Category Archives: zen

I was Attacked on Christmas!

Newsletter 844

How I used Martial Arts against an Intruder on Christmas!

And a great work out to you!

the martial arts killed Christmas.
In fact,
it was me,
with my martial arts
that killed Christmas.
Killed it dead.
Dead a poisoned rat in a trap dropped in a well.
Here’s how it happened.

monkey boxing lineage

Click on the cover!

Back in 1974,
I had just gotten my Black Belt.
I was in phenomenal shape,
the martial arts had turned on
all sorts of abilities for me.
I had a sixth sense open up,
I could feel when people were going to do things,
I could sense things around me,
I moved through the world
a warrior unbound.

My wife and I lived in a small house in Redwood City.
There was an upstairs and a downstairs.
It was so compact
that the bathroom was under the stairs.

One night I awoke,
felt the need to relieve myself.
Half asleep,
stumbling through the dark,
I descended the stairs.
I turned through the living room
and headed for the bathroom.

a shape rushed at me!
It was dark,
but I could feel the motion.
I spun into a classical move,
and chopped with perfect form.
The intruder crashed against the wall.
One chop,
and he was down and out!
Now that’s good martial arts,
I thought,
and I turned on the light.

The Christmas tree lay a ruin.
Every ornament was flung from the tree,
little bulbs lay in shards,
scattered across the floor

The lights,
needless to say,
no longer worked.

The cheery, little angel
that had topped the tree
was smacked against the wall
and lay in ruins.

Half asleep,
I had snagged the Christmas tree cord with a foot,
and pulled the ‘intruder’
down upon myself.

I had defended myself rather adequately,
don’t you think?

I remember a time in an Aikido class,
when the instructor had talked about
using the sixth sense to protect oneself,
but not being so violent,
that Grandma had to worry,
when she walked up behind you
and tapped you on the shoulder.

I understood that one.
And I understood that I had a lot more to go,
a lot more to learn,
past black belt.

getting a black belt is just the start.
That’s like graduating from high school,
and there’s all sorts of college ahead of you,
advanced studies in rare fields.

A lot to look forward to.

there are those that quit the martial arts
after getting their black belt.
They have nothing to look forward to.
Or at least didn’t,
until the Matrixing courses came out.

even if it’s been a few years
since you worked out,
you can jump back in the game,
study those rare fields of knowledge.
Learn Shaolin,
figure out this ‘chi’ business,
study weapons.

And you can do it logically,
without all the mystical bullstuff
that infects most martial arts.

up to you.
It is Christmas
so you might think about getting yourself
a nice present.
A present like a whole martial art.
How about Shaolin?

Okley donkley,
here’s something you should know…

Got more videos out on the MonkeyBoxingNow site.
Check out the blog there,
and sign up for the newsletter
if you want the blog to come to you.

And don’t forget to be politically correct.
Don’t say Merry Christmas,
it might offend somebody.
be socially responsible and say Happy…


Say Merry Christmas if you want!
And the heck with people
who object to a well wishing!

In fact,
Offend everybody!

It’s the only way to go!

HanaKwanMass to all,
and to all…


(And try not to kill the tree, you rabid dogs!)

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The Spirituality of Indian Stealth Skills!

Newsletter 836

Neutronic Martial Arts and Indian Stealth Skills!
part four

Good afternoon.
A little wet around here,
not wet enough,
but it’s a start.
And a good, healthy work out
is also a start.

This is the fourth part of a five part series.
Subscribe to the newsletter to read the other parts

martial arts school instruction manualIn the first three articles
we have discussed how and why the American Indian
was possibly the finest light infantry in the world.
In this article I want to take a look at something that is very spiritual in nature,
not understood,
or even talked about by many,
and yet is easily understood
if you have any idea how Neutronics works.

That the Indians were spiritual is very obvious.
They attributed spirituality to everything.
The wind was a spirit,
the trees,
every animal had a spirit,
there was even a great spirit over all.
This was a very pure look at man’s spirituality,
but without the confusion of books,
and differing points of view arguing arcane points.
It was based on the world as they saw it,
as they felt it,
as they experienced it.

here is something about Neutronics,
something you will have to come to grips with
if you wish to have a chance in heck
of understanding how the Indian Warrior really worked.

