Tag Archives: kung fu

The Night Before Christmas…Martial Arts Style

Newsletter 845 ~ Sign up now!

A Martial Arts Christmas Eve!

and to all…
here is my famous Christmas ditty,
designed to put joy in your hearts,
and bells on your swords.

martial arts law

Click on Cover for The Secret of the One Year Black Belt!

before we go with my yearly rendition
of the Night Before Xmas,
let me say something.

please forgive.
If I have offended you,
been late on an order,
said something you didn’t like,
please extend your forgiveness to me.
I’m trying hard,
but I make mistakes.
A little forgiveness
will go a long way.

before we start
on that bit of eternal poetry,
let me say something.
Did you know
more people have canceled their subscription
to this newsletter
after reading this poem
I don’t know.
I just know that a lot of people cancel.
I only want the serious martial artists.
And how can you be a serious martial artist
if you don’t know how to laugh?
Or at least groan at my poem?
So to you,
the grumps,
the misogynists,
the bank robbers and dog kickers,
the fellows (and gals) who don’t work out
and will live a dry,
empty of excitement
this poem is designed
to get rid of you.
Heh heh!


Twas the night before Christmas
I was in my shack
primed and ready
for the red fat attack.

my weapons were loaded
the windows were barred
all would be safe
while I was on guard

The chimney was decked
with concertina wire
I crouched by the couch
ready to fire.

I had an M60
with ammo to feed
I didn’t care
if the red fat did bleed.

A loaded shotgun
and grenades to spare
when red fat came down
I’d blow him out of there.

Throwing stars and knives
and a really long sword
and if that didn’t work
I knew a bad word.

Sitting there late
my eyes started to close
when suddenly I heard
a bunch of ho hos.

Off with the lights
safety off, too
I  watched the fire close
and heard a sound from the flu.

‘Ouch and gosh darn it
who put the wire here
those are my undies
starting to tear!’

Then a shower of soot
and a grunt and a groan
he landed in the fire
and gave out a moan.

He was rubbing the place
where the wire did tear
so I held down the trigger
and lead filled the air.

belt after belt
did I deal the red fat
he danced and he jumped
I knew he felt that!

then quicker than spit
I ran out of lead
but enough was enough
he had to be dead.

Boy was I shocked
to see him stand tall
stepping out of the fireplace
not bothered at all.

So I grabbed up the 16
to mow him down
he had to be hurting
cause I saw his big frown.

Then I was empty
and he came straight for me
I pulled out my knives
and sliced him with glee

He jumped to the side
moving real quick
disarmed my knives
with a well placed kick

then he dropped the big bag
he had on his shoulder
reached forth his arms
and his anger did smolder

He grabbed hard my neck
and held me up high
I tried kicks and punches
but I was like a fly

Not karate nor judo
no art did work
and he grinned a mean grin
and called me a jerk

‘Don’t you know
you stupid little man
Christmas is forever
in spite of your plan.’

Then he threw me aside
and proceeded to work
giving presents to all
and to me a great smirk

And when he left
the great big red fat
he left me a lump of coal
the big red fat rat!


and to all
and to all a great work out.

it’s not too late to forgive!


Want some real lessons?



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Making the Martial Arts Intuitive

Newsletter 843

Intuition in the Martial Arts and a BIG win!

Good evening

monkey boxing lineage

Click on the cover!

Got lots of things today,
including a PHEEEnominal win from a Monkey Boxer.

it is the month of HanaKwanMass,
and I should explain that to all you newbies
who only joined the newsletter in the last year.

HanaKwanMass stands for…
Hanukkah, Kwanza, and Christmas.
Political correctness is for idiots,
if somebody says Happy Kwanza to me,
I say Happy Kwanza back.
Skin color, religion,
those are just distinctions for the ignorant.
We all bleed red,
and I don’t care what you call your viewpoint
of the Supreme Power.
I reach everybody,
or offend everybody,
and the heck with political correctness.

the path of the martial arts
involves making a person intuitive.
So they don’t have to think,
but do the right thing,
without thinking about it,
What matrixing does is do this FAST.

there’s a lot to matrixing,
and that’s because the martial arts have had a lot done to them.
well meaning instructors,
have obscured the real arts.
They have hidden the path to intuition.
Matrixing merely cleans up the field,
derails mysticism
with scientific observation,
and heaping helpings of logic.

