Tag Archives: kenpo

Handling the Angry Martial Arts Student

Newsletter 951

Angry Martial Arts

Had a kid in class yesterday,
he was losing at freestyle,
got upset,
got emotional,
started carrying on and whining
and generally disturbing the class.
We worked with him,
but at the end of class he was still upset.

The next class I gave a lecture
about giving in to emotion.
You have to control yourself
if you are going to control your opponent.
And I addressed this lad
who had been so-o- upset.

You were upset the other day,
it was hard to talk to you,
because you couldn’t listen through your emotions.
You’re calm now,
so now you get the lesson.
If you fall to emotion,
you’ll fail in your art,
and fall to an opponent.

He agreed.

But the day before he didn’t agree.
He couldn’t learn through emotion.

The point here is don’t be so anxious
to give a lesson
when somebody is upset.
Let him calm down.
When the emotion is gone,
and he is able to think,
to actually analyze,
that’s when you give the lesson.

a quick lesson for you
on how to defuse emotion.


One day we had a special needs kid in class.
He got upset,
screamed at us,
said a bunch of foul words,
went to the door
and flipped us all off.

The instructor next to me said,
‘Hey! I’m number one!’
Everybody laughed.
Even the special needs kid started to laugh.

So use humor,
if at all possible,
to defuse a situation.

it is HanaKwanMass!
You only have a couple of days
to get yourself a present,
and I tell ya,
the best present you can get somebody,
and even and especially yourself,
is a complete martial art.

Here’s one…

2a Shaolin Butterfly

my HanaKwanMass poetry is almost here,
so sit by your computer with bated breath.

2a Shaolin Butterfly

Here’s a great win…


My journey with Al started about 8 years ago with a book written by Al called Shaolin Butterfly, which I studied and still study on a daily bases. Then Al did something that has changed my martial arts life he started offering all of his courses at a lower price than what he used to charge. I took advantage and started by ordering just a couple. I went through them and found a wealth of information which cleared away the fog that most instructors throw at their students because they themselves don’t understand the whys of their systems.

That was it. I ordered all of Al’s courses. I have taken something from each of the arts that Al has put at my feet and have made it my own, and this has been a real gift.

“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

How the Martial Arts Fell Apart!

Newsletter 949

Five Steps of How the Martial Arts Failed!

I’ve spoken before of this,
some of my advertising is aimed at this,
so let me detail some of the exact steps
of how the martial arts degraded.

One day the head instructor walked in
had a box of protective gear.
So we geared up,
and started hurting each other.
But we hadn’t been injuring each other
putting on the gear made us think
that we had to hit harder to have effect,
we thought,
‘oh, we can hit harder,
they have protective gear on,
so it won’t hurt.’
But it did hurt,
and we started getting sprains and deep bruises,
even breaks,
so the protective gear didn’t work,
but the head instructor kept demanding we wear it.
Protective gear meant more money for him.
protective gear works now,
but that’s because people aren’t teaching the real art,
which you will understand
as you continue with this little essay.

When I started martial arts,
there were maybe a dozen schools.
As the number of schools multiplied,
hard core martial artists stopped coming together
in the few schools,
and were spread out in the many schools.
in the whole SF bay area.

As the number of schools grew
instructors couldn’t pull in enough people,
but parents were willing to enroll their kids
at an astounding rate.
The art was quickly watered down,
drills were changed,
and protective gear was sold.

Tournaments were a wonderful way
to enroll people and keep them enrolled.
a technique that wins in a tournament
bears little resistance to a real technique.
there was grown a false sense of ‘penetration’
when it came to striking people.
My own instructor took the to a tournament
this was back in the late sixties,
and walked out mid-tournament.
The techniques were simply so degraded
he couldn’t encourage his students to learn them.

Back in the very early 70s
my instructor was sitting at his desk,
and two Koreans walked in.
They told him that
The Korean Martial Arts Association was being disbanded,
and if he joined the new Taekwondo association
he would be promoted two belts
(he was sixth black at the time)
and every black belt in his school would be promoted one belt,
and they would all get to learn brand new forms!
Forms that would replace the old ones,
which, according to these two Koreans,
were old and didn’t work.
Interestingly enough, this same association,
since that time,
has gone through two or three new sets of forms,
and there are even people who have returned
to those bad old forms
taught at schools
such as the Kang Duk Won.
This was politics,
TKD, sad to say,
was an invention by a military general
so Korea could have its own
more national art.
And so what if it didn’t work.

that’s the truth.
If I have stepped on toes,
but I was there.
I saw this stuff first hand,
I experienced this stuff first hand.
It really happened.
And if you don’t like what I have said,
do some research,
if you can find histories that weren’t written
by some school for advertising,
you will come to the conclusion
that I am not kidding.

does that make the martial art bad?
People have overcome bad training,
and other misfortunes.
The art is about people,
and the deeper a person delves into an art,
the more sure it is
that they will find the truth of the martial arts.

