Tag Archives: karate black belt

Martial Arts Firestorm!

Kung Fu Firestorm!

Hearts to California.
I lived there for over 70 years
and I loved it.

You know how to defeat the firestorm
that engulfed California?
Or similar tragedies that infect our country?
Elect competent politicians.
Where do we get competent politicians?
From competent people.
Where do we get competent people?
The martial arts.

Martial Arts provides a discipline
that makes people competent.
Over the last almost 60 years
I have met thousands of martial artists.
Every one of them has been competent
and even understanding and patient.
They invariably own their own business,
or occupy positions of management.

not to spread the doom and gloom,
but when people start roaming the streets
and crime is rampant,
it’s martial arts that will enable you to survive.
Regulations in California
will screw up the rebuilding.
The result will be mansions
and homeless communities.
A perfect storm of rich people
and the people who want to rob them.

if that isn’t bad enough,
people will be moving out of California,
more than ever,
and they will bring a certain degree of
and even criminality,
to a town near you.

I’m not kidding.
I grew up in California
and watched this happen.
With this current tragedy
I can see it happening countrywide.

If you know martial arts,
learn some more.

The Last Martial Arts Book!

If you just want to learn them,
try this course…

Matrix Karate

in the interests of strengthening good people
and the country at large,
let’s have a firestorm sale
to combat the firestorm in California.
I’ll continue the BOGO
(Buy One Get One free)
I had in December.

All you have to do is order a course,
then email me at aganzul.gmail.com,
and let me know what you want
your second course to be.

My best wishes to California, and…
Have a great work out!


PS ~ sign up for the blog at

Don’t forget to check out the interview


The Last Martial Arts Book

Advanced Tai Chi Chuan for Real Self Defense!

Five Martial Arts!

The Power of the Karate Horse Stance?

Why the Horse Stance?

Good morning!
Summer is coming,
so start thinking about what art
you’re going to learn this summer!

Let’s talk about the horse stance.
It is considered by many
to be THE stance of classical martial arts.

First, because the body is an energy system.
If you’ve gotten any of my courses
you’ll remember that
weight equals work equals energy.

When you sink your weight,
your tan tien has to create more energy
that energy can be used in strikes, blocks, etc.

how much energy do you need?
Or…how deep do you go in your stance?

I used to practice holding a horse stance
with a stick laid across my thighs.
This made my thigh bones horizontal to the ground,
was difficult,
and gave me lots of strength
and even a bit of flexibility.
But it was impractical for fighting.

If you go lower,
if your butt is below your knees,
you’re not in a horse,
you’re in a squat.

If you go higher you’re not getting the power.

you don’t need to practice those low, low stances forever.
Practice for a while,
till you have the power,
then raise your stances and use that power in your mobility.

I never practiced those super low stances in forms.
I practiced them in a meditation we practiced
which we called ‘Kima Chasie.’
I apologize if I have the spelling wrong,
or even the translation,
which we were told meant,
‘horse meditation.’

We would assume a stance with the bottom of our butts
on a level with the top of our knees.
A very slight slope.
We would hold one hand in an open hand high block,
and the other hand stretched to the side
with the fingers turned in a ‘beak’ to the rear.

This gets painful real quick,
but if you realize one simple idea…
‘it may hurt but it won’t kill you,’
and just sit through the pain,
the pain will eventually stop,
and you will have super leg power,
and incredible mental power.

So how deep should the horse stance be?
Depends on what you’re doing.
Are you seeking mobility?
Something else?
Are you doing it in meditation?
Part of a form?
For some other reason?

It’s up to you.
But what is guaranteed
is that the horse stance is a profound secret of poweer,
if you can get past the pain
and tap into your inner self.

Prepare for the summer!
Plan your work outs now!
Set up your dojo!
Every form is a prayer,
every technique reveals your heart.

Have a great work out!


(thanks to Kumar)

And thanks to everybody who picked up my book,

Advanced Tai Chi Chuan for Real Self Defense!