One of the first things I ever wrote about Matrixing…

If you want to teach somebody how to count,
you wouldn’t say…
4, 7, green, 5 elephant…and so on.
You would say…
and so on.
The martial arts, because of politics,
religion, nationalism, personal interest,
and so on,
are a mixed mesh up of…
4, 7, green, 5 elephant…and so on.

Matrixing returns the art to the logic of 1…2…3…4…and so on.

But there’s so much more,
there is the intense scrutiny of basics,
the rearranging of form,
the alignment of techniques,
and the presentation of a scientific philosophy
so that people no longer get lost in the mysticism.

people who aren’t too smart,
can’t let go of the mysticism,
and they resist matrixing.

they haven’t studied it,
but they sure know how to badmouth it.

here’s a win.
It is a spectacular win,
comes from a Monkey Boxing student.
And I should say something about this.

Matrixing presents the logic,
can be applied to any art.

Monkey Boxing is me teaching.
I use matrixing,
and all the tools at my disposal.
You might see a drill I learned in the Kang Duk Won
45 years ago.
You might see a translation from Wing Chun to Aikido,
that I worked on 40 years ago.
You might see something I made up yesterday
to help one student make the leap
from the hard grind of repetition
to the joy of intuition.

It goes this way and that,
an intuition of teaching,
and I have no way of judging
whether my instincts are correct.
So to get a win like this
really makes my day.
Here’s the win…


I don’t have room here to say this big enough or joyfully enough— but if I did, I’d put a HUGE big “Whoopee!!”

I’ve finally been through the first few videos of the Monkey Boxing course.  I have a habit of watching all I have- this from a learning technique I picked up years ago called “super-learning” and it basically says to learn anything- first skim over the material, which creates a ‘sense of familiarity’ to the information.  I’ve done that.  I have been left on CLOUD 9.

I was injured in an accident in 99– got mashed between two HUGE trucks– my 16 ton tow truck and a 9,000 pound Ford Excursion SUV…. and after that, I took almost 3 years to learn just to walk semi-normally again and I still limp.   Lately, I’ve had more “arthritic” effects and stiffening as a result. The other effect it had on me is, for some reason, and no doctors have been able to tell me why- I’ve lost a LOT of memories of my life.  I can put all my past memories probably in a two or three hour video if I could transfer my thoughts to video.   My 5th degree black belt in Kenpo- for instance– is GONE.  I know it did it, and every so often get a little “glimpse” of things but doesn’t stay with me.  My bodyguard years- I have a few memories of that- and even the last few years since the accident, most of the past part is just not there.

I’m telling you this because I wanted to get back into a martial art- more for self- defense than the “art” part.  I’m 60, not in good health at all, but want to learn to take care of myself.

What I found, just watching the first 14 videos (for some reason I missed 13- which I’ll get when my internet is back on- my data limit ran out).. was that it IS exactly as you said– SO INTUITIVE!!  It’s a truly NATURAL grouping of actions and motions- and I easily flow with it.   I’m So excited, I could scream– probably will a bit later!! 🙂

I have begun, and will have to work consistently and SLOWLY, and let it build on its own.   I can see myself doing it all- very slowly- and with dynamic tension to get the motions correct and build the muscles for that particular move as the same time- then over time the drills will build the motion back into my muscle memory (which hopefully will stay with me since they ARE natural- logical  motions).   I don’t know how long it will take me to learn and get really good at this- and don’t really CARE– because I KNOW it works- my “spirit” says it WORKS… and my mind KNOWS it works- because it is NATURAL/LOGICAL and REAL. I’ve already put my Kenpo books, cds., and other stuff I was looking at BACK in storage– and won’t be needing them.  I’m not interested in spending another 5+ years just learning something that is NOT right for me anyway.   And I love that just doing the Forms is the only realy “workout” I need.   I DO a workout- have begun recently- called 7 miracle tiger moves.. which is dynamic tension in motion.. and LOVE them- they are very effective and are working.  I can just AD this system to my routine and learn Monkey boxing while “working out” at the same time!!  I LOVE this.

