Tag Archives: aikido

Building Sixth Sense Martial Arts!

Breeding Intuition in the Martial Arts!

Intuition is a sixth sense.
It is more than just hair standing up
on the back of the neck.

I was working in a factory,
when I was a young lad.
They all knew I studied martial arts,
some thought it cool,
others thought it was a joke.

One day one of the guys asked me about sword fighting.
We went into a storage room, very poor lighting,
and I was showing him how to grip the sword
how to stand, and so on.
I was using a piece of door track for a sword,
and it had a very jagged end.

Suddenly it felt like a huge hand was turning me around,
pulling the sword down.
One of the guys who thought my martial arts was a joke,
a fellow named Eddie,
thought he’d ‘get me.’
That was his exact thought,
I later found out,
when he was sneaking up behind me.

I turned and cut
right before he cold jump me.

Only the fact that I was resisting this big force
that was pulling me around,
did I managed to avoid slicing open his face.
As it was I cut a big gash in his chest.
Blood all over,
very nasty.

That was my sixth sense.
I cultivated it through the martial arts,
and it was like a big guard dog
watching over me,
attacking to protect me
whether I saw the threat or not.

It is actually very easy to cultivate that sixth sense.
You just practice your techniques.
Seeking perfection.

You will get that sixth sense ten times faster
if you matrix.

Matrixing is like that chart you had
up on the wall in second grade.

1 + 1
1 + 2
1 + 3
and so on.
Just a big chart with numbers down one side
and across the top,
and you get all the answers if you just read the chart.
No missing answers,
no wrong answers,
no extra answers.

You figure out the numbers,
practice them endlessly,
and suddenly,
one day,
you know the answers,
as opposed to having to think about them.

That is the same concept you use
when you matrix the martial arts.
You just have to use this same method
with the martial arts.

Why does it take so long in regular ‘un-matrixed’ martial arts?

Because the techniques are random.
They are not in order.
They don’t make sense when you view them,
not by themselves or as a whole.

You are practicing martial arts
without the context.

It takes ten or even twenty years
to develop your sixth sense
doing the martial arts the regular way.

The odd thing is that you don’t have to give up your old method,
you just have to view it through the ‘matrix filter.’

It’s funny.
I’ve been pushing matrixing since 2007
and people still refuse it
call me a charlatan,
they don’t even have the brains
to look at it.

check it out at

1a Matrix Karate

Have a great work out!

Don’t forget to check out the interview

How to Fix Karate! (volumes one and two)

volume one is at

And volume two is at…

‘The Last Martial Arts Book’ has 11 ratings for 5 stars.
(There is a video version of this book with no stars yet)
My two yoga books have 9 ratings between them for 5 stars.
‘The Book of Five Arts’ has 7 ratings for 5 stars.
‘The Science of Government’ has 6 ratings for 5 stars.
‘Chiang Nan’ has 5 ratings for 5 stars.
My novel, ‘Monkeyland,’ has 5 ratings for 5 stars

That’s a lot of good ratings
so hopefully you’ll find that useful
find the book/course that is right for you,
and matrix your own martial arts.

Get a FREE Martial Arts Course (BOGO)

BOGO Martial Arts!

What a fantastic morning!
Especially for a work out!
I haven’t said it recently,
but I’ve always felt that
a form is a like a prayer.
It just cleans out the body,
soothes the spirit,
and makes the mind sharp!

you all know what a BOGO is, right?
That’s right.
Buy On Get One (free)
I’ve always felt that they should include the F
But then people would read it like
Bug Off!

If you buy a course,
you get another one
(of equal or lesser value)

The way it works is this…
you head over to MonsterMartialArts.com
and select two courses.
I don’t care which two
as long as they are about the same in price.
Then you order one of the courses,
and email me at aganzul@gmail.com
and tell me what your second course would be.
Email me if you have questions…

why am I doing this?
Why am I giving stuff away free?
Because it’s the end of an era.
The newsletter,
in its present form,
is ending.

No big deal,
to get the newsletters all you have to do
is sign up for my blog

You know,
I’ve got over 1060 issues of the newsletter.
That’s a lot of newsletters.
I’m sure I’ve written a few clinkers,
maybe offended a few people,
but I’m pretty proud of the quantity and quality of the newsletter.

I’ll put out a couple of more issues,
just to let everybody know.

right now,
remember this offer…

Buy One and Get One (free)

Have a great work out!

I beat you this month, Kumar.

