Tag Archives: karate

Master Instructor Tells Truth About how to Teach Martial Arts…

Newsletter 897

A New Master Instructor Speaks!

Congratulations to Master Instructor Pat Cluse!
Here’s his win…

Dear Al.
I thank you for developing the Instructor’s Course. As an instructor, I invested in your course because you had said a few things that were of help to me, and I never miss an opportunity to learn.  I figured the price was worth any ‘risk.’
It did not take me long to accept that I had more than my monies’ worth.  Yes, many points you covered are not ‘new’ but were very refreshing and presented at a different angle.
I have modified how I teach, and consider your course notes as a prime reference.
The “SSD” drill has had the greatest impact on myself and students.  Of course I have done 1 on 1 many many times but the pull of other students in the class has impacted on the quality (of my teaching).
In the recent 2 months I have had a senior student run some combinations while I spent time with individuals.  With no ‘external’ pulls I found the process invaluable.  Not only showing the technique in mind, but able to get the student totally attentive, to be able to find/understand the words used, and also to incorporate more fruitful body alignment,  body movement coordination with the techniques, and points of power stress with immediate relaxation. In this short time, none of the students have reverted to pre-“SSD” drill.  The big thing is they now understand what I am teaching.  So I have improved as an instructor…
Thanks, Pat
Thank you, Pat,
and well done.
The drill Pat is referring to,
the “SSD” drill
is an incredibly simple drill,
yet no one ever does it.
It was used a little bit in Kenpo,
then it was dropped by the wayside.
In the Kang Duk Won
the whole system was set up around that drill,
without ever showing what that drill was.
it you use that drill in your teachings,
the results are incredible.
Students get what you are saying instantly.
Nobody yawns,
everybody gets how the martial arts work and why.
Students become instantly better,
it speeds up your teachings,
stops people from dropping out (due to confusion, etc.)
and helps create a true art,
that is,
an art with proper alignment,
an art that is usable,
an art that works.
And it is only one drill,
in a course packed with info, data and usable gems.
And it is all scientifically based.

Well enough.
well done Pat,
and well done to your students…
The course is here…
Have a great work out!



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New Master Instructor Speaks!

Newsletter 895

Congrats to New Master Instructor

Congratulations to new Master Instructor
Garren Lockhart.

Here’s his win…

Mr. Case,
I have received the Master Instructor Course, read it multiple times and have wondered…where has this information been and why is this not required for all instructors that have the care of their students entrusted to them? I was amazed at the principles of Matrixing and how they can take any martial art and develop it into one practicum.
I am a great believer in your “The Three Rules”. I have developed a sort of climate survey for my students to have input on the quality of instruction. I also have another survey for my instructors to evaluate themselves and each other.
(I have deleted a couple of paragraphs here, the material would give away too much of the course…Al)
The most obvious observations I made is that my students seem to “lose” their breath while training. By demonstrating the breathing techniques that you share in the course, I was able to assist in redirecting their breathing patterns.
I look forward to introducing more of your principles into the classes. I have ordered the “Matrix Karate” course and anticipate a great learning and training experience, with it.
Thank you, Mr. Case
Garren Lockhart
Thank you,
and well done.
Garren is taking the material
and using it right on the spot
with his students.
Exactly what one is supposed to do in the martial arts.
How do you think people learned before structured classes were invented?
They searched people out,
talked and traded.
Sometimes they fought,
but fighting tends to establish pecking order,
and often people aren’t willing to listen (learn)
to people who have beaten them in such fashion.
Look at your own instructors.
they could beat you,
but if they are mean,
you don’t hang around long.
You only listen to people you like.

sort of went on a rant there,
but the point is this…

When you teach, when you share something,
it is as if it leaves a space in your mind,
you have poured out,
and something needs to get poured in.
If your intention has been pure,
if your heart is right,
what comes to you will probably be the next step.

I have found that to always be true.
When I figure something out,
I immediately share it.
Give it away,
talk and teach,
and suddenly I am learning something new,
figuring something else out.
It is a never ending process
that makes your life mean something.

if you want your life to mean something,
get a copy of
The Master Instructor Course.
as Garren says…
‘…why is this not required for all instructors that have the care of their students entrusted in them?’
Thanks, Garren.
And to all,
Have a great work out!