Don’t forget to give me five stars.
Those ratings help my sales.

Don’t forget to check out the interview

‘The Last Martial Arts Book’ has 12 ratings for 5 stars.
(There is a video version of this book with no stars yet)
My two yoga books have 9 ratings between them for 5 stars.
‘The Book of Five Arts’ has 8 ratings for 5 stars.
‘The Science of Government’ has 7 ratings for 5 stars.
‘Chiang Nan’ has 6 ratings for 5 stars.
My novel, ‘Monkeyland,’ has 5 ratings for 5 stars

That’s a lot of good ratings
so hopefully you’ll find the book that works for you.

How to Fix Karate:
A Karate Training and Workout Book
(Two Volumes)

Original Karate Technique!

Hidden Techniques of Karate!

I originally published this book as Chiang Nan.
I added several hours of video links
and renamed it
‘Hidden Techniques of Karate.’

The version called Chiang Nan
without the video links
has five star ratings.
Hidden Techniques, however, has no ratings.
You’d think I would have more and even better ratings
for a book that includes several hours of videos.

I want to discuss the first technique.
It’s the third move in Pinan one (Heian One)
the move with the rolling fists.
On the surface it is stupid, as I will show you.
But when you see what it is really is
it really makes sense.

Pay attention to the way ‘old masters’ do this technique.
It will demonstrate how even the guys
who supposedly know so much have been bamboozled.
My way is best,
and if you do it right,
and the guy doesn’t let go his grab
a little practice
and you can break his wrist with your strike.

Here you go.

If the link doesn’t work try copy and paste into your browser.

the book is
Hidden Techniques of Karate
It’s a video course book.
It’s got hours and hours of video
forms and applications,
and it is a valuable lesson in the right way to do martial arts.

Here’s the website link…

Hidden Techniques of Karate

Or if you want to just go to Amazon just type
‘Hidden Techniques of Karate’ in the amazon search box.

have yourself a funomenal day!
And a great work out!


Don’t forget to check out the interview

‘The Last Martial Arts Book’ has 12 ratings for 5 stars.
(There is a video version of this book with no stars yet)
My two yoga books have 9 ratings between them for 5 stars.
‘The Book of Five Arts’ has 8 ratings for 5 stars.
‘The Science of Government’ has 7 ratings for 5 stars.
‘Chiang Nan’ has 6 ratings for 5 stars.
My novel, ‘Monkeyland,’ has 5 ratings for 5 stars

That’s a lot of good ratings
so hopefully you’ll find the book that works for you.

How to Fix Karate:
A Karate Training and Workout Book
(Two Volumes)

Karate as a Filter for Life!

Everything in Life Seen Through Karate!

I think it was Gichin Funakoshi
who said that
‘all life is karate.’
So what does that really mean?

It means that you put a filter over your eyes
and view everything through karate.

As a professional writer I came to learn that
you can compare language to forms.

The motion of the body is a verb
that ends with a punctuation punch.

Basics are letters.
Techniques are words.
Forms are sentences.
I believe Kenpo has also stated this.

Music is particularly well suited to the karate analogy.
Timing is an exquisite sense of how to fool the listener/opponent.
The shape of your hand as you play notes and chords…

Dance…the comparison is obvious.
They are both body motion.

If you ride a bike,
the bike is the form,
the ride is the freestyle.

Running a business
is strict adherence to form,
implementing techniques
with the occasional freestyle
as individuals have their own bright ideas
that aren’t so bright
or somehow go against the master form.

Driving a car,
sailing a drone,
marching, running, climbing trees,
dealing with people so that all win,

Everything in life can be reduced to form,
to technical deviations,
to freestyle applications.

the cruel trick is this:
all Karate is done wrong.
All karate is based on blocks, kicks and strikes.
Which are good foundations,
but the real secret of karate
is in the ‘slap/grab technique.
That is a technique which precedes all motion.
Yet nobody teaches it.
A few arts come close,
but nobody has ever actually broken down body motion
and understood the subtle implications
in the motions leading up to blocks.