In Neutronics
you are considered the center of the universe.
You can’t prove the universe exists,
all you really have is your awareness of the universe,
whether the universe exists or not,
you exist,
you are your own proof.

Most people are really screwed up.
They think the universe is the cause,
and they are the effect of the universe.
You see this everywhere…
somebody else did it!
(point your finger at somebody else)

But you are not the movie screen,
you are the projector!
No matter what the universe does,
you are the cause.
Whether it rains,
whether there is an accident,
whether you do or do not get up in the morning…
it is your ‘fault.’
You are the cause of the universe.

if you are still with me,
if you haven’t run screaming into the wilderness,
then consider this:
the Indians believed that if you looked
at an animal you were stalking,
there would be some kind of ‘light’ (or something)
emanating from your eyes.

In other words:
they believed the animal could feel ‘awareness.’

This is actually very logical,
when you consider,
as earlier parts of this article pointed out,
that the Indian methods built a higher awareness.

So the Indians would never look at their target
when hunting.


It required MORE awareness!

they did not shine the ‘flash light’ of their awareness,
rather they controlled that ‘flashlight,’
and the result was a fed family.

I know there are some that are nodding and going,
‘uh huh, that explains it,’
but there are probably more
that are blinking and shaking their heads,
and saying,
that Al guy is freaking NUTS!

So let me just back off here,
except to say one thing,

Check out
The Master Instructor Course

Once you understand the truth
about how the wind blows,
about how the body moves
about the reasons behind motion and the martial arts
you might be able to understand
the concepts I have detailed here,
and will definitely be in a position
to better manifest them yourselves.
Here’s the link…

now have a great work out!


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Planning a New Monkeyland for Martial Arts!

Newsletter 831

Monkeyland Plans!

Good morning!
Another fine day,
perfect for a workout!

Let’s talk about Monkeyland.

martial arts system

A complete Martial Arts System! ~ Click on the cover!

For those of you new to the newsletter,
Monkeyland is the name of the place
where I set up a retreat
where people lived and practiced martial arts.
Free from the distraction of the world.
A western version of Shaolin,
in a manner of speaking.

About three years ago
I moved to a mountaintop
just outside Santa Maria.
I lived there for a little over a year.

There were a lot of problems.
One was that there was no internet connection.
No electricity.
The well went dry a couple of times.
And so on and so on.

there were a lot of solutions.
Fixed the well,
set up a solar panel installation to power things,
and lots of other stuff.

And weird stuff happened.
One was that I made extra money
by running a crematorium for animals.
That’s right,
the little furries reached the end of their lives,
and it was up to me to dispose of the carcasses.
It actually wasn’t bad,
Dead things don’t gross me out,
I actually said a little prayer for the guys,
and sent them off to the next body,
or whatever,
with a heartfelt prayer.

The only thing that bothered me was
they smell like hamburger.
Now that was gross.
Made me wonder what I’ll smell like
when this body gets cremated.

I worked out as much as I could.
I had a severely injured shoulder.
Was on vicodin for a few years,
on a scale of 1-10,
was an 11.

So I got an operation,
and was immediately off vicoden.
The docs were worried I would be addicted.
Not a chance.
I have the martial arts on my side.

the owner of the property and I had a falling out.
A neighbor ran over his dog
and he blamed me.
Didn’t matter that i told him not to encourage
the dogs to chase trucks,
it was my fault.

we left.
Closed up shop and moved back
to the big city.

No work.
I was back.

So the last year or so
I have been recovering.
From operation,
from financial straights,
and so on.

all I can think about
is getting back to Monkeyland.

Where can I go
that I won’t run into psychotic landlords,
where I can do martial arts,
and teach all the things I’ve learned.

I want to either end up in
Monterey county,
just below Santa Cruz.
Beautiful land.
Got to be a few acres sitting out there,
off grid,
where idiots don’t abound.

I wouldn’t mind Idylewild,
which is just above Palm Springs.
Not as lush,
but quite beautiful.

Tai Chi is just one of the arts to be taught at Monkeyland!

Here’s the thing,
it’s not just teaching the martial arts.
believe it or don’t,
is not just about teaching martial arts.
People live there.
They grow veggies and cook.
They help the community.
They do lots of stuff
that most people don’t think of.

So the point here is
how can Monkeyland become self sufficient.