Don’t forget to check out the interview

How to Fix Karate! (volumes one and two)

volume one is at

And volume two is at…

‘The Last Martial Arts Book’ has 11 ratings for 5 stars.
(There is a video version of this book with no stars yet)
My two yoga books have 9 ratings between them for 5 stars.
‘The Book of Five Arts’ has 7 ratings for 5 stars.
‘The Science of Government’ has 6 ratings for 5 stars.
‘Chiang Nan’ has 5 ratings for 5 stars.
My novel, ‘Monkeyland,’ has 5 ratings for 5 stars

That’s a lot of good ratings
so hopefully you’ll find that useful
find the book/course that is right for you,
and matrix your own martial arts.

Beating Up a Crowd of People!

Karate and Aikido Used to Suppress a Mob!

Have you ever wondered what you would do
if you were caught, or targeted, by a mob?
This is actually not an inconceivable situation
considering the antics of such as BLM or Antifa,
In 2020 these groups caused:
$2 billion in damages
rioted in 140 cities
caused the injury of 2000 cops
resulted in the deaths of 25 Americans.

There weren’t any congressional hearings on this
nor any real reporting from the media,
but these are the figures
as far as I have been able to figure.

And it is a distinct possibility
that such riots could happen again.

the question…
what would you do if you were caught up in,
and especially targeted by
a mob of crazy people?

I took Aikido in the early seventies,
and I was fascinated by the videos
of people doing multiman combat.
I also had many situations during karate classes
where we would fight multiple attackers.
Eventually, basing the material on Aikido
and on certain karate concepts,
I filmed the ‘Matrix Aikido’ course.

This is a great course,
as it is based on concept
and not memorizing endless techniques.
One day I was visiting one of my student’s classes.
There were about 20 young men (age 18-25) in the class.
I was asked many questions,
and the subject of fighting large numbers of people
was brought up,
and the students’ challenged some of my assertions.

‘Okay,’ I said.
‘let’s see if I can make my theories work.’
I always remember the surprise on their faces,
they asked me how many of the students
should attempt to lay hands on me
I said, ‘Everybody.’
Man, they were blinking,
then they looked at each other and grinned,
and the melee was on.

It was some ten minutes
before anybody laid a hand on me,
and I will tell you EXACTLY what I did.
Mind you,
I was theorizing and training in pure concepts at the time.

there are three directions
that a punch will take
generally speaking,
and this tended to hold true
for my situation.

the punch might hit you.
if you move back,
it will pass in front of you.
if you move forward,
it will pass behind you.

There were a few kicks,
but I just used the same theory,
but adapted it for kicks.

I then attacked.
you heard me right,
I went forward,
into the mass of twenty men.

They were trying to create enough room
so they could punch (kick) me.
This moved them away from each other
just enough so I could slip between.

I wouldn’t always recommend a charge,
but we were in a big park
and I had plenty of room to maneuver.

As they turned to chase me
they were now in each other’s way.
As I recall,
Aikido holds that three people
is the worst scenario for people attacking you
because they have enough room.
More than three and they get in each other’s way.

Now I had only two concepts in mind.
I moved in and grabbed their bodies and ‘danced’ with them
and flung them away.
I slowed down as the punch came in
pushed their punch across their body
then they were tangled and I pushed them away.
And I kept throwing them in front of each other

At all times I went forward.
This gave me the initiative.
I never went backwards.
Everybody chased me
and was constantly having to step around bodies.
It was one of the easiest fights I had ever had.

the only other thing of interest in this
is that when I started I noticed one person looking at me.
I knew he was going to be the one to get me.
I made it my strategy to always avoid him.
But at the end,
he got close and tagged me in the back with a punch.

what I did was that simple.
It was not complex.
If I had tried complex maneuvers
they would have got me in the beginning.
Though, as I progressed
and figured things out,
I did mix in specific techniques,
appropriate to the ‘punch in front or punch in back’
that I was conceptualizing.

I knew what I was doing
would hold true for clubs and such.
It might even hold true for firearms,
but there would be considerable limits
on what I could do in that situation.

Which brings us to the Antifa/BLM riots.
Buildings burning,
people with guns
Kyle Rittenhouse

Kyle wasn’t trained in the martial arts,
he was only trying to get away,
and only the fact that he had a gun
enabled him to do so.

If he tried to get away and hadn’t had a gun
he likely would have been killed,
at least severely maimed.

If he hadn’t had a gun,
of course,
he might not even have been attacked.
But that is a probability I wouldn’t bet on.

imagine yourself in that situation.
Do you understand the concepts I outlined,
always attacking,
stepping in front of or behind the strike,
how to adapt it to kicks
or to weapons like clubs or even swords.