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The Emptiness within the Original Style of Karate

Newsletter 893

The Original Karate

Thanks, guys,
Both the ten book series
‘The Biggest Martial Arts Lesson of All,’
Professional Martial Arts Instructor,’
are selling.

had a real interesting email the other day,
BW had some interesting observations and expeeriences,
regarding heat in the body,
chi circulation,
and so on.
So here is the skinny on all this…

Chinese martial arts have been around a long time.
they have evolved into Tai Chi,
among other internal forms.
All of which says…martial arts evolve.

When they begin,
they frequently use muscle.
Nothing wrong with that.
Except energy is more efficient,
much stronger.

Ever have a baby clutch your finger?
Won’t let go?
Their ‘strength’ is all out of proportion
to their size and development.
They haven’t developed muscles,
so they use energy,
which needs no development to use.

Before you go crazy on that last statement,
let me make a point:
when we learn muscles (as we grow)
we give up energy.
We simply lose that intuitive ‘chi strength’
that we are born with,
or at least know before we get muscles.
if we want energy,
we have to learn it all over again.
And this means attaining the understanding that a baby has.
What understanding does a baby have?
He understands how to relax.
of course,
flows better through what is relaxed.
Which brings us around
to the idea of Tai Chi.
Learn to relax.

BW was more concerned with experiencing heat in the body.
Karate was giving him much heat.
Here’s the difference…
Tai Chi is slow,
it is ‘suspended’ energy.
You suspend your body in space,
and that takes a very slow drool of energy
which I call ‘suspended energy.’

Karate explodes.
Both types of energy,
suspended and explosive
create heat.
But Karate creates it faster.

if you wish,
you can dedicate your TCC to the production of heat,
and your body can get amazingly hot.

we have two points here,
relaxing and creating heat/energy.
Let me get to the point.

When Karate came from China
it was taught with an eye to chi power.
People relaxed more in the form,
figured out how to make the tricks work effortlessly.
Then, as the martial arts grew,
people and schools lost that ability.
The Japanese in particular
were obsessed with power,
and that often meant muscular power,
and not chi power.
And example of this is actually given,
though inadvertently,
in the book ‘Moving Zen,’
by CW Nicol.
Mr. Nicol relates the story of a TCC man
who was pounding on a pillar under a huge house.
The house shook,
the karate men couldn’t make it shake with their punches,
and there is a conclusion in there.
But you have to have an open mind to make it.

speaking for myself,
How do I know that what I tell you here is true?
Because I learned a style of Karate called Kang Duk Won.
And it was only a couple of generations removed from China.
Byung In Joon to a couple of Koreans to Bob Babich to me.
Not a long time for it to get corrupted.
Mr. Babich, in particular,
was incredibly light and whippy.
He was like a father that weighed a thousand pounds.
The other people in our school used muscle,
and were in awe of Bob.
I watched Bob,
and tried to figure out what he was doing that was different.
I probably wouldn’t have figured it out,
except that I read a lot of books on zen.
And the secret was:



Doing nothing until nothing is left undone.

To relax,
even in the middle of form,
even in the middle of technique,
even in the middle of freestyle.

when you relax…
chi flows.
And Chi can create,
among other things…

the final thing I want to say,
give you a chance to grok all this,
has to do with being ‘on,’ or ‘off.’

BW observed the difference between his art
when it worked light and whippy,
and…other times.

When you relax your body totally,
when you make ONLY the fist tight,
then you will get a result snap that is incredible,
and different from the art
that all the power mongers out there
want to sell.

But it takes patience,
no resistance,
an emptiness of the mind.

It’s easy to do,
but so easy it’s hard.

Seems like there is always something there to distract you.

Okley dokely.
Nuff said,
I wish you success.
You can check out the Kang Duk Won in my book of the same name,
it’s on Amazon.
Or at the KangDukWon.com site.
Or you can check out what I’ve done with some of the forms here…


Temple Karate has an amazing amount of material on it,
including some data on how the art was really formed,
and what for,
and how it was really meant to be used.

So have a great work out!




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The Limit of Mixed Martial Arts

Newsletter 890

The Limits of MMA

I’m a big fan of MMA.
I am a critic,
of those who believe that MMA is the only way,
who would speak ill of karate, kung fu, or any other art.
MMA is just a piece of the bigger pie,
a piece of the bigger martial arts
which includes all martial arts.
Which bigger art,
thanks to matrixing,
makes sense and is easily learned.