One way is pushing the books and videos I’ve done.
I’ve barely scratched the surface,
there are so many people out there
that think I’m just scamming,
have never read a book,
or looked at a video.

What I want to do is…

teach the martial arts
set up solar panels which create our source of energy, and even tap into air wells.
Build a small community, using such things as cargo containers, so that people can live.
Recover land using certain modern irrigation methods.
And so on.

how am I going to do this?
I need to push the books and videos
so that people understand
there are actual martial arts in existence.
Not tournament stuff,
not just reality.
But martial arts that grow the human being,
and create abilities that are thought of only in legend.

I will probably look for grants.
See if I can find somebody,
some corporation,
which is willing to back such a venture.

And there will be.
Recovering the land?
Delving into modern technologies
for such things as water and energy,
there are going to be corporations who want to grant.

I have a year or two of catching up on book writing,
making sure that all methods are sharp and ready to go,
I have to write complete plans.
I have to have a massive and detailed cost estimate,
and in that estimate
will be plans
for how Monkeyland will support itself.

You can’t live off people,
you need to support yourself.
And i know that there are a lot of martial artists
who would like to spend a few weeks in Martial Arts paradise,
or even a lifetime.

So that’s the skinny on Monkeyland.
Now you know what happened,
and what can be done about it.

I know there are a few readers out there.
Maybe even reading this newsletter,
so if you want to know where the concept
for Monkeyland came from,
order the book…

It’s a series,
starts off with race wars,
and then goes crazy.
The whole series covers the enslavement of planet earth,
reveals how we are being ruled,
and by who,
and most important…
what can be done about it.

And it is all based on actual planet earth facts.

you will see the seeds for Monkeyland
during the course of that series.

Okley dokely,
time for me to get crackin’,
got lots of stuff to do,
including working out.

you know,
so do you!

I’ll talk to you later…

have a great work out!


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The Eyes in the Martial Arts

Newsletter 828

Where Do You Look During Combat

Happy Tuesday!
It’s great for a work out!

martial arts system

A complete Martial Arts System! ~ Click on the cover!

one of the biggest,
most frequent questions I get,
when I’m teaching,
is where do you look
when you are free styling.

and this is really bad,
I get kids who freestyle
while unconscious.

Would you like to fight while unconscious?

Let me explain.
If you were in the middle of a street
and a car came barreling towards you,
would you look at the car?
Or would you look at the driver?

Kids and beginners always say,
‘I’d look at the car.’
I make the noise of somebody being smunched,
run over by a car.

Here’s the thing,
the car has no mind.
It is a piece of metal and machinery.
The car has no direction,
except that which is fed into it by the driver.
So you look at the driver.
You look at the person behind the wheel,
you read his intentions.

Read his intentions.
A car has no intention.
Only a human being has intention.

So you must look at the driver of the car.

that means,
when you are fighting,
you must look at the eyes.

The eyes are the windows to a man’s soul.

Look at the eyes,
and you can see the intention.
You can see the thoughts.
You can see the intention.

Not at first.
At first you see eyes.
You see flesh and tissue.
with practice,
with dedicated dedication,
you will,
at last,
see the thought behind the body.
The spirit behind the flesh.
The ‘I am’ directing the action.

I know,
I’ve heard all the theories,
even been told to do them,
and even believed them for a while.
Look at the chest.
Use peripheral vision.
See the whole body by unfocusing.
But you’re still looking at the vehicle,
and not seeing who’s driving.

even without eyes,
you’ll start to perceive
things happening,
but it will be slow and faulty.

Who do you think is looking through those eyes?

Here’s the funny thing,
I was teaching a kid the other day,
and I made him look at me,
really look at me,
the ‘I am,’
and not the body,
and he broke down.
Went into the giggling hysterics.
Couldn’t look at me.

When I was a child and in trouble,
parents lecturing me,
I’d look down,
and immediately got the:
‘Look at me when I’m talking to you!’
They didn’t want me going unconscious.
I had to stay there and take my punishment.
Funny thing,
after a little of that,
I didn’t want to get in trouble.
It was just too hard looking them in the eyes.

This video clip is how you use the blinding steel material…

So that’s the key,
it will help your martial arts tremendously,
it will help your matrixing fantastically.
here’s something simple,
if you can’t look at it,
you can’t fight it.
And that means you can’t fight.

