Tag Archives: martial arts

A Martial Arts Vision of the Future

This post is from Monster Martial Arts Newsletter 624.
Visit Monster Martial arts if you wish to subscribe…

Good morning and a great work out!
Or good evening and a great work out,
or…get the idea?
Anytime is time for a great work out!

I’m back in town,
working like crazy to get caught up,
and my apologies for any late orders,
missed emails,
or whatever.

I should have everything done by Monday,
including sending a couple of courses I ran out of
during my trip across America.

Let me know if I didn’t answer an email,
or anything else.

word has it that Monkeyland may be as little as a month away.
What a long journey,
but it is going to be well worth it.

I know that others have constructed temples
for the martial arts in America,
but I really think this is going to be a first.

I am working on putting all arts on checklist format.
Will make it easier to study,
and easier to teach.

I am thinking of how to construct the area
so that it is not just a couple of houses and a dojo,
but a terraced and organized Garden of Eden for the martial arts.

did you know that there are actually seven arts that I have put together?
This makes for seven chunks of knowledge,
or seven steps to complete martial mastery,
in the most fanatical sense of the word!

So instead of working through belts,
although that will occur,
and must occur for people who don’t want religion in their martial arts,
there will be an alternative route.

For instance,
a fellow who is a postulant,
is a fellow who is seeking (admission to a religious order)
So a postulant would follow a specific checklist,
which might include the first four courses on Monster,
and certain works from churchofmartialarts.com,
for instance ‘prologue,’ and so on.

And I would put together some sort of package to save money,
and a forum where people can actually discuss what is going on.

I have had a lot of requests for a forum,
and I think I see how I could structure it
so people could trade knowledge and wins,
ask questions and such,
and yet stick to specific courses.

First level might be postulant,
second level might be novitiate (novice)
and there would be a separate forum for each level.

Mind you,
I am just thinking my way through this,
outlining a structure,
and things may change drastically
before we come up with something that works.

I say we.
I thank every one of you that has offered ideas,
sent me heads up on links and courses and whatevers.

You see,
monkeyland isn’t me.
It’s martial arts.

So how much time do I have left to teach?
And that question leads us to one fact,
can I – we – establish a structure,
physical and spiritual,
that will last past our mortal flesh?

That is the real question here.

Let me share a little something with you about this.

I have had lots of opportunities.
People have offered me this and that
over the course of the years.

One fellow offered to make me a Hollywood producer.
And he was one,
and could do it.
But I said no to him,
and to all other opportunities
and for one reason.

They had to be martial arts compatible.
If the opportunity wasn’t about martial arts,
I wasn’t interested.

over the years I have also had a lot of people
try to button me down.
‘Get rich, Al!’
‘Here’s a job that…’
‘We could make so much money…’
of course,
there is the fact that I kept the price of courses down,
instead of going internet crazy,
and gouging people.


Because in the back of my mind is the question…
‘will people remember what I did in a thousand years?’

Even if they don’t know my name…
‘will the effects of what I have done be influencing the world in a thousand years?’

Not because I am glory hungry,
I don’t care if people know who I am,
I’m actually sort of a recluse.
I hide in corners at get togethers,
and don’t even like to go to parties.

I just want to do something that is big and good and will have lasting effect for thousands of years.

What is the purpose of my life?

Do you understand?

It’s not to get rich,
or to be famous.
I could have done that!

But can I actually contribute something of worth
that will help my fellow man,
raise his awareness,
make the world a better place.

Shaolin does that.

I want to do that.

And in America there is a relatively blank canvas to do that.

What an opportunity!

that being my personal motivation,
now you may understand that it is not about me.
It is about the people who help.
It is about people coming together
to overcome a rancid and unforgiving world.

While everybody waves a flag and goes to war,
we nibble at the edges of the heart…and go to peace.

It’s about you.

What do you want?

Do you want to be part of something big?
That will change the world?
Will make the martial arts a force for peace…instead of corruption and tournaments and making money and dominating people and beating people up and…

Do you get the idea?

forgive me.
I rant.
But it’s a good thing.
So cross your fingers,
that everything goes through as planned,
no burps or farts,
but an actual place to come and study the purest martial arts in the universe,
a martial arts that doesn’t just make the most honorable and glorious fighters in the universe,
but raises people from monkey to human being to…an Awareness of who they are,
what they are about,
and gives them a chance to really do something this lifetime.
And all through martial arts.

Oinkey ka doinkey…
got to go,
you guys and gals have a most glorious day
and wonderful workout!
And I’ll talk to you later…


Here’s the first book
that will probably be offered
on the first checklist…


If you can’t afford a package,
or even a course,
then at least get this one
and be ahead of the curve.

