Tag Archives: taekwondo

Figuring Out Martial Arts Footwork!

Analyzing Martial Arts Footwork!

Don’t forget to sign up for the newsletter at Monster Martial Arts!

Recently had a question
about how I came up with my footwork,
specifically the Nine Square pattern.
It’s all geometry.

The foot only goes a couple of ways.
Right foot forward or back
Left foot forward or back.
Yet the possibilities are endless.
I started with a square,
‘cornerwork’ I called it.
I came up with 16 possibilities of motion
all based on the right/left forward or back.
I spent months exploring those 16 possibilities
through the various stances.
And explored the various arm movements
that could effectively be done.
A lot of work just there.

I put four corners together and came up with one pattern.
All other patterns were repeats and combinations
of the 16 cornerwork foot patterns.
That’s right, just one,
and it was cool.
It consisted of a cloverleaf,
and spinning and stepping over my front foot.
just those two steps to it, and that was all.

I put the four squares into nine squares.
It was a tic tac toe in a box.
It had eight points (not the corners)
which aligned with Pa Kya circle walking.
And there it was.

Why go further?
Why dance all around the room,
thinking I had created intricate patterns,
when the purpose was to explore the effective potentials
of either the right foot or the left foot
moving either forward or back.
And to drill the basics intensely.

So when you play with the nine square pattern,
especially in the books
Try working them on a simple square,
or on a foursquare.
You understand them better,
and you’ll see what I went through,
and you’ll be better.

The Last Martial Arts Book
(get the version with five hours of video links!)


Advanced Tai Chi Chuan for Real Self Defense!

Came up with a little bit of advice,
here go…

If you train to fight, you’ll get in fights.
If you train to beat up people, you’ll beat up people.
If you train to teach people, then the world will listen.

Have a great work out!


And thanks to everybody who picked up my book,

Advanced Tai Chi Chuan for Real Self Defense!

Don’t forget to give me five stars.
Those ratings help my sales.

Don’t forget to check out the interview

‘The Last Martial Arts Book’ has 12 ratings for 5 stars.
(There is a video version of this book with no stars yet)
My two yoga books have 9 ratings between them for 5 stars.
‘The Book of Five Arts’ has 8 ratings for 5 stars.
‘The Science of Government’ has 7 ratings for 5 stars.
‘Chiang Nan’ has 6 ratings for 5 stars.
My novel, ‘Monkeyland,’ has 5 ratings for 5 stars

That’s a lot of good ratings
so hopefully you’ll find the book that works for you.

How to Fix Karate:
A Karate Training and Workout Book
(Two Volumes)

How Matrixing Works in the Martial Arts!

Actually Understanding the Martial Arts!

I haven’t written about Matrixing for a while,
so let me explain for people who have never heard of it.

Make a list of numbers to ten.
1, 2, 3, 4…10
It’s easy to count to ten.
You can count anything.
After a while you even forget to count on your fingers.
That’s what effective martial arts looks like.
A small number of techniques easily and intuitively remembered.

as people teach the martial arts they have favorite techniques
and they leave out number 4.
You can still count to ten, sort of.
Not a real ten,
but, hey, that blank space isn’t important,
I’ve got nine things that work.

Then some guy teaches it, and his favorite technique is 13.
1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 13.
Okay. Cool. He’s got nine techniques that work,
and a thirteen technique that,
if he’s lucky, he can get away with.

A guy teaches techniques, but the enemy wears armor.
Some more techniques are left out,
and more ‘specialized techniques’ are added.

Time passes and students don’t have the weapons threat any more,
but they keep practicing the ‘specialized techniques,’
and they are adapted, changed, altered,
for different circumstances.

After a few years,
not even hundreds or thousands,
but just a handful of years,
three or four generations,
a few cultural changes,
and the art looks like this:

1, 2c, 5, 5f, 5g, 8, 3h, 16, 89, 1b,
b3, 43, 23k, 2k, yellow, 63fg, 7, 4little, 19, 9…
and eighty more techniques.
All to count to ten.