Because if you’re not looking,
then you’re unconscious.

Okey dokey.
Thanks to all who have purchased
Tiger and Butterfly Martial Arts,
it’s on Amazon.

the system I do,
right after Tiger and Butterfly
is the Blinding Steel course.

In otherwords,
I teach the hard stuff with the Tiger/Butterfly,
then I do the weapons,
which is Monkey Boxing,
then I finally go through the Matrix Kung Fu.

Funny when you look at it that way,
goes to show how advanced some of those
four original matrixing courses are.

Here’s the link…


have a great work out!


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The Arthritic Martial Arts Punch

Newsletter 820

Arthritis and a Martial Arts Punch!

“It’s not how hard you can hit,
it’s how much weight you can deliver.”
Al Case

I just received a great letter,
a fellow name of Damian,
said Yogata helped his arthritis,
and he talked about how
he sometimes had trouble with a fist because of arthritis.

yoga martial arts style

Click on the cover!

I recommend Yogata,
or any form of yoga,
but I really want to talk about punches,
which may impact on concepts about arthritis.

Arthritis is an interesting condition,
doctors sometimes lump everything
under the term arthritis,
and there are a lot of causes
behind arthritis.
It’s all sort of generic,
but generic with a bite.

So here’s the thing:
injury leads to inflammation.
The body is swelling.
Sometimes the swelling is obvious,
sometimes not,
but the pain,
or lack of usability,
is real.

Many, many years ago
I realized I wasn’t a breaking kind of guy.
My instructor was,
many people are,
there is something seductive
about Power,
and power is often associated with breaking things.

But I figured out that it’s not how hard you hit,
it’s how much weight you can transfer into the opponent.
So I thought about it,
and I realized something:

“you don’t have to tighten the fist.”

This is weird,
we all tighten the fist,
and it is important…for beginners.

Tightening the fist upon impact
teaches focus,
introduces one to concepts of power,
at a certain point,
you don’t need to tighten the fist.
Here’s something to think about”

take a stick and poke it into a watermelon.

Did the stick get ‘tight?’
It just had to be aligned,
and it required a certain amount of ‘quick’ weight.
when you think about it,
you could puncture a watermelon with a stick
using ‘slow’ weight.

So I started working on the idea
of poking the bones of my arm/fist
through an opponent’s body
without tightening the fist.

Having the idea of puncturing the body
in my mind.

It worked.
No fanfare,
no big deal,
just relax,
align the bones,
feed a little energy into the structure
to keep everything in line,
relax and throw the body.

Worked like a charm.

I started holding thumbtacks in my fist
and breaking things.

here is the kicker,
the more I relaxed,
the better I was able to thrust my
thumbtack holding bones
through an object.

There’s all sorts of things to think about here.
My favorite is this:

if you threw 20 pounds at somebody it would hurt.
(especially if that 20 pounds
had 200 pounds of body behind it)

So when you tighten the arm,
when you focus the fist,
the tightening of the muscles actually holds the strike back.

That’s very zen,
very tai chi,
very true.

don’t stop practicing with a tight fist,
you need a certain degree of focus to develop internal power.
And hitting with just the bones,
as I describe here,
is not the only strike,
and focusing the energy is VERY important.

In fact,
I would say that it would be VERY difficult
to learn how to strike with a relaxed fist
if one doesn’t first gain an understanding
of how to focus the energy with a tight fist.

those are my thoughts,
and I want to thank Damian for making me think,
and sharing his win with me.

If you have arthritis,
or ANY condition,
there are ways to keep training.
You just have to relax your thinking,
look around,
and find what works.

And you can find what works
in Yogata,

in The Punch

and if you think I’m just talking,
check out the video on this page…

Take care…and
have a great work out!


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Training to Relax in the Martial Arts

Newsletter 816

Relaxing is the only way to find the True Martial Arts

I remember reading of Koichi Tohei,
many years ago,
and some scientists asked if they could test his ki.
Like, on machines.

do yoga

Click on the Cover

Now this isn’t a smart idea.
Ki is an energy motivated by thought,
sometimes the energy can be registered,
but the thought never can,
so science often proves there is no such thing as ki.
Can’t be measured…doesn’t exist.
Which is the same reasoning
that kept the world flat for so many centuries.
They just don’t what to measure,
and there isn’t a machine in existence
that can measure thought.

