Category Archives: Uncategorized

Martial Arts Offensive Phrase…

Newsletter 950

Something You Should Know About Martial Arts

You’re going to have a great time,
you’ll be remembering the MA all your life,
you’ll be healthy,
when old people get alzheimer’s,
you won’t.
when other people are carrying oxygen tanks,
you’ll breath easy.
When they are in wheel chairs,
you’ll be spry.
The truth is…
you’re going to be feeling so freakin’ young
while everybody else grows old.
It’s odd,
so think about it
and prepare yourself.
Your life is going to be great.

speaking of great things,
let me change subjects here
and say…


That’s right,
it’s that time of year.
Past years people have gotten upset
if you say Merry Xmas.
You’re supposed to go generic,
‘happy holidays,’
and not offend anybody.
I say…

If it makes a difference to somebody
that you wish them well
in a manner they don’t like…
they’re idiots.

my solution,
offend everybody.
Wish them HanaKwanMass,
Hanukkah, Kwanza, Xmas.
Mix them together
and you’ll be able to offend everybody.
People who prefer Hanukkah
can get angry about Kwanza and Xmas,
People who prefer Kwanza
can get angry about Hanukkah and Xmas,
and people who prefer Xmas,
can get angry about Hanukkah and Kwanza.
You see?
You’re wishing everybody well,
but no matter who you say it to,
they get offended.
Pretty clever, eh?

I wish you a HanaKwanMass,
and if you don’t like it,
tough bananas,
it’s your problem.

if you are offended,
the best way to get over it
is to work out.
Work out your angry,
work our your upset,
and know that working out,
know that the martial arts,
gives you calm and certainty,
makes you stable and friendly.
Martial Arts makes the world better.

Have a great work out!

Here is the obligatory ad,
it’s about matrixing the samurai sword.
go to the link,,
purchase a present for yourself,
and wish me a HanaKwanMass.

Matrixing Kenjutsu

Here’s a great win from a previous Xmas…


hi sensei Al
Happy holiday workout to you…just wanted to say thank you for everything, it was a great first year with you and the matrix universe.
I enjoyed everything, the journey, the learning, the discovering and all. you are an amazing teacher of life. Honest to God, the world is a bit a better place because you are here. My life has definitely improved because of you. I think I even got a bit smarter if not wiser. Thank you! ;-))
Btw, I took the yogata course today, awesome, looks quite easy to learn and pragmatic. Exactly what I was looking for to get started. I want to implement it into my training syllabus. I am working on my karate form and blocks pretty much every day, on my blinding steel basics and matrix tai chi line every day. Nothing old discarded, the new will be incorporated to form a whole. After all, you designed it this way (grin). I read thru all the materials you gave me, bonuses and all, I filed and organized them neatly and work my way thru the concepts and discoveries. I love your scientific approach, cuts a lot of crap out. Thank you. I hope you are doing great and monkey land will thrive very soon. Do the world (and me, duh) a huge favor and turn your sword fighting books ASAP into an entire matrix kenjutsu course. ;-))

Happy Holiday workout and happy new year,
your biggest fan and student.

How the Martial Arts Fell Apart!

Newsletter 949

Five Steps of How the Martial Arts Failed!

I’ve spoken before of this,
some of my advertising is aimed at this,
so let me detail some of the exact steps
of how the martial arts degraded.

One day the head instructor walked in
had a box of protective gear.
So we geared up,
and started hurting each other.
But we hadn’t been injuring each other
putting on the gear made us think
that we had to hit harder to have effect,
we thought,
‘oh, we can hit harder,
they have protective gear on,
so it won’t hurt.’
But it did hurt,
and we started getting sprains and deep bruises,
even breaks,
so the protective gear didn’t work,
but the head instructor kept demanding we wear it.
Protective gear meant more money for him.
protective gear works now,
but that’s because people aren’t teaching the real art,
which you will understand
as you continue with this little essay.

When I started martial arts,
there were maybe a dozen schools.
As the number of schools multiplied,
hard core martial artists stopped coming together
in the few schools,
and were spread out in the many schools.
in the whole SF bay area.

As the number of schools grew
instructors couldn’t pull in enough people,
but parents were willing to enroll their kids
at an astounding rate.
The art was quickly watered down,
drills were changed,
and protective gear was sold.

Tournaments were a wonderful way
to enroll people and keep them enrolled.
a technique that wins in a tournament
bears little resistance to a real technique.
there was grown a false sense of ‘penetration’
when it came to striking people.
My own instructor took the to a tournament
this was back in the late sixties,
and walked out mid-tournament.
The techniques were simply so degraded
he couldn’t encourage his students to learn them.

