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Planning a New Monkeyland for Martial Arts!

Newsletter 831

Monkeyland Plans!

Good morning!
Another fine day,
perfect for a workout!

Let’s talk about Monkeyland.

martial arts system

A complete Martial Arts System! ~ Click on the cover!

For those of you new to the newsletter,
Monkeyland is the name of the place
where I set up a retreat
where people lived and practiced martial arts.
Free from the distraction of the world.
A western version of Shaolin,
in a manner of speaking.

About three years ago
I moved to a mountaintop
just outside Santa Maria.
I lived there for a little over a year.

There were a lot of problems.
One was that there was no internet connection.
No electricity.
The well went dry a couple of times.
And so on and so on.

there were a lot of solutions.
Fixed the well,
set up a solar panel installation to power things,
and lots of other stuff.

And weird stuff happened.
One was that I made extra money
by running a crematorium for animals.
That’s right,
the little furries reached the end of their lives,
and it was up to me to dispose of the carcasses.
It actually wasn’t bad,
Dead things don’t gross me out,
I actually said a little prayer for the guys,
and sent them off to the next body,
or whatever,
with a heartfelt prayer.

The only thing that bothered me was
they smell like hamburger.
Now that was gross.
Made me wonder what I’ll smell like
when this body gets cremated.

I worked out as much as I could.
I had a severely injured shoulder.
Was on vicodin for a few years,
on a scale of 1-10,
was an 11.

So I got an operation,
and was immediately off vicoden.
The docs were worried I would be addicted.
Not a chance.
I have the martial arts on my side.

the owner of the property and I had a falling out.
A neighbor ran over his dog
and he blamed me.
Didn’t matter that i told him not to encourage
the dogs to chase trucks,
it was my fault.

we left.
Closed up shop and moved back
to the big city.

No work.
I was back.

So the last year or so
I have been recovering.
From operation,
from financial straights,
and so on.

all I can think about
is getting back to Monkeyland.

Where can I go
that I won’t run into psychotic landlords,
where I can do martial arts,
and teach all the things I’ve learned.

I want to either end up in
Monterey county,
just below Santa Cruz.
Beautiful land.
Got to be a few acres sitting out there,
off grid,
where idiots don’t abound.

I wouldn’t mind Idylewild,
which is just above Palm Springs.
Not as lush,
but quite beautiful.

Tai Chi is just one of the arts to be taught at Monkeyland!

Here’s the thing,
it’s not just teaching the martial arts.
believe it or don’t,
is not just about teaching martial arts.
People live there.
They grow veggies and cook.
They help the community.
They do lots of stuff
that most people don’t think of.

So the point here is
how can Monkeyland become self sufficient.

One way is pushing the books and videos I’ve done.
I’ve barely scratched the surface,
there are so many people out there
that think I’m just scamming,
have never read a book,
or looked at a video.

What I want to do is…

teach the martial arts
set up solar panels which create our source of energy, and even tap into air wells.
Build a small community, using such things as cargo containers, so that people can live.
Recover land using certain modern irrigation methods.
And so on.

how am I going to do this?
I need to push the books and videos
so that people understand
there are actual martial arts in existence.
Not tournament stuff,
not just reality.
But martial arts that grow the human being,
and create abilities that are thought of only in legend.

I will probably look for grants.
See if I can find somebody,
some corporation,
which is willing to back such a venture.

And there will be.
Recovering the land?
Delving into modern technologies
for such things as water and energy,
there are going to be corporations who want to grant.

I have a year or two of catching up on book writing,
making sure that all methods are sharp and ready to go,
I have to write complete plans.
I have to have a massive and detailed cost estimate,
and in that estimate
will be plans
for how Monkeyland will support itself.

You can’t live off people,
you need to support yourself.
And i know that there are a lot of martial artists
who would like to spend a few weeks in Martial Arts paradise,
or even a lifetime.

So that’s the skinny on Monkeyland.
Now you know what happened,
and what can be done about it.

I know there are a few readers out there.
Maybe even reading this newsletter,
so if you want to know where the concept
for Monkeyland came from,
order the book…

It’s a series,
starts off with race wars,
and then goes crazy.
The whole series covers the enslavement of planet earth,
reveals how we are being ruled,
and by who,
and most important…
what can be done about it.

And it is all based on actual planet earth facts.

you will see the seeds for Monkeyland
during the course of that series.