That said,
the test went round and round,
they couldn’t explain what Koichi was doing,
and they couldn’t figure out the readings they were getting,
and he,
probably with a diabolical sense of humor,
told them he could slow his heart down.

They said nonsense,
a human being couldn’t control the nervous system in that way.
So he did it.
He dropped it some 30 beats,
then sped it up again,
then slowed it down.
And the scientists were really confused.

So let’s talk about what you are supposed to do
with your mind in the martial arts.

forget it.
It’s just a bunch of memories.
Get rid of the past,
at least ignore it,
and you are more in the present,
and then you can better control your body.
Logical, right?
But too simple.
People have a hard time buying into this simplicity.

in Karate,
we trained so that the mind
didn’t become excited,
and so that we kept looking,
and ignored emotion.
Ignored the emotion of fighting.
Didn’t feel the anxiety,
or panic,
or sudden beating of the heart
as the world devolved to chaos.

Note that I am moving at the same time.

When somebody throws a punch at me
I actually slow down.
My mind looks right past any memories,
and I focus on the moment.
I stop reacting,
even to my own training,
and start moving with the person.
In real time.

there are MANY examples of this in the world.
The baseball player,
for instance,
the guy way out in the field,
Not before it,
not after it,
but at the same time.
he moves intuitively to where the ball is going.
He attempts to ‘meet’ the ball,
at some specified time and place.

But how did he know where the ball was going…

There are other examples,
but this is my favorite,
probably because everybody knows what I am talking about.
Especially if they have played baseball.

If you have ever had a sixth sense,
known when something was going to happen before it happened,
felt somebody walk behind you (hairs on end),
that is you,
putting aside memories,
and perceiving directly.

In Karate,
it happened about the time I got to Black Belt.
When I got there I began to focus,
without excitement or distraction,
on what was happening.
And it really screwed people up,
when I displayed no reaction time.

Reaction comes from ‘react’
which means you are so immersed in memories (or training)
that you can’t perceive directly.

Signals have to travel through the body to create motion,
instead of you,
apart from your body,
just creating motion.

I’ve talked long enough,
probably left as much confusion as enlightenment.
But here’s the trick…
You have to train with people
in a system which understands this.
In which the techniques support this,
the forms are aligned and orderly.
The freestyle is not a fight,
but a procedure of learning how to look.
Not getting excited,
not getting distracted by emotions,
but calming yourself
so that you don’t get excited.

I’ve done the best I could
to give you a good system.
In fact…systemS.

Here are the systems…

But you have to work,
and work hard.
You have to get the idea that I’m talking about in your mind.
You have to force yourself to calm,
to put aside excitement,
and become cool and machinelike in your actions.

Good luck with this,
in spite of all the simplicity of my systems,
it is still hard.

It’s hard to restrain emotion,
put aside memories,
memories that you sometimes don’t even recognize as existing,
and function on a high level.

But it is possible.
Good work out to you.


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Fixing ANY Martial Arts Mistake!

Newsletter 814 ~ Sign up!

Matrixing Your Mistakes in the Martial Arts!

Gonna be a 100 degrees this week!
It’s time to really sweat!
So turn off that air conditioner
and get ready to ROCK!

karate master

Release of final volume of Matrixing Karate Series! Click on the Cover!

Let’s talk about matrixing.
In fact,
let’s talk about the big bugaboo of the martial arts…

Mistakes are not actually mistakes.
If you block something wrong,
for instance,
it’s not because you made a mistake,
it’s because you made a calculation,
a computation,
based on your current data.
When all the input finished,
when you finished calculating
the trajectory of the fist,
the angle of the block,
and so on,
and got hit in the face,
it is because you did what you trained yourself to do.

You didn’t make a mistake,
you responded according to your training.

This is actually true of everything in life,
but since martial arts are a microcosm,
a small classroom,
let’s look at the martial arts potentials here.

A student is trained to do a block.
He practices and practices,
until it is ingrained.
Until it becomes the intuitive response.
Then an attack happens,
and it is the wrong intuitive response.

is why so many arts fail.
Take Kenpo,
for instance,
two arts,
the art of the technique,
and the art of freestyle,
and they have nothing to do with each other.
The training,
you see,
has left reality.
Then it takes twenty years or so
to make the intuitive work.

