Tag Archives: martial arts politics

Barack Obama signs Karate certificate!

How Politics Ruins the Martial Arts

So how would you like your black belt certificate signed by Barack Obama? Cool, eh? I mean, the president signing your black belt certificate!

Except, you see, the president doesn’t know Karate. Or AIkido. Or Tai Chi Chuan or Krav Maga or…he doesn’t know ANY martial Art! He merely signed your martial arts promotion so you woujld vote for him!

Release of final volume of Matrixing Karate Series! Click on the Cover!

Release of final volume of Matrixing Karate Series! Click on the Cover!

How valuable is your black belt certificate now, eh?

Now, we know this is satire, except, let’s look at a little history behind the martial arts satire.

In Korea, back in the forties and fifties, the martial arts flourished. Some of the most powerful Karate int he world came out of that era. Then a fellow name of Choi Hong Hi decided that Korea needed its own martial art. So he invented Taekwondo. It wasnt’ very good, as evidenced by three facts.

One, the forms were changed after that, better forms were made.

Two, a lot of people wouldn’t go with the new system, they felt that it wasn’t as good as the old.

Three, in Korea Taekwondo is taught to people as sort of a baby system, and the real martial arts are taught later on, and, I hate to say it, in a lot of cases, only to people of the Korean race.

It’s true. A rank form of racism. In the martial arts.

But you will have a hard time proving it, the Koreans certainly won’t opt to it.

But, that is just one instance of a martial art being changed for political reasons. Something that really worked being thrown out (or reserved, in this case) while a lesser art is foisted upon people to create ‘nationalistic pride,’ among other things.

In communist countries, a few decades ago, only the military, or communist party officials and their family, were allowed to learn Martial Arts. Another instance of martial arts by politics.

Let me make a point here: in this country there a LOT of people who think martial arts should be regulated, and this goes down even to the selection of techniques that is taught.

And, here is the cruelty behind this bonehead reasoning…these people propose regulation so that the government won’t regulate us.

Regulation of art, of martial art, for politics.

Well, you know my opinion. As the owner of Monster Martial Arts I believe in going to a flesh smacking dojo and eschewing ALL politics. And, when you have your basics in, heck, as soon as you start, you should start exploring other options, and ordering a course from me, testing in the martial arts by video with me, is ABSO-FRIGGIN-LUTELY free of politics.

It’s the knowledge that’s important here, not who signs your certificate, or whetehre you have filled in the forms in triplicate, or whether you show proper depth of bow to some bonehead who stopped learning martial arts a decade ago, when he figured out he could get people to bow down and throw money at him.

Just my opinion of course. You’re certainly free to go get your black belt certificate signed by BarackObama…heck, it’s not like politics could really hurt the martial arts, right?

Check out Matrix Karate if you want a TOTALLY non-political martial arts system.

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