But there are systems which are ALL messed up.
and which are being sold as the next great thing.
And they CAN be fixed.
But you need a bit of matrixing.

I don’t want to push matrixing here,
I want to push history,
I want to push actual,
physical martial arts.

I wrote five books,

Pan Gai Noon
Kang Duk Won
Kwon Bup
Outlaw Karate
Buddha Crane Karate

You can find them on Amazon.
if you go through the website
you can find video courses in which I show these arts.
These courses often have the books (in PDF)
bundled in with the videos.
That’s your best deal.

I am not pushing remembering dates,
who taught who and why it matters.
I am pushing an actual progression through history,
China to Okinawa to Japan to America…
…to matrixing.
You can actually do the very techniques of which I speak,
you can see how they evolved from art to art,
country to country,
concept to concept.
Kung Fu to Karate to Matrixing.
And that is better than reading a thousand encyclopedias.
This is a PHYSICAL history of the martial arts.
This is the martial arts being written on your bones,
not a bunch of significant words on paper,
which may or may not be important,
but are definitely slanted to whoever writes them.
Better to do than talk about.

end of push,
thanks for listening.

Here’s a list of some of my books,
including the ‘historical’ encyclopedia.


Have a great work out!


Here’s a great win…



I have gone through many of your courses and am currently going through blinding steel and eventually on my way to forty monkeys. I recently went through your book Matrixing Tong Bei. Several things clicked and the martial arts universe opened up after finishing that book.

Tyler K

The Right Way to Teach Martial Arts

Newsletter 933

A Different Method for Teaching Martial Arts

One thing I noticed,
Over the years,
Is that people like to make things harder.
In the beginning,
Mac was easy,
Tried a Mac lately?

How about a car?
Used to be you could take your car apart,
Fix any little problem,
And even the big problems.

You know how we used to work on Volkswagons? (Beetles)
We would drive the car over a couple of four by fours,
Let the air out of the tires,
Loosen four bolts,
And lift the car off the engine.
Try that with your new Lexus!

The sad thing,
The same thing has happened to the martial arts.
They have become so difficult.
Memorize a couple of dozen routines,
Make a couple of hundred techniques work,
And so on.

Here’s something interesting,
You hear it all the time,
But it’s still interesting…
You never use forms in combat.

I should correct that…
You never use forms in combat…in modern times.
Back in the sixties and seventies we did.
Used the heck out of the forms.
Taught us incredible things.

So what happened?

People started making the forms difficult.
Instead of letting people just do the forms,
Until the forms taught the people,
Teachers started getting nit picky,
Explaining things that didn’t need explaining.
Foisting BS concepts.
Mixing pieces of different arts together,
Without understanding what either art was.
And so on.

Got real difficult,
You know?

But the mind doesn’t like difficult.
Let’s face it,
A fight isn’t difficult.
You either trained in your basics,
And those basics are intuitive,
Or you didn’t,
And they aren’t.

In matrixing you make things logical,
And this makes things simple.

You don’t have to memorize techniques
you would never use in combat.
We use an entirely different method
For learning techniques
That WILL work in combat.
Here is how I teach.

Let’s say I give a person the matrix of blocks.
This is a handful of blocks that,
Through a simple trick of logic,
Becomes over 60 techniques.
The student starts working his way
Through the circle of blocks.
He reaches one which doesn’t work.
He comes over to me and says,
‘Al, this doesn’t work.’
I say,
‘Oh, you can’t make it work.’
They say,
‘No, it actually doesn’t work.’
So I say,
‘try changing which foot is forward.’
It doesn’t work.
‘Try changing the timing.’
It doesn’t work.
‘Try changing…’
It doesn’t work.
And so on.
They throw up their hands.
They say,
‘I told you…it doesn’t work!’
I say,
Why didn’t you say so!’
They blink,
Their eyes open,
Sometimes we get a little frustration popping out.
I say,
Did you learn anything?’
And…they did.
They usually say ‘yes.’
If they say no,
I ask them,
‘Well, would you use it in a fight?’
‘Then I guess you learned something.’