Martial Arts Influences on the Kang Duk Won

What are the Martial Arts Influences on the Kang Duk Won

kang duk wonThere are extraneous martial arts influences on every art, and the Kang Duk Won is no different.

Sometimes the martial arts influences can be bad, sometimes good. In the case of the Kang Duk Won  Continue reading

What Training Beyond Black Belt Should Really Be

Beyond Black Belt…

Beyond Black means in any martial art, as you will see in this article.

When a person is beyond black belt it means he is ready for advanced training.

In Karate, and similar martial arts, the training is more advanced forms.

beyond black belt martial arts

What lies beyond Black Belt?

But these more advanced forms don’t always mean much. The movements are sometimes so esoteric that they aren’t workable, and they don’t seem to make only marginal advanced energy capability in the body of the student.

This holds true for just about every Martial Art, from Karate to Aikido to Taekwondo to…whatever.

So the real reason for these advanced but same old same old forms are that they afford the practitioner the means to ‘polish’ his art. To get better at…the basics.

To get better at the basics means that they become smoother, more intuitive, more usable.

And, there are other qualities to be appreciated here: calmness of mind, a certain type of wisdom, some sixth sense abilities (if you lucked out and got in a good system, very rare) and so on.

When I found myself in the position of teaching people beyond black belt I decided to do things differently. I began teaching whole arts for each level after black belt.

I might teach a Shaolin style to second black black belt, a pa kua style to 3rd black, and so on.

This gave me tremendous leeway in what I teach. I was actually able to shift programs around like shuffling cards, and fit the programs and specific martial arts much better to individual students, and yet still maintain a distinct discipline and structure in my classes.

Furthermore, the polishing consideration was not neglected, but rather enhanced. Basics are basics, from art to art, and there is little difference. Thus, not only was the student working on basics, but he was getting different viewpoints of basics, which helped him understand them in depth.

The truth of the matter is that this method allows me to teach more than art, but a viewpoint of art, a perspective that is not able to be taught in normal classes.

It is a matter of how much knowledge you can impart, not art, but quality of knowledge, and the ability to import more knowledge…at a glance.

What was really pleasant for me is that I often run into these old students, and they’ll say they learned some new art, and I’ll ask them about it, and they’ll say something like, ‘Oh, I got together with so and so and we traded systems.’

Traded systems. Just like people did before everything went commercial. As in trading Pa Kua for Tai Chi. Or Shaolin for Karate. As it says in various accounts of martial artists, especially those who created their own systems.

Able to trade a whole system because they have been trained not to do a million punches, but to do a million punches while absorbing several martial arts systems.

And it gets really interesting for me when I get around these old students, they’ll be talking about things like shifting the tan tien while making a kung fu kick work in a karate style, or retaining power without dropping their weight, or some other oddity that it took me decades to figure out, but they are doing in a couple of years…and they have a whole lifetime to go places I dream about.

Lucky guys.

But, that’s okay. When I give up this body I’ll get a new one and find one of these guys to teach me.

Oh, and I would be remiss if I didn’t let you know that the reason I am able to teach lots of martial arts beyond black belt is because of this Matrixing Technology I developed…it’s at Monster Martial Arts.

Martial Arts Survival Training for the Masses!

Martial Arts Survival Training Replaces Ammunition!

This thing, of martial arts survival training replacing rifles and handguns, is a real thing.

You see, I just read another instance of a gunshop running out of ammunition. So, they limited their customers to one box of ammo apiece.

martial arts survival training

My fists are my real weapons…heh!

I’ll never run out of fists!

Isn’t that interesting, we are having a shortage of ammo because the United States government is apparently buying it all up.

Sheesh! What are they expecting a war? A revolution? An uprising of citizens because of the things that the government is…don’t get me started!

Anyway, the point is that real self defense starts with the fists. Or with broken bottles and clubs and whatever else might make a quick weapon.

You see, the mugger isn’t going to tap you on the shoulder and challenge you to a karate kumite match.

He’s going to jump out of some dark corner and conk your noggin with a rusty engine block!

Yes! I’m serious!

The guy in your house while you are all sleeping upstairs will probably have some sort of weapon, and he will be willing to use it to get away with your stuff. You know, things like your car and your wife or daughter.

And, it is fun to fantasize that you will just pull out your pistolo and give him an extra rectum.

And, I am not discounting that happy possibility.

But, fighting starts with the fists, when you don’t have anything else. And what is your gaurantee that you won’t be pushing a shopping cart across the parking lot when a bash mob comes along and decides you’re the wrong color?

What are going to do? Defend yourself with frozen peas?