You can’t possibly KNOW just how happy this has made me.   I have no one to work out with–and the forms will take care of that.   Later, once I’m settled where ever I go- I want to get a dummy and stuff to work out on.  I’ll probably teach it to someone close by once I get settled too.

I DO have a lousy internet right now, though– it’s wirless through Net Zero– which is a good service– but the “hotspot” I got from them is crappy.  It’s a pad that I use for hotspot- and most of the time it kicks out right in the middle of whatever I”m doing- and I have to shut everything down and start over… and the signal strength is weak- so it doesn’t pick up well at all when it’s cloudy.   I’m ordering a better “hotspot” later- like Jan.  (my check this time is already spent on my truck).. Until then- I’m hoping all the videos you post are ARCHIVED– because I will miss from now to about the 5th…  That is why I want to DOWNLOAD them all to my hard drive– because I use up “data” limit time watching them directly and can’t do them over and over like here at home.

I thought I would have loads of questions– but don’t- because it IS so “intuitive” and natural (or maybe the kenpo and tai chi is still in there helping with that somewhere- just unconsciously).. and I just LOVE this..  I was seriously looking at JKD online, and Wing chun online– etc.– but not now– I’m Doing MONKEYBOXING totally!!  Forget all that other long time stuff!! 🙂

Anyway-  hope this wasn’t too long- but just wanted you to know- I have FOUND my “niche” in this!!!   THANK YOU.

David C

pS– There’s NO WAY I can possibly do the Monkey in a Box for a bit– I have trouble getting up and down out  of a regular chair lately… but I’m working on it..  and I’ve always had this “feeling” in me that there was “an answer” or a “secret” to ALL martial arts– and this is it!!

thank you very much for the win.
Thank you for allowing me to share this,
I know it will inspire people.

for all you guys and gals.

David’s points are very simple…

anybody can learn it,
it is intuitive,
it can be learned fast…
or slow.
Depends on what you need and want.

I don’t wish to replace anybody’s arts,
but that sometimes happens.
I actually prefer that you take my material
and revitalize your own art of choice.

Here’s the key,
matrixing breaks apart and rebuilds,
it makes logic, and logic becomes intuitive.

Monkey Boxing is me teaching.
I teach matrixed art,
and I draw on ALL my experiences
to get the student to experience ALL of his abilities.

those of you who have signed up for Monkey Boxing,
you’ll get a Monkey Boxing newsletter shortly
giving you the heads up on the new videos,
and other things that are happening on the site.

Here’s two links…

starts the matrixing path…

a page I’m trying out
to gear to ads on the internet.

and a Happy Work Out to All!




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Do You Blink Unnaturally? Here’s Why!

Newsletter 841

Blinking Unnaturally in the Martial Arts

Happy Thanksgiving!
I give thanks that I am able
to do Martial Arts.

monkey boxing martial art

Click here to go to: MonkeyBoxingNow.com!

I just had a rather interesting conversation.
It took place in the comments section
of the blog site,

I don’t usually talk in comments,
I much prefer email,
but this fellow wrote in on an article
that mentioned blinking.
In the article I had described natural methods of blinking,
which is to cleanse the eye,
the body takes care of it,
you don’t do much.
And then there was unnatural blinking,
which is when you blink as part of a flinch,
or the product of some distraction.

This fellow had a really tough time with this concept.
I guess he blinks a lot,
and he suddenly realized all his blinking was unnatural,
but what the heck can he do about it?

He got frustrated,
and kept demanding straight answers.

So I gave him the answers,
but he just had more and more tough times.
He wasn’t,
you see,
a martial artist.

No wonder he was having a tough time!
He didn’t have any discipline!
He had no reality,
no way of understanding from experience,
and he was stuck,
blinking and blinking,
and chewing on himself for blinking unnaturally.
of course,
he reached the stage
where he told me I was basically wrong.
No such thing as unnatural blinking.

After the communication ran its course,
I decided I should tell you guys.
Maybe there’s a couple of unnatural blinkers
that I can mess with.

So here’s the straight goods.

Blinking is to cleanse the eye.
It moistens it,
washes debris,
and is something the body does naturally.
You don’t have to worry about it,
think about it,
or anything.