You may think I’m being ridiculous,
But the Martial Arts are full of techniques
That people try to make work,
And they don’t work.
Yet people train and train,
Never actually coming to grips
With the fact that the technique doesn’t work.

Let me light this method of teaching up.

You get frustrated by your ‘smart’ phone.
You curse the thing for being dumb.
We’ve all been there.
But a child picks that phone up and programs it for you.
Makes it even worse, doesn’t it?

Now put that child in the cockpit of a stealth fighter.
You know what’s going to happen, don’t you?
And that brat,
Making a super techno gimmick like that work,
Is all the more frustrating.

But the child has not been taught that doing something wrong is…wrong.
So he just makes his mistake,
Never inputs society calling him stupid,
And flies the plane.

I don’t have to train him,
By using methods like the one I described earlier,
To accept his mistakes.
He’s already quite happy making mistakes!
And he is willing to learn from them.
Doesn’t have all that ‘grown up’ distraction stuff.

Let’s bring it home.
The martial arts are every bit as complicated
As flying a super stealth fighter jet.
The proof is that so few do it right.
They end up fighting,
And not handling the incoming missiles,
And downing the attacker,
In a simple, scientific manner.

Of course,
They have embedded themselves with
A heaping helping of…

You have been infected by grown up things like…
How many times have you heard an instructor say,
‘No, no. Do it like this.’
‘No, no. Use your arm like this.’
No, no. Don’t kick in a situation like this!’
About a million times.
Even the best meaning instructor
Tells the student he is wrong.
And the student,
Having been educated in school,
Knows that he is wrong,
And somebody else is right.
His parents have told him he is wrong.
His teachers have told him that he is wrong.
Even his friends have told him that he is wrong.

You know how I teach?
Let’s say I see somebody eating a kick.
Trying the same wrong block over and over.
I don’t tell him why he is wrong.
I never tell a student he is wrong.
I simply say,
‘Move to the left.’
The student doesn’t.
I repeat,
‘Move to the left.’
The student doesn’t.
After a few dozen times,
He finally moves to the left.
Kick slides by.
‘What are you going to do?’
Student looks blank.
‘Do it again.’
The kick slides by.
The student blinks,
Hooks the kick,
And body bumps the hip.
Opponent goes flying.
I never told the student what to do…
I never made him wrong,
Or tried to tell him what I would do.
I just gave a simple direction.
Move this way.
Move this way.
Never getting frustrated.
Never making him wrong.
Never lecturing him.
I don’t teach,
I back off and let the student fall forward.
When he finally catches himself…
He has educated himself,
And he has learned how to educate himself,
And educating himself is going to get that much easier.
And my job gets easier and easier and…easier.

I should wind it up here,
I’ve blatted your ear long enough.
If you want to jump out of the trip
Where people tel you you are wrong,
Then come on over to the matrixing trip.
It I fun.

The Circle of Blocks is in the ‘Matrix Karate’ course.

1a Matrix Karate

But if you think you’re smart,
And want to cut to the chase,
Try the Master Instructor Course.

1d Master Instructor Course


1e Core Package

Why You Have To Study Lots of Martial Arts

Newsletter 929

I Really Want to Kill Someone with Just One Strike!

I get this every once in a while,
somebody wants to find the ‘magic technique,’
the technique that works for everything.
Somebody wants to study just one thing
and be able to kill anybody with it.

I am not going to teach you how to spell comic book,
and for a simple reason,
there actually is a technique,
a perfect technique,
that will do this.
not to be mystical,
or obfuscate,
it is the last move at the end of Seisan.
Go ahead,
find it,
see what it does,
figure it out,
and practice just that one technique.

that having been said,
I want to describe the philosophy behind
why you have to learn a whole martial art,
spend years studying,
instead of just buying a gun.

let’s consider celestial navigation.
You want to take your rocket ship to Arcturus.
You blast off,
you’re sailing away,
but…where is that durned star?
You’re confused by the time you reach Jupiter.
There’s the big dipper,
bunch of stars over there,
and the seven sisters,

Wish you had a map, eh?

let’s compare that to taking somebody DOWN!
You punch for the throat,
except he’s punching too,
so you shift, and he misses, but you miss.
But his arm is there,
so you go for an elbow roll,
except he’s twisting in response,
but your foot is…

Do you get the idea?
The same as going for a star without a map,
there is amazing confusion in a fight.
So you have to make a map.
You have to make it with your experience.