Try it.
Try making slap/grabs in every technique.
You’ll find that the techniques suddenly work.
and they actually work in freestyle.
It wasn’t that the founders hid things,
though they did
in a secret meeting back about 1900.
It was that they didn’t understand this subtle implication
of the motion of the body
before and leading into virtually every technique
in karate,
and virtually all other martial arts.

Go ahead,
try it.
Find the slap/grab.
Find the slap,
or the grab,
or the slap/grab.
Once you see it,
you’ll be amazed.

And for those who wish to see how
I extrapolated this little motion,
check out the

How to Fix Karate Books

(two volumes, you have to order them separately)
on Amazon.
They’ve got about five hours of video links,
and they show how I use the slap and the grab
and the slap/grab,
all the way through.

that said, it’s time to say…

Have a great work out,
and HanaKwanMass to all!


Don’t forget to check out the interview

‘The Last Martial Arts Book’ has 12 ratings for 5 stars.
(There is a video version of this book with no stars yet)
My two yoga books have 9 ratings between them for 5 stars.
‘The Book of Five Arts’ has 8 ratings for 5 stars.
‘The Science of Government’ has 7 ratings for 5 stars.
‘Chiang Nan’ has 6 ratings for 5 stars.
My novel, ‘Monkeyland,’ has 5 ratings for 5 stars

That’s a lot of good ratings
so hopefully you’ll find the book that works for you.

How to Fix Karate:
A Karate Training and Workout Book
(Two Volumes)

At the End of the Martial Arts Path!

The Secret of the Real Martial Arts

All right,
a beautiful day for secrets.
Of course, that means you might have to think.
NO! comes the scream.
Too bad, so sad.
But if you want to learn the real martial arts you will have to think.
And specifically,
you will have to think about what I am about to tell you.

What is the purpose of the martial arts?
Why, it’s to beat people up!
And it is.
On a certain level.

But what is really at the end of the martial arts path?
What do you get if you are studying a true martial art and persist?
To love and trust your fellow man.

What FN planet did this bozo study his fake ass martial arts on?
Let me explain.

A beginner puts out blocks,
ridges of energy,
and this pushes the opponent away, or back, or whatever.
It stops his opponent,
but it also stops his own ability to perceive.
Necessary in the beginning, maybe,
but not the end,
it’s the beginning of the real martial arts.

You go through the procedure of learning
how to put out a ridge of energy
so you can NOT put out a ridge of energy.
A ridge of energy will stop you from perceiving
the thought of the opponent.
You want to know what the opponent is thinking,
You want to know when he is thinking.
If you stop his thought from coming through,
then you can’t see the technique the opponent is planning,
and then you can’t do the right thing.
You’ve been reduced to simple blocking
which may or may not be the right thing.
You’re back to being a white belt.

So how do you stop yourself
from stopping the thought of the opponent?
You accept the opponent.
You don’t think of him as bad or good,
you don’t judge him,
you don’t stop him.

If he wants to hit you,
accept that.
Trust him to punch you.
and here’s the crux of the matter:
like him.
That is the really real secret of real martial arts.
That is what awaits you if you study a real martial art.

You don’t make the other fellow wrong,
even if he is offering you a knife for your heart.
You don’t get upset if he wants to do bad things to your family.
You like him,
you appreciate him for the opportunity he has offered you.
You accept him as a seriously misguided individual
and do what you have to…while liking him.

If you refuse to like somebody,
even if you are right that he is evil,
then you will not see his true potential,
you will not read his body actions,
you will not see his thoughts
and you will have stopped yourself
from effectively handling him.

The only solution is to trust everybody.
Even Hitler.
Don’t trust him to treat you fairly,
trust him to be what he is.

I hope you understand,
but if you don’t,
don’t worry.
You will if your art is true and you persist.

don’t forget to give me five stars…
when you purchase
The Last Martial Arts Book
(There is a version with five hours of video
but you have to hunt for it on Amazon)

Have a great work out!