Unnatural blinking is not to cleanse the eyes,
but is a reaction to a distraction.
Somebody punches at your face,
you blink.
you might flinch and duck.
Instead of cooly and calmly handling the punch.

As you do martial arts
you learn to handle the distraction of the punch,
of the fellow jumping out and screaming boo,
of the mugger who suddenly threatens you.

You don’t blink,
at least not unnaturally,
but rather open your eyes and watch,
assessing the potential impact of the situation.
You don’t turn away,
you become more aware,
and this is what the martial arts does.
It makes you more aware.

All that time staring at an opponent,
waiting for him to make a wrong move,
to blink,
to do something that indicates…
that he has gone unconscious.

When somebody blinks they are stopping looking out,
and, no matter how momentarily,
looking inwards.

Not facing the situation,
but turning inward,
and therefore unconscious, to a degree,
and potentially running.

Here is the key:
If you are watching, aware,
you will end up blinking naturally.
Hard to fool somebody who is aware like this.

If you blink,
then you are
and this results in things like unnatural blinks,
or flinches or and so on.

If you are a hunter
you want to watch your prey,
never a blink,
or he gets away.
And if you are not a hunter,
then you are hunted.

That is all there is to it,
are you looking outward?
Watching the world for potential distractions?
Undoing them as they come close to you?
Or are you distracted,
looking inward,
away from the threat,
as if that could make it disappear.

maybe you understand why this fellow
was having such a rough time.
He was face to face with his unconsciousness,
and had no discipline
to help him handle it.
on the other hand,
should be able to handle it.
You stand in freestyle,
locked gaze,
waiting for the flinch,
the blink,
the momentary unfocusing of the eyes
to indicate that your prey has stopped looking outward,
and is no longer capable of seeing you incoming,
and no way of handling you.

The discipline of the martial arts.
A way to be a hunter in a universe.
A way to be more aware.
A way to be in charge,
when everybody else is distracted,
running around like chickens with their heads cut off.

Want a great art to help you focus?
Try Blinding Steel.
It is the weapons portion of Monkey Boxing.
There is lots of motion,
and you have to stay focused
to handle the swing of the weapon.
It will really help you stop blinking unnaturally,
and remain focused and aware
in a universe that is so full of mindless distractions.



and have a great work out!




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The Why Behind Indian Stealth Skills

Newsletter 840

Why I Wrote About Martial Arts and Indian Stealth Skills!

Happy Friday!
Time for a great weekend!
Time to work out!

I finished a five part series
on Indians and their stealth techniques.
I thought you might be interested
in why I wrote that series.
Not much martial arts in this newsletter,
but an interesting story.

Members of my family lived in Arizona
last century,
during the time of Geronimo.
One summer Geronimo went on the warpath.
White people left their ranches,
headed for town,
and waited for the military to come.

On my family’s ranch
there were two hands.
These fellows were named,
and you will chuckle when you understand the relevance of this,
‘Red’ and ‘Baldy.’
Red had a full head of hair,
Baldy had only a bit of hair.

One night the family heard the Indians in the distance.
They decided to turn out the lights,
and travel to town the next day.
Red and Baldy,
minimum wage workers,
decided the heck with that,
‘We’re gettin’ out of here now!’
and the heck with the family,
which included a couple of young girls.

So the family put out the lanterns,
and acted like the ranch was deserted.
Red and Baldy saddled and skedaddled.

All through the night the family huddled in fear,
listening to the sounds of marauding Indians.
they survived,
and the next day they got in the wagon
and headed for town.

Who should they find,
just a couple of miles down the road,
but Red and Baldy.
Red was no longer red,
and Baldy was much more bald.

it was being told this story,
as a young child,
that encouraged me to write the series on Indian stealth.
and the fact that the Indian warrior truly was
the finest light infantry and light cavalry
in the entire world.

If you want to be the best,
learn from the best,
so I’ve always had an eye and ear on American Indians,
and especially the Apaches.

You can find five articles for Indian skills here…

The word Apache,
means ‘enemy.’

The word was apparently coined
by a neighboring Indian tribe and stuck.

Apaches used weapons,
and here’s the Matrix way of using weapons.


Monkey Boxing is going Great!
Try it!

and have a great work out!




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Diff between Monkey Boxing and Matrixing!

Newsletter 839

Monkey Boxing Site Going Well!