So here is the question:
How do you create a correct intuitive response…
And that brings us to matrixing.

In matrixing a mistake is never a mistake,
it is an opportunity to learn something.

So consider this.

A right fist to the face can be blocked four ways.
Use your right hand to push it to the right
Use your right hand to push it to the left
Use your left hand to push it to the right
Use your left hand to push it to the left

I know,
there are lots of potentials here,
lots of other blocks.
But we are keeping it simple.
You can apply what I am telling you here
to other techniques and arts later.

So you practice the first one:
Use your right hand to push it to the right

and you practice it because it is the right one.
It is the one that works best.

And you practice and practice,
and then,
one day,
you are attacked,
and it doesn’t work.


The reason it didn’t work might be anything,
a slight curve on the punch,
a delay in timing,
a sneaky distraction,
who knows and who cares.

What we care is the solution.

Instead of practicing just one defense,
you have to practice all four.

And practice and practice.

if one of the potentials almost works,
you have to practice it a lot.

if the potential is a disaster,
you just have to practice a little,
every once in a while,
just enough so that you realize…
here it comes…

You see
it’s not enough to know what works,
you have to know what doesn’t work.

Not to make what doesn’t work intuitive,
but so that you can see what doesn’t work in the middle of combat.

This is a different level we are talking about.
We are not talking about being cause and effect,
we are talking about causing the cause and effect.
We are talking about a ‘master viewpoint.’

When somebody punches you shouldn’t react,
you should move with them,
in tune with them,
developing the block or counter or whatever
in the middle of the moment.

This is mushin no shin,
or mind of no mind.

This is when your memories
memories that you might have implanted yourself,
don’t distract you.

This is when you do purely and truly.

And it is really amazing
when you find yourself in the middle of one of these moments.

I was working out with a couple of fellows the other day,
using sticks.
These two fellows had worked out for years,
knew each other well,
knew the material well,
but when it came time to demonstrate,
the teacher turned to me,
because he could feel that I was more ‘in the moment,’
and showed the technique on me.

I didn’t hesitate,
or make mistakes,
I just stayed with him,
moving in time with him,
moving in tune,
and even when he started deviating the technique,
there I was,
sticking with him,
making it work.

So you see,
you can’t just practice the martial arts,
you have to understand them.

You can’t just practice a technique,
you have to practice ALL of the techniques,
all variations.

You can’t train yourself to just respond,
because then you are training yourself
to be effect to the other guy’s cause.

you have to train all the potentials,
even the mistakes,
then mistakes won’t fool you,
or otherwise trip you up.

The best place to do
what I have told you about here
is the Matrix Karate Course.
The Matrix of Blocks,
which is just one small item on this course,
goes directly to the heart of this.
You will then understand how blocks work,
how they work together,
and how to define what mistakes are
so they never trip you up.

Here go.



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How to Study the Martial Arts

Newsletter 809

The What and How of Matrixing Martial Arts

Good Lard…it’s summer!
And absolutely perfect for learning another art.
So which art do you want to learn this summer?
A hard art to go with the soft?
Soft to go with the hard?
Tai Chi?
I mean,
why not?
what else do you have to do?
And there is nothing else that is better for you.

how to study martial art

Click here to get the whole story on Matrixing the Martial Arts

every once in a while I like to go over what Matrixing is,
and suggested methods of study.

Matrixing is a system of logic.
It is based upon analyzing potential motion.
It is applicable to any art,
and to any system.

But here’s the thing…
the martial arts are put togethers.
As such they are conglomerations
of what worked for individuals.
But these are all based on what an individual prefers,
or works for his body,
or the culture he has grown up in,
and so on.

The result has been a lot of mystery,
which is hidden by calling it mysticism.

So if you apply matrixing to your martial art,
it becomes logical,
and thus easier to learn,
and there won’t be hidden spots.
No more mysticism.
Just hard core science.

That is matrixing in a nutshell.
You can find out a lot more about it
by subscribing to the newsletter,
and just thinking about how
it can be applied to your art.

recommended ways of studying matrixing.