Okley dokely,
time for me to get crackin’,
got lots of stuff to do,
including working out.

you know,
so do you!

I’ll talk to you later…

have a great work out!


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Evolving a Thousand Years Through the Martial Arts…

Newsletter 824

The Martial Arts, and Evolution…

Speaking of matrixing, the martial arts, and evolution…
I came across an interesting thought
the other day
I was reading some old yogic scrolls,
and the claim was made
that an hour of yoga
caused a thousand years of evolution
in the person doing the yoga.

Interesting claim.

The most important Martial Arts book ever written.

The most important Martial Arts book ever written.

it’s not right,
though it does act like it is right.

After all,
when you evolve,
you are not growing,
you are reclaiming yourself.
So it’s true,
but…not really.
Which brings us to Matrixing.

When you study a martial art
that has been matrixed,
the art is logical,
and therefore the you accept it.
you like things to make sense,
to be logical.

when you matrix a martial art
you accept this logical method
of looking at and handling the world
at a much faster rate.

The difference between studying a martial art,
and matrixing it
(making it logical through your own efforts)
is the difference between driving a car
and building a car.
The fellow who builds the car
will understand that car far better
than the fellow who simply drives it.

Mind you,
in the end,
you get to where you are going.
But the fellow who makes his own vehicle
in the end,
get there faster.

that said,
there are several things that will happen,
as you matrix,
that will occur.
I don’t think I have ever laid out these results,
described this path,
so here goes…

you will tend to look at the world in a logical manner.
You will become better at solving problems.
You will become a better worker and boss.
You will become an artist.

how to study martial art

Click here to get the whole story on Matrixing the Martial Arts

Everybody sort of knows this,
most martial artists experience this,
so let me take you where most people don’t know.

you must put aside emotion.
This is an interesting thing.
People will put emotion on you,
and you will feel the need to respond with emotion.
But the Neutronic definition of emotion:

emotion is motion inside the head.

you must still the emotion,
stop the motion inside your head,
and not respond with emotion,

there is good emotion,
love, happiness, etc.
And there is bad emotion,
hate, fear, sadness, etc.

So the specific emotion you must not respond to
is the bad emotion.
Good emotion okay.
Bad emotion you must uncreate from even beginning.

Think about it,
emotion is merely the automatic response
of one who is overwhelmed.
You must not become overwhelmed,
you must view the world in logical terms,
so that nothing can surprise you,
nothing can overwhelm you.

you must defeat the distraction of memories.
You must not respond because any conditioning
you may have received.
This includes any familial conditioning,
any educational conditioning,
any conditioning of any kind.
you must create yourself in the moment.

For instance,
your father laughed at certain types of jokes before you,
do you laugh at the same kind of jokes?
Don’t you realize that he laughed at jokes in his moment?
And that you have an entirely different moment?
That will change the type of jokes you might laugh at.

For instance,
school might train you to think like a physicist,
and you will analyze the world as a physicist,
when you should analyze it as a unique being,
not trapped by an education.

(Mind, I am not saying you can’t be a physicist
and be in the moment, too)

For instance,
do you view the world through a religious viewpoint?
It would be much better
to study all religions,
to understand all religions,
than to choose one religion over all others.

Don’t become the only thing in the universe
willing to kill over a belief system.

This is simple after you have evolved a few hours…

you must separate yourself from other people,
without losing your humanity.
you must be immune to the attitudes
of your fellow man,
but you must love your fellow man
all the same.
This one is incredibly tough.
No matter how far you evolve,
there will always be some idiot
telling you what to do,
thinking he is smarter than you,
and so on.
Can you accept and even use this fellow?
And put aside your certainty
that he is an idiot?
Interesting problem, eh?

and this one is a toughie,
don’t view the world as a fantasy.
This is probably the toughest,
for you become enlightened through the things
I have previously mentioned,
then you might think that,
because you are so smart,
the world should be as you say.

For instance,
you make a battery powered car,
to save the world from pollutants,
and don’t ever consider
that someday the battery will have to be disposed of,
and that the battery might be worse
than all the oil pollutants of a gas car.

this is one of the most dangerous things
you will ever to confront
on your way to self-sufficiency
as a spiritual being…
on your way to your ultimate evolution…
on the way to the ultimate truth of yourself.