What is most interesting is seeing how many techniques
you can come up with from the
‘punch in front, punch behind’ concept.
This will define an entire martial art.
It will be logical,
and you should avoid poser techniques.

if you find fault with my method,
or think it won’t work,
what can you come up with?

have fun with this.
And thanks to Kumar for asking.

Here is the link to Matrix Aikido
where I give a seminar and show
the actual conceptualizing of Aikido.

1c Matrix Aikido

Have a great work out!


And don’t forget to check out the interview

I’ve got nothing but five star reviews on

The Science of Government.
It’s really nothing more than applying matrixing to politics.

Matrixing + Politics = Sanity

I told you matrixing works with anything.

Here’s the link…

How to Fix Karate! (volumes one and two)

volume one is at

And volume two is at…

Republished a Martial Arts Book!

I republished Chiang Nan as a video course book

It’ll be available on Amazon in a day or two.
It has links to about five hours of video.

So far I have several books repub-ed as ‘video course books.’

How to Fix Karate 1
How to Fix Karate 2
Shaolin Butterfly (the butterfly form) (Kindle)
Shaolin Butterfly
Nine Square Diagram Boxing
Hidden Techniques of Karate (Chiang Nan)

Sales are good, and I thank you.
and I’ll be doing more books,
and writing new ones.
I have a couple of hundred hours of video
that have never seen the light of day,
so I’m looking forward to that.

the courses are still the best source of information.
They have all the videos,
the best videos,
and all the bonuses.

I had a fellow asking about the usage of the hips in the martial arts.

The hips are the cornerstone of the martial arts,
because that is where the major weight of the body resides.
If you hit somebody,
try to get your whole body behind the strike (block)
If you have to move out of the way,
you have to move the hips to effectively move the body.
Unless you want to bend at the hips and be out of balance.
We used to have an exercise.
We would hold a broom stick across the front of hips
then slam the hips back and forth,
pivoting from one front stance to another.
We would judge out effectiveness
by how well the tips of the broom stick
would snap into place.
Really got us centered down.

But here’s the funny thing,
each art has a specific to the hips.
Consider that there were only three directions that the hips can go,
forward, down and rotational.
In karate you thrust.

You drive the hips forward and align them with the strike or block.
In Pa Kua Chang you rotate the hips.
In Aikido you rotate the hips.
But in all arts you must sink the hips.

Sinking the hips connects with the ground,
braces your technique on the earth itself,
and you might consider a small study in physics
concerning the idea of grounding.
Understand what a ground is in electronics,
what it is in architecture,
and so on,
and suddenly you have the idea.

You see most people don’t understand
that their body is a machine
and that it must function as a machine.
Instead, they get emotional,
they start putting their attention (intention)
on their head,
and the body becomes up rooted easily.

One of my big kicks
was to show somebody how to ground.
I would push on their shoulders
and show them how to let the force
go through their bodies and into the ground.
when they had it,
I would simply say ‘look up,’
and they would fly away.

The col thing was that after I had done that a few times,
people started learning how to put their intention down,
and not be distracted by up.

In other words,
they learned not to be dependent upon their eyes.
They learned intention
without the distraction of the earthly senses.
Very interesting.

Want to know something REALLY interesting?
I would take a student and deliver strikes and have him give the blocks.
Easy peasy, he’s got it in no time.
Then I would have him close his eyes and I would say,
‘I am striking you slowly,
block when you feel it.’

Sometimes my strike would touch them.
Sometimes they would feet it coming too soon.
But eventually, and we’re talking about an hour or so,
even spread out over a couple of classes,
they would feel me coming and get it right.
Blew their minds.

You don’t need your eyes.
You don’t need your ears.
You just need to know where you are
and forget about what is happening.
It’s that easy,
and it changes everything you do.
It’ll change the way you move.
It’ll change the way you fight.
But don’t believe me.
Try it, you’ll like it.
But you should practice your forms a whole lot
before you try it.
The forms enable you to learn control and discipline,
and control and discipline
is what the martial arts are all about.

I’ll talk more on this stuff some day,
but for now,
check out my books from above
and have a great day.



And don’t forget to check out the interview

I’ve got nothing but five star reviews on

The Science of Government.
It’s really nothing more than applying matrixing to politics.

Matrixing + Politics = Sanity

I told you matrixing works with anything.

Here’s the link…

How to Fix Karate! (volumes one and two)

volume one is at

And volume two is at…

Fighting Without Fighting!