You punch,
he strikes,
but you’ve studied slipping in JKD,
the elbow roll comes,
he shifts,
but you know about shifting from Tai Chi.
he strikes,
but you know about dropping an elbow from karate,
and you finally strike him in the throat,
AND…manipulate him,
AND…take him down.

the analogy may not be quite clear,
so let me elucidate.
You find arcturus by your knowledge of what and where the other stars are.
you achieve your takedown by navigating a map of the human body,
by knowing where the joints are and how they turn,
by understanding leverage,
by subtle shifts of anatomy,
his and yours,
and you navigate to the final strike and takedown.

So when you study a whole art,
instead of buying a gun,
or searching for that mystical one finger technique
that reverse spirals the energy
so that the chakra explodes
in the fourth lumbar…
what you are doing is studying
a method for navigating the body.
No star will confuse you,
no motion or joint will confuse,
and you will find your way to…
better health,
understanding that common folk don’t have,
and the certainty that martial arts bring.

So, the best map for understanding the body,
because it can be applied to ANY martial Art!
The Master Instructor Course.
You learn how the body works.
You learn how techniques work.
You can make any art work,
any technique work,
you understand forms better,
and…and it just gets better.

Here be da link!

Have a great work out!

Here’s the link for the ‘One Terrorist, one bomb, one martial arts technique… http://www.sooperarticles.com/sports-articles/martial-arts-articles/one-terrorist-one-bomb-one-martial-artist-1657952.html


New Karate to Tai Chi Book Rockin’ it!

Newsletter 925

A Super Win from the New Book/Video course

Thanks to everybody
who has purchased
How to Translate Karate to Tai Chi Chuan
Wins all over the place,
and here’s a really great one.

Hello Al, this is Jason W. I would like to express my deepest thanks for the link to the course you sent me that was very gracious of you. I have been working on it and I have to say that this is the very best course yet. I liked the Matrix Karate and although it is a complete fighting system, I felt that much of the bulk of really good and usable Kang Duk Won technique wasn’t included. Kang Duk Won really didn’t make sense and large parts of it I deemed unusable in a real fight. Your Tai chi/Karate course makes it all relevant and usable. From the very first move in Pinan 1 it’s awesome. I never really understood the downward block as a countermove to a front or round kick. Unless the guy kicking is a total putz you run the risk of damaging your forearm and no matter what training you put into it a trained Muay Thai fighter will break your arm in two. But the way you showed it as a downward strike into the groin/abdomen makes total sense and is so simple and natural I scold myself for not seeing it sooner. Of course I come from an internal martial arts background and I have always had a hard time reconciling the hard arts vs. the soft ones. It seemed like I was shifting from one to the other in a sparring session. Your way of putting these together makes it flow naturally and I feel I have made a tremendous leap forward in not only understanding internal power, but realizing the internal energy in external martial arts which is the end goal of all styles. I would really like to see you develop this further for example going forward and doing the post Pinan forms of KDW. Oh and I really like the backward steps in the forms. It allows me to practice the forms in a much smaller area (an item of great concern in bad weather). Keep up the great work Al, your martial genius never ceases to amaze me.

Thanks for those kind words, Jason.

for everybody,
I added a chapter to the book,
so download again,
there is a chapter on chi principles.

I added a modification after the form Channan one,
should really make better footwork out
certain sections of the forms.

one of the purposes of Tai Chi is to pump up the chi.
the art is not presented well for self defense.
It has self defense,
but it takes a long time
for people to understand it as self defense.
Karate has hard explosive energy,
and the chi pumps up differently,
isn’t even noticed for a couple of decades.
So we have a weird situation.
Tai Chi has chi but little self defense,
karate has self defense, but little chi.
Generally speaking.
So to put them together,
beef up the chi in karate,
make the self defense more obvious in tai chi,
was just what the doctor ordered.

Read the win,
this book/course will do what i say,
and in spades.

And please remember
I started karate in 1967,
I started tai chi in 1974.
It took a lot of experience to put this all together,
and you’re welcome to it.
The book is on amazon,
the video course w bk is available at monstermartialarts.com

How to Translate Karate into Tai Chi Chuan

Have a great work out!

How to Translate Karate into Tai Chi Chuan

How to Make Karate into Tai Chi Chuan

Turning Karate into Tai Chi Chuan? Maybe…

First, comes the question, why would anybody want to make karate into tai chi chuan?

