrixing ensures that I find unexpected gaps in my posture and recovery.

You might be interested to know that I’ve created a whole Art focused on active healing and stretching of a target subject by integrating my past Chinese Medicine, Western Neurology, and Massage training into the Matrix forms, and imagining that you are operating on a “battlefield” instead of against a single training partner.

The battlefield is the partner’s internal tension and stagnation, and their mind is on your side, but the Force components of their organs and tissues resist or flee or absorb your Force directions, unless you can set up Flow chains through tension relationships.

I imagine that’s all pretty obvious to you – the most awesome thing I’ve gotten from Matrix Martial Arts is the symbolic language to really understand and contextualize my knowledge, increasing transfer speed as well as learning.

I hope you have a great workout!
Ryan Owens
Thank Ryan,
you made my day!

I have more books republished.
Thus far I have

The Last Martial Arts Book

Advanced Tai Chi Chuan for Real Self Defense!

How to Fix Karate! (1)

How to Fix Karate! (2)

Five Martial Arts! should be up soon.

Now, the big surprise is that they are appearing on Amazon. If you can’t find them on the net, try Amazon. And be aware that sometimes it takes a couple of days for the ordering links on Amazon to start working.

And, if you have these books, I sure would appreciate a five star rating. Since these books are published by other companies, and distributed through Amazon, I have lost all my good ratings.

I’ll let you know as I publish more books…

And…last thing. I’m going to be republishing some of my older articles on the blog. They haven’t been seen for years, so I hope you enjoy them!



Don’t forget to check out the interview—Al-Case-e12e3np

Find the True Martial Art

The True Martial Arts

The Secret of the Martial Arts is how to achieve Awareness. The Secret of All Life is how to achieve Awareness. Thus, the Secret of Life is within you, and all you have to do is figure out how to grow awareness.

This is such an easy thing, so simple, and yet people overlook it. People think that they will be better martial artists if they just work out more, build their bodies, can beat up the other fellow. Nothing could be further from the truth; this is actually diametrically opposed to the truth of themselves as martial artists.

Yes, muscles should be used and grown, but only to a certain degree. They are important only to the degree that they enable one to make themselves aware. One should work the body to make it larger and stronger, but use it to achieve awareness of what the muscles are and are doing.

Yes, forms are important, but only to the degree they enhance awareness. As one does forms one becomes aware of how to move the body. Eventually, with correct practice, one will transcend the normal ways of moving the body and discover whole new concepts of motion.

Yes, martial arts applications are important, but only to the degree that they bring awareness of how to deal with the problems presented by an attacker. One discovers, through martial arts techniques, that the real problem has to do with analyzing and handling incoming forces. This makes one into a more aware being.

Yes, freestyle is important; the combative disciplines wouldn’t be real if they weren’t combat ready. However, the big problem is that people start to love combat for the sake of combat, and not as a method for becoming more aware of how to use the body…even under stress. This is called the Joy of Combat, and is contrary to the real path of the true martial art.

The real key is that one should be learning the martial arts as a discipline to explore ones own self. When one loves combat more than learning they are not learning the art. When one engages in combat to beat the other person, they will never uncover the true spirit of themselves.

The eastern combat disciplines are a key, and the whole body is the lock. Do the martial arts and unlock the bodies true potential. Still the mind and discover the spirit that is the truth of you.

Check out The Master instructor Course at Make sure you subscribe to the newsletter.


The First Martial Arts Master!

Were the Martial Arts Really Born this Way?

Joe Blow goes to war, rolls in the mud a lot, manages to survive, and he comes out of the wars with a couple of techniques that worked, that actually saved his life. Maybe pushing the butt of his spear for a horse impalement, maybe ducking when somebody sliced sideways at his head, maybe stepping to the side if they sliced down, and, oh, BTW, stick quick after the other guy misses.

So Joe Blow survives, gets a bunch or ribbons, which are a lot cheaper than a pension, and is pronounced a hero.

Unfortunately, when poor Joe goes home he doesn’t have any way of making money.

But the kids in his village are all impressed, and they keep asking him stupid questions like, “How did you survive the battle of Bloody Gap?”

Which battle he survived by being conked on the head and sleeping through it, then waking up in time for the general to come by and think he’s the last man standing. That was good for a really big, red ribbon.

But kids keep asking and asking, and, finally, in a moment of frustration, he throws a bozo kid on the ground, sticks his knife right to the kid’s throat, and says, “Like this!”

Now, the kid, being stupid, doesn’t realize that he’s pushed Joe to the breaking point, he is just aware that he has sampled all the violence and glory that he missed out on. And he gets up and says, “Wow! Can you teach me that?”