Everybody has added, changed, adapted, included
techniques from other arts, other countries,
been influenced by religion, politics
and their mothers aversion to violence.

And this what the martial arts look like today.
ALL of the martial arts.

People take years to memorize a sequence of ‘numbers’
that make no sense, are out of order,
and often don’t work at all.

Do you know what matrixing looks like?

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10

Simple. Easy to learn and…
It becomes intuitive right from the get go.
And it can be applied to ANY art!
You can figure out which techniques
belong in the sequence,
should be kicked out,
should be changed to work,
and so on.

the hidden blessing…
once you matrix your art
your mind has experienced intuitive thinking.
It begins to function differently.
It is quicker and more logical.

is matrixing for everybody?

People who are stuck in their art as a belief system
should not learn matrixing.
they don’t have the ability to learn,
and especially to be intuitive.
They will end up frustrated and critical.
Anybody who is critical is usually stuck.

People of low intelligence.
And this situation is truly terrible,
for it includes most people educated in the modern systems.
Go to school and you are likely more stupid
and even unable to learn.

But if you aren’t stupid,
and you aren’t locked into the arts as a belief system,
and you can learn…
matrixing can have a profound effect.

the proof.
I’ve got 0ver 700 pages of wins from people.
I’ve been pushing matrixing,
in some form,
since the eighties,
and I’ve only had two returns in that time.
But the real proof is this…
Money back guarantee.
Looks, it’s subjective,
the only person that can prove it is your experience.
Not somebody else’s words,
but your own dig in and find out the truth self.

here’s the link…

1a Matrix Karate

You can study it in other arts on the site,
but this was the first and most effective course.

Have a great work out!


And thanks to everybody who picked up my book,

Advanced Tai Chi Chuan for Real Self Defense!

Don’t forget to give me five stars.
Those ratings help my sales.

Don’t forget to check out the interview

‘The Last Martial Arts Book’ has 12 ratings for 5 stars.
(There is a video version of this book with no stars yet)
My two yoga books have 9 ratings between them for 5 stars.
‘The Book of Five Arts’ has 8 ratings for 5 stars.
‘The Science of Government’ has 7 ratings for 5 stars.
‘Chiang Nan’ has 6 ratings for 5 stars.
My novel, ‘Monkeyland,’ has 5 ratings for 5 stars

That’s a lot of good ratings
so hopefully you’ll find the book that works for you.

How to Fix Karate:
A Karate Training and Workout Book
(Two Volumes)

Finding and Maintaining Health through Martial Arts!

Duc Tape and WD40 in the Martial Arts

A fellow once told me that the two most important things in life
are duc tape and WD40.
This is because everything is either falling apart,
or getting smunched together.
Makes sense, eh?

So I’ve been working on a Neutronics book
and I realized a couple of things.

There are three problems in life.
For a body it is inflammation.
For a mind it is tension.
For a spirit it is lies.

On the body level it is inflammation.
Well, actually it is inflammation or compression.
Inflammation is when your body has an illness of some sort.
Inflammation is generally a germ,
but it could be food, DNA, or whatever.
Compression is when you get in an accident.
Compression is you took a wrong turn,
were in the wrong place at the wrong time,
and that fellow in a Ford smacked you.

On the mental level,
all problems come from two terminals opposing.
Two terminals opposing could be a push or a pull.
There are A LOT of potentials
when applying this to the mind.
You disagree with others,
you disagree with ideas,
you disagree.
The basic problem here,
when you break it down enough,
is that since the mind is nothing but a bunch of memories,
there is a conflict between memories and reality.

On the spiritual level
all problems come from a lie.
Lying creates tension in the mind,
and can cause the body to get sick.
this distracts one from the truth of the spirit.

This makes life hard to live.

These three things are interconnected.
And the results of dealing with these things
on a neutronic level can be interesting.