Back in the very early 70s
my instructor was sitting at his desk,
and two Koreans walked in.
They told him that
The Korean Martial Arts Association was being disbanded,
and if he joined the new Taekwondo association
he would be promoted two belts
(he was sixth black at the time)
and every black belt in his school would be promoted one belt,
and they would all get to learn brand new forms!
Forms that would replace the old ones,
which, according to these two Koreans,
were old and didn’t work.
Interestingly enough, this same association,
since that time,
has gone through two or three new sets of forms,
and there are even people who have returned
to those bad old forms
taught at schools
such as the Kang Duk Won.
This was politics,
TKD, sad to say,
was an invention by a military general
so Korea could have its own
more national art.
And so what if it didn’t work.

that’s the truth.
If I have stepped on toes,
but I was there.
I saw this stuff first hand,
I experienced this stuff first hand.
It really happened.
And if you don’t like what I have said,
do some research,
if you can find histories that weren’t written
by some school for advertising,
you will come to the conclusion
that I am not kidding.

does that make the martial art bad?
People have overcome bad training,
and other misfortunes.
The art is about people,
and the deeper a person delves into an art,
the more sure it is
that they will find the truth of the martial arts.

But there are systems which are ALL messed up.
and which are being sold as the next great thing.
And they CAN be fixed.
But you need a bit of matrixing.

I don’t want to push matrixing here,
I want to push history,
I want to push actual,
physical martial arts.

I wrote five books,

Pan Gai Noon
Kang Duk Won
Kwon Bup
Outlaw Karate
Buddha Crane Karate

You can find them on Amazon.
if you go through the website
you can find video courses in which I show these arts.
These courses often have the books (in PDF)
bundled in with the videos.
That’s your best deal.

I am not pushing remembering dates,
who taught who and why it matters.
I am pushing an actual progression through history,
China to Okinawa to Japan to America…
…to matrixing.
You can actually do the very techniques of which I speak,
you can see how they evolved from art to art,
country to country,
concept to concept.
Kung Fu to Karate to Matrixing.
And that is better than reading a thousand encyclopedias.
This is a PHYSICAL history of the martial arts.
This is the martial arts being written on your bones,
not a bunch of significant words on paper,
which may or may not be important,
but are definitely slanted to whoever writes them.
Better to do than talk about.

end of push,
thanks for listening.

Here’s a list of some of my books,
including the ‘historical’ encyclopedia.

Have a great work out!

Here’s a great win…



I have gone through many of your courses and am currently going through blinding steel and eventually on my way to forty monkeys. I recently went through your book Matrixing Tong Bei. Several things clicked and the martial arts universe opened up after finishing that book.

Tyler K

How to Break the Law with Martial Arts

Newsletter 948

How to Break the Law!

the mean, nasty little secret,
why and how I break the law.
Let me set this up, first.

You ever see ‘Little Big Man?’
It’s a movie with Dustin Hoffman,
came out decades ago,
an okay movie,
with one, big gem.

An Indian is studying to be a shaman,
or great warrior,
or some such thing,
and part of the procedure
is to do everything backwards.

He washes with dirt and dries with water,
is the example in the movie,
I believe.

I thought of that
when I started doing my forms on the other side,
then started doing them backwards,
and tweaking them all over the place.
Very educational.

Sort of a funny thing,
opens up your mind,
loosens you up,
makes you think of things.
Doing things backwards is pretty nifty.
it can be all the way to enlightening,
if you know what I mean.

how often have you driven down a road
come to a stop light,
and sat there while it is red?
There’s nobody there,
no reason for the light to be red,
but you sit there anyway.
It’s The Law,
you know.

I don’t stop.
I look around,
I might slow,
I might not,
but I run it.
I do it all the time.
I refuse to halt my life
just because society thinks I should.

A real human being is outside the box.
He thinks outside the box,
he does things outside the box.

I remember the story of Bill Gates.
He ignored the law,
ran stop signs,
one day got caught.
So he hired a team of lawyers,
they found out that the stop sign in question
was one quarter of an inch too low,
so he got the case tossed out of court.

Probably cost him a hundred grand
to beat a $40 ticket.

But that’s not the point.
The point is that a man who thinks outside the box,
can’t be contained by the box,
and lives a better life.
Has better thoughts.
Is not slowed down by society.

Think about that
while you’re sitting at that stoplight,
counting the seconds
till it changes
and lets you go.

let’s take it a little further.

You’re doing the martial arts,
people tell you not to grab the fingers and twist,
it is against the MMA rules.
I say…
Grab them fingers and twist.
Practice it,
figure out how much you have to twist
before you get an ‘ow.’
Figure out how to grab those fingers in the middle of a fight,
Make finger twisting into a useful technique!
The rules contain you,
stop you,
slow you down,
make you into a responsible citizen…

but the essence of martial arts is learning
how to be an irresponsible citizen!
How to break somebody before they break you!

