Fighting Without Fighting!

Newsletter 1049 ~ subscribe on the right…

I want to talk about
fighting without fighting,
but first…

Thanks to everybody for making How to Fix Karate a Success!
It’s on Amazon.

Now then…
Fighting without fighting.
First, you have to learn to fight.
Nothing stops a fellow from trying to mug you
like him knowing you’re going to come out on top.
Get your black belt,
get zen confidence,
nobody is going to bother you.
You learned to fight so you don’t have to fight.

This is the crux of the second amendment,
for those of you who wondered.

somebody STILL wants to fight.
This is the one that it took me years to figure out,
and that nobody knows.
I figured it out while figuring out Neutronics.

In this universe there are only objects that move around.
So you’re sitting there peacefully,
and some guy starts moving towards you
and he wants to conk you.
I simply say,
‘you’re coming towards me.’
And he goes away.
Isn’t that weird?

His body is part of the universe,
and his motion has been detected,
and let me tell give you a little bit of data.
The guy that wants to hit you
doesn’t want to be hit.
Except for the truly insane,
nobody wants to be hit,
and the insane don’t really want to either,
if you dig into them a bit.

So you can defeat anybody
simply by observing that they are coming towards you.
They know you see them,
and they don’t want to get hit,
so they leave.

here is the truly amazing thing about this,
it works against almost any sentient thing.
I’ve used it when a dog wanted to bite me.
A couple of times.

I’ve used it against salespeople.
Isn’t that a kick in the head?
But salespeople who seek you out,
or are a little too much in their sales pitch,
are trying to bully you into something you don’t want.
you just look at them and say,
“You’re coming towards me.”

I’ve used it against people who were bullies.

I’ve used it against people who simply bugged me.

I’ve even used it against those most dangerous of souls…Karens!

it might not work if you haven’t studied martial arts
and gained that peace of soul
that is the end result of the real martial arts.

And I would be careful in a combat zone.
People in riot are not sentient,
take a look at the Kyle Rittenhouse situation if you doubt.

You can use deviations.
‘I see you’ is good.
And there are others.
But the main thing is to see them,
and let them know they’ve been seen.

hope you have fun with this one,
and here’s the obligatory ads,
this for the two two volumes I just published…

How to Fix Karate! (volumes one and two)

volume one is at

And volume two is at…



And don’t forget to check out the interview—Al-Case-e12e3np

I’ve got nothing but five star reviews on

The Science of Government.
It’s really nothing more than applying matrixing to politics.

Matrixing + Politics = Sanity

I told you matrixing works with anything.

Here’s the link…

Zowie! Volume 2 of how to Fix Karate is out!

How to Fix Karate (Volume Two)!

Zowie! Volume 2 of how to Fix Karate is out!
The whole book is over 400 pages,
around a thousand graphics,
over 50,000 words.
So I had to cut it in two. Amazon has a lot of trouble
with a book that size.
And, the cost for a book that size becomes exorbitant.

volume one is at

And volume two is at…

I will be coming out with hard cover versions.

And thanks to all who have purchased volume one.
Any five star reviews would be appreciated.

let’s talk.

Got an email the other day,
and we were talking about force and flow.
And the concept of flow as more than just motion came up.

let me explain.
Flow is motion
force is no motion.
This is not quite right,
of course.
force is going to be when two flows collide
and create other motion.
But it all becomes martial pertinent when you say

‘If the force is greater flow it,
if the flow is greater force it.’

Then you can consider force as no motion,
but it is really the moment when flow changes.

But this is all complicated when you take the mind into account.
flow is motion
emotion is motion inside the head.
read that again.
Make sure you understand it.

The point is that you need to rid your head of emotion
if you want to perceive motion correctly.
Emotion can slant your perception of motion.

But now things get interesting.
The body is a motor.
It can have motion.
But the mind just sits in the head,
or thereabout,
and it can create emotion outside the body.
(Actually, it’s not the mind,
it is the spirit,
the mind is just a bunch of memory)

Let me explain.
Joe Blow gets emotion,
there’s all this anger running around inside his head.
With most humans the anger can get a little outside the head.
You can feel when somebody is angry.
It’s just…’in the air.’

But once somebody can control emotion,
he becomes more able to project emotion.
Mind you,
he doesn’t project willy nilly,
like a person out of control,
he projects with intention,
and you can fill the air with emotion.
You can stop people coming at you with emotion,
and you can control people with this kind of emotion.

