Highest Level Martial Arts!
Good morning!
I’ve always felt that
Karate is like chess
and boxing is like checkers.
They are played on the same board,
or in the same ring.
In essence,
they are games that analyze motion.
The motion of the body
the motion of the limbs
the motion of the opponent
In boxing,
the motion is dedicated to
collisions of the fist with flesh.
In karate,
and the majority of other martial arts
the motion is dedicated to
collisions of the fist and foot with flesh,
entangling limbs to trip, lock, throw, etc.
Some arts specialize more than others.
it is all about the analysis of motion.
And here we come to something interesting.
The highest stages of martial art
are dedicated to non-motion.
you analyze motion
until you enter a state of non-motion.
The easiest example of this
that I can think of.
You and Joe Blow are playing soccer.
You are racing for the ball.
You are running next to each other
at the same speed,
and you notice that you and Joe are motionless
compared to the background moving behind you.
You and Joe are in your own world.
Strange things happen when you are in your own world.
Time can be manipulated.
Between the two of you
you can agree to a passage of time
that is different from
the passage of time in the ‘real’ universe.
if you practice long and hard
you can create this sense of time without Joe.
You just look at an opponent
and different rules apply.
Motion becomes different.
it becomes uniquely adjusted by one person
agreeing for both people.
Read that one again,
it’s so damned simple it’s difficult.
It took me decades to find that reality,
that different sense of time,
that place where my sense of self
was strong enough to affect
the universe outside myself.
how do you find this place?
meditate through forms.
meditate through form applications (techniques).
when you freestyle with somebody,
eschew violence for staring at them so hard
that you end up feeling like you are in a tube.
One day I asked my instructor
if he had ever had any mystical experiences.
He said that one day
he was working out
and was looking down a long tube at his opponent.
He said the tube felt like it was 60 feet long.
He could see everything before it happened.
He even knew what his opponent was thinking.
When I was in my fifties,
some twenty years ago,
I had that experience.
I only felt like I was about 10 feet from my opponent,
but it was a stable experience,
not a one time thing.
At that time I started doing a mental drill.
And I think it helped me.
I would do forms,
often with my eyes closed,
or in a dark room,
and visualize myself as fifty feet above myself;
looking down ast my body.
I would tell my body,
way down there,
how to move.
This brought an incredible sense of peace to myself
and I truly felt like I was expanding
as a martial artist,
and as a human being.
Have fun with this.
And, have fun with this little video clip.
And don’t forget to drop by
Have a great work out!
Hi, Kumar.
Don’t forget to check out the interview
How to Fix Karate! (volumes one and two)
volume one is at
And volume two is at…
‘The Last Martial Arts Book’ has 11 ratings for 5 stars.
(There is a video version of this book with no stars yet)
My two yoga books have 9 ratings between them for 5 stars.
‘The Book of Five Arts’ has 7 ratings for 5 stars.
‘The Science of Government’ has 6 ratings for 5 stars.
‘Chiang Nan’ has 5 ratings for 5 stars.
My novel, ‘Monkeyland,’ has 5 ratings for 5 stars
That’s a lot of good ratings
so hopefully you’
ll find that useful
find the book/course that is right for you,
and matrix your own martial arts.