I remember growing up
and kicking somebody in the apples
was considered ‘dirty fighting,’
and people who did that kind of stuff
were looked down upon.

But kicking somebody in the apples
wins the fight!
Should you be the honorable fellow?
Who loses and has a knife stuck in their chest?
Or should you kick him in the freakin’ balls
so hard his testicles replace his Adam’s Apple?

I hope you get the idea.
I practice things people say I shouldn’t practice,
and the more people told me I was full of sheet,
the more I practiced,
until ideas spilled out of my head,
I was considered enlightened,
and I actually felt that I knew something
about the martial arts.

Until I felt unbound!

When you run a stop sign
you are saying ‘no’ to all the things
society is trying to implant in you.
When you run a red light
you are refusing to toe the line,
be a respectable citizen,
and saying,
that you are
King of the Universe!

And all the little people,
with their pencils and clipboards,
their rules and regulations,
their holier than thou disdain
are just that,
little people,
and they cannot bind you
stop you
make you less than you are.

Break the rules that bind
and the spirit grows big.

if you object,
chances are that you are trapped,
inside the box,
behaving because you believe
that society is God,
and you have no power.

So you need to start breaking laws right now.
You need to grab the notion of yourself
as being unique and independent,
right now.
And you really need to break open
your ideas of the martial arts.

Learn a new art,
and you will be twice as smart.
Think about it,
a guy who is bilingual
has MANY more advantages
than a single lingual.
So why not for the arts?
with matrixing,
you get an entirely new and true
totally expanded understanding of the arts.
With matrixing
you get tossed out of the box
whether you like it or not.

in this subject of breaking the law,
I will only say one thing…
I never steal.
To steal is to break all laws,
and to step outside humanity.
We want to get outside the box
of restricted thought,
we don’t want to step outside
of our understanding and compassion.

Okey dokey,
here’s the obligatory link,
for the system I used,
I created,
to help me step all the way outside
of that furshlugginer box.

4a Blinding Steel (Matrixing Weapons)

Have a great work out!

4a Blinding Steel (Matrixing Weapons)

Here’s a great win…



I have gone through many of your courses and am currently going through blinding steel and eventually on my way to forty monkeys. I recently went through your book Matrixing Tong Bei. Several things clicked and the martial arts universe opened up after finishing that book.

Tyler K

Mastering the Martial Arts the Simple Way

Newsletter 947

Becoming a Master in the Martial Arts!

You give a guy a hammer,
show him how to build a wall,
let him build walls for a couple of months
and zingo bingo,
the guy is a framer.
He knows how to set down the two by fours,
nail them into a wall,
uses a square like a champ,
pounds those nails in a wack or two,
and he is quick.
He is expert.
One could even say he is a black belt in framing.
depending on his job,
he might be a black belt in roofing,
or building chimneys,
or whatever.

he can’t build a house all by himself.
Not quick and fast
with no mistakes.
he’s got a leg up on everybody else.
A guy who could build a house would be a master.
He is expert in a number of fields.
He’s an expert in framing and flooring and installing sinks
and putting in light switches and…
and everything you might expect to find in a house.

he has become expert in a number of fields.
And if he was a good master
he would even know how to get the money
to build the house.
That’s right,
he would contract it out to various experts,
let them do the work,
while he checks up on them every few days.
Isn’t that odd?
To think of a contractor as a master?

there are a few contractors who build shoddy houses,
they aren’t as expert as they think they are,
but they fool people and get away with it.

that all said,
a fellow who knows one art can be said to be an expert.
He knows Aikido,
he is a black belt in Aikido.
He knows Taekwondo,
he is a black belt in Taekwondo.
And so on.

Here’s the hard part,
he doesn’t know enough different arts,
and so it takes a lifetime to become a master.

Oh, yes,
he’ll make it,
but it’s hit or miss,
he picks up things by listening to what others say,
by reading books,
by stumbling across concepts he might have seen in his own art,
but in which he doesn’t have the art,
or drills and discipline,
to make work.

And here’s something a. lot of guys are going to hate…
MMA, being a bunch of arts put together,
doesn’t make a master.

A master is made by the accumulation
of the various knowledges of the various arts,
MMA is good fighting.
It is not broad knowledge,
but specialized knowledge,
and limited to the rules of the ring.

I’m not knocking MMA,
just saying something that most MMA fighters,
if they are honest,
will readily admit.

But the real point here is not how many fights you have been in,
the real point is how much knowledge you have.
And knowledge is in the various martial disciplines.
If you study karate,
you need to study tai chi and aikido and krav maga and TKD and…
and if you study MMA you need to peruse the various disciplines
from which MMA came,
to find the knowledge behind why you are a good fighter.
Wing Chun, Shaolin, Silat,
all the arts,
they each have parts of the whole,
and they must be studied in order to put
the parts of the whole together
and make one art.

