Tag Archives: aikido

Martial Arts Firestorm!

Kung Fu Firestorm!

Hearts to California.
I lived there for over 70 years
and I loved it.

You know how to defeat the firestorm
that engulfed California?
Or similar tragedies that infect our country?
Elect competent politicians.
Where do we get competent politicians?
From competent people.
Where do we get competent people?
The martial arts.

Martial Arts provides a discipline
that makes people competent.
Over the last almost 60 years
I have met thousands of martial artists.
Every one of them has been competent
and even understanding and patient.
They invariably own their own business,
or occupy positions of management.

not to spread the doom and gloom,
but when people start roaming the streets
and crime is rampant,
it’s martial arts that will enable you to survive.
Regulations in California
will screw up the rebuilding.
The result will be mansions
and homeless communities.
A perfect storm of rich people
and the people who want to rob them.

if that isn’t bad enough,
people will be moving out of California,
more than ever,
and they will bring a certain degree of
and even criminality,
to a town near you.

I’m not kidding.
I grew up in California
and watched this happen.
With this current tragedy
I can see it happening countrywide.

If you know martial arts,
learn some more.

The Last Martial Arts Book!

If you just want to learn them,
try this course…

Matrix Karate

in the interests of strengthening good people
and the country at large,
let’s have a firestorm sale
to combat the firestorm in California.
I’ll continue the BOGO
(Buy One Get One free)
I had in December.

All you have to do is order a course,
then email me at aganzul.gmail.com,
and let me know what you want
your second course to be.

My best wishes to California, and…
Have a great work out!


PS ~ sign up for the blog at

Don’t forget to check out the interview


The Last Martial Arts Book

Advanced Tai Chi Chuan for Real Self Defense!

Five Martial Arts!

Three for One Martial Arts!

Big Martial Arts Presents!

It’s almost Christmas!
as I like to call it,
Normal people celebrate one holiday,
I celebrate three!
That means everybody has to send me three times the gifts!
I guess I have to give you guys three times the value.

So until January,
if you order one course,
I’ll give you a second course FREE!
Just order a course,
then email me at aganzul@gmail.com
and tell me what you wish your second course.
(Please make it of equal value)
I will include
The Master Text FREE!
That’s three items for the price of one.

Take a look at the Master Text here…


Let me just say something about Christmas presents.
Presents express how you feel about some.
So how do you feel about yourself?
Doing the martial arts is the best present
you can give yourself.
You get stronger,
mentally sharper,
you’re able to protect your loved ones,
you stay healthy and live longer.

That’s about the best present you can give yourself.
It benefits you
and your loved ones
and improves the quality of your life tenfold!

guys and gals,
Head on over to Monster Martial Arts,

Have a great work out!


PS ~ sign up for the blog at

Don’t forget to check out the interview


The Last Martial Arts Book

Advanced Tai Chi Chuan for Real Self Defense!

Five Martial Arts!

Martial Arts Two for One Special!

Two for One Martial Arts!

Newsletter 1117

It’s time!
It’s been a year, and…
I don’t care what your religion is
I want to celebrate it!
Something to be learned from everything,
you know?

In that spirit,
my present to you is
Order a course at Monster Martial Arts
then write me at aganzul@gmail.com
and tell me what you want your second course to be.
I’ll send you the links if you are downloading,
or the physical disks if that’s your wish.
Oh, and try to make them of similar value.

I remember reading a yoga treatise,
and the fellow said,
a year in yogic meditation
was like ten years of spiritual growth.
I like that.
It sure applies to martial arts.

I remember reading
way back when
that it took three lifetimes to master the martial arts.
I don’t like that.
I understand that,
but that only applies if you have a bad art
or maybe a bad teacher.
If you have even a halfway decent teacher
you can master the martial arts
in a couple of decades.
That’s a black belt in three to four years
and mastery in a couple of decades.
Of course
it only takes about a year to get a black belt
if you study a matrixed art
And maybe three to four years to mastery of the martial arts.

