Dragon Gung Fu refers to internal martial arts training, and tiger Gung fu refers to external martial arts systems.
Dragon Gung Fu would include such Chinese martial arts as Pa Kua Chang, Tai Chi Chuan, and so on.
Official Symbol of Gung Fu at Monster Martial Arts
Tiger Gung Fu would include such systems as Hung Gar, but would go outside the Chinese to such systems as Shotakan Karate (Tiger Emblem), Kyukoshinkai, and so on.
The main difference between the hard and the soft, or the external and internal martial arts systems, is emphasis on muscles in the hard, and emphasis on the growth of Chi from the Tan Tien in the hard.
Though, to be honest, do the Tiger Gung Fu styles long enough, and you will morph into the harder Tiger systems.
Now, most people consider that all you have to do is gear your training to development of tan tien based martial arts, and that will transform you into a dragon gung fu stylist. And this is true. But, there is an easier way, one that works more in conjunction with Tiger Gung Fu styles.
This means that if you do what I am about to tell you, you can easily transform your hard style into a soft style with just a little shift in your training.
To make the transformation from tiger Gung fu methods to dragon, first learn how to make grab arts out of the self defense techniques you practice in the forms.
This can be easily done, and probably the best example of this is the Matrix Aikido method.
Now, here is where the change really starts. You must learn how to use less and less force when doing those grab arts.
Instead of slamming with the hips, learn how to nudge and unbalance, and let the unbalancing technique take its course.
Now, I could tell you dozens of things, but I shant. It would turn into a complex discussion, instead of a conceptual principle.
Heck, take apart those techniques by the thousands, get complex, but always refer back to this principle of using less and less effort.
And that is the way you transform Tiger Gung Fu into Dragon Gung Fu.
Here’s a great article on how to make Dragon Gung Fu out of Tiger Gung Fu, and here’s an interesting online martial arts course on the subject.
Bagua Zhang Technique is an easy thing to learn and simple to apply. The problem is that they might actually be to simple.
Too simple to learn because most people don’t have the discipline of mind, the mental ability, to make Bagua Zhang Martial Arts work. They get lost in the endless possibilities of intricacy, and lose sight of the simplicity.
Come on! All of you! At once! I know the best martial art!
When you walk the circle you must do so with an eye to developing Martial Arts Bagua Zhang Technique. These martial arts gems rely on one simple principle: the opponent must extend his arm, and the person doing the circle walking self defense must use the extended limb like a captain’s wheel. That is, he must turn the spoke, that the hub of the body would revolve.
If the punch is fast and hard, this is difficult to do, and what punch is not going to be fast?
The solution is to practice until you see the energy forming, until you see the punch generating, and then be willing and able to use whatever part of the arm you get.
For instance, the attacker launches a strike, and it is a short, circular type of jab. To make a bagua zhang technique work the student must go with the punch, let it pass, and push on the elbow, or even the shoulder.
This means you have to not only walk sideways, but you have to fine tune your distance, so that the opponent misses, passes, and is the right range for your push.
When you push you must not do so faster than the strike, nor slower. The best bagua zhang techniques are going to be the ones in which you harmonize with the motion, and therefore with the attacker.
Think: if he feels you touch him, he will resist, so if you use too much force he will change. But you don’t want him to change…you just want him to be slightly out of kilter, unable to follow up, at a slight disadvantage.
Now, what do you want to do? Continue your circle walking and tie him in knots? Spin him to the earth, circle the arm and reverse direction into a lock or takedown? These are all potential bagua fighting techniques, but the one you choose will depend on one thing: what is the most simple.
What is simple, that is what is difficult. You see, most people train to do something, but when you reach the point where you do nothing, then you can let the attacker guide you to his self destruction.
There is a phrase in The Tao: ‘Do nothing until nothing is left undone.’
Do you understand how this works with a bagua zhang techniques?
The point is that you must practice not the technique, but the concept behind the technique, then your kung fu will work, and then you will have the effortless Bagua Zhang technique that is easy and simple to do.
There is a great piece of writing on how to learn kung fu fast at Monster Martial Arts. Or you could just go to the ultimate bible on Bagua Zhang techniques.
Matrix Kung Fu win coming your way,
and it is powerful,
and I want to explain something about the Core Package.
The core package is four courses,
Matrix Karate Matrix Kung Fu
Matrix Aikido
The Master Instructor Course.
The theory behind it is simple.
Matrix Karate begins the matrixing process on any martial art.
You do the course, learn karate,
more important,
you have the basics of matrixing.
You then apply matrixing to any art you know.
You take,
Wing Chun,
and you put it to the Matrix Karate Template.
You isolate the proper blocks,
and actually do the karate forms
with Wing Chun.
Or Shaolin,
Or Kenpo,
or whatever.
Doesn’t matter what art it is,
you can take it and insert it into the matrix karate template,
do the exact same forms with a different art,
Your other art is matrixed.