One art out of all the pieces of arts that you know.
All the concepts of all the arts
arranged in order
that they may be understood purely.

That is what a Master knows.
So there are few masters,
for few people take the time to go into all the various disciplines.
Mostly it takes forty or fifty years,
and then the guy dies.
But a few people understand what I am saying,
and a few people understand that matrixing
teaches one not just the various concepts,
but how the concepts fit together.

Here’s a link about some of the people I have taught,
and who have taught me…


Have a great work out!


Here’s a win I received a few years ago…


Master Case,
I purchased your Matrix Core Course last October and it’s truly amazing and revolutionary material, it’s taken me months to complete, and it covers a lot of martial arts ground.
Then I purchased the Matrix Master Text and it blew my mind even further out.  It helped me understand the core material even better.
I have never paid so much for a PDF download file in my life, but after opening that eBook, and reading it, I realized how much time and energy you really put into your Matrixing work. Your core course and the master text are worth a lot more than what I paid, you have by far over delivered by redeeming my time spent in the martial arts and saving me all that scratching on my head for the coming years ahead.
I will never see the martial arts the same way again.  After over 20 years in the martial arts studying Judo, Jujitsu, Hapkido, Kenpo, Tang So Do, and Taekwondo, I have learned more in these past 11 months, than I have in my entire martial arts career.

Elmer G

What Matrixing Actually Does to You

Newsletter 946

What is Matrix Martial Arts?

It’s time to explain what Matrixing is.
I know a lot of you guys and gals understand this already,
but the newsletter grows
and it is time to describe matrixing and what it does
for all the new guys and gals.

You go to a strange land where miracles occur.
The people are strong and healthy,
and life does exactly what they want it to.
You ask their secret.
No one can tell you,
but they do tell you that the secret is in a book called
‘Secrets of the Universe’
Where is this so-called ‘Secrets of the Universe?’
In the library.

You walk into the library looking for
‘Secrets of the Universe,’
that library doesn’t have the Dewey Decimal system.
Books have been thrown in a pile for hundreds of years.
There are MILLIONS of books.
none of them have covers.
So you sit in that library for the rest of your life,
opening and closing books,
looking for the one that has all the Secrets of the Universe.
you die before you find it.

Curse this library for not having the Dewey Decimal system.

you decide to study the martial arts,
you sign up,
go to class,
and spend years studying everything you can.

there is no dewey decimal system inside your head.
You can’t decide when to use which technique,
the techniques of the various systems all blend together,
there is no way to tell which technique is bogus,
and which technique really works.
Like the books of that far away library,
your techniques are piled haphazardly
without any way to reference them,
without anyway to access them specifically.
One day you get in a fight,
you can’t pick out which technique to use,
you hesitate,
and somebody cleans your clock.

Curse your head for not having a ‘Dewey Decimal’ system.

Matrixing is the Dewey Decimal system of the martial arts.
It makes every move make sense.
It puts all the techniques in order,
it gives you the right reasons for stances,
the right drills to make your moves fit together.
It gives you…


here’s the funny thing…
it used to be,
several decades ago,
when the martial arts were fresh to the shores,
that martial art systems did create intuition.
But those were what we call CCS,
‘Closed Combat Systems.’
They had been put together over generations,
over hundreds of years,
and they had been made workable
and honed to a state of perfection.
But look at what has happened to the MA
in the last few decades.

People put aside workable techniques for tournament fighting.
People gave up workable forms
to learn forms that didn’t work,
in the name of nationalism.
Arts were restructured to make them easier to sell.
Belt systems came into vogue.
Concepts that were once easy to understand
became confused, abused, and forgotten.

I tell you right now,
I began MA in 1967.
I saw what was taught,
and it DOES NOT resemble at all,
what is taught today.
perhaps I should say,
what is taught today
does not look one whit
like what was taught back then.

Kids are taught to fight,
and the way to intuitive movement has been put aside.
Students are entertained,
and discipline,
such as I was subjected to back then,
does not exist.
Teachers take seminars
and then think they can teach the whole art
of that seminar.
Teachers put arts together,
the better to advertise,
and what they have synthesized…

And on and on and on.

What matrixing does is

put the techniques in order,
eliminate useless techniques,
get rid of all the extra crap
that has been stuffed into the MA.

If I gave you 3, 8, green, 9, 2, and a turkey,
could you count to ten?

Fifty years ago there were CCS arts
and somehow they worked,
and you could count to ten.
Only take you 15 or 20 years.

every system is filled with excess crap,
bunches of systems all mixed together,
concepts that not only don’t work,
but actually oppose each other.
Most systems cannot teach intuition.