Newsletter 1049 ~ subscribe on the right…

I want to talk about
fighting without fighting,
but first…

Thanks to everybody for making How to Fix Karate a Success!
It’s on Amazon.

Now then…
Fighting without fighting.
First, you have to learn to fight.
Nothing stops a fellow from trying to mug you
like him knowing you’re going to come out on top.
Get your black belt,
get zen confidence,
nobody is going to bother you.
You learned to fight so you don’t have to fight.

This is the crux of the second amendment,
for those of you who wondered.

somebody STILL wants to fight.
This is the one that it took me years to figure out,
and that nobody knows.
I figured it out while figuring out Neutronics.

In this universe there are only objects that move around.
So you’re sitting there peacefully,
and some guy starts moving towards you
and he wants to conk you.
I simply say,
‘you’re coming towards me.’
And he goes away.
Isn’t that weird?

His body is part of the universe,
and his motion has been detected,
and let me tell give you a little bit of data.
The guy that wants to hit you
doesn’t want to be hit.
Except for the truly insane,
nobody wants to be hit,
and the insane don’t really want to either,
if you dig into them a bit.

So you can defeat anybody
simply by observing that they are coming towards you.
They know you see them,
and they don’t want to get hit,
so they leave.

here is the truly amazing thing about this,
it works against almost any sentient thing.
I’ve used it when a dog wanted to bite me.
A couple of times.

I’ve used it against salespeople.
Isn’t that a kick in the head?
But salespeople who seek you out,
or are a little too much in their sales pitch,
are trying to bully you into something you don’t want.
you just look at them and say,
“You’re coming towards me.”

I’ve used it against people who were bullies.

I’ve used it against people who simply bugged me.

I’ve even used it against those most dangerous of souls…Karens!

it might not work if you haven’t studied martial arts
and gained that peace of soul
that is the end result of the real martial arts.

And I would be careful in a combat zone.
People in riot are not sentient,
take a look at the Kyle Rittenhouse situation if you doubt.

You can use deviations.
‘I see you’ is good.
And there are others.
But the main thing is to see them,
and let them know they’ve been seen.

hope you have fun with this one,
and here’s the obligatory ads,
this for the two two volumes I just published…

How to Fix Karate! (volumes one and two)

volume one is at

And volume two is at…



And don’t forget to check out the interview

I’ve got nothing but five star reviews on

The Science of Government.
It’s really nothing more than applying matrixing to politics.

Matrixing + Politics = Sanity

I told you matrixing works with anything.

Here’s the link…

The Real Martial Arts Secret of the Universe!

Newsletter 1016

A Bit of Effective eMartial Arts Philosophy

What a day!
I just saw a duck walk past
with seven ducklings behind her.

Okay, a real secret of the universe today.
Not one of those shabby, second rate secrets,
but the real goods.
Let’s set the stage…

What is the universe?
A bunch of objects floating through space.

Not much of a secret, eh?
Until you consider what this means to the martial arts.

A fist floats through space
it is aiming for your jaw.
two things may happen,
and only two.

The fist connects,
or it misses.
And there is the secret.
You don’t see it?
Here we go.

If the fist connects it is force.
If the fist misses it is flow.

And that’s ALL there is.
A guy connects with you,
or misses.

Force bad if his fist hits you.
Force good if your fist hits him.
Sort of.

Flow good if fist misses.
Flow bad if it wasn’t a fist,
but a beautiful girl
that was trying to ‘connect’ with you.

I know
thats too simple to be a real secret.
Let’s go further.

Without force the universe stagnates and dies.
no punching,
but also no sex.
No resultant familes.
No civilization.
We’re all alone,
man IS an island,
and that’s all she wrote, brother.

So the universe needs force to survive.
here is the problem,
and this is starting to become secretive,
or at least,
you’ve probably never heard this…

The universe teaches force.

It’s got to to survive.
And the real problem here
is not that the universe teaches force,
it is that man buys it.

man never buys flow.
He has been trained not to.
The universe won’t reproduce
and give him all those nifty things
like cars and buildings and TVs and so on,
if he doesn’t buy force.

Which means,
anybody who buys into force too much
is only living half a life.
He is only living the force part.
The force part gives him
and so on.

The flow part gives him something else.
But to understand this
we must understand the benefit of flow.

Here’s some stuff to think about.
If you go away from something…it’s gone.
If you go towards something there will be impact,
with good and bad potentials,
and resulting vectors and new shapes and forms
and so on.

But if you go WITH something…
if you flow with them,
not colliding,
but encouraging harmony…there’s the other half of the universe.

there is art
and beauty
and love
and children playing in the fields.