Don’t forget to check out the interview

How to Fix Karate! (volumes one and two)

volume one is at

And volume two is at…

‘The Last Martial Arts Book’ has 11 ratings for 5 stars.
(There is a video version of this book with no stars yet)
My two yoga books have 9 ratings between them for 5 stars.
‘The Book of Five Arts’ has 7 ratings for 5 stars.
‘The Science of Government’ has 6 ratings for 5 stars.
‘Chiang Nan’ has 5 ratings for 5 stars.
My novel, ‘Monkeyland,’ has 5 ratings for 5 stars

That’s a lot of good ratings
so hopefully you’ll find that useful
find the book/course that is right for you,
and matrix your own martial arts.

The Curse of the Closed Combat System

When Did Karate Fail!

It’s a very common opinion, these days, that karate doesn’t work.
In this article I will tell you why it doesn’t work, and when it stopped working, which may help you make it start working again.
Mind you, there are other reasons than what I detail here, but the reasons I detail here are probably the most important reasons, specifically, the reason which was put in place by the founders of karate. A deliberate but unintended consequence of a very bad decision.

The King (emperor) of Okinawa was commanded by the emperor of Japan to live in Japan. This was a political expedience.
The problem was the Okinawan bodyguards suddenly lost their jobs.
They became wood cutters, dock workers, school teachers, and so on.
Did they stop their training in karate? Probably not. As any student of the art knows, it is the monkey on the back, a joy that is almost impossible to give up. It would not be given up easily.
Thus, the art was taught at the homes of the bodyguards, and the students were probably tough kids, or kids that wanted to be tough.
It wouldn’t have died out, and it would have remained fairly pure. But purity, as this article presents, can be a myth.

About 1900 Gichin Funakoshi had a bright idea: let’s teach karate to the school children!
Karate made small bodies strong.
Karate instilled discipline.
Let’s not, however, teach little Johnny how to rip somebody’s throat out over lunch money.
Thus, the great dumbing down was begun.
There was, however, something worse that was happening.

Karate is a CCS. A Closed Combat System. This means it is a set number of techniques, and development through the inspection of other practices is discouraged.
Karate actually became a CCS years earlier when the system was codified into forms.
Forms make it easier to teach. Forms make it easier to remember the random but physically similar techniques.
Forms doubtless caused a surge in ability as it focused training, and lifted up the lesser students.
And there was a wonderful mindset created through Karate. A zen mindset that made a superior human being.

Up until that time Karate had been, to coin a phrase, an OCS. An Open Combat System. They took techniques wherever they could find them. Trips to China, shipwrecked sailors, talking with some friendly fellow in a bar, and ending up in an alley testing out these ‘extra’ techniques.
Now it was a Closed Combat System, a system which refused data from other sources, and the children were being deliberately dumbed down, and that was the one two punch that sealed Karate’s demise.

It didn’t happen suddenly. In fact, as the art spread new blood kept it alive and quite deadly.
But, eventually, it was no longer the province of the ‘tough guy’ who wanted to be tougher and who was willing to suffer the bruises and blood and a few lost teeth of those early practices.
Then it became sold.

One could accuse Gichin Funakoshi as the first person to commercialize Karate. After all, he sold it to the school system.
But when the Americans, with their capitalistic greed (hey! I’m just sayin’!) the game was all over.
McDojos sprouted in the strip malls of America.
Forms were put aside for kid’s games so the parent’s could be kept happy. Which was, is, probably the cruelest trap of all. I want my child to defend himself, but if he gets a single bruise I’ll sue you!

Nowadays it is difficult to find a real version of Karate.
Oh, it is out there, altered, pushed by the fanatic who doesn’t give a golden tu_d if you get a bruise.
But mostly you will find…MMA.
Hey, advertising. And the Gracie Brother’s creation of the UFC is the greatest advertising ploy since Bruce Lee.
We’ve had 30 years of advertising with the big buck tournaments. It has replaced boxing to a great extent. And it’s made some people rich.
Sometimes good, often bad.