Happy Sunday night!

monkey boxing martial art

Click here to go to: MonkeyBoxingNow.com!

The new site,
Monkey Boxing Now,
is going great guns.
Thanks to all.

I should,
before we get back to matrixing,
explain a few things.

Matrixing is the science,
the logic,
the whole martial arts.

Monkey Boxing is the art I developed,
after decades of practice,
for true self defense.

In Matrixing
I go into the real reasons behind the martial arts.

In Monkey Boxing
I go into Monkey Boxing for self defense,
for reality and combat.

In Matrixing
I impart the knowledge of the martial arts.

Monkey Boxing
is for fighting.

But that doesn’t mean Matrixing is not for fighting.
Don’t get that wrong.

Matrixing can be applied to all martial arts,
bring them together,
allow one to see the truth behind their martial arts,
and fix them if need be.

Monkey Boxing is the art I developed for fighting.
It is how I teach,
How I apply myself to combat.

You will find pure knowledge in matrixing
and be able to apply it to any martial art,
and therefore fix that martial art.

Monkey Boxing develops
speed, power and technique,
in the realm of combat applicable martial arts.

Both are real.

You’ll find more drills and exercises in Monkey Boxing,
and the drills and exercises are aimed at improving
speed, power and technique.

Matrixing will give you drills and exercises,
but the drills and exercises are aimed at
building a complete art,
no mistakes or hesitations,
no problem dealing with arts other than yours,
because you understand how all arts work.

Monkey Boxing is the fastest way I know
to take out a suicide bomber,
disarm a Jihadist,
or just handle somebody protesting in the streets
and who got carried away.

I hope this makes sense to you.

Both approaches are valid,
both have fantastic impact.

But they are for different purposes.

Let me put it baldly.

If you want knowledge,
if you want to see the martial arts as a whole picture,
if you want the understanding
of how all arts fit together,
if you want to understand self-defense and fix your art,
go do matrixing.

If you done all the matrixing,
you just don’t give a darn about all that stuff,
and want to learn the fastest,
most efficient way of slaughtering an attacker,
of rendering a thug to the mud,
of unconsciousizing a terrorist,
do Monkey Boxing.

you can do both at the same time,
but that isn’t the point of this newsletter,
the purpose of this newsletter is just to delineate the arts,
to separate Matrixing from Monkey Boxing.

I will be announcing Monkey Boxing releases
in this newsletter,
but I will probably be putting that info
into a side panel.
Or you will have to periodically check in with


The main thrust of this newsletter
is Matrixing.

Monkey Boxers will get their own newsletter.

Here’s the Monkey Boxing site…


any questions,
you can email me at:

Past that,

have a great work out!




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What is the Original Concept Behind the Martial Arts?

Newsletter 838



Got a special announcement.

So special I am issuing two newsletters on the same night!

So special…
there is NOTHING like what I am about to do.

monkey boxing martial art

Click here to go to: MonkeyBoxingNow.com!

don’t get me wrong,
people need Matrixing.
They need to understand the science of the martial arts.
It is the only way they will gain true understanding,
and true understanding is necessary
for true mastery.

I have provided many paths for people to master the martial arts.

You can do the classical route by going to:


You can do the Matrix Karate route by going to:


You can do a variety of martial arts
by doing any martial art I offer,
and The Master Instructor Course.


So what could be better than that?

What could be better than that is if I gave you personal lessons
for as little as $2.50 per week.

Go to:


Monkey Boxing is MY art.
It is not the scientific analysis of art,
as in Matrixing,
or matrixed courses,
but it does,
of course,
follow matrixing principles.

Monkey boxing includes the following courses,
which are offered on MonsterMartialArts.com.

Blinding Steel.
Matrix Kung Fu
Rolling Fists

tied together by The Master Instructor Course.
You thought I would teach you something without using
The Master Instructor Course?)

you will get snippets and tidbits
from ALL my courses,
because I have to give you all the drills,
and tell you where they came from,
and how they were developed.
And ALL my drills and exercises.
And Forms and Freestyle.
And everything else.

And you can ask me questions.
I will respond by email,
if necessary and appropriate,
on video.

I draw on everything in my 50 years experience,
to teach you my art.

the drawback is that there isn’t going to be
a specific order to all this stuff.