When you are strong enough,
in control enough,
to project emotion,
it doesn’t feel like emotion.
It feels like…flow.

It is like an actual swirling in the air.

This is because it is not anger.
It is not out of control baby emotion,
it is full grown emotion moved around by…intention.
Your will.
Your desire to make things happen
on a much higher level
than normal people are aware of.

So this is what is in my mind
when I speak of force, flow, emotion, and that sort of thing.

If you practice karate
or other classical arts
long and hard enough,
this all becomes second nature.
of course,
will speed up your growth of these abilities.
It is just logical and makes sense,
and the concepts of the martial arts are easier to understand.

Here’s the links for the two volumes of
How to Fix Karate!

volume one is at

And volume two is at…



And don’t forget to check out the interview—Al-Case-e12e3np

I’ve got nothing but five star reviews on

The Science of Government.
It’s really nothing more than applying matrixing to politics.

Matrixing + Politics = Sanity

I told you matrixing works with anything.

Here’s the link…

How to Fix Karate is Published!

How to Fix Karate is Published!

Newsletter 1047 ~ sign up on right top.

All right!
I know you are doing fine!
People who study the martial arts are ALWAYS fine!
‘The Book’ is published.
At least the first half is.

How to Fix Karate (Volume One)

The book is over 400 pages long.
It comes in two volumes because
I can’t put that much material in a single volume.

The book presents eight forms,
the basic forms of karate.

Book one dissects Pinan One and throws it out.
All the way out.
And the reasons are delineated in detail.

I give you the ‘New Pinan One,’
which is Matrix One.
A MUCH more intelligent form.
And I give you all the reasons,
and show you how to make 16-20 techniques from that one form.

I then have sections for
what is wrong with pinan two and
how to fix it
what is wrong with pinan three and
how to fix it.

The remainder of the forms,
including advanced materials and
a whole video course
(Matrix Combat),
are in the second book.

I have included links at the beginning of certain chapters
which will lead to videos of me doing the forms.
Please keep receipts
in the event that links change.

This is NOT a book for dummies.
People will think that I have made it too simple,
they will think I have made it too complex,
that my logic is faulty,
they will argue over my reasons and conclusions.
This is good,
because I am going to tell you a secret…

Virtually EVERY martial arts book written
is merely a show and tell
of what they have been shown.
There is almost NO original thought,
certainly not analytical thought,
in the martial arts books on the market.

It is just what they have been shown
and accepted without question.

People have much pride in passing down martial arts
EXACTLY as they have been shown them.
Nobody asks why.
Nobody looks at the material and says…that technique sucks,
Nobody questions the venerable old master
and asks themselves if the old guy is in his second childhood,
or suffering Alzheimer’s,
or just had too much to drink.
They just take the art and pass it along,
and they make up reasons for forms that don’t make sense,
and teach the same old worthless techniques
that don’t work in reality..

The only real objection is in the form of people who quit karate.
And they have certainly NEVER looked at the art,
and questioned it,
or they wouldn’t have quit.
They just didn’t understand it and they quit.

Can’t really blame them.
They found karate to be unworkable,
and it is difficult to argue with their conclusions.
Hopefully we can rescue a few of these people
and bring them back into the fold.

Anyway, this book will cause consternation, argument,
and all the other things that a real artist must deal with
if he is to understand the art.

The glory of this book is that I’ll take the forms,
technique by technique,
and tell you not only what is wrong with it,
but how to fix it.
The techniques will suddenly make sense,
which will bring about a rejuvenation
in the belief in forms as a method.
I use logic, history, physics and matrixing to do this.

as you argue over my conclusions
and even think bad thoughts of me
I will have succeeded.

When I was in 6th grade
everybody was doing reports on South America.
Joe had 10 pages.
Barry had 15 pages.
Sue had 30 pages.
And that was about it.
I wrote over 200 pages.
Had to put it in two folders.
Teacher’s eyes popped out.
All the kids started whispering and
I thought I had done something wrong.
Turned out I had actually done something right,
for a change.

But that wasn’t the real story.
The real story was that the next semester
we did reports on Central America.
I did 300 pages.
BUT… six kids had larger reports than me.

Now you’d think I would be disappointed.
I wasn’t top dog.
But I had an interesting thought:
I made those kids do more than me.
I inspired them.

And I realized that this was what I wanted to do.
I wanted to inspire people.
It was cool.
It gave me such a sense of self worth I never got over it.