They can’t teach that mystical state knopwn as
Mushin No Shin
(Mind of No Mind)
let alone what it is
or how to make it work.

But people,
because they can ‘fight good,’
think they are intuitive.


There is virtually no intuition in today’s martial arts.
now way to read minds
and see what somebody is going to do
before they do it.

Intuition has been forgotten.
People don’t know it,
people heart about it,
but nobody experiences it,
and nobody teaches it.
So Matrixing changes that.
It teaches you how to count to 10 in the martial arts.
It puts the techniques in order,
logical order,
and intuition starts to creep in.
And it creeps in fast,
faster than even the old CCS methods.

A person who has a couple of years experience
can gain intuition,
as fast as he reads the material,
for to read about matrixing
is to absorb it.

A person with little or no experience
is still going to have to do the work,
but even that will take less and less time.

here is the juice.
Once the mind has accepted a logical system,
a matrixed system,
the mind starts to become matrixed.
Other subjects fall to the intuitive logic
that is matrixing.
One walks into confusing situations
and the confusion just leaves.
There is no debris in the mind
distracting and disturbing.


And the door opens to a new you.
An intuitive you,
a you that can absorb MA systems
literally ten times faster.

Your mind has just been matrixed.

So that is what matrixing is…
and what it does.

I’ve got over 600 pages of wins,
people telling me how matrixing has changed their art,
and changed them.

Since 1984,
when I first went into the mail order business,
which is the pre-runner of the internet biz,
I have had only four returns.

I have never had anybody
claim it doesn’t work,
or that it was wrong in some way.

don’t believe me,
I’m not even going to try to sell you on all this,
simply click on the link and read a few of the testimonials.


Have a great work out!


Here’s a win I received a few years ago…


Master Case,
I purchased your Matrix Core Course last October and it’s truly amazing and revolutionary material, it’s taken me months to complete, and it covers a lot of martial arts ground.
Then I purchased the Matrix Master Text and it blew my mind even further out.  It helped me understand the core material even better.
I have never paid so much for a PDF download file in my life, but after opening that eBook, and reading it, I realized how much time and energy you really put into your Matrixing work. Your core course and the master text are worth a lot more than what I paid, you have by far over delivered by redeeming my time spent in the martial arts and saving me all that scratching on my head for the coming years ahead.
I will never see the martial arts the same way again.  After over 20 years in the martial arts studying Judo, Jujitsu, Hapkido, Kenpo, Tang So Do, and Taekwondo, I have learned more in these past 11 months, than I have in my entire martial arts career.

Elmer G

Bigger Spirit through Martial Arts

Newsletter 945

The Bigger Martial Art

Gonna talk about something
that has everything to do with martial arts
and yet is not martial arts,
sort of.

This is hard core neutronics,
if anybody is wondering.
Neutronics has to do with
the growth of spirit in the martial arts

Have you ever noticed
that the guy in charge has a little extra energy?
A little extra pizz zazz?
And people think:
oh, he’s always had energy,
always was the leader type.

actually not.
there is natural talent,
but as anybody who has done martial arts knows
talent can be acquired,
in the end,
there is no difference between so called ‘natural talent,’
and ‘acquired talent.’

So here is a little known secret,
if you want to acquire the extra energy
that a leader has.

always put out 101%.
That’s so obvious I don’t need to explain.
You create energy,
the more you create
the more you have,
and once you have shown your 101% enough,
other people start to notice.

when you get people to follow you,
they give you a bit of energy.
You start a project,
20 people join in,
and you get 20 little, extra bits of energy,
and suddenly,
it’s noticeable.
Those people trusted you,
gave their energy to you,
and it’s up to you to deliver.

The Pres isn’t the most powerful man on earth
because he was powerful before he got elected,
he got elected,
and then MILLIONS and MILLIONS of people
gave him energy.

how do you get started?
Decide to be the best you can be.
Don’t say,
‘I want to be a Black Belt,’
that is just an image,
and it can be a bit self serving,
if you know what I mean.
I want to help my instructor teach.
I want to teach.
even if you don’t have a desire to have a school,
train as if you ABSOLUTELY MUST have one.
Number one,
you will learn things.
Number Two,
the incredible extra blessing,
people will start giving you extra energy.
Little bits and pieces,
and you will find a biggger quality of life,
more responsibility,
and people will look up to you.

Now simply take this attitude for your whole entire life.

Here’s the link for the Master Instructor Course

1d Master Instructor Course

Have a great work out!

1d Master Instructor Course

Just got this great win in…


It’s the Martial Art of Superior Architecture.