I was teaching the other night,
got a kid who was a wild hair.
the kid is actually not bad.
He can freestyle,
and he can grapple,
but he can’t control his body.
Isn’t that interesting?
He’s actually a black belt.
Not a bad one,
but he can’t control his body,
and here is where we come to the limits of MMA,
and the tragedy of this particular martial artist.

When he learned jujitsu
his teaching stopped at the techniques of jujitsu.
So he learned how to freestyle,
to fill the gap.
To be competent both in fisticuffs and grappling.

So I asked him to do a simple move.
Something like a block and punch.
He mouthed off,
and looked like garbage when he finally tried the simple move.

His attitude was:
I know how to fight
so I don’t need to know that stuff.

So his art stops at flesh contact.
That was the art he learned,
and when there is no flesh contact,
no wrestling,
he doesn’t know what to do.

What about his ability to fight?
All he can do is kick and punch,
and while there is an art to destruction,
it is not the true art.

The true art lies in control.

To the degree that you can control your body…
to that degree you have the true art.

To the degree that you canNOT control your body…
to that degree you do not have the true art.

He can control his own body in the limits of wrestling.
He can control his body if it comes to kick and punch.
He CANNOT control another person’s body.

And here is a subtle but determining factor.
If you practice MMA,
without recourse to classical arts,
you practice beating people,
not controlling them.
And that puts a severe limit
on what you know
and what you can learn.
MMA is great,
but you have to know how to get beyond that one limit.

So I asked the kid to punch me.
He couldn’t.
Every time he tried to punch me I would simply shift,
slap his hand aside,
and control his body.

I applied a grab art,
tied him up,
took him down,
and said:

‘Would you like to be able to control other people like that?
Would you like to know the simple tricks I use?
It’s easy,
but you’ll have to work hard,
and you’ll have to think.’

He mouthed off,
and made himself scarce.

His attitude was:
I know how to fight
so I don’t need to know that stuff.

In spite of the fact that I had just proved it worked.

And here is the tragedy,
in a nutshell,
the whole thing of what was wrong with the kid,

He was scared of what he didn’t know.

He was scared of learning something.
if he learned something,
it would prove that he didn’t know everything.
Can’t have that, eh?

And that’s true,
to a degree,
of almost every child,
and even of every adult.

I don’t want to learn
because it will prove I don’t know something.


the kid hangs around the dojo,
marginally useful,
as long as the task is simple,
but you can’t trust him to do any teaching,
as teaching is merely a way
for him to be dominant (read bully),
and prove to the world
that he knows something,
even though he doesn’t.
He only knows shadows,
and the light eludes him.

Here’s the true education right here.


How to have PERFECT form in seven simple steps.
How to have PERFECT techniques in six simple steps.
This knowledge is so powerful that people read it
and are totally changed.

Have you ever experienced something that was so true
it simply changed you?
A blink,
and you were different.
That’s what this stuff is.

have a GREAT work out!




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End of Martial Arts…Beginning of Creation

Newsletter 889

How Matrixing Brings Arts Together

School’s started for many,
you students,
are you going to get a Matrix course,
have it done by summer?
Or even Christmas?

I have a LOT of good letters.
Just got the following,
and it really made my day.
Kurt has been a long time student of matrixing,
taken his time and done it right.
Here go…

Its been a while since I texted last. Back in January of this year I received the Create Your Own Art package. I finally completed it this week. The reason for spending so much time on it wasn’t one of laziness, I actually spent several hours on it every week. Once I received the package and viewed the Intercepting Fist segment I became intrigued and practiced and viewed it over and over again. Then when I viewed the Pa Kua disc, it really hit home how Matrixing came into play. As a result of this, I had to dig out the Butterfly Pa Kua disc and of course saw how the Ten Hands mimicked the Matrixing of the Intercepting Fist, it really hit home to me. I have been circle walking utilizing the 8 Animal Pa Kua for at least 2 years now and have found all the applications of my core art of Kenpo, in the Butterfly applications as well as the Intercepting Fist Circle walking. Of course this led me to take apart 5 Army Tai Chi and Matrix Tai Chi and find the same applications.

So I’ve spent the last 10 months practicing, experimenting, and rediscovering in the name of Creating My Own Art. And after all this I decided that I cannot create what has already been created. The best I could do is re-organize what already is. The Taoist Arts(Tai Chi, Bagua, Hsing I) have been around for a long time, and in the case of Tai Chi, (possibly the Mother of all Martial Arts), over 1500 years.