Disgusted, Joe walks away and throws back, “You don’t have enough money to buy that technique!”
“I got ten dollars!”
Joe stops.
He’s broke, he’s hungry all the time, and this stupid kid wants to pay him ten dollars because….because… “Okay!”

So he teaches the kid the technique. Stupid kid actually nicks him with a knife, so he grabs a stick, tells the kid everybody trains with sticks.

The kid asks why not real weapons, and Joe makes up some gobbledegook about sticks being wood, and wood is mystical, therefore the stick is mystical.

“Wow! Am I learning the Stick Mystical System?”
Moaning on the inside with grief, Joe says, “Sure. Call it ‘Stick-My-Sys-Do.’”

Kid goes away all excited, tells his friends, and the next day Joe has 14 brats squalling to learn Stick-My- Sys-Do.

Joe’s eyes light up like a cash register, and he teaches the kids. But when they complain about being thrown on their butt he sells them pillows to put in their pants. Protective gear, you know.

So Joe teaches his five techniques, and then realizes that he has no more! But those kids have been paying for his beans and brewski, so…so he remembers a guy in the wars who told him about how you roll under the charging horse and slash the belly with a knife. Guy was making it up, but what would a bunch of stupid kids know? Eh?

So he teaches them the mystical and sacred technique Rolling Horse Undies.
Then he figures, he got away with that one, he makes one up. ‘Punch Under the Horse’s Tale.’

Which are quickly followed up by Kicking the Cocos, One Finger Up the Nose, and all sorts of other things.

And if any of the kids get mouthy, or give him a rough time, he just uses one of his real techniques to throw the kid on his, uh, pillow, and stick his knife (he’s allowed to use a real one) in the kid’s throat.

And everybody cheers and yells and wants to learn more.

Now, I know, you think I am bitter and cynical, or even (choke) disrespectful. But, if you have a better idea, feel free to share.

NOTE: I originally wrote this as a Case History for a column in the Inside Karate mag. It never got published, and I finally included it in a series of books.

Al Case teaches real martial arts, not just Wedging the Undies or Punch Under the Horse’s Tale, at his sacred and mystical website … Monster Martial Arts.

Sign up for the newsletter!

The Origins of the Martial Arts!

Where the Martial Arts Came From!

I was working in a factory many years ago, and word got around that I was training in the martial arts. A Philippine co-worker came up to me one day, and he said, “No study martial arts, martial Arts bad…bad, “ then he shook his head and walked away. From this odd beginning I discovered where the martial arts really came from.

As one might expect, I was intrigued by my co-workers attitude, the Philippines were renowned for their martial arts, and so I tracked him down and questioned him further. “Why are the martial arts bad?” I asked him. This is the story he told me.

“One day I decide I learn martial arts, so I go outside and hit tree. I chop like so (he did a vertical chop, as if chopping down on somebody’s forehead), and a I chop and I chop. I chop two hour a day for two year.

“One night my neighbor have wild party, and three in morning I go ask him to stop it. He laughed at me, so I use karate on him. I chop his head and he turn upside down, so I run home and worry I kill him…that why Karate bad!”

I didn’t laugh, because he was serious, he really thought the art was bad, and didn’t understand that his unique ways of self training, and his own lack of control, might have something to do with ‘being bad.’ But his tale led me to wonder where the martial arts came from. I mean, they are the world’s second oldest profession, so where did they come from?

They came into being because somebody wanted to take something away from somebody, and they came from somebody wanting to stop somebody from taking something away from him. This is the same as lawyerism, but applied to the actual hit and punch that occurs when politics breaks down. Eventually, the idea of taking something away from somebody, or protecting your property from somebody reached the levels of armies and weapons of mass destruction.

The idea that what you have belongs to me, and I don’t have to pay you no stinkin’ money…that is where the martial arts came from. And people train to war, and steal money and property and wives and whatever else they covet. And, oddly, as my previous words indicate, the solution to this avarice and misbegotten art is…in the study of the true art.

You study the art to protect yourself, and in that study you discover yourself…you discover your self worth, and the idea that you are honorable and don’t have to fear others, or that they might take from you. On the day that everybody on earth knows the martial arts, on that day the avarice and war stop, and on that day everybody will know where the martial arts come from. They come from within, from the spirit that is you, from the honor that motivates every beat of your heart and every breath you take.

Al Case has 60 years of training in the martial arts. If you liked this article visit and subscribe to the newsletter.

Second Monster Martial Arts Book Republished!