I’ll tell you what I said in my first advertisement
which was in the pages of Inside Karate
back when they had magazines.

If you have 3, 6, apple, 1, 9, 7, 3 and a zither,
it will take you a lo-o-ong time to get to black belt.
The mind just doesn’t want to remember things
if they are out of order,
there are missing pieces,
and just don’t make sense.
But if you have
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 0…
the mind loves logic
and everything is easy to remember,
and it’s easy to make everything work.

When I first introduced that concept,
and presented my method,
I had amazing wins.
I had people starting self defense classes
and opening schools
all because they had the blinders off,
and were set free from the illogical construction
of the martial arts.
I remember one teacher
who used Matrxing in his math class,
and the grades went up 10% in a month.

the point here is that if you’re not doing Matrixing,
if you’re not studying a matrixed art,
you are taking the long and twisty road
that goes over the mountains,
along the river,
under the ocean,
and you could have taken a jet plane on a straight line!

end of my rant,
but think about it,
and think about getting two courses
at Monster Martial Arts
for the price of one.
think about this…


Matrixing Kenjutsu!

That’s classical sword and stick fighting
done the easy way that makes sense!

Have a great work out!


PS ~ sign up for the blog at

Don’t forget to check out the interview

You will probably have to do a search for them,
but they’re out there.

Advanced Tai Chi Chuan for Real Self Defense!
Black Belt Yoga
Five Martial Arts!
Hidden Techniques of Karate
How to Fix Karate (book one)
How to Fix Karate (book two)
Matrixing Kenpo Karate: Creating a New Kenpo
Matrixing Kenpo Karate: The Real History
Matrixing Kenpo Karate: The Secret of Forms
Neutropia ~ Surrealistic Poetry
The Book of Matrixing
The Book of Neutronics
The Last Martial Arts Book
Pan Gai Noon: Kung Fu to Karate
Kang Duk Won: The Korean Contribution
Kwon Bup: American Power
Outlaw Karate: The One Year Black Belt
Buddha Crane Karate; The First Matrixed Art

Did Ed Parker Really Do This?

The Terrible Truth About Ed Parker

I’ve heard many stories of many arts that were, shall we say, less than honorable. The one I heard about Kenpo Karate, however, is one of the worst I have heard. Unfortunately, I don’t know how true it is, but with the data I present in this article perhaps some one could let me know if they have any light to shed on the truth or falsity of it.

Ed Parker is credited with being the founder of modern Kenpo, putting on the biggest tournament in the world for years, the Internationals, teaching movie stars, including Elvis, and all manner of other deeds. His prowess is quite well known, and his students are legion. Unfortunately, when he first began teaching, while he seemed to demonstrate a talent as a teacher, he was only a brown belt.

In those days he was actually teaching the Heian forms from Shotokan karate, this as illustrated by one of his earliest books. Running out of material to teach his students, he returned to Hawaii and was told to go take a hike, the founder of the system apparently had lost interest in him as a student. I’m not sure, exactly, what the fall out was, but it was perhaps that Ed was teaching without permission.

Ed then ran into a fellow in San Francisco named Jimmy Woo, whose name might have been Jimmy Wu, who knew tremendous and authentic gung fu, but who spoke almost no English. Ed brought Jimmy to Los Angeles, where they lived together, and where Jimmy created the Kenpo forms, the techniques, and so on. Ed took these forms and techniques and began teaching them as his own.

To complicate matters, Ed asked Jimmy to write a book with him on what they were doing, and Jimmy spent his days writing kenpo, teaching Ed and some of his students, all while still being deficient in the English language. One day Jimmy saw a rough translation/draft of the book that Ed was planning on turning over to a publisher, and he was surprised to see that his name was not on the cover, or anywhere in the book. This was surprising, because even though Ed was half the team, Jimmy was doing all the work.