What are the chances that you will not be able to get to your Smith and Wesson brain popper…or just that you are a bad shot under pressure and miss the sucker?

What are you going to do if you can’t get to your weapon because it is in a lock box…at the bank! Or has a childproof trigger guard! Or you just plain run out of ammo!

So, now you are down to it. Fists. That lampshade over there. Hit him with a sofa cushion!

And he’s got a knife!

Okay. Made my point, didn’t I?

So you need martial arts training. And not that internet crap where they promise you ten moves that will kill anybody.

You ask any trained martial artist and he will laugh in your face at that.

You are going to suddenly remember a trick, when the guy trained in the prison yard, outweighing you by a hundred pounds, trying to stick a knife in your ribs?

No. It takes focus and discipline to remember stuff in the middle of combat. That’s why people train for years…because the quick fix courses don’t work, never have worked, and if they did…we wouldn’t have martial arts!

So, my advice to you is get to a martial arts school. Start learning something. Don’t be the next George Zimmerman…or Trayvon Martin. Don’t be the victim of bash mobs.

Look, there are probs with the country. There are going to be riots! There are going to be hungry people roaming the street!

So get yourself some real martial arts survival training…it’s worked for thousands of years, and it’ll work now. But you have to do it!

A great place to start is the Blinding Steel Course.

This has been a page about martial arts survival training.

Bruce Lee Website Reveals the Truth About the Little Dragon!

Free Bruce Lee Website Promises to be Significant!

Bruce Lee is the most famous martial artist of all time. He impacted upon America like a Kung Fu fist, shaking all our standards of Martial Arts style fighting and cinema alike.

Bruce’s Martial Art, Jeet Kune Do, would bring elegance to streetfighting, and a sureness of character.

bruce lee story

Bruce Lee (The Little Dragon)

His movies would replace the pale chop sockie kung fu flix in a heartbeat.

It is only fitting, then that the most prolific martial arts writer of all time, Al Case, would choose to put up a website dedicated to The Little Dragon. Still in composition, the website is called Free Bruce Lee! And you didn’t even know he was in prison! (He he, snuffle snort–sorry, couldn’t resist).

Anyway, the website already has a handful of articles on Bruce’s life and times, including handwritten letters, articles his martial arts and insane workouts, and even pieces on his actual fights.

That Bruce Lee got in fights is no secret. He grew up in a tough town, was a member of a street gang called the ‘Tigers of Junction Street,’ fought in the Hong Kong Boxing Championships, and, of course, had that famous battle with Wong Jack Man.

The fight with Kung Fu stylist Wong Jack Man is, of course, the most interesting of all Bruce Lee’s fights, as it may be the one that Bruce actually lost, or at least came out on the sad side of a draw. There is MUCH controversy regarding this fight, and of particular interest is the article entitled: ‘Bruce Lee Battle with Wong Jack Man!

As has been noted, this website is in the beginning stages, but it promises to be the most valuable Bruce Lee resource on the whole net. It is in depth, written by a writer who lived through those times, and offers the unique perspective of a martial artist who has studied the life of Bruce Lee since 1967 (when the author began martial arts, and when Bruce Lee hit the small screen as Kato in the Green Hornet television series).

Interested readers should click over to Free Bruce Lee.

How and Why Matrixing Will Work in Your Martial Art!

Learn a Martial Art in a matter of months!

A lot of people read my site, or articles on the web, and they raise their eyes and say, ‘Oh, right. A guy can learn a Martial Art in a few months? Ha!’

Lot of cynicism out there, and I understand it. Some fellow studies for years to learn Karate or learn Kung Fu or whatever, and I come along and say, ‘You could have learned it ten times faster.’

martial art

Don’t just look at the moon…BE the moon!

That guy is going to be upset! He’s going to think I’m full of it, just because if he doesn’t, then it invalidates all his years of training.

But, when somebody actually does matrix their martial art, and this works for Aikido and Kenpo and ALL other martial arts systems, then they find that I am not invalidating all they have done…I am making it count! I am organizing their data, making it more accessible, and that means their martial art is sharper, quicker, more intuitive…and so much more!

So how do I convince the doubter?

Try these facts on for size.

Take two pigeons and put them together for 6 weeks and they will mate for life.

6 weeks, and you cam MAKE a pea brain MAKE a life altering decision. Doesn’t even matter if Mrs. Pigeon is ugly.

Now this is a stupid fact, but it tends to open the door to facts more pertinent to you and the Martial Arts.

The US army takes a common, garden variety man or woman…and MAKES them into a soldier in three months. Another three months and we’re talking about a high tech soldier, able to use a computer, or some other complicated device, right in the middle of a firefight!