You can handle inflammation with certain herbs and such,
and sometimes drugs.
You can handle compression with surgery.

Handling the body in this way will usually work,
unless you go off and die,
but it ignores the tension in the mind
and the distraction of the spirit.

You can handle your mental turmoil
by getting rid of problems.
This can be done on the surface,
but the real handling is going to take place deep in your mind.

Handling the mind in this way usually works,
unless your mind is really messed up.
but it ignores the fact
that the spirit is still messed up.

If you didn’t allow the spirit to become distracted,
which includes concepts such as:
tension, splintering, shattering, etc.,
and usually means a lack of integrity or wholeness,
you would rarely become ill
or even confused in your life.

To handle the spirit is the easiest of all,
yet almost no one does it.
To stop lying you must be ruthlessly honest with yourself.
You must tell the truth at all times,
and develop virtues such as
compassion, kindness, patience, and so on.
You should find a list of virtues and start practicing them today.
That’s it.

If you handle the spirit,
if you stop lying,
then the mind is no longer stressed
and the inflammation is cured,
and you have a harmonious person.

This is actually pretty important stuff.
And I figured it out simply from observing the world,
talking to people,
and Matrixing.

When you do the martial arts
it tends to handle the body.
A handled body handles the mind,
a handled mind can handle the spirit.

If the martial art is messy
it takes a while,
and can even fail.

If the martial art is matrixed,
which is to say logical and aligned,
the body is aligned and won’t suffer inflammation so easily.
the mind refuses the tension of opposing terminals
and ceases being distracted,
and the spirit becomes harmonious.

If this doesn’t make sense you should read
this newsletter over a few times.

Doing a Matrixed Martial Art
aligns the data of motion.
This aligns the mind so it stops distracting,
and the spirit becomes harmonious.

Obligatory ad for this wonderful bit of wisdom…

The Last Martial Arts Book: Nine Square Diagram Boxing


This is a complete and matrixed art,
Applicable on the street,
as meditative as Tai Chi Chuan,
and modular in construction like Pa Kua Chang.

Give yourself a present for Christmas,
and don’t forget to give me five stars!

Another Neutronics book will be here in a couple of months!

Have a great work out,
and HanaKwanMass to all!


Don’t forget to check out the interview

‘The Last Martial Arts Book’ has 12 ratings for 5 stars.
(There is a video version of this book with no stars yet)
My two yoga books have 9 ratings between them for 5 stars.
‘The Book of Five Arts’ has 8 ratings for 5 stars.
‘The Science of Government’ has 7 ratings for 5 stars.
‘Chiang Nan’ has 6 ratings for 5 stars.
My novel, ‘Monkeyland,’ has 5 ratings for 5 stars

That’s a lot of good ratings
so hopefully you’ll find the book that works for you.

How to Fix Karate:
A Karate Training and Workout Book
(Two Volumes)

What is Fake Karate?

What is the difference between fake karate and real karate?

I taught a karate class in Ukiah.
And, one of those students taught a class in Willits.
And, as time passed,
other students took over the class.

I taught real karate,
as it had been taught to me.
Forms, applications,
making those applications work,
translating the thing into freestyle,
and a zen mind at the end of it all.

My student taught calisthenics
and half the forms.
a lot of freestyle
Not much about applications.

His student taught an even more reduced curriculum.

And his student,
taught fighting.
And he called it Karate.

It wasn’t karate.
It was calisthenics
for the purpose of fighting.
No theory about forms,
nothing about the structure of the body,
nothing about the actual physics of karate…
it was now boxing, (kick boxing)
and not very good boxing at that.

So I’ve seen how the art degrades first hand.
I’ve seen how the art can be corrupted.
I’ve seen karate go from real karate,
as taught by the bodyguards of Okinawa,
to…fake karate.