Though people haven’t discovered
the earlier truths,
they don’t know how to look at the world logically,
or control their emotion,
or control their responses to people,
they will still try to rule the world through their fantasy.

Have you ever met a fellow without an opinion?
And yet I am asking you to be one.
Toughest problem you will ever encounter.

this is the truth of matrixing
and where it leads to.

you learn to look at the world logically
through the matrixing method.
You put aside the distraction of memories,
then you put aside emotion,
other people’s thoughts,
and even fantasy.

Then you find the truth of yourself,
and you start manipulating the universe
the way it should be manipulated.

The truly odd thing is that this path
often starts with a simple motivation:
the desire to defend yourself.
The wish to become physically safe
through simple exercises and drills.

Where this path leads,
is sublime.

the one caution:
People think they can do this through any martial art.
Yet nobody has ever succeeded.

the people who think they have
are merely manifesting their fantasy of the world.
They are still mired in the muck,
and don’t understand that they have no logic.
They have only the fantasy of logic.
They have only an opinion and no facts.

So it has to be a matrixed martial art.
It can’t be a Chinese fire drill of a martial art,
it has to be a logical (matrixed) martial art.
Then it will work,
and then you can experience something like…
a thousand years of evolution
through a simple hour of exercise.

Matrix Karate starts the matrixing process.
Study the courses as you need to,
until logic outweighs fantasy in your mind.
Then you will be off and running.

But whatever you do…
don’t settle for an opinion.

Here’s a link…

And if you’re not ready for Matrix Karate,
then at least check out the ‘Binary Matrixing in the Martial Arts’ book,
or the ‘How to Matrix the Martial Arts’ book.
They are available on Amazon.
(leave a good review!)

have a great work out!


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Karate Blocks Make the Man!

Newsletter 807

How Karate Blocks Make You Better

May you have the best work out of your life.

earn black belt karate

First Volume of Matrix Karate ~ Kindle version

Speaking of blocks…
When I was in my teens I was studying Kenpo.
I learned all these neat tricks,
was excited about fighting,
and I kept having these weird ideas about strategy
and how the martial arts were shaped.
I couldn’t make these strategies work.
I could fight well,
but these things I was thinking about,
they just eluded me in combat.
And it was because there wasn’t much
in the way of blocking,
in Kenpo.

In my twenties I joined the Kang Duk Won,
I bashed my arms for years,
and I learned about pain.
I learned that pain is a warning device.
And it was all because of blocks.

Most people won’t use a real block in freestyle.
I can,
and do if I am teaching somebody
and there is a lesson in it.
But it’s easier to just hit the other fellow
than it is to block.

But I never would have learned
how to slide in and hit somebody
if I hadn’t learned how to block.

I always remember the specific technique
where it all came home.
It was the technique
from the first move of Batsai.
Batsai is spelled a few different ways,
but it means
‘defending a fortress.’

In that technique I had to do three blocks.
And I had to do these three blocks with hips twists,
I had to twist the hips
to align the body
so it could support the impact
without collapsing.
And I had to do it faster
than somebody could throw three punches at me.

For months I tried to get that technique.
I would practice it and practice it,
get guys to give me that attack,
but I just couldn’t move my body fast enough.

One day,
I did.
Just like that.
One second I couldn’t,
and the next second I could.
Like a switch had been thrown.
But here’s the interesting thing:
I felt like I was behind my head.
I felt like I was out of my body,
just a little bit,
and watching my body move without me.

it was moving because I had mastered
the thought pattern behind the blocks.
I had practiced that mental circuit
until it broke,
and what was left was me.

From there I moved into other things,
hitting without blocks because,
darn it,
I had gotten so good at them I didn’t need them.
And I moved into concepts
of how to move the energy in my body
just by thinking about it.
Which is understandable if you realize
that learning how to block
had taught me how to influence my body
with just thought.

I began to be able to accomplish
all those odd ideas I had had
way back in Kenpo.
Which led to Matrixing.

Nowadays people don’t practice the blocks.
And if they do,
they don’t practice them with the proper hip movement,
the proper alignment,
the proper breathing and thought.

I know this because when people
come to me for lessons,
they show a complete lack of understanding,
no knowledge of the drills,
of how blocking works.

The thing is
there is a whole realm of thought
that goes with learning how to block.
You learn all sorts of things,
and it builds a springboard
for moving into other concepts.