New Monster Martial Arts Books!

You ever have people ask you what you do?
It’s a funny question.
It’s designed to give them a handle on you.
But that doesn’t mean anything.
It doesn’t tell people who you are.

You know what I say to people
who ask what I do for a living?
I smile politely and say,
‘I teach people to hurt people.’

I just broke their pre-conceived ideas,
I destroyed their trust in labels,
I woke them up.
They blink and grin
and suddenly look at me,
search for the real me.

An enlightened person
won’t let people label them
and categorize them.

I don’t do this for all people,
there are some people I don’t want to see me.
They aren’t nice,
or they are stupid,
or they are time wasters.
Or some other such thing.

But when I find some guy
who is pretty bright
and might be interesting to talk to,
or even to teach…
this wakes them up
avoids preconceptions,
and then we talk
have a real conversation,
and they find out who I really am.

I have thousands of tricks like this
to break through the robotic attitudes
of enslaved people.
But try this one,
and watch how interest perks,
eyes sparkle
as they step outside of their carefully contrived box.

Got another book published.
The going is tough as I figure out different publishing companies.
I found one of my books on Amazon.
But I wouldn’t trust it to stay there.
Here are the two books I’ve published…

The Last Martial Arts Book

Advanced Tai Chi Chuan for Real Self Defense!

Okay, that’s about it for now…
As the books get republished I’ll let you know.
In the meantime…



Don’t forget to check out the interview—Al-Case-e12e3np

Republishing the Monster Martial Arts Books!

Monster Books Published Again!

Hi guys!
I’m starting to republish my martial arts books.
It’s an arduous process,
especially in the beginning.
I’m figuring out how different publishing companies work.
Here’s the link…

Remember, the book has FIVE HOURS of video instruction!

I’ll let you know
as other books get published,
but, right now,
let me give you a win from
Stephan Hoffman…

Dear Master Case,

First up – I cannot believe it took me this long to accept the Master Training Program. I honestly thought it was there for people who were advanced enough to create their own style.

I am so happy I finally listened to you however! Every single course/book/training manual I have bought from you (and a few from other creators) suddenly makes sense!!!

CBM – where do I begin… this in conjunction with the Dan Tien Breathing (which I have heard of so often in Qigong etc) which you actually explain in simple terms, has absolutely put me in a new frame of mind. It reminded me of the Bene Gesserit Prana Bindu training from the original Dune novels. I admit to always having been envious of their incredible bodily control!

I went to the gym today and ONLY did a Yogata and Qigong flow using CBM and it was one of the hardest training sessions I think I have ever had! Not draining mind you, but definitely took a lot of concentration, and I could feel my energy starting to align correctly as I know it should in the energetic arts. This can only get better!

For me … this suddenly feels like I have the ability to finally play on an athlete level.

I have said for many years that my goal is to be … someone who not only understands how the Universal Energies operate, but is able to apply that knowledge to every aspect of their lives to create ease and Flow. To have you espouse the same idea from the Martial perspective is finally the missing piece to my puzzle!

I also am absolutely in awe of your description of Mastery. For the longest time, I have both been enamored with and hateful towards the Martial Arts. Only because the gyms and dojos are all about fighting and competing. Where I have always wanted to both Play, as well as learn energetic harmony. I enjoy combat as play but have no desire to actually hurt anyone – not even in competition. Your approach fits my ideology perfectly!

I hope to keep you updated as I progress. I cannot wait to revisit the 9sq boxing now once I have completed the Master Manuals and see how this shifts my understanding.

Oh, I even finally saw (or rather felt) how to use Matrixing in conjunction with CBM in BJJ. Which I have often wanted to know if that would even work – the answer is all in sensing/feeling the energy so that the reaction time is non-existent. I cannot WAIT to roll with my friend soon… He is a purple belt and I am only a white belt, but I just know I will have something to teach him and, in turn, have him test it out on me too!

Many thanks again Master!

Warm Regards
Stephan Hoffman

Thank you Stephan.
Your win is my win,
it really makes my day.

And to everybody,
if you wish to become a Master Instructor
the course is at

1d Master Instructor Course

If you order during September I will also send you


The Master Books.
These are ten books I wrote in the early nineties
when I was hard at work developing Matrixing.
This includes such gems as
and lots more.
The complete write up on the Master Books is here…

4e The Master Books

Please remind me after you order
so I can send you the disk, or the links if you order digital.

Okay, that’s about it for now…
As the books get republished I’ll let you know.
In the meantime…



Don’t forget to check out the interview—Al-Case-e12e3np