Why not my name on book, is what he was supposed to have said. Ed said he would explain, but he had an errand to run, could they take a drive, and Ed would explain on the way. Jimmy hopped into the car, and Ed drove into Hollywood, but Ed didn’t say a word about the book the whole time he was driving. On Hollywood Blvd, there is an Armenian pastry shop there now, Ed let Jimmy out of the car, and drove off.

Jimmy had one single quarter in his pocket, the clothes on his back, and nothing else. With that last quarter he called one of Ed’s students, who he had been teaching. In his broken English he explained what Ed had done, that he didn’t know where he was, or why it had all happened.

He had been teaching, writing, and suddenly, he had been betrayed. Now, is this story true, or is it a pack of lies? If anybody has definite facts, I sure would like to know.

About the author: Al Case has been studying the martial arts since 1967. He studied Kenpo from ’67 to ’69. He offers instructional books and videos at Monster Martial Arts. He has written a three volume set on Kenpo Karate.

Republishing the Book of Five Martial Arts!

A Book on Five Martial Arts!

just republished ‘Five Martial Arts.
It’s on Amazon at

Five Martial Arts!

You’ll see the basic house forms from Matrix Karate,
the two man forms from Shaolin Butterfly
and from Butterfly Pa Kua Chang.
The lines from Tai Chi Chuan
and the basic training moves from Monkey Boxing.

This is a a hefty book with 164 pages and 300 illustrations

It’s also a nifty look at how I progressed from soft to hard,
included fighting techniques, and so on.

Most important, it’s easy to do.
It will change how you look at and do your martial arts.

I’ll keep you updated as to when new books come out!



PS ~ you should sign up for the blog at

It’s expensive to pay Mailchimp and I want to cancel it.

Don’t forget to check out the interview

The Last Martial Arts Book

Advanced Tai Chi Chuan for Real Self Defense!

How to Fix Karate! (1)

How to Fix Karate! (2)

Five Martial Arts

The First Martial Arts Master!

Were the Martial Arts Really Born this Way?

Joe Blow goes to war, rolls in the mud a lot, manages to survive, and he comes out of the wars with a couple of techniques that worked, that actually saved his life. Maybe pushing the butt of his spear for a horse impalement, maybe ducking when somebody sliced sideways at his head, maybe stepping to the side if they sliced down, and, oh, BTW, stick quick after the other guy misses.

So Joe Blow survives, gets a bunch or ribbons, which are a lot cheaper than a pension, and is pronounced a hero.

Unfortunately, when poor Joe goes home he doesn’t have any way of making money.

But the kids in his village are all impressed, and they keep asking him stupid questions like, “How did you survive the battle of Bloody Gap?”

Which battle he survived by being conked on the head and sleeping through it, then waking up in time for the general to come by and think he’s the last man standing. That was good for a really big, red ribbon.

But kids keep asking and asking, and, finally, in a moment of frustration, he throws a bozo kid on the ground, sticks his knife right to the kid’s throat, and says, “Like this!”

Now, the kid, being stupid, doesn’t realize that he’s pushed Joe to the breaking point, he is just aware that he has sampled all the violence and glory that he missed out on. And he gets up and says, “Wow! Can you teach me that?”

Disgusted, Joe walks away and throws back, “You don’t have enough money to buy that technique!”
“I got ten dollars!”
Joe stops.
He’s broke, he’s hungry all the time, and this stupid kid wants to pay him ten dollars because….because… “Okay!”

So he teaches the kid the technique. Stupid kid actually nicks him with a knife, so he grabs a stick, tells the kid everybody trains with sticks.

The kid asks why not real weapons, and Joe makes up some gobbledegook about sticks being wood, and wood is mystical, therefore the stick is mystical.

“Wow! Am I learning the Stick Mystical System?”
Moaning on the inside with grief, Joe says, “Sure. Call it ‘Stick-My-Sys-Do.’”