Think about it,
you can box,
and learn how to take a punch,
but that doesn’t teach you
how to run energy through your body.

Nothing wrong with boxing,
it’s actually pretty good stuff,
fills in a few gaps
that are in the martial arts,
but it just doesn’t have the energy theory
that goes along with the martial arts.

I’m working on the Matrix Karate
for a Kindle version.
Kindle is very unfriendly to photos,
so I have to take some out,
and rewrite the thing.
It’s be good,
but not as good as a book,
or a video.
even the other electronic readers are better,
because they take PDFs easily.

But one of the things I focus on
to make up for that lack,
is the specific blocking in the forms.
Not the matrix of blocking,
which provides a logic
which blasts one to intuition,
but the old way,
learning the blocks,
making them work,
until the art does you,
and you become the art.

You guys are lucky.
You understand something the Kindle readers
may never understand.
You get everything on these courses.
On the other hand,
the kindle readers may understand something you don’t
because they will be seeing the art
in a more bare bones viewpoint,
that will let their mind fill in the blanks,
which is very healthy for a student.
who’s to say.
The real lesson is in the work out.
Getting the material and doing it,
thousands and thousands and thousands of times,
until it becomes you,
and you become it.
That will teach you the art,
no matter which of my books or courses you get.

Here’s the full Matrix Karate course.

Have a great work out!


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Martial Artists are Dying at a Young Age!

Newsletter 806
Why Martial Artists Die Young

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Click on the Cover!

Click on the Cover!

Good afternoon!
Good weekend,
and great work out.

Just released a new Martial Arts book.
it is not for everyone.

I recently read a book which claimed that
martial artists are dying young.
It was a very well researched book.
Went over the history of the martial arts,
traced the ages of death
and pretty much proved that
the martial arts are bad for your health.

Well, I can’t have that.
Even if it’s true its a lie.
So I wrote a book
proving that the truth was really a lie,
and that martial artists can live a long life.
of course,
they do certain things.
So this book is about those certain things.

it is not for everybody.
It is not a book of technique nor form.
It is not a training manual.
It is a serious discussion
as to what is wrong with the martial arts
that makes martial artists die young.
And there are recommendations
and data concerning things like energy (chi),
how you’re supposed to use the body,
and so on.

So it’s a brainy book.
Strictly for those who like to read and understand.
but it could have fantastic consequences
for those who want to understand
the principles behind adjusting your body
so it works properly.

So it might be for you,
but it might not.

Here’s the link

here’s some other news concerning it.
It is a kindle book, which means you download it and read it
on your kindle or iphone or whatever.

I am planning to write a few books strictly for Kindle.
The Kindle format is unfriendly to pictures,
so there won’t be tons of illustrations,
just a few.
the books are usually about half as long as a regular book.
That is just the kindle format and problems.

it is a huge market for me,
so I have to gear a few books over to it.

the most well reviewed book I’ve got
is Outlaw Karate.

Five Five star ratings.
Nothing under five stars.

I recommend the paper version
because the kindle version comes in two parts
and isn’t always easy to read.

So that’s about it,
I’ll have some great wins for you next time,
things are changing,
and one of these days
I’ll have Monkeyland open again.

Have a great work out!


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What Matrixing in the Martial Arts Really Does

Newsletter 800
What is Actually Happening With Matrixing and the Martial Arts

Good morning!
The sun is shining,
and then it is raining,
and shining and raining,
and so on.
that makes it THE day for working out!

To injure an opponent is to injure yourself. To control aggression without inflicting injury is the Art of Peace.

To injure an opponent is to injure yourself. To control aggression without inflicting injury is the Art of Peace.

I just received several emails.
Some fellow was bashing me on his blog.
He was a long time martial artist,
quoted me,
then proceeded to ‘dissect’ me.
if anybody spoke up for me,
he bashed them.
Nice guy.

I thought this made for a wonderful opportunity
to explain about bad people in the martial arts,
what really makes them,
what you do about them,
and…what is really happening with matrixing.
So here we go.