I am teaching people Monkey boxing,
as I teach the video course.
I draw on material I need,
as I need it.

So I don’t organize it,
I just teach it
in an intuitive sequence
based on what my students need.

don’t worry,
I will be releasing,
sometime in the next few weeks,
a study guide of some sort,
to help you order all the material,
so you will understand the order,
and be able to focus on that order.

Don’t get me wrong,
this course DOES NOT replace matrix ing.
Matrixing is the ultimate science,
it is the martial arts in order.

But this my art,
the art that has come out of me
because of all my experiences,
because I need to express myself.

here is the special announcement website…


Go there,
poke around,
and see if it is for you.
have a great work out!



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The Ultimate American Indian Martial Arts Stealth Skill!

Newsletter 837

The Truth of Martial Arts and Indian Stealth Skills!
part five

Good celebration!
I hope it’s a celebration,
because it’s election night.
work out,
make the election go right!

lop sau rolling fists freestyle drill

Making Kenpo Karate unique to every individual.

Major announcement will be released in the next newsletter.
It is so major,
that you will probably be getting another newsletteer…

right now,
let’s focus on the fifth part
of the series on Native Indian stealth tactics.

This is the fifth part of a five part series.
Subscribe to the newsletter to read the other parts

In the first four articles
we have discussed how and why the American Indian
was possibly the finest light infantry in the world.

I know that I lost a few people with the last article.
and yet some people are so out of tune with themselves,
of who they really are,
that they pounded on the back button
once they read my last article.

That said,
I want to sum up
and mention a few odds and ends.

the American Indian was possibly the finest light infantry in the world.
And when the European introduced the horse,
he became possibly the finest light cavalry in the world.
I haven’t mentioned this before,
but it is true.

The reason the Indian was so good
was because if he wasn’t…he starved.
In fact,
he wasn’t beaten in combat by the white man,
so much as infected with disease.

The Indian was raised to be a warrior.
At the age of six he was turned over to the braves,
and he was taught,
under the strictest circumstances,
how to be silent,
how to walk and hunt with extreme silence.
This teaching included a profound respect
for the spirituality of the world.

Here’s a few things I didn’t mention.

Watch your posture.
From the tips of your toes throughout your entire body,
there is a correct way to move.
Find the way.
(Hint: The Master Instructor Course)

another hint,
when I was a wee lad,
back in the dark ages,
my grandmother would not let me slouch.
When sitting it was demanded
that I sit with my back straight.
Proper posture,
no slouching allowed.
Take this attitude towards every part of your body.

You need more leg strength.
In a society filled with chairs and slouches,
you need to cultivate your ability to move,
and this means,
starts with,
strong legs.

Breath deeply,
but silently.
Breath so that every cell in your body benefits.

Cultivate the ability to be still.
When you are still you can better emanate
(and learn to focus)

Dress with an eye to blending with the environment.
Wouldn’t you love to see a camouflage dress suit?

Be aware of where you stand.
Don’t create a shadow,
blend with the shadows.
Take advantage of light.

Check the wind.

Here is a not so funny story.
I read of a fellow in Viet Nam
who claimed he could smell the enemy.
He insisted on basing his motion in the bush
on what he could smell.
The members of his squad quickly learned to trust him totally.
He was always right,
always spotted the enemy,
and he and his squad (those who followed his nose)
came home.

who had no sense of smell,
didn’t come home.

To be truthful,
I think there is more to a sense of smell
than just smell.
It is said a shark can smell blood in the steer
from a mile away.
But a bit of blood
CANNOT travel a mile through water.
So what is the shark sensing?
Might this not be an ability we know nothing about?
A ‘spiritual’ sensing of energy
in spite of water?

And there are other examples of this thing
that might be smell,
but might be something else,
in nature.

that’s it.

Check out the Master Instructor course!


and have a great work out!





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The Spirituality of Indian Stealth Skills!

Newsletter 836

Neutronic Martial Arts and Indian Stealth Skills!
part four

Good afternoon.
A little wet around here,
not wet enough,
but it’s a start.
And a good, healthy work out
is also a start.