Want to know how to tell when an art has gone CCS and has started to die? If not in the physical working then in the virtuous mental attitudes? The Virtue that used to be the coin developed by years of intense and unwavering training in the Martial Arts?
It is…My Art is better than yours.
I saw this happen when Karate, was in its heyday, spreading through the US and the world like wildfire.
Suddenly other arts came along, and to get students instructors would wink about another art or school and imply, or say it outright, ‘My art is better.’
And it fed the ego of the student.

Now it is happening in MMA. Not a week goes by when I don’t see some ego driven, bully boy type of child say, If it doesn’t work in the ring then it doesn’t work!
Which certainly explains why, when SEALs go to work they always end up on the ground, wrestling around and looking for arm bars.

MMA is not an art. It is a sport. An art self improves, a sport attempts to prevail over another human being. And the truth is that you don’t become better by making someone worse. That is the bully lie that has infected many MMA teachings.
That is not to say there isn’t art to some of the techniques.
But it doesn’t matter because as long as the bullies can beat up the karate man, and people of other disciplines, the lie will be accepted as the truth.
It is not MMA. It is MMS. Mixed Martial Sport.

Mind you, I am not attacking the art of Jujitsu, or other MMA based arts. Effectiveness is to be appreciated and studied. And to the extent that it becomes art i love it. But I am pointing out certain attitudes and how some misguided people degrade the art.
And, hopefully, this will create an understanding that will improve the arts on all fronts. Don’t degrade other arts, make yourself better by making others better.

Don’t like what I’m saying? Then change your sport. Or, better, change your mind.
But the truth is that when a system becomes CCS, when data is refused to be inputted, either because of commercial interests, or children running around screaming ‘My Art is Best!’, then that art has gone over the cliff and is heading for the spiked rocks below.

Really don’t like what I’m saying? Order a course in Matrixing, open your art up and accept the superiority of a true OCS…the ultimate OCS. A system that doesn’t take from all in random bits and pieces, trying to be OCS but only marginally succeeding, but rather aligns all the data so you can make the right choices…in combat, or in life.

About the author: Al Case has been studying the martial arts since 1967. He wrote articles and had his own column in Inside Karate magazine. He has written over forty books on the martial arts, including ‘How to Fix Karate,’ which is a two volume, 400 page book going into and fixing every move from the most important eight forms of Karate. It includes FIVE HOURS of video instruction.

And have a great work out!

Don’t forget to check out the interview

How to Fix Karate! (volumes one and two)

volume one is at

And volume two is at…

‘The Last Martial Arts Book’ has 11 ratings for 5 stars.
(There is a video version of this book with no stars yet)
My two yoga books have 9 ratings between them for 5 stars.
‘The Book of Five Arts’ has 7 ratings for 5 stars.
‘The Science of Government’ has 6 ratings for 5 stars.
‘Chiang Nan’ has 5 ratings for 5 stars.
My novel, ‘Monkeyland,’ has 5 ratings for 5 stars

That’s a lot of good ratings
so hopefully you’ll find that useful
find the book/course that is right for you,
and matrix your own martial arts.

A black belt becomes a burglar…

Newsletter 904

Black Belt Becomes a Burglar!

Supposed to be a true story,
got it off the internet,
so it’s got to be true,

A black belt was coming home from class.
Just up the street from his house he saw a fellow struggling with a TV set.
Being a black belt,
polite and helpful,
he walked up to the fellow and asked if he could help.
‘Sure,’ says the guy.
So the black belt helped the fellow load the TV set
in the back of a van.
It was then that he noticed that the TV set
was from his own house!
That’s right,
his house had been burgled,
and he had,
in effect,
helped ‘steal his own TV set.’

When I first heard this story,
I wondered:
when the police came to arrest the burgler,
did they arrest the black belt?
After all,
he helped steal a TV,
he was an accomplice.