Here is a scenario.
You are in the seventh grade,
and you are charged with teaching a fourth grader,
you have to teach him how to multiply.
You lay out the problems,
you show him,
and show and show him,
and he just doesn’t get it.
You get mad.
Stupid kid.
Teacher comes up,
she doesn’t get mad,
she just sort of straightens everything out.
here is what happened:
you had never taught anybody.
You didn’t know all the tricks.
The teacher has seen it all,
she knows all the tricks.

the people who attack me,
who attack matrixing,
they are like seventh graders.
They have done some martial arts,
but they don’t know all the tricks.
in this specific,
they don’t understand
how all the arts fit together.
They don’t understand the underlying principles,
the real philosophy behind it all.
they get mad.

think about it,
they have spent their lives doing martial arts,
and here I come along and say:
oh, that’s not right,
you should do it this way.

am I a threat.
So they strike back
against what is threatening them,
threatening their carefully cultivated view of themselves,
of their construct of how the world works.

here is a proof for what i am saying:
If they knew the truth they wouldn’t get mad.
I don’t get mad…because I know the truth.
I know how the arts fit together,
I know all the tricks,
the gimmicks and methods,
the way it all works,
so I don’t get mad
when these fellows speak ill of me
on blogs and chatrooms and so on.

If you know the truth you don’t get mad,
you can look down to their level,
and see what it is they don’t understand.

The problem is…
you can’t make them understand
if they don’t want to understand,
that is to say,
if they are holding to the small bits of truth
they did manage to accumulate,
to the methods and things that they constructed
to try to make sense
out of the martial arts
which don’t always make sense.

the specific fellow who was attacking me,
was dissecting one of my Kenpo books.
And it gets very interesting.

For instance,
he claimed I wasn’t a serious student of Kenpo,
in the book,
I explained that i wasn’t a serious student of Kenpo,
that I was applying matrixing principles
to what i had learned decades ago.

For instance,
he said my work needed more depth,
in my book,
I set forth the idea that this was a beginning,
and that somebody should come along
and exploit my principles
to look deeper.

Do you get it?

He was saying things I had already pointed out in my book.

He was criticizing me
using points i had already used to criticize myself.

Not very creative,
especially for so called critical thinking.

here’s the kicker.
in his attack he made an interesting statement, he said something to the effect that he had read my books,
and that at a certain point he came face to face with

a different way of seeing things.

This was the effect of matrixing.

And he immediately pushed it aside,
which is to say,
he held on to his carefully constructed world,
and was unable to evolve.

I will say something else.
In my books I tell people, very plainly,
that they can’t just read the books,
they have to do the techniques,
then they will understand,
then they will get what I am talking about.

I gauran-forking-tee he did not do this.
He was a seventh grader,
thinking he was a teacher,
and he read the book without doing ANY of the techniques.
Without experiencing what I was really saying.

If he had done the book,
instead of reading it like a comic,
he would have been changed,
that different viewpoint would have popped out,
nice and neat and gently overwhelming,
and he would have evolved.

His art would have evolved.
He would have become a teacher,
a real teacher,
instead of a seventh grader thinking he was a teacher.

I know what I have just said
is the absolute truth,
because I have seen it work over the last ten years.

There are thousands of people who have DONE the material I have written.
Who have DONE the forms and techniques.
Who have DONE the drills.
And my wins book is packed with their stories.
Over six hundred pages of thanks yous.
Of ‘how did you ever figure this out?’
Of ‘OMG, I am making my own art,
and it all makes so much sense!’

So that is the point i want to make here.
You can read about,
or you can do.
But don’t bother criticizing what I’ve done
until you have done it for yourself.

Don’t be a seventh grader,
thinking you know it all,
when you only know what a seventh grader knows.
Don’t settle for that.

that brings us to where this matrixing thing is going.
Let me make a few points.
I love the martial arts.
There is nothing i love more than doing the forms,
working out with people,
it is all a ball.
I left the fighting part of the martial arts decades ago.
I lived in a time that has passed
where i was able to accumulate all the data,
and make sense of it,
and I was able to put fighting aside.

the point of matrixing is to help you do this, too.
To learn how to fight so well,
that fighting stops being a game of chance,
and becomes a scientific endeavor,
where you analyze and handle people
like you are a teacher,
and they are seventh graders.

We are talking about actual evolution here.

If you lived fifty years,
you would have fifty years worth of knowledge.
But what if I could give you that knowledge in a year or two?
where would you be in fifty years then?
You would be at a hundred years,
because you would have my fifty,
plus your fifty.
And here is the interesting thing,
the martial arts accelerate beyond that,
once they are matrixed.
It is not just about getting my fifty years of knowledge,
it is about getting thousands of years of knowledge,
all the knowledge accumulated by the ancients
and passed down,
and finally made sense of.