This is the fourth part of a five part series.
Subscribe to the newsletter to read the other parts

martial arts school instruction manualIn the first three articles
we have discussed how and why the American Indian
was possibly the finest light infantry in the world.
In this article I want to take a look at something that is very spiritual in nature,
not understood,
or even talked about by many,
and yet is easily understood
if you have any idea how Neutronics works.

That the Indians were spiritual is very obvious.
They attributed spirituality to everything.
The wind was a spirit,
the trees,
every animal had a spirit,
there was even a great spirit over all.
This was a very pure look at man’s spirituality,
but without the confusion of books,
and differing points of view arguing arcane points.
It was based on the world as they saw it,
as they felt it,
as they experienced it.

here is something about Neutronics,
something you will have to come to grips with
if you wish to have a chance in heck
of understanding how the Indian Warrior really worked.

In Neutronics
you are considered the center of the universe.
You can’t prove the universe exists,
all you really have is your awareness of the universe,
whether the universe exists or not,
you exist,
you are your own proof.

Most people are really screwed up.
They think the universe is the cause,
and they are the effect of the universe.
You see this everywhere…
somebody else did it!
(point your finger at somebody else)

But you are not the movie screen,
you are the projector!
No matter what the universe does,
you are the cause.
Whether it rains,
whether there is an accident,
whether you do or do not get up in the morning…
it is your ‘fault.’
You are the cause of the universe.

if you are still with me,
if you haven’t run screaming into the wilderness,
then consider this:
the Indians believed that if you looked
at an animal you were stalking,
there would be some kind of ‘light’ (or something)
emanating from your eyes.

In other words:
they believed the animal could feel ‘awareness.’

This is actually very logical,
when you consider,
as earlier parts of this article pointed out,
that the Indian methods built a higher awareness.

So the Indians would never look at their target
when hunting.


It required MORE awareness!

they did not shine the ‘flash light’ of their awareness,
rather they controlled that ‘flashlight,’
and the result was a fed family.

I know there are some that are nodding and going,
‘uh huh, that explains it,’
but there are probably more
that are blinking and shaking their heads,
and saying,
that Al guy is freaking NUTS!

So let me just back off here,
except to say one thing,

Check out
The Master Instructor Course

Once you understand the truth
about how the wind blows,
about how the body moves
about the reasons behind motion and the martial arts
you might be able to understand
the concepts I have detailed here,
and will definitely be in a position
to better manifest them yourselves.
Here’s the link…


now have a great work out!




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A Learning Curve for all the Martial Arts

Newsletter 832

Martial Arts Learning Curve!

Happy fall work out!
Cooler weather,
hotter work outs

yoga martial arts style

Click on the cover!

did you know there is a learning curve to the martial arts?
Of course there is.
There is a learning curve to everything.
And the curve can be sharp,
low and slow,
wiggly waggly here and there.
But here are two things that your mommy never told you, and a different way of looking at the learning curve inherent in mankind.

most people don’t want to learn.
They know there is a curve,
but they don’t want to apply it to themselves.
They are satisfied
accepting what some so-called authority tells them,
and they never look at what they are really doing.
They work out and don’t think.
Mindless exercise.

and this somewhat extrapolates on the first point,
and shows what the scale of learning in the martial arts actually look like.

At the bottom we have the people who want to fight.
They just like the freestyle,
the reality,
they are often quite vocal
always backing up opinion with the offer
to prove what they say with their fists.

Near the bottom we have the physical cultists.
They work out to get a good body,
maybe impress people.
No thought of what the martial arts does for mind/spirit

In the middle we get most people.
They talk about chi,
and research what has gone before,
but they don’t look into the future,
they are not scientific about what they do.

Above the middle we get dedicated artists.
These are people who sense what is going on,
and are pushing themselves forward,
and making inroads as to what
the martial arts are really all about.

At the top you get the matrixed martial artists.
These are people who realize
that there is a truth behind the martial arts,
And that there is a scientific way of getting to that truth.

To sum up this learning curve
and the people embedded in it…

image and symbolism
pseudo intelligent but bad data
dedicated artists attempting to rise above
logic and science as a method

that all said,
here are a few examples.

At the bottom are the people who want to dominate.
Who inhabit chat rooms only to put down,
who insist that arguments can only solved
by fighting.