… saw my buddy John (name changed) the Kung Fu teacher today.
He’s got some powerful skills, BUT…
I respect Tony, but today was different.
I love to learn from Tony, BUT,
today, I had him showing me some stuff, because…
I saw him at Starbucks. He was telling me about
these 3 Marines he was “demonstrating” to at the Air Base.
Tony said, “I put the one guy down 8 times in about 8 seconds.”
Me and Tony, out front of the restaurant.
Tony, “You punch.”
I punch. Tony does a block, and a counter.
I let Tony go for a few exchanges, just playing along.
THEN, I start getting more engaged.
Didn’t want to make Tony look to bad,
bruise his ego, but I was just thinking/feeling…
DAMN, I’m MATRIXING everything Tony is putting out!
Now, I RESPECT Tony, he’s a friend.
I’d never challenge him outright.
He’s highly skilled, BUT just in those few moments,
I was INTUITIVE. Countered Tony one for one.
I let him do his thing, because I want to learnt,
but just a few exchanges, I was SURPRISED
at how much just a little practice of Matrixing
I was able to match him.

Sammy B

The Secret of the Universe…Martial Arts Style

Newsletter 944

The Higher Martial Art

I had an interesting class the other day,
one of the students is always late,
always lazy,
and wastes his and other student’s time.
So I sat him down,
along with the whole class,
and I chewed him up a little bit.
I said,

five years from now
you’re going to have a job,
a wife,
a kid on the way,
are you going to give people a hard time then?

Blank look back at me.

Martial Arts are about control.
Fighting is part of it,
but you have to get past fighting
and learn how to control.
Life is nothing but people
and how you control them,
or how you are controlled by them.

He cocks his head quizzically.

I’m the boss here,
can you control me?

He shakes his head no.

So you won’t be able to control your boss
when you get a job.
You won’t be able to move ahead,
you won’t be able to choose what to do,
you won’t be able to work your own hours,
you won’t be able to make the money you want to make.

Now he’s blinking.
I’m starting to make sense to him.

Martial arts is about control.
If you don’t learn control here,
you may not have a chance later.
The boss in five years
doesn’t care about you learning control,
he just wants to get the job done,
and he is going to go with the people
who can best control what they do.

My voice is raised now,
and the class is staring.
There are times when I want them to think,
now is not one of those times.
Now I want them to get it.
Shut up and get it:
the world belongs to those who can control it.

I finished with:
If you’re an idiot now,
if you’re going to waste your time
by being lazy and foolish,
then you’re going to be an idiot in five years.
So I suggest you practice these forms
so you can learn to control your body.
And practice those applications,
so you can learn to control your opponent.
And practice freestyle drills and methods,
so you can control the chaos that life can be.

the student in question improved slightly.
So I will have to repeat it tomorrow,
maybe in altered form,
maybe in connection with some other dojo lesson.
And I will repeat it again and again.
Because that’s what teaching really is.

Here’s a link on how to translate chaos to control,
force to flow,
the world to your pleasure.\

Have a great work out!

Chiang Nan

Following is a great win that shows one thing…you aren’t going to get the answers, you are going to get the questions, the questions that lead you to understanding your own martial art. Do you have the kind of mind that can do this?


Al, the reason I finely decided to order these DVD’s (Five Army Tai Chi Chuan) was that after one of my classes, which I am continuing to teach at the park, I was invited by a fellow name John to learn Tai Chi with him and some of his students. I found the art to be fun, but when the class ended I inquired about the martial application and to my surprise John told me that there where none, that it was only to be used for relaxation.
Bull, I then showed him how I could turn just the few moves that I had just learned into a usable defense (only because I read the Master Instructor manual.) This got me thinking about this art and I know the best place for me to learn it was from you.
Have a great week

Making Beginning Karate into Advanced Karate

Newsletter 943

Defeating the Linearity of Karate

I was watching videos
of people doing karate on the internet.
This included demo teams,
old masters,
and whoever,
and I was struck
by wrong they are doing karate,
by how they didn’t really know karate.

The funny thing is
karate is one of the most powerful arts I know,
yet everybody is doing it wrong.
Let me give you one example.

Watch a video on youtube,
watch a demo team for karate.
They are fast, powerful, explosive.
It is not good karate.
Because their arms and legs move back and forth
in a linear manner,
stopping and starting.
Real karate is liquid,
it does not stop and start.
At the end of every movement there is a circle,
often too small to be easily seen.
this circle avoids the stopping and starting of the muscles.
It takes effort and muscular exertion
to stop and start muscle motion.
When you have a small circle
somewhere in the end of the motion,
which leads into the beginning of the next motion,
you are doing real karate.

those who don’t understand will argue,
that is okay,
they will remember
and eventually come around.
For those of you who are frowning,
standing up and checking to see
if you have a little loop on the end of a punch or block
(both ends)
the truth is dawning.
Karate is not linear.
It is not a rigid piston effect,
it is a looping,
neverending effect.
what do you get out of it?