So don’t forget to drop by
40 martial arts takedowns,
and how to use them in freestyle!

it’s almost HanaKwanMass.
I think,
instead of Santa coming down the chimney,
we should have zombies coming down the chimney.
Wouldn’t being able to use your martial arts to destroy a horde of zombies
be the best HanaKwanMass present ever?

Have a great work out!

A New Karate Black Belt Win!

Newsletter 894

Congrats to Temple Karate Black Belt

Congrats to Shayne Guthrie.
Here are parts of his win.
Meijin Al,
I found that if you do the material while concentrating on the basic basics and the Master Instructor course, your form and understanding are greatly enhanced and makes the material easily understood.
I dedicated the last 7 yrs to studying everything that you have written and I chose the Temple Karate program, with your entire Monkey Boxing course, simply because everything you teach, is in these personal system of yours. The Karate, the Shaolin, the Pau Kua and the Tai Chi.
I believe the forms were good due to these two courses. The 40 monkeys really showed and allowed the bridge to be seen from application to actual combat. And, the temple forms, in the way that you structured them just made the Karate I learned in my 20’s make more sense. An example is the second movement in Pinan 3, where the double block ends, in the classical movement, you expanded that motion with a step slap grab motion…which when I was first learning it I always thought there should be something else. This is one of the reasons that I decided on Temple Karate, it was here that I knew I had found a True Art.
Thank you and I hope you do not mind me addressing you as Meijin…I have a friend who is fluent in Japanese ( a fellow MA) and I was discussing some of your teachings and he commented Meijin and when I asked him what that meant he said this:
Meijin Literally “brilliant  man,†a rarely used title for only the oldest, most dedicated and most skilled of instructors in a system.  The title carries with it a  sense of genius in the martial arts, and may also imply attainment of a high spiritual level.

I thought it described you very well!

A Humble Bow Meijin

Thank you, Shayne,
and it is I who am humbled.
To be called Meijin,
quite an honor.
I don’t think anybody has ever said that before,
so I thank you,
I hope I deserve such a compliment.

for all,
it starts with Matrix Karate,
proceeds through the kung fu courses,
goes into Monkey Boxing.

But just because you have done Matrix Karate,
doesn’t mean there isn’t more karate.
The fact is,
classical karate isn’t really understood
until you have done that first matrixing course.
then it opens up,
and goes a lot of places
That is the intent of Temple Karate.

Here’s the link.


thanks Shayne,
and to all…





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Google doesn’t like newsletters,

so this is the best way to ensure you get them.

You can find all my books here!



Martial Arts Master Instructor gives his win!

Newsletter 858

A New Master Instructor!

Happy work out to you!

Congratulation to Master Instructor Tony Burnett!

Here’s his win.

Dear Mr. Case,

Thank you for assisting me with our new Defensive Tactics class in the Hurst- Euless- Bedford Independent School District. I have thoroughly examined the recommended Blinding Steel material, the 40 techniques found in the Matrix Kung Fu and the Master Instructor Course with much excitement. I know the matrix strategies you have developed will allow my students to progress much faster and with better understanding than anything else out there. As a retired police officer that is now teaching criminal justice students, I realize how important use of force issues are to the communities we serve. I believe its one of the most important topics covered so I began a search to find courses that would help my students learn and apply knowledge of disarming, joint locks and standing take downs to name a few. After reading many positive reviews of your system, I purchased Matrixed Aikido, and I learned as much from it in four days as I did in 25 years of training in Aikido for DT!. After that course, I purchased the core set that included Matrix Kung Fu, Matrix Karate and the Masters Instructors Course and became even more impressed. The Blinding Steel course (matrixed weapon systems) has been my favorite so far and is an excellent supplement to the the Monkey Boxing (Matrixed Kung Fu) course. I am so thankful that I found your courses and learned the strategy and benefit of matrixing the arts. You have contributed more to so many, including me and my students, than you will ever realize. Now, I want to continue this journey for myself, my students and the criminal justice industry that I serve with your blessing. I am requesting an endorsement to be a  Master Instructor so I may continue to explain the benefits of matrixing the arts and apply those benefits to the arts and subsequently my students.