I hope this train of thought has encouraged
a realization or two,
and thus qualifies as a good secret.

Let’s go one step further.

The incredibly sad truth
is that a person can’t really understand truth and beauty
until he understands rot and ugliness.

in the martial arts,
if you don’t learn how to maim and kill,
dismember and rip body parts off…
you won’t understand this thing called ‘Flow,’
and truth and beauty and all that sort of thing.

this is going to sound like a fortune cookie,
or a bumper sticker…

“You can’t learn the soft arts
unless you have learned the hard arts.”

This is a tremendous statement
with incredible ramifications,
and I know I have said it before.

you must have yang to learn yin.

the actual place I learned the concept,
to help me describe what I was understanding
through the discipline of arts
was in The Tao.

Something about…
‘there is no high without low.
There is no forward without backward.’

this is sort of basic Neutronics,
for anybody who is interested,
but let me give you
the obligatory advertisement.

Check out the video
halfway down the page here…

2c Five Army Tai Chi Chuan

I wouldn’t have understood all these things
about jointlocks and pressure points
and balance and how the body works
if i hadn’t dabbled in the softer arts.

let me tell you, brother,
these things are incredibly functional
if you have the hard to understand them.

the conclusion…

The universe teaches force.
Humanity teaches flow.
You have a wonderful choice and opportunity here.
Have a GREAT work out!


2c Five Army Tai Chi Chuan

My novel, Monkeyland, is worth the read.
Check out the five star reviews on Amazon.

Internal Chi Power: Karate and Tai Chi Chuan

Newsletter 998

The Two Types of Internal Power (chi)!

Hi guys and gals!
Happy Corona vacation!
I hope you’ve made the best of it,
learned an art or two,
worked out every day,
preserved your health and safety
for your whole life.
If not…okay,
you’ve still got time.

One of the big mysteries in the martial arts
is this thing called Chi Power,
or ‘internal power.’
It is spoken of in Karate and kung fu,
Aikido and Tai Chi
and all manner of arts.
and more modern arts,
don’t speak of it.
In fact,
‘chi power’ is often denigrated,
held in poor repute.
All that means is that people don’t understand it,
and so bad mouth it.
let me delve into the subject briefly.
Before I do,
you should know something.
Most arts won’t generate chi power
for the simple reason
that the body is not structured properly.
To make chi you first have to have resistance,
and the body must be formed
to take advantage of that resistance.
you don’t make muscles,
although muscles occur,
in real martial arts.
You generate awareness,
and awareness becomes chi power.
When you do the Master Instructor course
you learn how to create resistance
by structuring the body correctly,
and that turns into chi power,
but it’s not easy.
It takes time and awareness,
and most people are too interested in beating people up
and so ignore the simple fact of awareness.
When you do the Matrix Karate you learn how to structure an art,
and that speeds everything up.
No missing pieces in your path,
nothing out of place or not making sense.

that all said,
let’s talk about the two main types
of internal power in the martial arts.

There are hard arts,
karate and kung fu and such.
Then there are soft arts,
such as Aikido and Tai Chi.

Karate is a matter of analyzing the body
so that it provides certain paths of resistance,
and then using as little force as possible
on these paths.
Why as little force as possible?
Because if you use force you build muscles.
If you don’t use force,
then you start to use energy.
But the paths of resistance MUST be correct
for the generation of energy to occur.
If you turn your feet wrong you lose resistance.
If your hips aren’t aligned you lose resistance.
If your shoulders overthrow you lose resistance,
and so on and so on.
This is why the old guys who teach hard chi
obsess on such things as the wrist not being turned properly.
Even if you knock the other guy out…bad form.

here is an interesting phenomena.
Most karate teaches explosive power.
It’s all in your ability to explode.
If your form is correct
you might make the transition
and start to generate chi power.
Most styles of karate,
do not have proper form.
they have been made into boxing,
or the instructors haven’t understood what they are doing
and the art has become tweaked and incorrect.

the proper way to teach hard chi
is as follows.
Push with the foot,
feel the turn of the leg,
feel the turn of the hip,
feel the power go up the body,
feel the corkscrew of the arm
snap the fist.