That’s a good fact. It speaks highly of dedicated, factual training.

Here’s another one: there are ads on TV that claim you can MAKE your body into a lean, mean muscle machine in three months. Three months and you no longer have a beer barrel, but, instead, have a six pack!

So the point here is this: if you are smarter than a pigeon, then you can change your mind and change your body in three months.

Or, in other words,

You can learn a martial art in a matter of months!

You don’t even have to believe! You just have to get a martial arts course and do it!

So now we come down to choice.

Do you want to sit around and tweet one liners…or do you want to join a brotherhood that has lasted for thousands of years…the brotherhood of the Martial Artist!

Do you want to be sweet meat for that home invader? That mugger? That guy who wants to take your girlfriend?

Do you want to watch Bruce Lee movies and think, ‘How cool!’ Or do you want to BE like Bruce Lee?

Okay. Nuff said. I hope I’ve changed your mind, gotten you to get up off the coach, inspired you to do something that will give your life value forever!

So take a look at this http://monstermartialarts.com site, check out the courses, and decide what you want to do.

Remember, the only person stopping you from being more than you…is you.

This has been a page about how to learn a martial art, and how you can learn them in a matter of a few months.

The Birth of Matrix Martial Arts

Where Matrix Martial Arts Began!

Oinkey donkey, I gots a new martial arts website. Well, okay, it’s an old one, but I remade it with modern technology, and I get to…blog! Yeah, that was something that was missing from the old Monster Martial Arts. And what should the subject of my first blog be?

How to Matrix.

martial arts snake

Official Monster Martial Arts Emblem

Now, in a nutshell, matrixing is merely to organize. That is all. And, in the martial arts, the mountain just fell on Mohammad.

You see, the martial arts are nothing but messed up organization.

Consider, when you learn a system, like Karate or kung fu or whatever, the system is a ‘put together.’ It is the culmination of the techniques somebody has encountered during his lifetime.

This is okay, until you consider that the fellow who put the system together hasn’t experienced all the martial arts out there. He might have two or three systems (viewpoints or ‘slices’ of the whole martial arts), chooses his techniques, usually making the system top heavy, and teaches it.

That’s like saying count to ten, and giving the student the numbers: 3, G, Z, 7, 1, elephant and watermelon.

He’s not going to make it to ten!

But, man being the cleverest of all species, will tie what he knows together with some concept, and sell the concept, and the world rejoices. Especially if he is good at beating people up.

Not at teaching, but at beating people up.

That’s where Matrixing comes in.

When I took my first Kenpo classes, back in 1967, the instructor gave me four blocks. Low, Hi, Middle Outward, and Middle Inward. “See,” he said, “You can protect yourself in four directions, up, down and side to side.”

And he was right, and it was logical, and…that was the end of the matrixed approach.

After that I learned movements where I raked the forearms paralyzing the radial nerve, and I crossed his wrists to twine my opponent, and movements where I ‘sculpted’ his body, all while pretending he wasn’t moving.

Where was the logic in that?

And don’t get the idea that I am picking on Kenpo. Kenpo is a great art. And so is Karate and Aikido and Kung Fu, and…and they all suffer from the same problem: they are put togethers. Conglomerations of techniques loosely tied together by concept.

So, let me ask you. What are the eight blocks of Karate. And I mean ALL the blocks of Karate. And I mean the ONLY blocks of Karate?

And, why are they the ALL and the ONLY in Karate? What actual physical geometry makes them the all and the only? And, what is the actual body structure that they are based upon, and if they aren’t based upon it, they won’t work?

And this is a simple question, and it is handled and answered, with scientific accuracy and total competence, in the first chapters of Matrix Karate.

And then it gets wild. Because the logic I preach, this matrixing, this organization of martial arts, goes through ALL the martial arts, organizing them piece by piece.Karate through Kung Fu through Aikido, how to be an instructor, through Kung Fus from Shaolin to Tai Chi. And Weapons.And Chi power.

This is the first time in history this has been done. A complete and logical scientific assessment of the martial arts.

And the results of studying it are amazing.

People become logical, and then…intuitive.

People become fast and powerful, and they do it quickly.

Not in decades, but in months. Even weeks, if they have already done their homework and just need the correct data to tie their arts together.

And that’s what Matrixing is, and what it does.

So if what I’ve said makes sense, if you want to change yourself, make yourself calm and logical, and then totally intuitive…if you want to master the martial arts, not the pieces called the individual arts, but the whole thing, then check out Matrix Karate.

I’ve made it inexpensive, the price of a hamburger and a movie with popcorn, so anybody can afford it. So, check it out.

This has been a page about Matrixing the Martial Arts.