Isn’t it fake if you’re just fighting?
And not learning?

a LOT of people
are going to disagree with me.
This is because they’ve invested their time and trouble,
and they think they are doing karate.
I was second generation to the people who brought karate here.
And here is the way I define karate,
and fake karate.

Real karate
forms and applications
applications made to work
limited freestyle but no protective gear
Learn control

forms and applications
applications are posers that don’t work
freestyle with protective gear

Fake karate
emphasis on fighting with protective gear

I know,
there are some people out there that really don’t like this.
I know there is a lot more to this.
Each of the three levels has much more to be considered.
But this does sum it up.

Let me make a couple of points.

Fighting is not karate.
Karate is learning not to fight, but to control.
Karate was designed,
or at least highly adapted to,
controlling people who had weapons and armor.
Real karate doesn’t bounce around like Bruce,
who was dancing around like Mohammed Ali.
Real karate teaches one to fight…
by teaching one how to not fight.
This is a very zen thing,
but it is at the heart of not just karate
but all real martial arts.

a final word,
if you use what I have said here
to ‘prove’ another art (or person) wrong,
then you have missed the point entirely,
and you are doing Fake Karate.

If you want to fix your karate
and make it real,
I suggest my book,

How to Fix Karate

four hundred pages
800 images
applications that are not posers
all the missing pieces found
and the garbage thrown out
sections on matrixing
sections on fighting

You don’t have to be the victim of poor instruction,
you can make your karate real karate yourself.

Enjoy the summer and
have a great work out!

Don’t forget to check out the interview

How to Fix Karate! (volumes one and two)

volume one is at

And volume two is at…

‘The Last Martial Arts Book’ has 11 ratings for 5 stars.
(There is a video version of this book with no stars yet)
My two yoga books have 9 ratings between them for 5 stars.
‘The Book of Five Arts’ has 7 ratings for 5 stars.
‘The Science of Government’ has 6 ratings for 5 stars.
‘Chiang Nan’ has 5 ratings for 5 stars.
My novel, ‘Monkeyland,’ has 5 ratings for 5 stars

That’s a lot of good ratings
so hopefully you’ll find that useful
find the book/course that is right for you,
and matrix your own martial arts.

Building Sixth Sense Martial Arts!

Breeding Intuition in the Martial Arts!

Intuition is a sixth sense.
It is more than just hair standing up
on the back of the neck.

I was working in a factory,
when I was a young lad.
They all knew I studied martial arts,
some thought it cool,
others thought it was a joke.

One day one of the guys asked me about sword fighting.
We went into a storage room, very poor lighting,
and I was showing him how to grip the sword
how to stand, and so on.
I was using a piece of door track for a sword,
and it had a very jagged end.

Suddenly it felt like a huge hand was turning me around,
pulling the sword down.
One of the guys who thought my martial arts was a joke,
a fellow named Eddie,
thought he’d ‘get me.’
That was his exact thought,
I later found out,
when he was sneaking up behind me.

I turned and cut
right before he cold jump me.

Only the fact that I was resisting this big force
that was pulling me around,
did I managed to avoid slicing open his face.
As it was I cut a big gash in his chest.
Blood all over,
very nasty.

That was my sixth sense.
I cultivated it through the martial arts,
and it was like a big guard dog
watching over me,
attacking to protect me
whether I saw the threat or not.

It is actually very easy to cultivate that sixth sense.
You just practice your techniques.
Seeking perfection.

You will get that sixth sense ten times faster
if you matrix.

Matrixing is like that chart you had
up on the wall in second grade.

1 + 1
1 + 2
1 + 3
and so on.
Just a big chart with numbers down one side
and across the top,
and you get all the answers if you just read the chart.
No missing answers,
no wrong answers,
no extra answers.

You figure out the numbers,
practice them endlessly,
and suddenly,
one day,
you know the answers,
as opposed to having to think about them.

That is the same concept you use
when you matrix the martial arts.
You just have to use this same method
with the martial arts.

Why does it take so long in regular ‘un-matrixed’ martial arts?