This is described in many places,
but the directions are poor,
or they leave things out.
The instructor doesn’t teach the student
to stop tightening the whole body
and to tighten only the wrist.
Or breathing is neglected.
Or the purpose of stances is not adhered to.
(sink the weight into the ground to create a motor).
But if you relax, breath correctly,
feel weight and sensation course up through the body
through exact configuration
(spiral, unfold, pulse, etc.)
then you don’t get chi power.

tell the truth,
I had chi power from my study of karate.
I had a teacher who taught a good art,
and I obsessed on figuring out the best way to form the body.
But I didn’t understand it,
and wasn’t able to teach it effectively
until after I had done Tai Chi.
Tai Chi gave me the ‘emptiness’ that I needed
to fulfill the ‘empty’ in ‘empty hands.’

having mentioned Tai Chi,
let’s talk about the chi power you get
from such arts as Tai Chi or Aikido.

Karate is an explosion.
A ball of boom!
Aikido and Tai Chi…
they rely on getting ahead of the attacker
just enough to unbalance them.
here is the secret.
When you move with somebody,
in harmony with them,
you tap into more power.
It is the simple fact of two motors
(two bodies)
working in tandem.
More energy is created.
And, harmony has more inherent energy
than the fact of exploding.

Which is not to say karate or kung fu
don’t have harmony.
But it is constantly being upset by the need for power.
If a person can stop lusting for power,
learn to relax while punching,
harmony breeds.
Never as much as in Tai Chi or Aikido,
but enough.

So these are the two types of internal power
you get from the classical martial arts,
arts that haven’t been corrupted by such things as politics,
MMA, boxing, the need to pay rent, and so on.

But there are more types of internal energy.
Much more.
But the correct path would be to develop
one, or both, of the types of energy I describe here,
then let other energies develop.
And they will develop.
Every person is different,
so it may be difficult to predict
what kind of energy and ability you will develop,
and it may not be what you were expecting.
But whatever you get,
it will be in keeping with your personality
and your personal evolution of spirit.

If you want what I am describing here,
I recommend

the Master Instructor course
to learn how to structure the body correctly.

Matrix Karate
to learn how to structure an art
so there will be no missing pieces,
no out of place oddities.

if you are a long timer
and understand all that I am saying,
you might like to delve into
Tai Chi Chuan.

‘nuff said,
have yourself a great and wonderful Corona vacation,
and a super duper work out.

2c Five Army Tai Chi Chuan

Chi Energy Developed through Martial Arts

Newsletter 990

Odd Things About Energy in Tai Chi Chuan and Karate

I don’t talk about energy
in the martial arts
(in Tai Chi Chuan, Karate, etc.)
as much as I should.
Some people think energy (chi) is bogus.
That’s okay,
they can bail this newsletter and pick up the next one.
But here’s some stuff about chi in the martial arts.

I was talking to a student the other day,
and we got into postures
when you are just talking to people.
We had just finished some form
and she was standing,
and she clasped her hands in front of her.
I pointed out that when you do a TCC form
energy is moving.
When you clasp your hands
or otherwise touch your body
you turn the energy into the body
and the creation of chi stops.
it goes into circuit,
instead of flowing outward,
which the form trains the energy to do.
So after a form,
you should simply stand,
let the chi exude from your fingertips,
and swell from your body.

This concept relates to postures
when in simple communication with somebody.
She understood that when you fold your arms
you are indicating,
on a ‘subliminal’ level,
you are closed to communication
When you open your arms you are open to communication
And there are variations and versions of this
‘opening’ and ‘closing’ of the body
that people do in simple communication.
But this opening and closing relates to the circles of the arms
and the flow of energy
when doing the martial arts
and specifically Tai Chi

In Aikido we used to do a ‘two step’ movement across the mat,
pretending chi was flowing out of our out flung arms.
Then we tried to keep that flow moving as we entered into techniques.

In karate we ‘pump’ the energy in the body.
we build it in the fists.
Which is an oddity,
because closing the fists actually stops the flow of chi.
But you need closed fists,
but you should,
every so often,
do your forms with open hands,
and explore the different sensations and energies you get.

In Tai Chi you move chi through the body, yes,
but it should eventually exit the body in most most postures.
Here is how chi works in a few of the stances.

slant flying
two ‘horizontal’ circles of the arms
the chi contracts and expands as if you are holding a ball of chi in your arms
this is very close to the tan tien.

brush knee
with roll back it is as if you are pulling a rope
then pushing with a palm
a circle in front of you with the blocking hand
a circle (pulsing oval) of the pushing arm next to you
(feels like a locomotive chuffing)

fair lady
the front hand makes a circle
the rear hand (oval) comes through the circle made.
Something interesting here,
fair lady was originally called
‘fair lady weaves at the shuttles.’
it was a series of plucking motions,
resembling a lady weaving at the shuttles.
Martial techniques changed the original motion
into a more shaolin or pa kua version.
‘tiger comes out of the cave.’
You sink and then corkscrew upward,
one arm creating the mouth of a cave,
the second hand coming out of the cave.