While Practicing with a friend, who has limited use of his left shoulder as result of an injury, I saw that he could not do the Intercepting Fist, or a simple Hi block or inverted block with that arm. Utilizing Pa Kua(Bagua) I was able to show him how to execute a circle walking direction turn and do a hi block with his good arm. he was elated and I was very full of myself! It was then that I decided to not create my own art but instead to re-task what I have learned as to fit the needs of people with limitations due to injury or handy-cap. I mean Dr. Paul Lam has done very well teaching Tai Chi to ease the pain of Arthritis. And many others teach Tai Chi to improve balance and range of motion in seniors. So this is my new calling and I attribute it to the Create Your Own Art Program. For this I thank you. It has really improved my skills and ability and hopefully I can help others as a result.

Finally,  I would like to add that the only thing missing from my practice of the Internal Arts is Hsing I Chuan. I have had some exposure to that art but have found (at my age) that learning the 5 element forms as well as the 12 Animal forms would be a bit much. However, I do see a need for more linier attack and defense. So, taking inspiration from Matrix Tai Chi, I developed 8 short “lines”, by which I walk
a straight line, performing each of the Pa Kua animals 8 times forward, starting turning slightly left, step turn slightly right and so forth for 8 steps, them kick and pivot 180 degrees and do the same stepping back to the starting  point, kick and pivot the perform the next animal(start with Butterfly Palm. Step the line changing palm left the, right etc.). It can also be done as a two man form, one advancing the other retreating. One attacking the other defending. This kind of rounded things out for me(if you’ll pardon the pun).

In closing, I apologize for the length of this email but after 9 months of this course of study I am very enthusiastic! But basically it boils down to me saying thanks!

Respectfully, Kurt A. Nelle’

Thank you, Kurt.
And for everybody,
Matrixing is quick,
you have realizations like crazy,
but it sets the stage for
some really long term learning.
At the end you understand
how the arts fit together.
You become able to shift from art to art,
create art as you need it.

There are just so-o-o many things you can do,
once you jump the fence,
put aside your limits,
and realize that there is nothing stopping you,
except your own self.

Matrixing opens the door.

Thanks Kurt,
and well done on your desire to help others.
That is the REAL art.

Here’s the link…


have a GREAT work out!




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Martial Arts Punch Lines, and a hard truth.

Newsletter 888

Martial Arts Punch Lines (get it?)

Happy Labor Day!
I think I’ll labor at the martial arts today.

A quick word,
I had inadvertently taken my list of courses off the site.
This is the full list,
so examine the left sidebar on the Monster,
everything is there.

came across these little gems,
thought I would share…

You’re not outnumbered,
you’re target rich.

When people ask me what I do for a living:
‘I teach people how to maim and kill.’

Bruises are really just temporary tattoos.

Kung Fu has been curing ADHD
since 500 AD

For my birthday
I want pound cake and punch.

violence isn’t always the answer,
but it sure is an option

the best part of a joke is the punch line.

Nuff frivolity.
Let’s get serious.

It is true,
a picture is worth a thousand words.
that being true,
a video is worth a thousand thousand words.
here’s the cruel truth…
you still have to understand what the words mean.

I remember when Karate first hit the shores,
the Japanese said:
‘it will take an American three lifetimes to understand the martial arts.’
that’s true,
if you don’t understand the words.

For me,
chi was the big mysterious.
Thought about it,
tried to figure it out,
made no sense.
Then I started looking up words like:
will power,
and so on.
it all made sense.


Tell me I don’t understand chi.
I can project it outside my body.
You know the funny thing?
I wish somebody had told me
the power of understanding words
back when I was 19.
I would be moving cars,
not just putting out candles.
All my training would have changed,
gone in a different direction.

The power of words.

here’s the whole story…


How I came up with matrixing,
the evolution,
arts studied,
and so on.
All you have to do is understand the words.
But don’t worry,
I’ve included a few pictures to help you out.

have a great bunch of work outs this labor day.

To the degree that people rally round,
to the degree that government sits on the sidelines,
to that degree Texas comes back.

have a GREAT work out!




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Better Take a Knife to a Gunfight!

Newsletter 878

Truth about People with Guns and Martial Arts!

I came across some AMAZING statistics!
You’ve got a gun,
you think you’re safe.
Maybe you even laugh at those pajama clad Karate fools.

