Zowie! Volume 2 of how to Fix Karate is out!

How to Fix Karate (Volume Two)!

Zowie! Volume 2 of how to Fix Karate is out!
The whole book is over 400 pages,
around a thousand graphics,
over 50,000 words.
So I had to cut it in two. Amazon has a lot of trouble
with a book that size.
And, the cost for a book that size becomes exorbitant.

volume one is at

And volume two is at…

I will be coming out with hard cover versions.

And thanks to all who have purchased volume one.
Any five star reviews would be appreciated.

let’s talk.

Got an email the other day,
and we were talking about force and flow.
And the concept of flow as more than just motion came up.

let me explain.
Flow is motion
force is no motion.
This is not quite right,
of course.
force is going to be when two flows collide
and create other motion.
But it all becomes martial pertinent when you say

‘If the force is greater flow it,
if the flow is greater force it.’

Then you can consider force as no motion,
but it is really the moment when flow changes.

But this is all complicated when you take the mind into account.
flow is motion
emotion is motion inside the head.
read that again.
Make sure you understand it.

The point is that you need to rid your head of emotion
if you want to perceive motion correctly.
Emotion can slant your perception of motion.

But now things get interesting.
The body is a motor.
It can have motion.
But the mind just sits in the head,
or thereabout,
and it can create emotion outside the body.
(Actually, it’s not the mind,
it is the spirit,
the mind is just a bunch of memory)

Let me explain.
Joe Blow gets emotion,
there’s all this anger running around inside his head.
With most humans the anger can get a little outside the head.
You can feel when somebody is angry.
It’s just…’in the air.’

But once somebody can control emotion,
he becomes more able to project emotion.
Mind you,
he doesn’t project willy nilly,
like a person out of control,
he projects with intention,
and you can fill the air with emotion.
You can stop people coming at you with emotion,
and you can control people with this kind of emotion.

When you are strong enough,
in control enough,
to project emotion,
it doesn’t feel like emotion.
It feels like…flow.

It is like an actual swirling in the air.

This is because it is not anger.
It is not out of control baby emotion,
it is full grown emotion moved around by…intention.
Your will.
Your desire to make things happen
on a much higher level
than normal people are aware of.

So this is what is in my mind
when I speak of force, flow, emotion, and that sort of thing.

If you practice karate
or other classical arts
long and hard enough,
this all becomes second nature.
of course,
will speed up your growth of these abilities.
It is just logical and makes sense,
and the concepts of the martial arts are easier to understand.

Here’s the links for the two volumes of
How to Fix Karate!

volume one is at

And volume two is at…



And don’t forget to check out the interview

I’ve got nothing but five star reviews on

The Science of Government.
It’s really nothing more than applying matrixing to politics.

Matrixing + Politics = Sanity

I told you matrixing works with anything.

Here’s the link…

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