I mention this last because martial arts names
especially Chinese,
resemble certain images,
and you have to explore the images
and the changes of images,
to get to the truth of how energy works.

So there are three postures.
first you look at what kind of circles are involved
in the hand motions.
Then you explore whether the energy
expands and contracts,
whether it fits an imagery
(fair lady can be done like a locomotive chuffing,
very interesting)
and you do a bunch of other things.
when you strike you should…
push with legs, turn waist, circle (pump) the arms.
of course,
you should practice relaxing
and focusing on the smoothness of your motion.
It helps to imagine perfect circles
(ovals, spirals, etc.)

Probably the most important thing of all
when it comes to creating energy.
Breath in when the body contracts,
out when it expands.
Breath to the tan tien,
then sink the energy down the legs.
Breath as if into the body part striking
or getting struck.

there is a lot more.
Usually small things
that create a big wholism.
What the hands do the energy in the tan tien will mimic.
Shoulders MUST be over hips.
turn the body as one,
all pieces of the body must support one intention,
and so on.

if I made a simple list,
it would be a thousand items.
doing the form year in and year out
and you will figure them out in 20 or 30 years
or maybe 40.

Now you see why I obsess on matrixing so much.
People should, and can, learn faster.
If you do a form for 30 or so years,
if you understand the techniques,
you figure it all out.
With matrixing you can cut the time by tens.
Instead of 30 years,
3 years.

But there is money in stretching the time of learning out.
Car contracts are a big thing,
most schools can’t survive without them.
when you think about people who want self defense,
and are sold,
a bill of goods.

But when martial arts started up,
over the ages,
people needed to be put in combat.
So they needed to be taught quick,
the teacher couldn’t mess up,
or make mistakes,
lives depended on him.
He didn’t worry about getting a student on contract for several years,
he simply taught fast,
knocked heads and you’d better learn,
or else.
Armies of pheasants were created in months, even weeks.

The US army is based on learn quick and fast.
We turn out the best soldieres in the world in a matter of months.
Can you imagine the US army with such a viewpoint
as is presented in the martial arts today?
‘It will take you three years to complete basic training.’
We wouldn’t be the best military in the world
with that kind of thought.
Yet that is EXACTLY the kind of thought
that goes along with the martial arts.

I can teach a guy to fight in a month.
Fight well,
survive in a real fight,
no problemo.
But fighting isn’t the martial arts.
If you read this newsletter again you’ll see
that I’m not talking about fighting…
I’m talking about the body as an energy system.
I’m not talking about muscles,
I’m talking about energy as a viable and useful tool.

I’ve talked long enough.
You’ve either got it,
or you aren’t going to get it.

There is more to life than push ups and fights.
There are philosophies,
energy systems,
methods of thought,
ways of living
far beyond what you ever thought…Horatio.

So here’s the obligatory ad.
Have fun,

2c Five Army Tai Chi Chuan

Or try the whole package…

2ca Tai Chi Chuan Package

and have a great work out!


2c Five Army Tai Chi Chuan

Or try the whole package…

2ca Tai Chi Chuan Package

Unding your Education with Matrixing

Newsletter 989

The Odd Effects of Matrixing in the Martial Arts

Started matrixing back in the 80s.
Been a long time.
Formalized it around 2007.
Taught a lot of people,
but here’s the thing…
matrixing is VERY subtle.

You do the first courses,
maybe you get a blast of realization,
especially if you’ve spent some time in the arts,
have a good database that needs to be organized.
Then the real work starts.

Time passes
and the seeds gestate within.
The initial blast of logic fades a bit,
but it keeps working.
Sometimes you don’t realize it
but you are looking at the world differently.
Life becomes smoother.
things other than the arts make sense,
are made logical by the matrixing going on inside you.

When you go to school
you are told to shut up and learn.
It’s all behavior modification.
Teachers can’t control the classes
unless they can control the masses.
So shut up and do your work.
Doesn’t matter that the work isn’t logical,
doesn’t have much to do with life.
Shut up and do your work.

They even go after you after school.
Do your homework.
No rest.
Get trained (modified)
so you can be a cog in a factory.