Because the techniques are random.
They are not in order.
They don’t make sense when you view them,
not by themselves or as a whole.

You are practicing martial arts
without the context.

It takes ten or even twenty years
to develop your sixth sense
doing the martial arts the regular way.

The odd thing is that you don’t have to give up your old method,
you just have to view it through the ‘matrix filter.’

It’s funny.
I’ve been pushing matrixing since 2007
and people still refuse it
call me a charlatan,
they don’t even have the brains
to look at it.

check it out at

1a Matrix Karate

Have a great work out!

Don’t forget to check out the interview

How to Fix Karate! (volumes one and two)

volume one is at

And volume two is at…

‘The Last Martial Arts Book’ has 11 ratings for 5 stars.
(There is a video version of this book with no stars yet)
My two yoga books have 9 ratings between them for 5 stars.
‘The Book of Five Arts’ has 7 ratings for 5 stars.
‘The Science of Government’ has 6 ratings for 5 stars.
‘Chiang Nan’ has 5 ratings for 5 stars.
My novel, ‘Monkeyland,’ has 5 ratings for 5 stars

That’s a lot of good ratings
so hopefully you’ll find that useful
find the book/course that is right for you,
and matrix your own martial arts.

Get a FREE Martial Arts Course (BOGO)

BOGO Martial Arts!

What a fantastic morning!
Especially for a work out!
I haven’t said it recently,
but I’ve always felt that
a form is a like a prayer.
It just cleans out the body,
soothes the spirit,
and makes the mind sharp!

you all know what a BOGO is, right?
That’s right.
Buy On Get One (free)
I’ve always felt that they should include the F
But then people would read it like
Bug Off!

If you buy a course,
you get another one
(of equal or lesser value)

The way it works is this…
you head over to MonsterMartialArts.com
and select two courses.
I don’t care which two
as long as they are about the same in price.
Then you order one of the courses,
and email me at aganzul@gmail.com
and tell me what your second course would be.
Email me if you have questions…

why am I doing this?
Why am I giving stuff away free?
Because it’s the end of an era.
The newsletter,
in its present form,
is ending.

No big deal,
to get the newsletters all you have to do
is sign up for my blog

You know,
I’ve got over 1060 issues of the newsletter.
That’s a lot of newsletters.
I’m sure I’ve written a few clinkers,
maybe offended a few people,
but I’m pretty proud of the quantity and quality of the newsletter.

I’ll put out a couple of more issues,
just to let everybody know.

right now,
remember this offer…

Buy One and Get One (free)

Have a great work out!

I beat you this month, Kumar.

Don’t forget to check out the interview

How to Fix Karate! (volumes one and two)

volume one is at

And volume two is at…

‘The Last Martial Arts Book’ has 11 ratings for 5 stars.
(There is a video version of this book with no stars yet)
My two yoga books have 9 ratings between them for 5 stars.
‘The Book of Five Arts’ has 7 ratings for 5 stars.
‘The Science of Government’ has 6 ratings for 5 stars.
‘Chiang Nan’ has 5 ratings for 5 stars.
My novel, ‘Monkeyland,’ has 5 ratings for 5 stars

That’s a lot of good ratings
so hopefully you’ll find that useful
find the book/course that is right for you,
and matrix your own martial arts.

Reaching the Highest Grade of Martial Arts

Highest Level Martial Arts!

Good morning!

I’ve always felt that

Karate is like chess

and boxing is like checkers.

They are played on the same board,

or in the same ring.

In essence,

they are games that analyze motion.

The motion of the body

the motion of the limbs

the motion of the opponent

In boxing,

the motion is dedicated to 

collisions of the fist with flesh.

In karate,

and the majority of other martial arts

the motion is dedicated to 

collisions of the fist and foot with flesh,

entangling limbs to trip, lock, throw, etc.

Some arts specialize more than others.



it is all about the analysis of motion.

And here we come to something interesting.

