Tag Archives: kenpo training

The Secret of the Universe…Martial Arts Style

Newsletter 944

The Higher Martial Art

I had an interesting class the other day,
one of the students is always late,
always lazy,
and wastes his and other student’s time.
So I sat him down,
along with the whole class,
and I chewed him up a little bit.
I said,

five years from now
you’re going to have a job,
a wife,
a kid on the way,
are you going to give people a hard time then?

Blank look back at me.

Martial Arts are about control.
Fighting is part of it,
but you have to get past fighting
and learn how to control.
Life is nothing but people
and how you control them,
or how you are controlled by them.

He cocks his head quizzically.

I’m the boss here,
can you control me?

He shakes his head no.

So you won’t be able to control your boss
when you get a job.
You won’t be able to move ahead,
you won’t be able to choose what to do,
you won’t be able to work your own hours,
you won’t be able to make the money you want to make.

Now he’s blinking.
I’m starting to make sense to him.

Martial arts is about control.
If you don’t learn control here,
you may not have a chance later.
The boss in five years
doesn’t care about you learning control,
he just wants to get the job done,
and he is going to go with the people
who can best control what they do.

My voice is raised now,
and the class is staring.
There are times when I want them to think,
now is not one of those times.
Now I want them to get it.
Shut up and get it:
the world belongs to those who can control it.

I finished with:
If you’re an idiot now,
if you’re going to waste your time
by being lazy and foolish,
then you’re going to be an idiot in five years.
So I suggest you practice these forms
so you can learn to control your body.
And practice those applications,
so you can learn to control your opponent.
And practice freestyle drills and methods,
so you can control the chaos that life can be.

the student in question improved slightly.
So I will have to repeat it tomorrow,
maybe in altered form,
maybe in connection with some other dojo lesson.
And I will repeat it again and again.
Because that’s what teaching really is.

Here’s a link on how to translate chaos to control,
force to flow,
the world to your pleasure.


Have a great work out!

Chiang Nan

Following is a great win that shows one thing…you aren’t going to get the answers, you are going to get the questions, the questions that lead you to understanding your own martial art. Do you have the kind of mind that can do this?


Al, the reason I finely decided to order these DVD’s (Five Army Tai Chi Chuan) was that after one of my classes, which I am continuing to teach at the park, I was invited by a fellow name John to learn Tai Chi with him and some of his students. I found the art to be fun, but when the class ended I inquired about the martial application and to my surprise John told me that there where none, that it was only to be used for relaxation.
Bull, I then showed him how I could turn just the few moves that I had just learned into a usable defense (only because I read the Master Instructor manual.) This got me thinking about this art and I know the best place for me to learn it was from you.
Have a great week

MakingYourself Over in the Martial Arts

Newsletter 910

What Does the New Year Hold for the Real Martial Artist?

Happy New Year!
And…what ya gonna do about it?
Gonna get that next belt?
Gonna study a new art?

The truth is this:
we create ourselves anew each day.
So you have 365 chances to create a new you
in the coming year.

here’s the plan.

print out goals and tape them somewhere
you will see them every day.

Put them on the bath mirror,
the door you have to go through
to get to the world,
put them on the frig.
Put them somewhere…
Don’t let your goals fade.

back up your goals with actual action.
Set up a time and place,
set up a schedule for classes…AND MAKE ALL WORK OUTS
the most important thing
is to NOT get lazy.
Don’t let the action fade.
Wake up ten minutes early for the forms routine,
meet with the guys Tuesday and Thursday and Sat for working out.
Go to the gym,
especially your personal martial arts gym

realize that life doesn’t work unless you work.
In some ways this is the most important thing,
this simple realization.

Here’s what I did…and still do.

I set up my garage
or some area in the backyard,
as my dojo.
I set up a kicking bag,
I have a place where I can stretch.
I have enough room for forms.

Then I make a schedule and keep it.
For instance,
I would do martial arts Tuesday and Thursday,
Monday and Wednesday I would bike or run.
Friday I ate pizza.
I am not kidding.
Hard work needs a reward,
but if I missed one of my work outs…
I didn’t get pizza,
or whatever thing I had set up for my reward.
No ice cream,
no soda pop and popcorn and a movie.
I would use my wasted time,
for an extra work out.
That’d teach me!

the fun thing was setting up which martial art i wanted to study.
I liked to start with tai chi,
especially if I was feeling lazy.
Just standing in my dojo,
watching my body move,
and suddenly I started to feel more energy.

Another thing I do is change the art I study every month or two.
I liked doing karate one month,
kung fu (shaolin butterfly) the next month
Tai Chi the third month,
and then I would do it all again.
This type of rotational cross training
really helps me keep a fresh mind on it all.
It tends to get rid of plateaus
and keeps me on a steady rise
of mental acuity and physical ability.

So…what is this year going to hold for you?

Check out the courses here
and select the arts you wish to learn this year.

Don’t stop,
don’t drop,
just come out on top!

Have a great work out and…




Martial Arts in Novels…

Newsletter 865

Martial Arts in Books

Happy Santa Ana work out!
The Santa Ana’s are winds
that blow through LA
every once in a while.
80 MPH gusts,
trees are falling down all over the place.

what a few people don’t know
is that I have a hobby of writing novels.
Got a truckload of them on Amazon.
these novels usually have
some sort of martial arts them.

Monkeyland is the start of a five book series
where martial arts becomes crucial
to the survival of the human race.
And the style taught?
Monkey boxing.
What else, eh?

big end of the world saga
pushes martial arts to their conclusion,
what would martial arts be like
taken to their extreme?
What powers would you really have?
This thing goes crazy.

gratuitous ad done,
I have always found it interesting
how the martial arts are represented in novels.
There’s a few books that are cool,
but not many.

One of the first to come out was ‘ninja’
by Eric Lustbader.
He was trained,
but his writing style betrayed him,
he went for the mystical.

When I write,
even in the mystical,
I want the reader to know the technique,
to feel the flesh dent,
to feel the crack of bone,
to experience what a truly great punch or kick,
delivered with expertise at the exact right time
can do to some poor fool.

One novel that cracked me up was
Six Days of the Condor,
which was made into the movie
Three Days of the Condor
with Robert Redford.
This book was okay,
but when the big fist fight
between the hero and the villain occurred,
the villain was held up as the deadliest fighter alive…
a brown belt.
That’s right,
the author hadn’t even done enough homework
to know what the difference in belts was.

One of the most interesting,
be it in a useless way,
examples of martial arts in novels
was in the Laurel Hamilton books.
This was before she translated her novels into porn.
The first novels were great,
but when she described her heroine fighting the bad guys
it was totally obvious where she got her martial arts experience.
She went down to a kenpo school
signed up for a years instruction,
then lasted a month or two.
Her descriptions were like the ramblings
of an instructor trying to impress a newby.

that said,
you can check out my books on Amazon,
just click on my name there
and you’ll find my authors page,
have some fun.

that said,
I’m working on a big release.
A really big book is coming out.
Stay tuned,

Have a great work out!




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