And here’s the thing…
there isn’t much real learning.
it’s memorizing.
When was the battle of Bull Run.
Who cares.
Memorize that algebraic function.
Even though you will never use it in life.

when a lot of people graduate
they are in one of two modes…
a robot ready to man a desk somewhere…
and learning sucks.

school teaches you that learning can be boring,
meaningless and stupid.
So people come out of school thinking that learning sucks.
I did.
And I’d probably still think that learning sucks,
if it wasn’’ for martial arts…
and then matrixing.

There are things in school,
underneath all the drivel,
that do mean something.
Learning how to write,
what all that grammar stuff is,
is incredible.
But they don’t spend a lot of time on that.
Better to modify your behavior.

Underneath that algebra,
is a whole method of learning and analysis
and critical thinking…
but they slide over that quick,
too hard to explain.

And speaking of critical thinking…
schools don’t go anywhere near that.
Kids might start thinking for themselves,
and then where would the behavior modifiers be?

I started learning when it came to the martial arts.
I wanted to understand it.
I wanted to figure it out.
And I started thinking.
I started analyzing it,
being critical in my thought concerning it.
I started doing things that school never prepared me for,
and never wanted me to do.

A quick way to line up all the data,
to make sense of it
and apply it.
And the carefully arranged rigidity of my mind
started to shatter.

it doesn’t work that way for everybody.

I was lucky,
had a couple of good schools,
an instructor who didn’t say much,
but could do a lot,
but who wanted us to figure it out for ourselves.

I remember once,
when a couple of the students went to Bob (my instructor).
They showed him two techniques
and asked him which was better.
He said,
‘I don’t know.’
But it was obvious he knew!
But it was also obvious he wanted to think for ourselves,
to make up our own minds.
To look at the techniques,
try them out,
mix them up,
analyze them,
synthesize them,
understand them.

That is something that almost no teacher,
in todays schools,
martial arts or otherwise,
wants you to do.

No critical thinking for you…
you have to stay a bozo.

I’ve ranted enough,
and it’s up to you.
Be a carefully crafted
‘do what I say’ person,
or start looking.
Get critical,
get analytical,
start matrixing,
look for understanding,
here’s the real deal…
start having some fun.

when you finally figure out what I’m saying
you’ll understand something that teachers may talk about
but don’t know how to make happen…

Here’s some real fun…

1a Matrix Karate

hapy vets day to you!
and have a great work out!


1a Matrix Karate

Rape, Martial Arts and Ethics

Newsletter 985

What is Your Martial Art Ethic?

I was teaching a student the other day.
She’s over 70,
but studied martial arts when she was young
so she’s in good shape.
I showed her a technique,
and we were talking,
and she made an interesting remark.
‘If I had him down like that
I’d kick him and stomp him.
I’d kill him.’

We had been talking about a rape situation,
I usually avoid those in teaching,
but she brought it up,
and I said,
‘But you’ve already got him down.
Why kill him?’

‘Because of what he’s done.
If he’s raped one,
he’s raped another.
He needs to be killed.’

It was funny.
She’s liberal in most attitudes,
but in this situation
she was a little to the right of Ghenghis Khan.
My kind of girl.

I said,
‘if you give in to rage you give up the art.’

But she really didn’t get it.
I couldn’t dent her pissed off-ness.
We were just talking,
but the rage she held,
for a make believe situation
(that she had never been in),
I couldn’t dent.

you see,
didn’t matter
when it came to rape.

I told her that if she shot somebody
and the wound was in the back
she would go to jail.
A man with a turned back is trying to get away,
is no threat,
and shooting becomes murder
if there is no threat of harm.

She didn’t care.
She was right,
and that was it.

I kept teaching her,
and will continue to do so,
even though there is a spot of insanity
hiding in her bones.

But then everybody is insane,
they don’t realize it
or they would be sane.

Martial Arts makes one sane.
It leads,
if done correctly,
to a higher ethic.

So when I meet somebody who is off kilter,
I just tell them to keep practicing.

how about you?
If you’re female,
and found yourself in the situation
of having a rapist at your mercy,
would you do harm?
Kill him?
Cut off body parts?
Would you let your baser part rule you?

If you’re male,
and your wife or daughter is compromised,
would you kill the rapist?
You’ve already knocked him down,
he’s no threat.
Would you fall to revenge
and do bad things to him?

I’m not going to lecture anybody on this,
there is a line between civilization and savagery here,
and though I claim the higher ethic,
I can’t claim that what I think
is best for the race.

I’ll keep working out,
and hope that I find the answer that is right,

Here’s the obligatory ad,
it’s for Tai Chi because that is what I was teaching this good lady.

2ba Matrix Tai Chi Chuan

Have a great work out!