The highest stages of martial art

are dedicated to non-motion.


you analyze motion

until you enter a state of non-motion.

The easiest example of this

that I can think of.

You and Joe Blow are playing soccer.

You are racing for the ball.

You are running next to each other 

at the same speed,

and you notice that you and Joe are motionless

compared to the background moving behind you.

You and Joe are in your own world.

Strange things happen when you are in your own world.

Time can be manipulated.

Between the two of you

you can agree to a passage of time

that is different from

the passage of time in the ‘real’ universe.


if you practice long and hard

you can create this sense of time without Joe.

You just look at an opponent

and different rules apply.

Motion becomes different.

it becomes uniquely adjusted by one person

agreeing for both people.

Read that one again,

it’s so damned simple it’s difficult.

It took me decades to find that reality,

that different sense of time,

that place where my sense of self

was strong enough to affect

the universe outside myself.


how do you find this place?


meditate through forms.


meditate through form applications (techniques).


when you freestyle with somebody,

eschew violence for staring at them so hard

that you end up feeling like you are in a tube.

One day I asked my instructor

if he had ever had any mystical experiences.

He said that one day

he was working out

and was looking down a long tube at his opponent.

He said the tube felt like it was 60 feet long.

He could see everything before it happened.

He even knew what his opponent was thinking.

When I was in my fifties,

some twenty years ago,

I had that experience.

I only felt like I was about 10 feet from my opponent,

but it was a stable experience,

not a one time thing.

At that time I started doing a mental drill.

And I think it helped me.

I would do forms,

often with my eyes closed,

or in a dark room,

and visualize myself as fifty feet above myself;

looking down ast my body.

I would tell my body,

 way down there,

how to move.

This brought an incredible sense of peace to myself

and I truly felt like I was expanding

as a martial artist,

and as a human being.

Have fun with this.

And, have fun with this little video clip.

MB 114 slap grab options

And don’t forget to drop by


Have a great work out!


Hi, Kumar.

Don’t forget to check out the interview


How to Fix Karate! (volumes one and two)

volume one is at


And volume two is at…


The Last Martial Arts Book’ has 11 ratings for 5 stars.

(There is a video version of this book with no stars yet)

My two yoga books have 9 ratings between them  for 5 stars.

The Book of Five Arts’ has 7 ratings for 5 stars.

The Science of Government’ has 6 ratings for 5 stars.

Chiang Nan’ has 5 ratings for 5 stars.

My novel, ‘Monkeyland,’ has 5 ratings for 5 stars

That’s a lot of good ratings

so hopefully you’

ll find that useful

find the book/course that is right for you,

and matrix your own martial arts.

How to Develop Martial Arts Chi Power!

A Sum Up of Martial Arts Chi Power!

Good morning!

and it really is.

I recently received an email asking for more info on Chi.

Here’s what I said.

Hi Jon from Missouri! Thanks for writing.

Chi is quite interesting. Think of the body as a machine, which it is, and things are easier to understand. It creates energy through biochemical actions. This energy takes on many forms, and is usually used to power the muscles.

Chi is more of ‘invisible’ (to our eyes) energy. It is also present in everything in the universe, even ‘space.’

If you follow the principle of ‘wt = work = energy’ the body will create more energy. This is the reason for lower stances. Though once one has started to manifest chi the lower stances become less necessary.

What stops chi from naturally manifesting? The fact that energy is channeled into muscles. If you can figure out how to move without using muscles, or ‘holding’ the muscles in unbendable positions.

Martial arts, especially the forms, provide different ways of channeling energy. Hard arts are relatively inefficient. Soft arts are more efficient.

Can you relax when you strike somebody? That’s crucial to manifesting chi in combat.

Relaxation requires a calmness of mind that is quite unnatural, except for babies. Babies haven’t learned to use their muscles, so they grip with energy. The grip of a baby is all out of proportion to their size and development. When they try to apply energy to the world, however, they are forced to use muscles, and there goes the chi.