And that has been what has been driving me all these years.
That and the idea that I wanted to write a letter
to people who live a thousand years from now.

In writing this book I feel I have succeeded in my purpose.
Enjoy the book,
hate it,
argue over it,
and that is my success.
You won’t be able to stop analyzing
and looking and figuring out
how to make Karate
the powerhouse it originally was.

I will have made a whole art
become a method for analytical thought.
Talk about changing the world.

Here is the link.

I do have to thank Ted VanderNoot for his editing.
No matter how hard I look,
the mistakes are all still mine.

If you want to see a real mistake,
glance at the back cover.
It’s a small mistake,
that is huge,
and glaring,
and you’ll laugh.

The second book is going through the publishing process.
I am publishing hard bound copies
in the near future for those interested.

Do me a favor and pass the word
on this book.
And give me five stars when you can.

Okay, everybody,


How to Fix Karate (Volume One)

And don’t forget to check out the interview—Al-Case-e12e3np

I’ve got nothing but five star reviews on

The Science of Government.
It’s really nothing more than applying matrixing to politics.

Matrixing + Politics = Sanity

I told you matrixing works with anything.

Here’s the link…

Newsletter Addendum


Well, I got yelled at, and rightfully so.

I was too abrupt in my announcement of no more certification.

If you are already in contact with me and working towards a certification

I will of course continue with you.

I should have explained that from this point on I can’t take on any more certifying.

I am simply don’t have the time.

Sorry for any confusion or upset feelings.

Have a great work out!


Neutronic Fighting in the Martial Arts!

Neutronic Fighting in the Martial Arts!

Good morning!
Hi to Kumar and Jerome this week.

A quick announcement,
I’m not going to be issuing certificates any more.
Just don’t have the time.
In fact,
going to be changes around here,
and I’ll let you know of them in the coming weeks.

The book is done,
just waiting for proofs.
Proofs are copies just for the author
so he can see what the book looks like.
So, a couple of weeks and the book will be out.

Been a saga,
and I’ll talk about that on the official release newsletter,
but the thing that I want to talk about here
is more neutronic,
and how neutronic relates to fighting.
I believe I have said some of this before,
but it’s worth a second go around.

Neutron means nothing.
No weight, no mass, no intention, no direction.
It is the frame of mind you want to achieve.
specific to the martial arts,
no emotion.

When somebody wants to fight you
they have to come for you.
I’ve actually stopped people from being aggressive with me
by simple saying,
‘You’re coming towards me.’
And who would come towards me in an aggressive manner?
The most obvious ones were people who,
when I was a teacher,
were upset about their child.
Parents can be really obtuse and mean.

the thing is this,
there are actually two waves of attack.
Three if you count the idea of attack.

first a guy gets the idea of attack,
second the guy has the emotion of attack,
third the guy attacks.

The thing that screws people up is this emotion thing.
Nobody understands emotion.
Especially not the psychiatrists
and the so called mental health ‘experts.’

Emotion is motion inside the head.

So the guy decides he wants to beat you up,
he throws rage at you,
then launches his body.

The rage is designed to intimidate you,
and to bolster himself.
The rage hits you
and you are slowed,
and the fight,
as your emotion starts to ratchet,
becomes a wallow through the currents of emotion.

I can’t tell you how to wallow through emotion.
That would be like telling somebody how to swim without water.

you need to take emotion out of the equation.
Let the emotion wash past you,
not touch you,
observe without receiving his emotion,
or mounting any of your own.

This is one of the reasons people
should study such things as Yoga,
or the martial arts concept of
motion without having emotion.
(Mushin no shin ~ Mind of No Mind)

Don’t get angry.
If a guy throws a punch at you it is a gift.
He is communicating with you.
look at it,
enjoy it,
handle it.

If you’ve got emotion going on yourself,
it is difficult to handle other’s emotions.

I learned how to do without emotion by fighting.
I would do freestyle and focus on the opponent so hard
that I ended up in a sort of a tunnel,
looking at my opponent.
This put me out of my head
and out of emotion.

I couldn’t have done that with fighting
if I hadn’t studied the forms first,
and learned the peculiar discipline that goes with that.

You can fight all you want and never get into the tube.
But once you dedicate yourself to learning about forms,
and about your form (your own body),
it becomes surprisingly easy.
It only took me about 20 years.

with matrixing you can probably do it within a year.
Maybe even faster.

Matrixing aligns all the data,
arranges your understanding of incoming force
so that nothing surprises you.
Matrixing educates you as to how the body functions,
and about ten times faster than classical karate.