Lots of reasons, actually.

First, learning how to do Karate Tai Chi style opens the doors for people who are old or injured to enjoy this most marvelous art.

Second, and this is important, it teaches people who study karate a whole new set of principles. It teaches them things about energy, how the body works, exposes a whole new set of form applications, and more.

Third, people who study tai chi chuan have the same learning experience: new techniques, different methods of developing chi power, and more.

The differences between these two arts is pretty sizable.

Karate, rightly or wrongly, is held up as an explosive and linear art.

Tai Chi Chuan is held up as a slow motion adjunct to good health.

Both arts are good, but they are only of the martial art entire.

A good karate practitioner should learn how to move slow, as this will teach a whole new style of energy production, and double potential striking (blocking) power.

Further, the slow movements increases understanding of ‘emptiness,’ which increases the ‘zen’ spirituality of the art form.

And, most important, the viewpoint on bunkai, form applications or self defense moves, undergoes a radical shift.

Karate explodes, tai chi absorbs, thus the karateka learning  tai chi concepts is going to learn a totally different, and sometimes diametrically opposed, method for applying the self defense moves built into the forms.

And, from the other side, people who study tai chi for health, or who don’t fully understand the applications of that discipline, or only buying half a loaf.

Building energy through a simple motion with no resistance is useful, but only of ten per cent of the real value. Learning the applications will create deeper understanding of the form, make the moves mean something, and therein lies the real potential of chi power and health benefits.

There a lot of benefits to combining the two arts, and only a fluff martial artist would not want to avail himself (herself) of the benefits of translating karate into tai chi chuan.

The author has written the first and only tome on this fascinating subject of turning karate into tai chi chuan. The title is ‘How to Translate Karate into Tai Chi Chuan.’ The book is bundled into the video course available at MonsterMartialArts.com. The book will become available in paperback, but it may be some time before this occurs. The video course is over five hours of hands on instruction.

Translating Karate into Tai Chi Chuan!

Newsletter 922


I haven’t released a martial arts video course for a while,
but it is worth the wait.
This is going to be one heck of a state of the art course!

The title is

How to Translate Karate into Tai Chi Chuan

The course is on 6 DVDs.
That’s over 5 hours of video instruction.
if you wish,
you can order the book (PDF) along with the course.
I haven’t even published the book!
But you can get it,
and it will be cheaper than it you buy it separately.
The offer is on this page…


here’s something incredible,
this course is three in one.

First, there is:

How to Translate Karate into Tai Chi Chuan

Second, there is:

my attempts to resurrect the original form
from which all karate grew.
Didn’t even know there was an original form, eh?
The story of this form is on the web page.

Third, there is:

the secret bunkai of karate.
And, yes, they are secret.
The old masters of Okinawa,
when karate began to be exported,
held a meeting and made a secret pact
that they would never reveal the real forms,
that they would never reveal the real techniques.
What a bunch of boneheads!
Can’t tell you how much damage they have done to Karate.
So this is a look at what those techniques would be.

In writing this book,
I used matrixing,
my experiences in karate,
my experiences in kung fu,
my experiences in separating and making pure
a variety of different martial arts.

that’s the skinny.
Check out the web page,


let me know what you think,

Have a great work out!



How Retreating makes Winning Martial Arts

Newsletter 918

The Danger of Reverse Martial Arts!

there are three dangers here,
and one exception,
but first let’s answer the question…
What the heck is ‘Reverse Martial Arts?’
The answer is simple.
Backing up.
Retreating…and usually in disarray and with little hope!

The simplicity,
as you’ve no doubt heard,
is that there are three levels to a man.

If the body backs up,
if you are running,
can’t cope with the attack,
then the opponent can see it,
exploit it,
and chase you down.
By not holding your ground you become weak.

the body backs up because the mind has failed.
The mind is a bunch of memory,
and the memories we are speaking of
are those techniques
you’ve tried so hard to make
But if the attack comes too fast,
is something you don’t understand,
you flinch…
which is to say back up.
So the mind has to back up first,
then the body.

the mind backs up because the spirit has failed.
The spirit is you.
You set yourself a task,
you decide to ‘go forward,’
but something confuses you,
makes you blink,
and you let go your task,
and the mind shuts down,
and the body backs up.