So that’s the first course.
Matrix Aikido is a look at how to make a grab art
out of ANY technique.
You throw a punch,
somebody blocks,
and you do a simple concept,
and suddenly you have a whole new world
opening up for you.
it is is a wild and wooley world,
but it is open,
and once you step through those doors
you are going to need Matrix Kung Fu.
Matrix Kung Fu applies that concept to every joint,
breaks down every joint in the body
so that you have the proper education
and can understand exactly what you are doing
even when you are doing
something you have never done before!
I should say,
it doesn’t matter which course you do first,
Matrix Kung Fu or Matrix Aikido.
The effects,
in the end,
will be the same.
You will be able to take ANY technique
out of ANY martial art
and make a grab art out of it
all the way to lock or takedown.
I should say more at this point,
I have a win to offer,
but let me tell you something about the Master Instructor Course,
before I give you the Matrix Kung Fu win.
The Master Instructor Course matrixes the body.
It doesn’t get all mystical,
it is merely a scientific breakdown
of how energy works in the body,
and you can use this to make your form perfect,
and your techniques perfect.
And I do mean perfect.
After you see the right reason for doing something,
you will give up your wrong ways
and focus on the right ways,
and you will be in an entirely different realm of martial arts.
The data on the Master Instructor Course is instantly usable,
and nobody,
and I mean NOBODY,
can argue with what I tell you on that course.
And the truth is this…
if a fellow doesn’t know the material on the master instructor course,
he isn’t really an instructor.
And I tell you this,
if you’re an instructor,
order the course,
if I’m wrong,
get your money back.
some future newsletter
I’ll talk more about the Master Instructor Course,
what it does to a person,
and all of that.
This newsletter,
I promised you a Matrix Kung Fu win.
Hello Master Case,
…I wanted to say that this Matrix Kung Fu is the best I have seen from everything that I have of yours so far! Furthermore, this course is the best course on throws and locks that I have ever seen due to its simplicity yet comprehensive nature. If a student learns these forty techniques then that student can learn any similar type throws or locks based on the foundation that Matrix Kung Fu provides. The only comment I would make as far as changing anything is that this is really Matrix Chin Na (which in my opinion is an excellent system).
The video is very well done, the techniques are excellent, the material is very original, and the step by step explanation is great! I practiced these with my black belt son first and then started to teach them to my Monday night martial arts students. The techniques worked great!
Thank you for the fantastic work you do!
John M. Landry, Ph.D.
Thank you, John.
Your kind words inspire me.
for everybody out there.
I’m not getting rich on this,
check out the price of the course,
But the data is priceless.
The thing is this,
everybody out there wants to make money,
I want to get better,
and the ONLY way to get better in this life
is to make other people better.
To be a helping personality,
instead of a greedy or desperate personality.
That’s why I do what I do.
That’s why I keep the prices low
so ANYBODY can afford my courses.
I want you to consider something.
John did the course,
grabbed his son and said,
let’s go!
he is now teaching others what he learned.
His teachings have improved,
and my real pay is…
his students are getting better.
And their students will get better.
And maybe I will have done something
in my short life
that is of worth,
that has value,
that actually helped people.
As I said,
that’s why I do what I do.
So check out the Matrix Kung Fu course here…
a word…
It looks like Monkeyland is coming true.
120 acres on top of a mountain.
Absolutely idyllic.
We’re working hard on it,
and I hope to have an announcement,
complete with pics and plans
in the near future.
at this point,
you can contribute merely by sending me
your kind thoughts and mental pictures
of what Monkeyland looks like.
Very exciting.
The most significant thing to happen in the martial arts
since the establishment of the Shaolin Temple.
stay tuned,
and I’ll tell you more about it when I can.
time for you to do a work out!
Me, too!
Talk to you later.
Don’t forget to go to…
The only thing that stops you from learning is…you
I should say the odd thing about teaching people, not just teaching martial artists. But the fact is…people refuse to accept information.
Let’s say you’re teaching Karate to some fellow. You can say something like ‘twisting the wrist on impact is dangerous. The joint is unstable and you are adding weight to it.’
Can you overcome ‘Inertia of ignorance’ and actually learn Martial Arts?
Now, this is a big thing, so many systems use the twisting wrist to teach newbies. But, they don’t teach the newbies why, or how to transition the technique to a more stable punch.
You see, the wrist is unstable, but it teaches people how to focus. Once they learn how to focus their strikes, they need to learn how to snap a vertical punch, or some other variation. But when you tell them that, they go into protest mode.
They shake their head, and continue doing what they are doing, and it is as if you never spoke.
It’s not the martial arts, it’s deeper, it goes to the person’s ability to listen, to actually process information.
That is, incidentally, why the martial arts are so important. Somebody disagrees, and you can show them on the mat. You can make them listen.
But, that doesn’t cure the person of not listening. Even somebody who has studied the martial arts for years has this problem. Here is the EXACT thing they think when you tell them something.