Let me ask you a question:
what step of evolution is it
where you don’t get mad?

You watch the world
and everybody gets mad.
The politicians lie and get mad,
the corporate bosses,
for all their success,
cheat and steal,
and get awfully mad.
People on the street,
they get mad in their cars,
they flip each other off,
they have road rage,
they beat each other up with baseball bats.
Husbands and wives get mad,
they snipe at each other,
and the next thing you know
the man punches out the wife,
the wife does a Lorena Bobbit,

do you get it?

From the playgrounds of our ‘educational’ institutions
to the prisons,
to the businesses and politicis,
we are a raging,
wild beast.

I don’t get mad.
And I am telling you exactly why,
because I have done the martial arts so much
that I have given up fighting.
Because I understand what frustrations
all those seventh graders are having out there.

Do you want to get ‘unmad?’
Do you want to give up anger?
Do you want to understand,
not like a seventh grader,
hopped up on GMO and vaccines and testosterone and all that,
but like a calm, patient teacher?

Do you like a world where you are out of control?
Where you travel from one conflict to the other,
and never partake of the chocolate cake in-between?

That’s what I am selling,
that’s the truth of what Matrixing does.
That’s where you would be,
if you could suddenly ‘evolve’ yourself.
If you could leap past all the minor frustrations
of a society that is dedicated to killing itself.

the interesting thing is this:
I have often thought about taking all the books off the market
that are attempts to apply matrixing to other arts.
It just seems to cause so much anger.
People think I am trying to destroy their construction,
instead of enhance it.
They think i am attacking their art,
when I am only trying to make it bigger,
more logical.
When all I want is to take them to the end of one street,
and show them a thousand other streets.
When I just want to evolve them.

My consideration is simple.
Are my books causing anger among those unable to understand
because they cannot do more than read,
because they cannot do,
because they cannot understand the instructions?

Something to think about,

I’ve also thought about,
and even begun work
on setting up lines of endeavor
which can be closely watched.
I made an attempt at Monkeyland,
and still think about the mistakes made I made,
and how i could fix them.

I’ve thought about setting up a website
dedicated to taking people step by step,
but not allowing them to purchase the next step,
until they have completed the previous step.

And there are reasons I haven’t done this yet,
though I have made half starts.
Reasons like I don’t have the time and wherewithal.
Not very good reasons are these, I admit,
but…that is where I am.

hope I didn’t bore you,
hope I actually made some sense with this ranting,
but let me just say this…
the most important course I’ve got
is the Master Instructor Course.
I push it more than any other,
because it lays out the way energy works in the martial arts,
it presents how techniques work.
And it tends to divest one of ALL the false reasons
behind the actual martial arts.
It tells you the information you need to instruct.
It opens the door
to the way of becoming
a calm, patient teacher,
and not a seventh grader.
Here go.

to all,
happy March,
March is named after the God of War,
so it is your month.
Enjoy it
by working out every day.

Happy martial arts!
and have a great work out!

Through Fantasy to Reality Martial Arts

Newsletter 789
Fantasy Martial Arts!

Happy Sunday morning!
It is perfect,
is it not?
For a Sunday workout.
A time in which to make yourself stronger.
More enlightened.

Okay dokay…
I was thinking about fantasies and the real world.
A fantasy is when you think,
‘I’m going to do this!’
and it bears no reality to the real world.

You practice the martial arts,
you mock up defenses for everything
from rape to atomic wars
and you think you are prepared.

But that’s not what it is all about.

The average person will get in three fights in his life.
That’s the actual statistic.

some people have more than that.
A lot more.
A guy who trains in boxing might have a dozen fights,
A cop might have a dozen fights.
The guy who trains in a dojo
usually doesn’t have any fights.

It’s true!
People who train,
and especially in the classic martial arts,
almost never get in fights.
The fights happen around them,
but somehow they walk the walk…
right out of the confrontation.

You can’t believe how many people have verified this for me.

‘I started the martial arts
and now nobody bugs me.’

And the truth is that they have learned to face their fellow man,
and themselves,
and they don’t have that certain set of fears
that results in fighting


And it lasts their whole life.


And this is what happens when you go through
the fantasy of the martial arts.
Your fears fade
and you are left
with the reality of you.

let me change pace,
if you think about it,
what I have just said is the truth,
and there is nothing more to be said.