Kid goes away all excited, tells his friends, and the next day Joe has 14 brats squalling to learn Stick-My- Sys-Do.

Joe’s eyes light up like a cash register, and he teaches the kids. But when they complain about being thrown on their butt he sells them pillows to put in their pants. Protective gear, you know.

So Joe teaches his five techniques, and then realizes that he has no more! But those kids have been paying for his beans and brewski, so…so he remembers a guy in the wars who told him about how you roll under the charging horse and slash the belly with a knife. Guy was making it up, but what would a bunch of stupid kids know? Eh?

So he teaches them the mystical and sacred technique Rolling Horse Undies.
Then he figures, he got away with that one, he makes one up. ‘Punch Under the Horse’s Tale.’

Which are quickly followed up by Kicking the Cocos, One Finger Up the Nose, and all sorts of other things.

And if any of the kids get mouthy, or give him a rough time, he just uses one of his real techniques to throw the kid on his, uh, pillow, and stick his knife (he’s allowed to use a real one) in the kid’s throat.

And everybody cheers and yells and wants to learn more.

Now, I know, you think I am bitter and cynical, or even (choke) disrespectful. But, if you have a better idea, feel free to share.

NOTE: I originally wrote this as a Case History for a column in the Inside Karate mag. It never got published, and I finally included it in a series of books.

Al Case teaches real martial arts, not just Wedging the Undies or Punch Under the Horse’s Tale, at his sacred and mystical website … Monster Martial Arts.

Sign up for the newsletter!

Monster Books Unpublished!

Hi guys!

Amazon has decided not to carry my books anymore.
When you look for my books
you won’t find them on Amazon,
and you’ll likely get a blank page of some sort.

This is bad news for me, of course,
but I’ll be looking for other publishers,
so stay tuned,
I’ll let you know as titles get republished.

In the meantime,
all my video courses,
are still available through


Some of the books are still available in instant download,
but usually in conjunction with the courses.

As this problem has severely impacted my income,
I would certainly be grateful for any orders.

If you want two for one on the courses
order a course
then email me at


and tell me what second course you would like.

Any questions or concerns,
juste let me know…

Have a great day and…


Don’t forget to check out the interview

Making powerful Martial Arts Kicks!

Karate Kicks that Work!

I’ve been working out since 1967.
I started Karate the day after Thanksgiving
and have worked out every single day since then.
Sometimes just a little, sometimes a lot.
There have been a couple of times I was injured
and even bed ridden.
On those occasions I did my work out mentally,
visualizing myself going through forms,
doing techniques,
even freestyling.
Because you don’t get the martial arts
unless you do the work out.

In the beginning my work out consisted of
doing the warm ups and basics of class
and a few forms.
The problem was that I wasn’t getting good fast enough.
here is what I thought.

Your arms must be as strong as your legs,
your legs must be as flexible as your arms.

Another one was that I should be as handy with my body,
as my hand was handy with a knife and fork.

But the real joy started when I realized
that the before class warm ups and basics
just weren’t making me strong.
They were designed to get your blood pumping,
but not to make one strong.
I was watching a fellow named Ted one day,
this was back in my early Kenpo days,
and he had phenomenal kicks.
“Ted, what’s the secret of good kicks?”
He said,
“I practice my kicks a hundred times.”
A hundred kicks?
the class work out consisted of ten kicks.
No wonder I was weak and my kicks were worthless!

I didn’t put this bit of advice to work right away.
I went to the Kang Duk Won,
The Kang Duk Won was a different mindset.
We were fanatics,
we were crazy.

250 kicks, per kick, for each leg.
Every day.

I quickly realized a truth,
one can walk all day long,
so why can’t one kick all day long?
I did the front kick, the side kicks,
the wheel kick, the rear kick
and the crescent and reverse crescent kicks.
Within a week my legs were different.
Within a month everybody knew I had serious kicks.

it did’t stop there.
Every time I entered a room
I turned the lights on with a foot.
I became involved in yoga to increase flexibility.