Above the bottom
are the idiots who listen to the dominators
and actually believe them.
These guys are mindless drones,
wanna be dominators,
on their way down,
but not there yet.

In the middle are people,
people like you and me,
but with one large problem.
Their data is wrong.
No matter how hard they work out,
they are cursed.
they accept methods that,
even if efficient,
are so couched in ancient terms
that they are near useless.
They learn Japanese
because you can’t understand Karate unless you speak Japanese.
They meditate
without any idea of what meditation is.
They are firmly ensnared by the classical,
and have never picked up a dictionary,
or done anything to translate the mass they are stuck in.

Above the middle are people
who have felt the energy,
who are exploring concepts,
who are trying to resolve the mass of unordered data
that is the martial arts.
I can’t tell you how many of these people have written me,
are aware that matrixing has given them the final order,
has propelled them,
has uplifted them.

At the top we have you,
the matrixer.
The fellow who has seen the order of the martial arts,
has experienced the logic,
who has started to speed up,
has seen the sure and steady path
into the real ability of the martial arts.

where you?
I know not only do matrixes read my stuff,
but sometimes others,
low and almost low,
sometimes looking and sometimes not,
read things i’ve written.
So where are you?

Are you stuck on the downward path?
Trying to dominate others?
Or are you on the upward path,
finding the real education in the martial arts,
opening up your abilities
as quickly as you can?

Here’s the most important link a martial artist can ever find.


You guys and gals…

have a great work out!




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How the Martial Arts Became a Science!

Newsletter 830

Martial Arts More than a Gimmick

martial arts system

A complete Martial Arts System! ~ Click on the cover!

Happy Heat Wave!
Happy Work out!
The only way to beat the heat
is to work out,
get so hot
that reality is cool.
It’s true.

I remember when scientists
tested Koichi Tohei
and he sped up and slowed down his heart.
Just sat there and thought about it,
and the scientist couldn’t believe their instruments.

So why not convince yourself it’s cool?

Let’s talk about matrixing.

I often say I invented matrixing,
but the truth is
I stumbled across it.
Another way of saying it is
I made so many mistakes,
there was nothing left
but the right way.

I used a truth table
out of Boolean algebra.
Lot of fun.
Lot of work.
Made everything fit.
Analyzed motion
until there was logic.

But you won’t see all the hoops I jumped through
when you order a course.
The martial arts are separated in specific geometries.
So you just order a course,
and the data is perfectly laid out,
and you go through a few arts,
and you have it.
All the geometries.

I have provided a few records of what I did.
One record,
for instance,
‘Matrixing: The Master Text.’


This shows a few of the matrixes I drew,
and you can see the exact progression of steps I took.

if you want the absolutely nut
that grew the mighty oak,
you have to read Neutronics.
Philosophy, you see.

And here is where it really all came from.

One day I was sitting in my back yard,
tapping a piece of rebar on the cement,
Ting, ting, ting.
it was like a giant gong went off.
I could see all reality.
I understood reality,
and a simple phrase jumped into my head.

‘For something to be true,
the opposite must also be true.’

That was it.
From that simple realization
and verbalization,
I grew neutronics,
which manifested in Matrixing.
But you would have to read
some books on Neutronics
to understand that process.

the reason I tell you all this
is that there’s a lot of newbies to the newsletter.
And I know I’ve sort of said it in a quick nutshell,
but they need to understand
that there is more to this stuff than a gimmick.

When somebody says,
that Al Case,
he’s a quack…’

Ask if they’ve read the testimonials at

When somebody says it’s a trick,
‘you can’t learn the martial arts that fast,’
Ask if they’ve ever seen me take a guy to black belt.
I do it in three months,
and the thing was recorded on
The Three Month Black Belt Course


And so on.
only believe your own eyes and ears.
Make your own decision.
If a guy says I am junk,
and he has never done my courses,
you better think about whether you should listen to him.

I’ve got 50 years experience,
I’ve written dozens of books
and produced many video courses.

All the proof is here.
You just have to want the truth.

It’s Quick and Easy…if you are willing to learn.

Okey dokey,
enough for you newbies.
Hope I’ve enlightened,
and not frightened.

I’m going to write about
in the next newsletter or two.
That’s a whole mother trip.

You guys and gals…

have a great work out!




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