‘I’ know Ching Ching Pow!’
(You make the sound of chambering a shotgun.)
Ha ha.

‘I know Smith and Wesson!’

Or some other silly joke
designed to make you the laugh of the party,
and fun of those people who sweat their buns off
learning martial arts.

I have news for you.
And I do mean stupid.
The FBI compiled statistics on officer involved shootings.
Officer involved means a professional gun wielder
with at least SOME training.
Here go…

• 86% officers were killed within 21 feet of their attackers
• 73% officers were killed within 10 feet or less
• And a whopping 52% (over HALF!) were killed from 5 FEET AWAY OR LESS.

a high percentage of officers
were shot with their own guns!

And a high percentage of officers never even had a chance to align their sights.

So these professionals,
many of whom had training,
even military training,
died because they got up close and personal
and didn’t know what to do.

Didn’t know what to do,
as in didn’t know a martial art.

if you’re one of these stupid yocks
who make jokes about
martial arts being like
taking a knife to a gunfight,
be aware that the knife

All right.
This is a newsletter.
I’m selling something.
In this case I’m selling
for dealing with weapons,
which means knife fighting,
taking away knives,
and scrunching armed idiots into the ground.

Try this:


Have a great work out!





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Perfect Martial Arts

Newsletter 865

The Key to Finding Perfection in the Martial Arts

Happy Santa Anas!
The Santa Ana’s are the big winds here in LA,
it’s fun to work out with them whistling through you.

Ok-a-ley dok-a-ley,
it’s time to find out what perfection in the martial arts is.

Had a great talk with a bunch of students the other day,
and I mentioned finding perfection in the martial arts.

So what is perfection in the martial arts?
It’s an interesting question,
one that nobody ever really asks,
they just talk about it,
and assume they know what they‘re talking about.

It’s when you can ‘one punch/one kill’ somebody.
It’s when your form is perfect.
It’s when you understand the secret of the universe.
But nobody knows what perfection really is.

I do.

I defined it in The Master Instructor Course,
and tell you how to get it.

But here,
let’s talk about the short version.
Let’s talk about one of the things that I learned
way back when
that put me on the path to,
or at least understanding
what perfection is.

I was in an aikido class,
and the instructor said,
‘The perfect art cannot be felt.’

that was zen.
you know?

And it started me thinking.

He was talking about blending your defense
with the attack.
He was talking about moving your body
totally in synch with the incoming attack,
so that the opponent didn’t actually feel you
even when you took control of his body.

And he was talking about a high level of energy,
profound spiritual awareness,

there’s more to it.

I took what he said
and applied it too ground rolling.

A perfect circle has no corners.
Because if you have a corner,
something will thump on the mat,
and then there is no perfection.

I spent a lot of time
figuring out how to roll without making any noise.

And it translated as:
the perfect art has no sound.

And I took that and applied it to karate.
I learned to move
without being heard.
My feet didn’t slap the mat,
not even my gi rustled,
and the only sound
was the smack of my fist hitting flesh.


The other night I came across the 1935 video of Morihei Ueshiba.
There was no sound.
He threw people,
and the only sound was them hitting the mat.
But of him,
there was no sound,
no foot fall,
no grunt,
no whisper of motion.

The perfect art can’t be heard,
or felt,
for that matter,
even seen.

And that is the sort of thing I endured
to figure out the seven principles of the body,
and the six secrets of how to make ANY technique work,
which are all on The Master Instructor Course,
along with a lot of other nifty stuff.

Here go…


Have a great work out!




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Training in Horse Stances for MORE Power in the Martial Arts!

Newsletter 864

A Simple Exercise for Sinking the Weight in the Martial Arts

Happy after Easter!
Hope you don’t run over any eggs
when you mow your lawn.

here is one of the exercises I use,
especially for kids,
but great for anybody
who wishes to find
the true foundation of karate
or any other martial art.

It is when you sink your weight into the ground.
you have to sink your weight,
to attach the machine that is your body
so that you can use that machine.
This is basic mechanics.

I am always,
when I teach forms,
telling people to sink their weight.
They have to bend both legs,
feel the weight,
let the weight reach the ground,
so that the tan tien will create energy.

You don’t reach the ground,
you have no energy.
You have no real energy building inside your legs.