The loop helps change one move into the next
the loop saves energy and is more efficient
it is faster
your body becomes more liquid,
more fluid,
you start to develop ‘pulsing power.’
Pulsing power is when you…
push with the legs
turn the hips
throw the punch.
Not exactly together,
but one…two…three,
so fast that the punch becomes one motion,
each action lending power and energy to the next action,
and yet becoming more and more fluid.

I read of this concept originally
while reading books on Chinese martial arts.
I observed my instructor,
who was quick and whippy,
fluid like a striking snake.
And I read about a more fluid karate in Shotokai
(not shotokan)
which is supposed to be the style
funakoshi handed down his lineage to.

And I thought about it,
and developed it,
and came to realize the truth of it.
So take your time,
practice your forms,
and search for places where you can
add a loop at the end of a technique.
Maybe it is in the motion of the hand,
maybe it’s a turn of the hip,
a sink of the hip,
and flip of the shoulder.
Whatever it is,
you’re now on the path to true karate.

all these guys doing wrong karate?
They are phenomenal,
not to be disrespected,
but it is a simple matter of physics
that reveal them to be expert beginners,
even master beginners,
who haven’t made the transition past beginner,
into the real thing.

When I teach karate to newbies
I usually let them work on the piston effect.
But when they are starting to remember everything,
I shift them to the looping effect.

I don’t talk about the whiplike effect much,
I instead recommend people do Matrix Karate,
but if you have matrix karate under your belt,
you could look at Temple Karate.
I do more advanced forms there,
and you can probably,
if you have a quick eye,
see how I add the teensiest of loops
to make my karate fluid.

But your eye has to be quick,
because the longer you train,
the smaller your loops become
until no one can see your loops.

Have a great work out!

Matrix Karate

1a Matrix Karate

Temple Karate

3c Temple Karate

Following is a great win that shows one thing…you aren’t going to get the answers, you are going to get the questions, the questions that lead you to understanding your own martial art. Do you have the kind of mind that can do this?


I picked up Matrix Karate from you; and I definitely get it.  My area of study is Kajukenbo; and based on watching the Matrix Karate DVD last night, I am reasonably sure that matrixing Kajukenbo would be very straight forward.  Time consuming, yes, difficult no.  I think it would be best to break Kajukenbo into its 7 arts (Karate, Judo, Jiujitsu, Kenpo, Boxing, Kung Fu, and Escrima), and matrix each of those.  My questions are: do you think that is the right approach? Is there a particular order you think these should be taught in? Do you teach each matrix’d art to completion, then move to the next? And, how does sport karate fit in?  And finally; for the traditional forms, would those be one entire section? Or would you recommend splitting them into each sub-section of the art?

A More Powerful Punch without the Effort

Newsletter 942

The Punch That is NOT a Punch!

I’ve probably thrown a few million punches in my life.
50 years times 365 days
(and yes, I do work out EVERY day!)
multiplied by as little as 100 punches
(and that is a little)
equals 1,825,000 punches
I usually throw hundreds, if not thousands,
of punches a day.
In that time I’ve learned some nifty things.
How to punch with ‘chi power.’
How to put out a candle from a couple of feet away.
How to break a bone
A complete method for being able to multiply
the power of your punch
by many, many times.
It’s all written in ‘The Punch,’
if you’re interested.
But I’m going to talk about the punch that isn’t a punch here,
the punch that steps outside all the theories and writing I’ve done.

4d The Punch

When you punch it is a process of:
sinking weight in a stance,
breathing out at the same time,
and aligning your bones.
Aligning your bones efficiently would be called CBM
Coordinated Body Motion.

keep that all in mind when I say
you should do all this
and let the other person run into your punch.
That’s right,
you don’t punch him,
you assume the position of a punch,
with good stance and body alignment,
a nanosecond before impact,
and it is almost like the fellow runs into your punch.
But the key is this:
You have to construct your body so that it is ungiving.
You have to sink it into the ground,
and arrange the bones so that the structure does not give way
under impact.
This is all a matter of timing.
you can hit somebody,
see if you can power up them biceps
(it’s actually the triceps that is the punching muscle,
in conjunction with a lot of other muscles besides)
slam your body around,
see if you can collapse his structure
by overloading it with your mass and mayhemish thoughts,
but my way is easier.
If you can master the nanosecond timing,
of settling your body into stance and strike
just as he reaches you,
he runs into the punch.

To tell you the truth,
I usually don’t tighten my fist anymore,
I usually just stick the aligned bones of my fists
into the space my opponent is about to occupy.

to tell the truth,
it works better with blocks,
but you can make it work with punches,
if you are willing to
first, read ‘The Punch’
second, do 4 or 5 million punches
(which is probably more what I have done
than this measly million or two)
three, believe it is possible.
Without belief nothing is possible.

