Tag Archives: martial art video

Behind the Need for Martial Arts Video Training!

Newsletter 819

Martial Arts Video Training!

“A human being is marked by his ability to change.”
Al Case

martial arts law

Click on Cover for The Secret of the One Year Black Belt!

Nice quote, eh?
Let me explain it,
in humanistic terms,
and martial arts terms.
I’m going to go far afield on this one,
so stay with me.

We have a severe homeless problem in my town.
The police have described the homeless as in three categories.
The categories are:
can, can’t, won’t

This is probably not a very good categorization,
but is adequate for the needs of police work.
the ‘cans’ would like to work,
but they don’t have the opportunity.
Society has left them behind,
they don’t have the skills,
they don’t understand what has happened to them.

the ‘can’ts’ are merely unable to work.
Handicapped, mentally handicapped, etc.

the ‘won’ts’ are able to work,
but they won’t.
It is easier to live like parasites,
stealing and begging.

so how do we fit this categorization into the martial arts?

The cans are able to learn,
but they don’t know where to go,
who to trust,
and they are beset upon by the naysayers,
the people with opinions and no facts
who badmouth everything.

The can’ts are unable to learn.
They have locked themselves into systems
and can’t see beyond those systems.
The ‘My art is best’ sort of thing.

The wont’s are the naysayers.
They are the ones who have opinions but no facts,
and their opinions are invariably:
‘that art is screwed up,’
‘that guy doesn’t know anything,’
of course,
‘Al Case sucks.’

So how do you learn
in a culture filled with those types of personalities?

It requires strength of character
to ignore the naysayers,
separate yourself from a few paltry bucks,
and go get a martial arts book,
a martial arts video,
a martial arts course.

That’s all.
It’s that easy.
But how many people actually have the requisite strength of character?

So if you do have the strength of character,
let me describe what happens
when you do video training with me.

1) You need the course you want to test on.
2) You need the Master Instructor Course.
3) You need to send me a legible video.

At the current time,
I’m not even charging!

The fact of the matter is that once people do my courses,
see how logical and common sense matrixing has made the martial arts,
once they do the Master Instructor course,
and understand the actual physics behind the martial arts,
it usually only takes a couple of videos to pass.

Of course,
therein lies my error.
I should be charging hundreds of dollars.
I really should.
Compare the price of three or four years training,
to three or four months of actual accumulation of knowledge.
to be honest,
when I do have sufficient people testing by video
my prices will go up.
When my time starts getting used,
I charge for it.

This clip is from the 5 Army Tai Chi Chuan course.

Here’s something to think about.
In the beginning there was no such thing as black belt.
In the beginning
you picked up techniques where you could,
practiced with whoever,
and only your passion drove you on.

So what I am selling is knowledge.
Knowledge for those who have the passion to be ‘cans.’
Who can say:

All others need not apply.

The point here is this:
do you want to learn?
Do you want the real knowledge,
the actual physics,
the logic that makes it all work,
the art?

Do you?
Then you have to be more than:
a ‘can,’ a ‘can’t,’ or a ‘won’t.’
You have to be a:


Then you just do it.
You don’t listen to people who say I suck,
you find out for yourself.

You order the two courses,
you find a partner.
(Partners required unless you have enough experience.)
and you indulge your passion,
and you finally,
for the first time in your life,
learn the truth of the martial arts.

‘What kind of a person you are is up to you.’

Here is more data on video testing in the martial arts.


have a great work out!



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