Now I had kicks.
Serious kicks that could break things
and people.
They were fast and they meant business.

now that I had really applied myself,
I used that same mindset in other things.
When I wanted to pick up a new art,
I would do that art intensely for hours
every single day.

I did Pa Kua,
I did Tai Chi.
I did other arts,
using the same mindset,
and it worked.
But maybe I should tell you
of those work outs another time.


Advanced Tai Chi Chuan for Real Self Defense!

is selling well,
got a couple of five star ratings.
check it out…
have a great work out!


Don’t forget to give me five stars.
Those ratings help my sales.

Don’t forget to check out the interview

‘The Last Martial Arts Book’ has 12 ratings for 5 stars.
(There is a video version of this book with no stars yet)
My two yoga books have 9 ratings between them for 5 stars.
‘The Book of Five Arts’ has 8 ratings for 5 stars.
‘The Science of Government’ has 7 ratings for 5 stars.
‘Chiang Nan’ has 6 ratings for 5 stars.
My novel, ‘Monkeyland,’ has 5 ratings for 5 stars

That’s a lot of good ratings
so hopefully you’ll find the book that works for you.

How to Fix Karate:
A Karate Training and Workout Book
(Two Volumes)

Figuring Out Martial Arts Footwork!

Analyzing Martial Arts Footwork!

Don’t forget to sign up for the newsletter at Monster Martial Arts!

Recently had a question
about how I came up with my footwork,
specifically the Nine Square pattern.
It’s all geometry.

The foot only goes a couple of ways.
Right foot forward or back
Left foot forward or back.
Yet the possibilities are endless.
I started with a square,
‘cornerwork’ I called it.
I came up with 16 possibilities of motion
all based on the right/left forward or back.
I spent months exploring those 16 possibilities
through the various stances.
And explored the various arm movements
that could effectively be done.
A lot of work just there.

I put four corners together and came up with one pattern.
All other patterns were repeats and combinations
of the 16 cornerwork foot patterns.
That’s right, just one,
and it was cool.
It consisted of a cloverleaf,
and spinning and stepping over my front foot.
just those two steps to it, and that was all.

I put the four squares into nine squares.
It was a tic tac toe in a box.
It had eight points (not the corners)
which aligned with Pa Kya circle walking.
And there it was.

Why go further?
Why dance all around the room,
thinking I had created intricate patterns,
when the purpose was to explore the effective potentials
of either the right foot or the left foot
moving either forward or back.
And to drill the basics intensely.

So when you play with the nine square pattern,
especially in the books
Try working them on a simple square,
or on a foursquare.
You understand them better,
and you’ll see what I went through,
and you’ll be better.

The Last Martial Arts Book
(get the version with five hours of video links!)


Advanced Tai Chi Chuan for Real Self Defense!

Came up with a little bit of advice,
here go…

If you train to fight, you’ll get in fights.
If you train to beat up people, you’ll beat up people.
If you train to teach people, then the world will listen.

Have a great work out!


And thanks to everybody who picked up my book,

Advanced Tai Chi Chuan for Real Self Defense!

Don’t forget to give me five stars.
Those ratings help my sales.

Don’t forget to check out the interview

‘The Last Martial Arts Book’ has 12 ratings for 5 stars.
(There is a video version of this book with no stars yet)
My two yoga books have 9 ratings between them for 5 stars.
‘The Book of Five Arts’ has 8 ratings for 5 stars.
‘The Science of Government’ has 7 ratings for 5 stars.
‘Chiang Nan’ has 6 ratings for 5 stars.
My novel, ‘Monkeyland,’ has 5 ratings for 5 stars

That’s a lot of good ratings
so hopefully you’ll find the book that works for you.

How to Fix Karate:
A Karate Training and Workout Book
(Two Volumes)

How Matrixing Works in the Martial Arts!