‘Oh, we have that in our system.’
They don’t say it, they just get this smug look on their face. But the truth is this: yes, they had it in their system, every system has everything, if you look far enough, BUT…they were not aware of it before you said it.
This problem, incidentally, I have given a name…‘The Inertia of Ignorance.’
Simply, people hang on to their ignorance. They protect it; they are not willing to admit it because, darn it, they think it will make them look stupid!
But holding on to your ignorance is what is stupid. If you don’t admit your were ignorant of something, then you can’t learn: your protection of your image as somebody who knows something stops you from learning something.
Do you understand?
Now, go ahead and read Monster Martial Arts. Hopefully, what you have read here has removed you from that attitude, and opened your skull to the input of new information. Because, I guarantee…the stuff you read on Monster, this Matrixing concept, has never been seen before. It is brand new material, not done by Bruce Lee, nor written down in Ninja scrolls, not anything.
Brand New, and that makes it very difficult for people who are more concerned with their image of worldliness than their desire to learn martial arts.
Go to the Testimonials in the menu and do a search for your martial art!
Hi Sensei Al!
(On the Black Belt Course) Everything is working great! Thank you for the quick responses. I am enjoying the one on one videos. It may be cliche, but I do feel like I'm there. I also like the conversational style and the way you explain how you're teaching and why. You've got a new student for life. Thank you. ~ Daniel
What's interesting about Al Case's writings and teachings is there isn't any emphasis on 'the unknown' or 'mystery' behind martial arts. Al will slam this information in your face! Quite frankly the data isn't hidden, you'll find you're blind. ~ WG
Al Case is a powerful presence to be around, but if you can confront it, then you will not be sorry, for there is no one like him, and it is an extreme privilege and honor.
I used to read your articles in Inside Karate and was excited when I found your web site. ~ RV
As an old timer with thirty-five years of experience I was really bored, but your works have peaked my interest and shown me that there is much more to learn. I Thank You Again, Sincerely ~ CC
Where was this information 24 years ago? This course is one of the best things to ever happen to me. Thank you Al Case for the gift of knowledge!
Be blessed my teacher, ~ Rev. Ernest R
I bought the Infinite Fist tape YEARS ago and you know? I Keep going back to it! ~ KS
You are a master. You have opened me up to things that I have never thought of before. ~ KFM
I purchased your course on "Create Your Own Martial Art" and absolutely love it. I believe that your matrixing system is very unique. ~ DW
In my entire experience twenty years as a student and an instructor since, no one has contributed more to my martial arts education than you have. I started following your works twenty years ago and although I was young then I knew you had the True Art it was obvious to me even then. ~ Charles C
Students will know longer be slaves of poor instructors and practitioners. ~ Lonnie M
Win from Master Instructor Course
Let me start out by saying thank you. Thanks from all the martial artists who asked why. Al, I'm in the Security and Law enforcement field and carry Instructor credentials, so effective methods in combat and teaching them is what I constantly look for.
Win from Matrix Aikido
I just had to write to you to say WOW. Your INSTANT AIKIDO is great!!! ~ SD
My students have started coming up to me after class telling me how much more they are enjoying it, and that the classes have stopped being so ridged and now flow in a kind of give and take between me and them. I have stopped being a task master and started having fun and letting them teach me as well.
I did the Master Instructor Course and it hit me. The Basics that are so concisely communicated in this course including the Matrix principle IS the solution. It doesn’t matter what “style” I call my art, because all styles follow these same principles. It doesn’t matter how hard I train or how many repetitions I do if I don’t train the right way. And I would never become a master if I didn’t know how it all fits together. Now I do! I can honestly say that I am now on the path that I have always sought as a martial artist. Thank you Al!
I conducted a Matrix Aikido training class for a Security Team at a local manufacturing plant. I tailored the training according to their Use Of Force policy. As you know they need control and takedown skills. I knew Matrix Aikido would be the answer. The training plan you shared was boss. The class went so smoothly. The participants learned very quickly. By the end of the class you could see techniques of Monkey Boxing coming through. They were also able to create their own techniques. There was one female officer in the class who asked to become my private student. She was throwing, locking and taking down guys twice her size. The Security Supervisor wants me to come back and with more participants! I'll keep you posted. ~ L M
Have found your books and dvds excellent. My background is mainly in medical qigong but I practice Sun Style Tai CHi, BaGua and HsingI as well as Eagle Claw, Snake Style Kung Fu and several Wudang weapon styles. This is the first time I have had the underlying principles so clearly explained and in a way that they are immediately workable and demonstratable. I have worked through the Master Instructors Course, Aikido and Butterfly Bagua and have started to breakdown the Sun Hsing I using your matrix method. I was even able to teach a 70 year old friend of mine with no martial arts background your instant aikido where she was able to do some very accomplished locks and throws after the first lesson
Search the testimonials for your martial art!
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