It’s funny,
people doing boxing,
kick boxing,
modern tournament type freestyle,
they bounce.
They want to look like Bruce Lee.
But before Bruce,
everybody sank their weight,
shifted their weight between their feet
as they edged towards the opponent.
It was the gunfighter mentality.
edge forward,

everybody has forgotten this.
Everybody wants to bounce.
Bouncing uses up muscles.
Sinking the weight creates…endless energy.
Energy that can be used to spring like a cat.

the best stance for teaching this is the horse stance.
The horse stance can be used in freestyle,
quite easily,
but the true glory of the horse stance
is simply for the creation of energy.

So you have the kids face in a direction.
You say back, they pop their horse stance to the rear.
You say right, they pop it to the right side,
left is the other side, front is back to the front.

When I say ‘POP,’
that is key.
Here’s the secret,
you must NOT let the body raise in the air.
The head must not bob up and down.

You must ‘swap’ your feet
so fast that you don’t have time to fall,
and you must do so without popping up.
This is not an exercise in falling,
it is an exercise in moving so fast you don’t have time to fall.

The secret here is that you have to use the tan tien.
To properly pop your stance,
to move both feet so they start at the same time,
and land at the same time,
you must explode from the tan tien to make this happen.

simple exercise, eh?
when teaching a class,
it’s sort of fun.
Kids love it.
They’ll bob up and down all over the place,
but you just go around and hold a hand over their head,
and tell them not to touch it.

Works every time.
Here’s a link to the actual forms and exercises that I use to build Chi.


Have some great tan tien exploding energy!
And a great work out!




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Real Martial Arts are Easy to Find…

Newsletter 861

Where to Find Real Martial Arts Knowledge

Happy spring work out!
It is so beautiful today…PERFECT for a work out!

I once said,
I don’t know if anybody recalls this,
that if you want information
there is a definite sequence of material to consider.

A newspaper provides a headline
a few facts that might or might not have anything to do with anything.
Because a newspaper sells tragedy by screaming it out.

If you want more information,
a magazine works well.
People buy magazines because
the articles are more in depth.

If you want to learn a lot,
read a book.

This is actually pretty obvious stuff.

BUT…have you converted it to the internet?
That sort of media?

Most people watch the TV to get mad.
They listen to the news and walk away pissed off.
The news is just bad gossip,
no real information,
just inflame you
so you’ll tune in tomorrow.

Then there’s the internet.
Blogs and newsletters, oh my.

But the internet is written by boneheads,
for the most part.
People who want to get rich,
or who are easily titillated.

There are a few good sites,
mine foremost,
but…lots of crap out there.

But, it is a good way to find out about…videos.
You can order videos,
the equivalent of a book,
and if a picture is worth a thousand words,
a video is worth a million.

That said,
let me pick on one bad guy on the internet,
the one bad guy that we all (me included) latch on to.


Here’s the problem with youtube.
People end up not looking for information,
they don’t want to learn,
they want titillation.
They want entertainment.

Here’s the comparison.
When there was no internet,
and people commonly read magazines,
we would pour over those mags.
We would borrow them from friends,
read every word in them,
including the ads,
and even the publication notices on the front page.

It was our only source of information!
We were starved for information!

Now, with the glut of everybody and their cat
showing off their poorly imagined kata,
and techniques that could get you killed,
the replacement for magazines does more harm than good.

People don’t look for information,
they click from vid to vid,
looking for…the latest knock out.
The guy getting hit by the car.
The two girls catfighting.

People, entertained by the net,
have become seduced by the salacious.
They don’t want to learn.

I can’t tell you how many times I have people
who think they know karate,
but really are only enraptured
by the joy of combat.
They fight,
without thought of learning.
They spend too much time on the net,
bruising their brains with people who don’t know anything,
bloody headlines,
and gimmicks.

why do I tell you about this?
Merely so you’ll think about it.
I don’t suppose to change the world,
only a few people who get it.

That’s just the way it is.

So the next time you start searching
for the latest nose-flattening,
eyeball bleeding,
kidney squashing knockout…

remember to finish up the night by coming to a site
like MonsterMartialArts.com.
Think about getting videos that are a couple of hours in content,
with accompanying books,
filled with illustrations,
and the exact method of how to do the martial arts.

You’ll be glad you did.

Real knowledge will make you feel a lot better
than salacious, titillating knock outs.
It will make you a better person,
and last your whole life.

Here’s a link to make you think:


It is the big record of matrix research,
it will tell you how I came up with the science of matrixing.

have a FANTASTIC work out!





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