BUT…of course,
don’t give up that classical karate.
There’s gold in them thar hills,
especially once you have the pick and shovel of matrixing in your hands.

Here’s the obligatory ad…

1a Matrix Karate

Okay, everybody,
I hope you’re working out every day this summer!
It’s the only way to get where you’re going!


And don’t forget to check out the interview—Al-Case-e12e3np

I’ve got nothing but five star reviews on

The Science of Government.
It’s really nothing more than applying matrixing to politics.

Matrixing + Politics = Sanity

I told you matrixing works with anything.

Here’s the link…

A Summer of Martial Arts!

Newsletter 1045 ~ Don’t forget to subscribe!

A Summer of Martial Arts!

Yeah, baby.
Set your work out up,
do it every day,
see if you can learn a whole art in one summer.
That’s the game!

I came across a VERY interesting fact the other day.
And I could kick myself for not having the link for you.
But the essence of the article was this:

If you turn your wrist when punching you break bones in your hand.
If you keep the punch stable,
for instance use a vertical punch,
the bones don’t break in the hands.

Now this guy had done a job of research,
went back through boxing and martial arts
and really backed the idea up.

About twenty or thirty years ago
I made the point with my students,
practice the twisting punch to learn to snap,
then forget it,
don’t do it again,
go to a vertical punch
and use the snapping closure of the hand for your snap.

The reason i said this wasn’t because I noticed broken hands,
it was because logically speaking
if you twist the hand on impact it is unstable
and weight can’t be properly transmitted it.

There are a few twisting punches,
but they are really rare and mystical.
And I hold that mysticism can be cured by understanding the basics.
Just saying.

that’s my two cents for the week.

the book is getting closer,
It’s getting edited,
about 3/4s done,
and I’m really glad I decided to get edited.
I’m learning a lot,
and the book is going to be a LOT cleaner when it is done.


Let’s repeat the obligatory ad from last week…

Blinding Steel!

4a Blinding Steel (Matrixing Weapons)

Because your opponent will probably have a weapon!

Okay, everybody,
summer is around the corner, so start now!


And don’t forget to check out the interview—Al-Case-e12e3np

I’ve got nothing but five star reviews on

The Science of Government.
It’s really nothing more than applying matrixing to politics.

Matrixing + Politics = Sanity

I told you matrixing works with anything.

Here’s the link…

All the Styles of Karate!

Different Styles of Karate!

I get asked about styles every once in a while,
and this is a tricky question.
It’s tricky because there are no styles.
Oh, there is the appearance of styles, especially for a beginner,
but a kick is a kick,
a punch is a punch,
and they can be fixed with an accurate application of physics.
So what are all these ‘styles?’
They are different methods for becoming expert…
and beyond.

Up to the point of expert a person is often enamored
with styles and differences.
Past expert,
if he really is an expert,
he realizes that no art is better or worse,
there is only better or worse training.
There is only better or worse application of the self to training.
or what we call ‘styles,’
are just the means by which we get to expert.
Or beyond.

This idea,
that there are no styles,
is mentioned by old masters,
especially in Okinawa before Karate was exported,
Kanken Toyama states it directly.
Also, Jesse Enkamp has a nice episode on the subject.

One time I was talking to my instructor,
Bob Babich,
He had just left the Korean Karate Association
and was no longer allowed to use the term ‘Kang Duk Won,’
so he changed the name to Kwon Bup.
I asked him what Kwon Bup meant.
He had a book on his coffee table,
written in Korean,
which language he couldn’t speak or read.
He pointed at the book and said that his instructor gave it to him
and that the title was ‘Kwon Bup.’
Which means ‘Fist Method.’
So he decided to relabel his art ‘Kwon Bup.’
I asked him what the difference was between ‘Do,’ ‘The Way,’
and a method.
He shrugged and said,
“Is there one?”
He didn’t care about organizations (politics)
or styles or labels…
he just cared about the most efficient way to learn the art.

I hope that illustrates what I’ve said here.

Here’s the obligatory ad…

Blinding Steel!

4a Blinding Steel (Matrixing Weapons)

Because your opponent will probably have a weapon!

Okay, everybody,
summer is around the corner, so start now!


And don’t forget to check out the interview—Al-Case-e12e3np

I’ve got nothing but five star reviews on

The Science of Government.
It’s really nothing more than applying matrixing to politics.