Actually Understanding the Martial Arts!

I haven’t written about Matrixing for a while,
so let me explain for people who have never heard of it.

Make a list of numbers to ten.
1, 2, 3, 4…10
It’s easy to count to ten.
You can count anything.
After a while you even forget to count on your fingers.
That’s what effective martial arts looks like.
A small number of techniques easily and intuitively remembered.

as people teach the martial arts they have favorite techniques
and they leave out number 4.
You can still count to ten, sort of.
Not a real ten,
but, hey, that blank space isn’t important,
I’ve got nine things that work.

Then some guy teaches it, and his favorite technique is 13.
1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 13.
Okay. Cool. He’s got nine techniques that work,
and a thirteen technique that,
if he’s lucky, he can get away with.

A guy teaches techniques, but the enemy wears armor.
Some more techniques are left out,
and more ‘specialized techniques’ are added.

Time passes and students don’t have the weapons threat any more,
but they keep practicing the ‘specialized techniques,’
and they are adapted, changed, altered,
for different circumstances.

After a few years,
not even hundreds or thousands,
but just a handful of years,
three or four generations,
a few cultural changes,
and the art looks like this:

1, 2c, 5, 5f, 5g, 8, 3h, 16, 89, 1b,
b3, 43, 23k, 2k, yellow, 63fg, 7, 4little, 19, 9…
and eighty more techniques.
All to count to ten.

Everybody has added, changed, adapted, included
techniques from other arts, other countries,
been influenced by religion, politics
and their mothers aversion to violence.

And this what the martial arts look like today.
ALL of the martial arts.

People take years to memorize a sequence of ‘numbers’
that make no sense, are out of order,
and often don’t work at all.

Do you know what matrixing looks like?

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10

Simple. Easy to learn and…
It becomes intuitive right from the get go.
And it can be applied to ANY art!
You can figure out which techniques
belong in the sequence,
should be kicked out,
should be changed to work,
and so on.

the hidden blessing…
once you matrix your art
your mind has experienced intuitive thinking.
It begins to function differently.
It is quicker and more logical.

is matrixing for everybody?

People who are stuck in their art as a belief system
should not learn matrixing.
they don’t have the ability to learn,
and especially to be intuitive.
They will end up frustrated and critical.
Anybody who is critical is usually stuck.

People of low intelligence.
And this situation is truly terrible,
for it includes most people educated in the modern systems.
Go to school and you are likely more stupid
and even unable to learn.

But if you aren’t stupid,
and you aren’t locked into the arts as a belief system,
and you can learn…
matrixing can have a profound effect.

the proof.
I’ve got 0ver 700 pages of wins from people.
I’ve been pushing matrixing,
in some form,
since the eighties,
and I’ve only had two returns in that time.
But the real proof is this…
Money back guarantee.
Looks, it’s subjective,
the only person that can prove it is your experience.
Not somebody else’s words,
but your own dig in and find out the truth self.

here’s the link…

1a Matrix Karate

You can study it in other arts on the site,
but this was the first and most effective course.

Have a great work out!


And thanks to everybody who picked up my book,

Advanced Tai Chi Chuan for Real Self Defense!

Don’t forget to give me five stars.
Those ratings help my sales.

Don’t forget to check out the interview

‘The Last Martial Arts Book’ has 12 ratings for 5 stars.
(There is a video version of this book with no stars yet)
My two yoga books have 9 ratings between them for 5 stars.
‘The Book of Five Arts’ has 8 ratings for 5 stars.
‘The Science of Government’ has 7 ratings for 5 stars.
‘Chiang Nan’ has 6 ratings for 5 stars.
My novel, ‘Monkeyland,’ has 5 ratings for 5 stars

That’s a lot of good ratings
so hopefully you’ll find the book that works for you.

How to Fix Karate:
A Karate Training and Workout Book
(Two Volumes)