Let me bounce around a bit.

Hanakwanmass to you.
Whether you believe in Happy Hanukah,
Krazy Kwanza,
or Merry Christmas,
let everybody around you
feel the joy you have found in the martial arts.

Give yourself a present,
or give somebody else a present,
this year,
of martial arts.

Let everybody know,
just by your calm attitude
and peace of mind,
what you have
by giving it to them.

If we had a planet full of black belts
we wouldn’t have any wars.


That is such a totally inescapable conclusion.

get ready,
next newsletter will be
my yearly rendition of
The Night Before Xmas.

And here’s something I have never mentioned,
every time I recite that Xmas poem,
every year,
I get people jumping the newsletter.
It’s true.
I send out my rendition of
The Night Before Xmas
and people cancel subscriptions at a mad rate.

Makes me laugh.

See there are two responses to the thought
behind this Martial Arts Xmas poem.

You can laugh,
and embrace the insanity.

You can get mad,
and struggle against the insanity.

But the insanity will be there
until you do enough work outs.
Do enough work outs
and the fantasy leaves,
and you are left with the truth of the martial arts.
All I’m doing is showing the way.

The Way.

Have yourself an incredible HanakwanMass.

and a fantastic work out!


After 50 years in the martial arts,
these are the forms I study…

My gift to you.


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The Three Secrets of Pan Gai Noon Karate/Kung Fu

How Karate was Born, Destroyed, and Can Be Resurrected

I had no idea what Pan Gai Noon was when I began my studies of karate.
I had begun with Kenpo karate, and then moved onto classical karate such as presented by okinawan or Japanese systems.
As the years and then decades rolled past, I delved deeper and deeper into the martial arts, and always in the back of my mind was a question where did it all come from.
okinawan karate history
The Japanese karate system comes from Okinawa, and Okinawan karate is derived from a broad variety of martial arts and Asia.
One of the most important influences in the matter karate comes from Pan Gai Noon.
PGN was talking the Fukien province of China. It was taught by a street seller name Shu Shi Wa who may have learned it as a style of Temple boxing taught by Shaolin monks.
Mind you, there are no real hard facts here, so you will have to make up your own mind as to the originals of karate and even kung fu.
That said, If you analyze PGN using matrixing, you will find a wealth of specific self-defense structures in the first three forms of this martial arts system.
In the first form, Sanchin, you will find straight thrusts that will override incoming punches. You will also find very useful and street applicable basic blocks. You will learn this in conjunction with learning how to fasten the body to the ground.
Fastening the body to the ground, or grounding, is the secret of making PGN work. It is also the secret of making all martial arts work. It is the secret of the art.
Most important, at the end of first form you will find a block called wa-uke. This is a circular block, not talking other martial arts, but possibly the most useful block ever talking karate.
The essence of wa-uke is to slap with the first hand, then grab with the second hand.
Thus, using grounding, you train yourself to stand and face. You slapping grab any strike coming in, and counter.
This concept of stand face is found in no other martial art in existence.
Other arts teach you to fight, PGN teaches you to stand and face. As simple as this concept is, the whole system is based upon it, And students would spend literally decades learning it.
The second form of pan gai noon takes this concept of stand and face using only the block of wa-uke and expands it through a variety of strikes.
Matrixing, at this point, can speed up your study of the art. By using a simple matrix graph, one can understand all of the possible permutations of motion inherent in wa-uke.
Without matrixing it can take decades to learn the art; with matrixing one can learn to stand and face in a matter of months.
The third form, Sanseirui, expands upon the theory of fighting and presents whole methods of combat.
The last one is not limited to the method of wa-uke, but is able to expand his fighting concepts in many other directions.
These three secrets of pan gai noon are inside the three basic forms. Unfortunately, they have not been passed down, but rather altered to fit Okinawan and Japanese martial arts concepts.
That’s the real truth of PGN has been obscured by people who didn’t understand them, And who translated the art into such concepts as dynamic tension, excessive breathing patterns, and basic techniques that are not tied together and any cohesive theory or concept.

If you wish to see the truth of the matter, I recommend the pan gai noon book available at Amazon. With this course you will see the truth of the beginning of karate, how it was corrupted, and how it can be made great again. An extra bonus, there are three complete systems on this book and video course.

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