Each course looks at the martial arts from a specific viewpoint,
from a specific art or concept.
If you have a specific weakness in your system,
say…no weapons,
or too hard,
or something like that,
you can just study the art that will take care of that weakness.
the logic on the art you study
will start to seep into the rest of your arts.

the best way to study is probably to just follow
the arts as they are listed on the site

For instance:
Matrix Karate analyzes the hard arts and classical blocks.
Matrix Kung Fu analyzes locks and throws
Matrix Aikido analyzes learning by concept.
The Master Instructor Course analyzes the body
Shaolin Butterfly analyzes footwork
Butterfly Pa Kua Chang analyzes the transition from soft to hard
Five Army Tai Chi Chuan analyzes soft takedowns
And so on.

But each art can be taken apart by a sequence of matrixing courses.

If somebody wanted to learn karate,
for instance,
and from the ground up,
I would recommend the following courses:
Outlaw Karate (inspiration)
Buddha Crane Karate (modular studies)
Matrix Karate Making the art pure)
Temple Karate (what old forms actually mean)
and so on.

So there are many ways to study matrixing.
But the fun of it all is this:
you learn multiple arts…fast.
Which is why I said,
at the beginning of this newsletter,
what do you want to learn this summer?
you could learn three or four whole martial arts
all within a year.
That would be a high state of mastery.

Here’s the Matrix Karate page,
because that is the one that started it all,
that is the one with some pretty crucial matrixing data on it.

Have a great summer,
with 100 work outs in a row,
and let me know how it goes with learning the art of your choice.

Have a great work out!


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Martial Artists are Dying at a Young Age!

Newsletter 806
Why Martial Artists Die Young

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Click on the Cover!

Click on the Cover!

Good afternoon!
Good weekend,
and great work out.

Just released a new Martial Arts book.
it is not for everyone.

I recently read a book which claimed that
martial artists are dying young.
It was a very well researched book.
Went over the history of the martial arts,
traced the ages of death
and pretty much proved that
the martial arts are bad for your health.

Well, I can’t have that.
Even if it’s true its a lie.
So I wrote a book
proving that the truth was really a lie,
and that martial artists can live a long life.
of course,
they do certain things.
So this book is about those certain things.

it is not for everybody.
It is not a book of technique nor form.
It is not a training manual.
It is a serious discussion
as to what is wrong with the martial arts
that makes martial artists die young.
And there are recommendations
and data concerning things like energy (chi),
how you’re supposed to use the body,
and so on.

So it’s a brainy book.
Strictly for those who like to read and understand.
but it could have fantastic consequences
for those who want to understand
the principles behind adjusting your body
so it works properly.

So it might be for you,
but it might not.

Here’s the link

here’s some other news concerning it.
It is a kindle book, which means you download it and read it
on your kindle or iphone or whatever.

I am planning to write a few books strictly for Kindle.
The Kindle format is unfriendly to pictures,
so there won’t be tons of illustrations,
just a few.
the books are usually about half as long as a regular book.
That is just the kindle format and problems.

it is a huge market for me,
so I have to gear a few books over to it.

the most well reviewed book I’ve got
is Outlaw Karate.

Five Five star ratings.
Nothing under five stars.

I recommend the paper version
because the kindle version comes in two parts
and isn’t always easy to read.

So that’s about it,
I’ll have some great wins for you next time,
things are changing,
and one of these days
I’ll have Monkeyland open again.

Have a great work out!


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Making the Promise of a Fight in Karate

Newsletter 805
The Promise of a Fight

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Gorgeous day.
Absolutely gorgeous.
And that means it is an absolutely gorgeous day for a work out.
So get going!

Was teaching this morning.
We were doing Promised Fights,
and my partner was grimacing,
and finally backed off.
“Ow,” he said.
And we got into a long discussion.
he was hurting,
I had to let him recover,
give him some data,
and then hurt him some more.