You just have to believe.

Have a great work out!

Tai Chi is great for developing intuition and abilities,
here’s the link, and below it a great win!

4d The Punch


…the things you teach (keys to unlocking the arts) and then you encourage people to think for them self, for eg. In your book the punch you speak of two ways to punch, letting the force run back up the arm or making it pop in the opponent’s body.
I have seen a demo of a guy breaking blocks, a whole stack and he breaks the 5th one down. Then a light bulb went on
“Did sifu just teach me dim mak!”
If I can control where my punch pops, under some of those acu points are vital organs, nerve and vascular plexuses. Is this the secret to the death touch, hmm?
This is some REALLY DEEEP SHIT!!!
There more but this eg made me stop and think. Again my hat off to you sir

Louis R

Two Crooks Tripped Up by Little Girl’s Dream

Newsletter 941
Catching the Crooks

When my grandmother was a little girl
the family was very religious,
went to church every Sunday.

One Sunday her younger sister was sick.
The family decided that just this once
she could stay home.
Sniffling and snuffling,
the young girl went to her room
at the end of the second floor hall
and went to sleep.

Shortly after the rest of the family went to church,
a car pulled up in front of the house.
Two rough looking fellows got out,
looked around,
and hurried up the walk.

In the house they quickly checked for occupants.
One fo the crooks ascended the stairs
and walked down the hallway,
looking in every room.
He stopped right before he reached the young girl’s room.
Heck, there wasn’t anybody home.
He turned around and helped his friend ransack the hosue.

They took jewelry,
anything that wasn’t nailed down.
They put the swag in several pillow cases
they had taken out of a closet.
They walked down the front walk
got in their car and drove away.

An hour later the family returned home.
they went through the house,
the mother broke down in tears
and the father called the cops.

The cops came and looked for clues,
and talked to everybody.
But everybody had been at church,
nobody had seen anything.

‘I suppose it’s a good thing nobody was home,’
said the officer.
‘But somebody was home!
Our little girl is sick,
she’s sleeping upstairs.’

The cops asked to speak to the young girl.
The young girl was feeling better,
but she still sniffed and snuffled
when she walked into the room.
And she wasn’t surprised to find out
the house had been burglarized.

‘Oh, yeah,’
she said.
‘I saw them.’

‘But you were sleeping!’
protested her mother.

‘I know,
but I saw them in my dreams.
I watched them take everything.’

One of the cops snorted.
The older one,
the chief,
merely said,
‘Tell me what you saw.’

So my grandmother’s younger sister
told of the crooks driving up,
how they looked around,
how they checked the house for people,
but stopped before they reached her room.
She then described,
step by step,
how the crooks went through the house,
what they took,
how they carried it out the front door.

At the end she said,
‘When they reached their car
one of the men turned around,
saw me looking out of my window,
and he waved to me.
Then he got in the car and they drove away.

The family figured the girl had been hallucinating,
had made up a dream to match what had happened.
The younger cop thought it was a crock.
The older cop asked her to describe the two men.
She did,
and the old cop said,
‘That’s those two boys living on the outskirts of town.’

The cops went off,
broke down the door of the shack the two men were living in
and arrested them.
All of the stolen goods were recovered,
except for a few pieces of silverware
that had already been melted down.

The two crooks confessed,
and their descriptions of their crime
matched everything the younger sister had said,
except for the waving of the hand at the end.
One of the crooks said,
‘I would wave at nobody I had just stole from!’

this story is absolutely true.
It happened to my grandmother,
who relayed it to my brother and sister and I.
A bit of the Case family lore.

So why do I tell you now?
Because there is something very important you should understand
if you are ever going to learn the truth of matrixing,
and the truth of the martial arts.

There is a sixth sense,
and there are abilities in your dreams,
and they exist,
but they only exist for you
if you believe that they can exist.
Don’t believe and you never get those abilities,
believe and you will find them.

I was raised in a family where we believed in such things,
in the power of imagination and hard work,
where people could have special abilities
if they worked hard enough.

Many of you out there know what I say,
you probably have your own family legends,
your own experiences in imagination and abilities.
But for those of you who are weak in such things,
read this story again,
and realize that this is the stuff of martial arts.

You can learn them fast,
you can have intuition,
you can be superior.
there is nothing that you can’t do.

You just have to believe.

Have a great work out!

Tai Chi is great for developing intuition and abilities,
here’s the link, and below it a great win!

2ba Matrix Tai Chi Chuan


Great news! I have been working with the Matrix Tai Chi basics performing each one dozens of times and holding the finished posture for three breaths each. This has made my Five Army form so much better! My power has increased in my karate forms as well. Just need to work on Shaolin Butterfly to get the basics down for the Bagua stuff. Well hope you’re having a great 2016 so far.