Thank you for considering my request as well as your assistance with the material for my students.


Tony Burnett
Law and Public Safety Teacher

Well done, Tony,
and thank you for being a martial artist.

Tony makes an interesting statement:

‘I realize how important use of force issues are to the communities we serve.’

Your first duty is to make sure you can defend yourself.
Beyond that,
you should cultivate the ability
to take care of yourself
with as little harm to an attacker as possible.

Some people blink when I say this,
some people think you should just maim an attacker,
other people think you shouldn’t defend yourself
if you are going to hurt somebody.

The truth, as usual,
lies somewhere in between.

Here’s an interesting oddity,
if you train as if you are going to kill somebody,
you might reach the point where you don’t have to.

the point here is that people should learn the martial arts,
they should be able to protect themselves,
they should be able to protect others.

if you can stop a fight
without a blow being struck,
then you demonstrating the highest level of martial arts.

Here’s the link,
should you wish to learn the truth about the martial arts


well done to Tony,
I know he’s going to have great impact
on the field of defensive tactics,
and teaching the correct use of force.

Have a great work out!



go to and subscribe to this newsletter:

Google doesn’t like newsletters,
so this is the best way to ensure you get them.

You can find all my books here!


Congrats to New Karate Black Belt

Newsletter 815 ~ Sign up now on the Free Books page!

New Karate Black Belt

Good morning!
Wonderful morning.
I just did a whole bunch of forms,
I feel like a million.

The most important Martial Arts book ever written.

The most important Martial Arts book ever written.

there’s lots of stuff happening,
so let me start with…
to Peter Carmody

Peter passed his Matrix Karate Black Belt test.

The test was done on video,
and Peter went through having to repeat the test,
doing all the corrections,
and making all the matrix karate material work.

And he made it look good!

Video testing is interesting.
You could probably film yourself on an iPhone,
don’t wear black against a black wall,
white against white,
and so on.

Have some sunlight,
or a few bulbs glowing.

You don’t need lots of space
as long as I can see your whole body.

Have a partner.

Be willing to fail once or twice,
at least.

And here’s the thing,
Matrix Karate is pretty darn unique.
You see,
most karate systems were developed for specific reasons,
the element of being grabbed,
having to deal with weapons,

Not saying you won’t encounter these things today,
you need some awareness of these things,
but the real factor is that we are a fist culture.
If you are in a fight
the usual weapons will be fists.
Then something that can be used as a cub,
then a knife,

But fists are the base of it all.
if you can handle a fist,
it is just a short step to a knife,
if you have enough brains to adapt.

Matrix Karate is designed around the structure of the body,
it is a complete art,
taking into account all angles of attack and defense.
But it is SIMPLE!
Because the posing and the unnecessary techniques
have all been weeded out.

You have to learn about mistakes,
but the essence is in the logic
where one move leads to the next,
with no circus moves.

It’s funny,
I remember one of the first wins
I ever received,
this was about ten years ago.
The guy wrote that he had gone to a martial arts school,
and the first technique they taught him
was a cartwheel into a jump kick.
Not how to block and punch.
Not even the basic kicks,
but a jumping kick off a whole body contortion.

Can you see why matrixing was so desperately needed?
A little common sense?
And every system,
no matter how classical or developed,
benefits from the direct infusion of logic that matrixing provides.

well done to Peter,
and I recommend Matrix Karate and the Master Instructor Course
(you need both of them to test).
Whether you are accomplished and have a black belt,
whether you are a raw beginner,
whether you are just in the middle and need to get going,
Matrix Karate is the easiest,
the best,
the most efficient and completely rounded karate
on the planet.

Here’s a link to how to video test…


Have a great work out!



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