Matrixing + Politics = Sanity

I told you matrixing works with anything.

Here’s the link…

Karate Footwork for Fighting

Karate Fighting Footwork

what a gorgeous day!
Got up at 6,
worked out at 7
and everything gets better.
a work out ALWAYS makes everything better.

So there are lots of footworks in the martial arts.
Karate has lots of footworks.
the forms don’t usually show them,
so the student doesn’t get the real education.
Usually he gets a straight forward step,
or a spin to the rear,
or something like that
which has little relationship to fighting.

There are two specific footworks
that we used for fighting at the Kang Duk Won.
One is in the forms,
but you’ll never recognize it.
Been hidden pretty good.
The other one is not in the forms,
but we used to use it all the time.

One footwork is the ‘Switch Step.’
The other is the ‘Triangle Step.’

The switch step you bring your front foot back
so it is next to the rear foot,
then step forward with the foot that was in the rear.
this is a tricky one
and requires exquisite timing.
but it real works.
The opponent thinks you’re moving,
but you’re really just setting your legs
for the attack and…
You move in…and with the other side,
a side he’s not set up for.
It is best used for making small
forward and back movements.
Subtle movements when you don’t want to reveal
directions and intentions.
It really messes with his anticipation of distance and timing.

The triangle step is your side to side movement.
the specific triangle might have your right foot forward.
You bring your right foot back and to the side,
and move your rear foot to the position
previously occupied by the right foot.
The problem is that people start moving
their feet forward and back,
and don’t realize it is a side to side movement.

The switch step we just used,
no drills or forms illustrated it.
We just watched our instructor,
that’s what he did,
so we did it,
and it worked.

The triangle step is actually in the forms,
but it has been obscured.
The last move of pinan four,
for instance.
Don’t step forward or back,
or switch feet…
do a triangle step,
and suddenly that move
will reveal fighting potential in a form.

Now this is a bare hint of the things
I’m writing about in the book I’m working on.
There’s a lot of this stuff
as I lay out the forms
in a manner that is different,
and yet illustrates a core workability
that is often missing,
disguised, and obscured
in most classical karate systems.

Of course
you’re going to have to do the forms.
You‘re going to have to compare and contrast
the old with the new
to understand what is happening.

I’ll tell you right now,
this is not a book for people
who want to read about
and not do the work.
This book is only for people
who want to wade in,
get lost in the pages,
scratch their heads,
kick and punch the alligators swarming in their own heads,
and come the other side of the swamp.

One thing I will tell you, though…
there is matrixing in this book
and if you haven’t studied it,
the basic course on matrixing
will save your bacon.

It is ten times easier to study the classical
if you have studied matrix karate.

I have always told people,
do matrixing,
but DON’T put the classical aside.
There’s gold in those forms,
and hopefully,
with matrixing and this forthcoming book,
you’ll find it.

Probably a couple of months now
until I publish.
And say a prayer for poor Ted,
he’s right in the thick of 400 pages,
well over a thousand illustrations.
As soon as he’s out of the swamp
I’ll throw the rest of you guys in.

Here’s the obligatory ad for Matrix Karate…

1a Matrix Karate



And don’t forget to check out the interview—Al-Case-e12e3np

I’ve got nothing but five star reviews on

The Science of Government.
It’s really nothing more than applying matrixing to politics.

Politics is the justification for insanity by a group.

Here’s the link…

Little Karate Thoughts…


Good morning!
It really is.
I don’t have a central theme today,
so just let me give you a couple of things
that I have been thinking about
in the recent past.

I first began to understand emptiness
when I realized that I had to relax totally,
being in one position,
then I had to be in another position.
I didn’t move from within the body,
I moved from without the body.
I realized this way back in Kenpo days (1967-68)

Who stops you.
Two people can stop you.
Either yourself,
or somebody else.
But for somebody else to stop you
you have to let them.

You do not move the hips
You move the legs,
and the legs move the hips.
This is the secret of ‘pulsing power.’
You push with the legs,
turn the hips,

When a sniper shoots
he relaxes,
and lets his breath out.
When the breath is totally gone,
everything will be still.
In that stillness
he should make the crook of the finger
the smallest thing in the universe.
This is the secret of the martial arts.

There is motion
easily seen,
there is emotion
easily felt.
The secret is to see the motion
and ignore the emotion.
To do this,
you must negate emotion within yourself.