I started out with the old
‘Do it a form a thousand times and you know it.
Do it ten thousand times and you’ve mastered it.’
My student did exactly the right thing,
he said,
‘So if I do it 20 times a day,
then in fifty days…’
“Yep,” I said.
“You could know it.
You could be expert in 2 months.
But you have to do it right.
You have to understand the alignment,
how the feet work and why,
and you have to know the Promised Fights…
otherwise you could do it forever and not know it.”

we went into proper body alignment,
which is covered on the Master Instructor Course,
and how the feet must align properly,
and how the particular form we were doing had to be done
to make this all work.
I ended up saying,
“align your body,
make it a single unit,
then he won’t hit your body parts,
he will hit a single, integrated unit,
and it won’t hurt you.
Energy flows through a body that is a single unit,
it doesn’t flow through body parts used in individual fashion.
This is especially important in a Promised Fight.”

came the look I had been waiting for.
I had been using the term Promised Fight,
and I knew he would eventually ask about it.

“What is a Promised Fight?”

A Promised Fight,
or a Promise Fight,
is a piece of the form applied.
A form Application.
It is a self defense movement.
It is bunkai.
It is the working part of the form.
it is more.
In fact,
if a person doesn’t understand what I am about to tell you,
he/she is not doing karate.
They are just fighting themselves.

I asked my instructor what a Promised Fight was,
and he said,
‘The Promise of a Fight.’
while the study of PFs gave great abilities,
and the answer he gave me was correct,
it was terribly incomplete.

To understand what a Promised Fight is
I need you to look up the word ‘Postulate.’

Look it up for yourself,
get all the nuances,
where it came from,
and all that,
but for this newsletter,
the short and inadequate version is this:

suggest or assume the existence, fact, or truth of (something) as a basis for reasoning, discussion, or belief

Assume existence,
put forth the truth,
as a basis for belief.

If you understand the hint here,
you should be diving for a big old Oxford Dictionary,
wanting to know why a simple karate move
becomes the basis for truth in this universe.

So let me break it down a bit,
from the viewpoint of 50 years of training.

A postulate is a thought,
which if worked on,
becomes true.

Worked on,
as continually done in a work out.

As in a piece of the form,
practiced again and again and again.

let me back up a bit,
a form is a circuit,
a pattern of moves that you practice and practice
until you just do it without thinking about it.
You strengthen the body,
you remember the applications,
you get light and quick,
and all those sorts of things.

When you do a piece of the form,
over and over and over,
you condense the circuit,
and you get rid of thought,
and suddenly there is nothing but the move.
Somebody punches,
and you don’t exist,
you just track the incoming,
and the Promise Fight,
the postulate of moves,
pops out of you.
And it works.
You punch him,
and he falls down.
And he doesn’t understand what hit him.
But here is the truth of it all…
a thought hit him.
A Postulate of thought hit him.
A Promise Fight,
clean and simple,
without distractive thoughts,
hit him.
And there is nothing purer in this universe.

I am always so busy trying to get people to understand,
offering all sorts of methods,
that i sometimes forget to go into this factor.
in Matrix Karate there is the Matrix of blocks.
These are like mini-Promise Fights.
Very important to get these,
to understand them,
it is important to learn the small PFs
before you get to the big ones.
The big ones are on Temple Karate.
There isn’t talk of a matrix there,
because it is assumed you have done the groundwork of Matrixing first.
And the form applications are VERY pure Promised Fights.
They REALLY result in a zen frame of mind,
and the ability to hit somebody with a thought.

If you get Temple Karate
and you haven’t done Matrix Karate,
then you are taking the long route.
It will take you years,
and as distractions mount,
you can be knocked off the path
and never get there.

So you should do Matrix Karate,
work on the Matrix of Blocks,
make inroads and discover what a PF is.
you can always take the pieces of the form,
they are pretty obvious,
and work on them to make real Promised Fights.

Then you do Temple Karate,
get into the classical forms,
and really go to town on the Promised Fights.

Matrix Karate is pretty simple,
it presents the movements that are pure karate,
no distractions from other arts.
It aligns you,
and sets you up for the broader moves of Temple Karate.
It is a real Closed Combat System.
You can do it by itself,
or you can do it,
then move into the classical,
and see what kinds of things
the old guys who came before us were into.
Temple Karate is a larger assortment of tricks,
it broadens the education,
and digs you to new depths.

that is the story on Promised Fights.
Dig ‘em…they are the real zen of Martial Arts.

Here’s the link for Temple,
if you have already done Matrix Karate.
You can just go to MonsterMartialArts and find Matrix Karate,
it is one of the first arts presented on the home page.

have a great work out,
and schedule yourself for twenty times a day,
and send me your wins in two months.

Have a great work out!


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