You are in retreat,
and in retreat is the danger of losing.

there is an exception.
If your retreat is a plan,
if you realize something about the other person,
that you can deflate his presence,
depower his weapons,
confuse his strategy,
by a momentary retreat,
by ‘suckering him in,’
then you are not running.
You are setting the other fellow up,
or ‘attacking in retreat.’

that all said,
there is a cure,
a way to make sure that you never fail on any level,
and not on all three levels.
This is to keep the eyes open,
to study your mistakes,
to go forward with thought,
with consideration,
with analysis.
But that’s hard to do.
it is the key to superlative martial arts.

here’s the obligatory link…


if you can do this course,
if you can keep your eyes forward and steady,
unblinking and ready,
while doing this drill…
you are da man!

Have a great work out!




Book on Al Case’s Martial Arts Just Published…

Newsletter 914

Release of New Martial Arts Book!

Hi Guys and Gals,
I get emails sometimes,
asking me what I teach.
I have a truckload of arts,
I have 50 years of collecting methods,
but what do I use on a day to day basis?

I teach different things for different people,
different arts for different groups.
what art do I teach in the perfect setting,
students who actually desire to learn,
and so on.

So I wrote a book presenting the series of forms I teach.
I included the three matrixes that I use for techniques.
I included lists of grab arts and where I teach them in the system.
I included lists of freestyle methods
and where I teach them in the system.

I’m pretty liquid.
People are different,
what they want is liquid,
so I adapt.
in this system
is my best efforts
at forms that are concise,
not so difficult they can’t be remembered,
let alone used.
At the sequence of techniques
that bring people to intuitive self defense.
At how and when to teach grab arts and freestyle drills.
the link is here…


check it out,
see if you get that feeling that speaks to you,
that this might be for you.

and have a great work out!


I just released this, so if links don’t work, any problems with the download, let me know at: aganzul@gmail.com



A Martial Artist’s Night Before Xmas!

Newsletter 908

A Martial Arts Christmas Eve!

It’s Christmas eve,
and you know what that means…
it is TIME…
for the yearly rendering of
A Martial Arts Night Before Xmas.
as I like to call it…

Before we start,
I have to ask for my Xmas present.

If I have offended,
lost an order,
insulted you,
no matter how small or slight,
please forgive.
I make mistakes,
lots of them,
and I would love it if you could forgive me.
I’ll try not to make any more,
but you know how that goes.

In this corner,
holding a whiskey and looking dazed,
is your poet Al Case.
And in this corner,
proud as good literature can be,


Twas the night before Christmas
I was in my shack
primed and ready
for the red fat attack.

my weapons were loaded
the windows were barred
all would be safe
while I was on guard

The chimney was decked
with concertina wire
I crouched by the couch
ready to fire.

I had an M60
with ammo to feed
I didn’t care
if the red fat did bleed.

A loaded shotgun
and grenades to spare
when red fat came down
I’d blow him out of there.

Throwing stars and knives
and a really long sword
and if that didn’t work
I knew a bad word.

Sitting there late
my eyes started to close
when suddenly I heard
a bunch of ho hos.

Off with the lights
safety off, too
I  watched the fire close
and heard a sound from the flu.

‘Ouch and gosh darn it
who put the wire here
those are my undies
starting to tear!’

Then a shower of soot
and a grunt and a groan
he landed in the fire
and gave out a moan.

He was rubbing the place
where the wire did tear
so I held down the trigger
and lead filled the air.

belt after belt
did I deal the red fat
he danced and he jumped
I knew he felt that!

then quicker than spit
I ran out of lead
but enough was enough
he had to be dead.

Boy was I shocked
to see him stand tall
stepping out of the fireplace
not bothered at all.

So I grabbed up the 16
to mow him down
he had to be hurting
cause I saw his big frown.

Then I was empty
and he came straight for me
I pulled out my knives
and sliced him with glee

He jumped to the side
moving real quick
disarmed my knives
with a well placed kick

then he dropped the big bag
he had on his shoulder
reached forth his arms
and his anger did smolder

He grabbed hard my neck
and held me up high
I tried kicks and punches
but I was like a fly

Not karate nor judo
no art did work
and he grinned a mean grin
and called me a jerk

‘Don’t you know
you stupid little man
Christmas is forever
in spite of your plan.’

Then he threw me aside
and proceeded to work
giving presents to all
and to me a great smirk

And when he left
the great big red fat
he left me a lump of coal
the big red fat rat!

and to all a great work out.

Have a great work out!
