This post is from Monster Martial Arts Newsletter 624.
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Good morning and a great work out!
Or good evening and a great work out,
or…get the idea?
Anytime is time for a great work out!
I’m back in town,
working like crazy to get caught up,
and my apologies for any late orders,
missed emails,
or whatever.
I should have everything done by Monday,
including sending a couple of courses I ran out of
during my trip across America.
Let me know if I didn’t answer an email,
or anything else.
word has it that Monkeyland may be as little as a month away.
What a long journey,
but it is going to be well worth it.
I know that others have constructed temples
for the martial arts in America,
but I really think this is going to be a first.
I am working on putting all arts on checklist format.
Will make it easier to study,
and easier to teach.
I am thinking of how to construct the area
so that it is not just a couple of houses and a dojo,
but a terraced and organized Garden of Eden for the martial arts.
did you know that there are actually seven arts that I have put together?
This makes for seven chunks of knowledge,
or seven steps to complete martial mastery,
in the most fanatical sense of the word!
So instead of working through belts,
although that will occur,
and must occur for people who don’t want religion in their martial arts,
there will be an alternative route.
For instance,
a fellow who is a postulant,
is a fellow who is seeking (admission to a religious order)
So a postulant would follow a specific checklist,
which might include the first four courses on Monster,
and certain works from,
for instance ‘prologue,’ and so on.
And I would put together some sort of package to save money,
and a forum where people can actually discuss what is going on.
I have had a lot of requests for a forum,
and I think I see how I could structure it
so people could trade knowledge and wins,
ask questions and such,
and yet stick to specific courses.
First level might be postulant,
second level might be novitiate (novice)
and there would be a separate forum for each level.
Mind you,
I am just thinking my way through this,
outlining a structure,
and things may change drastically
before we come up with something that works.
I say we.
I thank every one of you that has offered ideas,
sent me heads up on links and courses and whatevers.
You see,
monkeyland isn’t me.
It’s martial arts.
So how much time do I have left to teach?
And that question leads us to one fact,
can I – we – establish a structure,
physical and spiritual,
that will last past our mortal flesh?
That is the real question here.
Let me share a little something with you about this.
I have had lots of opportunities.
People have offered me this and that
over the course of the years.
One fellow offered to make me a Hollywood producer.
And he was one,
and could do it.
But I said no to him,
and to all other opportunities
and for one reason.
They had to be martial arts compatible.
If the opportunity wasn’t about martial arts,
I wasn’t interested.
over the years I have also had a lot of people
try to button me down.
‘Get rich, Al!’
‘Here’s a job that…’
‘We could make so much money…’
of course,
there is the fact that I kept the price of courses down,
instead of going internet crazy,
and gouging people.
Because in the back of my mind is the question…
‘will people remember what I did in a thousand years?’
Even if they don’t know my name…
‘will the effects of what I have done be influencing the world in a thousand years?’
Not because I am glory hungry,
I don’t care if people know who I am,
I’m actually sort of a recluse.
I hide in corners at get togethers,
and don’t even like to go to parties.
I just want to do something that is big and good and will have lasting effect for thousands of years.
What is the purpose of my life?
Do you understand?
It’s not to get rich,
or to be famous.
I could have done that!
But can I actually contribute something of worth
that will help my fellow man,
raise his awareness,
make the world a better place.
Shaolin does that.
I want to do that.
And in America there is a relatively blank canvas to do that.
What an opportunity!
that being my personal motivation,
now you may understand that it is not about me.
It is about the people who help.
It is about people coming together
to overcome a rancid and unforgiving world.
While everybody waves a flag and goes to war,
we nibble at the edges of the heart…and go to peace.
It’s about you.
What do you want?
Do you want to be part of something big?
That will change the world?
Will make the martial arts a force for peace…instead of corruption and tournaments and making money and dominating people and beating people up and…
Do you get the idea?
forgive me.
I rant.
But it’s a good thing.
So cross your fingers,
that everything goes through as planned,
no burps or farts,
but an actual place to come and study the purest martial arts in the universe,
a martial arts that doesn’t just make the most honorable and glorious fighters in the universe,
but raises people from monkey to human being to…an Awareness of who they are,
what they are about,
and gives them a chance to really do something this lifetime.
And all through martial arts.
Oinkey ka doinkey…
got to go,
you guys and gals have a most glorious day
and wonderful workout!
And I’ll talk to you later…
Here’s the first book
that will probably be offered
on the first checklist…
If you can’t afford a package,
or even a course,
then at least get this one
and be ahead of the curve.
A Truth not shared is no Truth At All!
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