Tag Archives: aikido classes

From Art to Science with New Matrixing Book

Newsletter 855

The Science of Matrixing in the Martial Arts

Funtastic morning to you!
It’s fun for me
because I just released a new book,

The Science of Matrixing in the Martial Arts.

Let me lead into this book
by telling you about a comment I recently received.
The comment was on one of my videos.
It read something like:

‘You are a dope.
Matrixing isn’t new,
haven’t you ever heard of
Wing Chun, Karate, Krav Maga, Aikido… (etc.)
They all matrixed!’

I love stupid people,
they make me feel so smart.
It’s true that you will see a matrixing principle here and there,
I accumulated matrixing and organized it
as a result of examining the various martial arts.
matrixing has never been seen.
And the fellow who wrote this scathing review
is a fellow who has never seen matrixing.
He saw a video
and made a judgement on all that I do.

there are two kinds of people in the world,
those with opinions,
and those with facts.

People with opinions are like Beavis and Butthead,
they speak without knowing anything about what they are speaking of.

People with facts get it right,
or at least are on the right track,
assuming that they continue to get facts,
and understand how to analyze and organize what they are getting.

what is matrixing?
Matrixing is a logic.
it is a science.
It organizes the martial arts,
and causes the matrixing student
to re-evaluate the martial arts.
To see the arts as a complete field of science.

there is an art to applying the science,
but it is still a science,
and if one knows the science
it gets that much easier to apply the art.

The one thing that a writer tries to do
is to get the ideas from his mind
into the mind of the reader.

This is one of the most difficult things in the world.
It requires that the writer says what he says
in such a manner
that the idea of which he is speaking
duplicates itself in the reader’s head.

That is what I’ve been trying to do for over 40 years of matrixing.
That’s why I keep writing and writing.
some people get it,
but not all.
I need ALL people to get what I am saying with matrixing.
I need the idea of matrixing that I see,
to become the same idea in the reader’s heads.

An interesting problem.
But I think this book solves it.

In this book I simply took all the matrixes I have written,
and put them in an order,
from beginning to end.

So you see what the idea behind matrixing is.
You see the inspiration.
You see how it developed
from concept to concept
by inspecting the actual graphs of the science.

A picture is worth a thousand words.

Each graph or matrix
represents an evolutionary step.
Each graph or matrix
represents a concept,
and the concepts are listed in scientific order,
from simple to complex,
with formulas discovered.

This is NOT a book of technique.
It is a book of concept,
and if you actually do it,
you will get the idea of matrixing.
You will see the exact sequence of ideas and steps
it took to develop matrixing.

unless you are like Butthead,
like the fellow who wrote the wonderful and enlightened comment,
you will see the truth of the martial arts.

You will see
the total and entire concept
that matrixing is.

Then you just have to practice and drill and work your heart out.
Easy, eh?

So here is where you go to check it out:


I prefer this to Amazon
for the simple reason they pay more.
But if you prefer Amazon that’s okay.

this is not a book on forms, techniques, and so on,
it is the straight goods
the actual matrix by matrix method
that defines matrixing as a science.
It WILL revolutionize your art.

Have an awesome work out!



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It is Possible to Learn Aikido in a Couple of Hours

Learn Aikido by Going to the Concept

People think I’m scamming them when they read this learn Aikido at home in 2 hours thing, but let me tell you exactly what I’m doing.

First, I don’t teach you a thousand aiki techniques in a couple of hours, I teach you the One Concept behind it all.

aikidoNo, I am not talking about ‘harmony.’ That’s a concept, but it’s a philosophy.

I teach the actual physical ‘One Thing’ that people are doing when they do this incredible martial art.

I show you how to do this one thing not by dry classroom talk, but by teaching four guys and letting you watch. During the course of one 90 minute video you will see these four guys learn. You will see them progress from move to move. You will see them going, ‘Oh! That works!” And then moving on to more and more moves. Intuitively, naturally.

That’s the power of The One Concept.

Now, the dry classroom stuff comes in the form of one simple learn aikido PDF. It’s about 40 pages, and it tells you how to break down the body, how to do the one thing to every part of the body. And it has illustrations detailing exactly what has been done.

The end result is that these four guys know enough aikido to practice on their own, to plug into any other martial art that happen to know.
<p style=”text-align:center;”>

Furthermore, and most important, it is workable in combat. It is EXTREMELY easy to apply this One Concept.

Whether you’re into the martial arts or not, I want you to remember this simple datum: if it is easy to understand, and easy to apply, it will be easy to learn, easy to use, and HARD to forget.

That is simple truth. It is behind Matrix Aikido and all the other martial arts courses I teach; it is a truth of this world.

Okay, hope to see you on the video, and have a great work out,