Anybody who approaches you wants something.
When you approach somebody you want something.

let me give you a bigger slice of thought.
One of the most important things I ever read,
came out of a paper written on yoga (raja?)
back in the twenties.
The writer said a human being is encased in sheathes.
There is an emotional sheath.
There are cultural sheathes.
There are sheathes for beliefs,
for education and work and what people tell you…
and so on.
He mentioned several specific sheathes,
and I understood that these sheathes were the filters
through which I viewed the world.
I had understood something of the concept previously,
but this presentation was unique
made me look at the world differently,
and I started doing karate (and the martial arts)
with the idea of breaking sheathes,
of destroying those things which surrounded me
made me what I am
and imprisoned me.
I found this paper on Gutenburg,
but I sure don’t remember anything more about it.

Here’s the obligatory ad…

Matrix Kenjutsu

Matrixing Kenjutsu

When you fill the space around you with weapon,
you extend your awareness into that space
and become a bigger person.

A thanks to Kumar this newsletter.
Thanks for your help.
I’ll try not to be such a slackard after this.



And don’t forget to check out the interview—Al-Case-e12e3np

I’ve got nothing but five star reviews on

The Science of Government.
It’s really nothing more than applying matrixing to politics.

Matrixing + Politics = Sanity

I told you matrixing works with anything.

Here’s the link…

The Tale of the Karate Book

Writing a Book on Karate!

Good morning!
Yes, I’m still here,
and my thanks to those fellows who have written me
and told me to get off my butt.
Kumar, Jerome, Michael,
you know who you are.
Thumbs up!

let me tell you what is happening and why.
And, before I start,
I’m going to be talking about
‘The Book!’
And if you’re not interested,
or wanted me to go heavy duty
on the art,
self defense,
that’s next time.

This time I’ll tell you what my problem is

I’ve studied martial arts for over 50 years,
I’ve written probably a hundred books and training manuals,
thousands of articles,
been a professional writer,
so I know my way around a keyboard.
But this book…
this book has been a bugger.
And the problem is simple,
I’m trying to put too much in it.

I want to cover karate like it has never been covered.
That’s my base art,
and I want to leave it in better shape than I found it.

I want to show some advanced matrixing.
I want to show where karate can go,
and in the simplest fashion.

I want to fix karate,
and that means pointing out some serious problems with the art,
and show how to fix them.

I’m not focusing on matrixing,
except by the way.

Right now,
the book is about 300 pages and counting.
it has been a true mess to figure out.

I get an idea,
I write it.
I write about as fast as I can talk,
books are usually done within three or four days,
and I’m off on another project.
The books I write are quick and easy and very logical.

Karate is not logical,
so it is like I am untangling this MASSIVE knot,
and retying it.

I have had a terrible time with formatting.
I am trying to write the book so it can be understood on the paper page,
but I want to format the thing differently.
For instance,
I write the forms on the left page
and the techniques on the right.
I don’t do the form,
then show the techniques,
I show the techniques along side the form,
and this makes perfect sense
if you are scrolling on a computer.

But creating in this fashion
and for the paper page, too,
has been REALLY messy.
300 pages
and I’ve reformatted it 4 times,
and rewritten it probably six.

I NEVER rewrite.
And now I am stuck in it.

not to bore you,
but that’s what I’ve been doing.

The good news is I actually called on a reader
Ted V,
and he has proven to be a good editor.

Think about it,
the guy was able to tell the arrogant Al Case
that his work is a mess
and I better get back to the drawing board.
I thank him,
and serve warning that it’s coming.

I won’t bore you anymore
with the trials and tribulations of writing
except to say one thing.

I decided,
and this was a conscious decision I made over 50 years ago
to practice two arts this lifetime.
One is karate,
for the external.
One is writing,
for the internal.
A very yin and yang balance.
And they compliment each other wonderful.
I always tell people they should have two arts in their lives.

So if you have a physical job you love,
pick up painting or sculpting or poetry or something.

And if you have a mental job
pick up karate, yoga, dance, whatever.

Seek balance.

my apologies for yakking on about
‘The Book.’
It will get done,
I seem to have the formatting fixed,
and my writing is taking on the normal flow again,
and I am hoping this project
becomes the most intense
and thorough examination of karate ever written.
Thanks for being patient,
and have a great work out!


And don’t forget to check out the interview—Al-Case-e12e3np

I’ve got nothing but five star reviews on

The Science of Government.
It’s really nothing more than applying matrixing to politics.

Matrixing + Politics = Sanity

I told you matrixing works with anything.

Here’s the link…