To achieve the proper degree of relaxation you need to not think.

It’s this way: If you don’t use muscles you can use chi. If you don’t think you can develop the intention necessary to direct chi.

BUT, there is a kicker to all this. When chi manifests it doesn’t feel at all like the descriptions have it.

I was looking for some mystical thing, but when it manifested, though it was exactly as described, I would never have recognized chi from the description. It is much more subtle and understated, and more ‘real world natural,’ than the descriptions would have you believe. Yet the descriptions are correct.

Weird, eh?

Chi manifests when you use no effort.

Chi develops in proportion to lack of muscular effort.

People who use muscles are strong.

People who use chi (when they finally are able to use it)  will use a combination of chi and muscle. Morihei Ueshiba was known to actually pluck small trees out of the earth. He claimed it was his ability to direct chi that enabled him to do this.

When you use chi your mind starts perceiving the world differently.

When I made my breakthroughs I stopped having dreams. My mind was that calm that it no longer generated dreams. (Dreams are a low level form of static in the mind, as far as I am concerned).

People with chi will have amazing stamina. There is no way to measure this, as people and their control of chi is so totally different. 

People in my base art (Kang Duk Won) developed chi within a couple of years. I was slow; I took 3 and a 1/3.

However, they did not normally develop chi past this to any degree because KDW is a hard art. i went into Aikido and Tai Chi and learned a LOT more. Contrarily, people in Tai Chi and Aiki lacked hard art experience, and their chi was often lacking. They just didn’t understand the real world.

Chi is usually more subjective, but you will be using your body differently than other people. You will also be using your mind differently than other people.

Concluding this little rant: figure out how to do your forms using less and less muscle, less and less effort. Focus your mind on the fact that your body is a machine. Figure out how to breath down to the tan tien (a point an inch or two below the navel) and then channeling it through your body. Then do the same things for applications, no energy and no effort, and figure out how to remain calm even when the world is blowing up around you. Forms are a form of meditation and will help with that.

There is, of course, a lot more to chi than this. And a lot less. Hope you get intrigued by this description. My testimony is that chi, and the pursuit of chi, has enriched my life by orders of magnitude. I wish everybody understood this and tapped into this incredible energy source, but there is not much accurate teaching these days, and most people are not willing to do the work.

Thanks for asking, I’ll probably use this reply in a newsletter.

Have a great work out!


That’s a bout as precise as I can get in a short answer.

You can read more by looking through my books, 

‘Matrixing Chi Power.’

There is also volume seven

of the biggest martial arts lesson.

‘Chi Power.’

Here’s a little clip for your entertainment,

MB 116 slap grab elbow lock

I’ve got hundreds of these clips,

many of them recalibrated to the slap grab so they’ll work better.


the obligatory ad…

The Last Martial Arts Book

It’s got five hours of video links in it.

Have a great work out!


And don’t forget to check out the interview



I’ve got nothing but five star reviews on 

The Science of Government.

It’s really nothing more than applying matrixing to politics.

Matrixing + Politics = Sanity

I told you matrixing works with anything.

Here’s the link…


How to Fix Karate! (volumes one and two)

volume one is at


And volume two is at…


Matrixing the Hurricane Punch!

Matrixing the Hurricane Punch!

Happy Hurricane!
That’s right,
I live in Florida and I just lived through
terror and despair and fear.
That’s right,
I watched the news and survived.

So let me tell you what really happened
with the hurricane where I lived,
it makes for a delightful bit of matrixing
and may give you ideas for how to apply matrixing
to the world.

It is easy to matrix a hurricane,
a hurricane is like a big old punch to the gut.
So I’m watching all these complex charts,
and the news people are talking statistics
of course

Except I looked at the maps
the simple ones showing the path of the hurricane
and I immediately saw what was wrong.
The hurricane passed over Cuba,
then veered right
and headed for Tampa on a straight line.
Do you see what is wrong?
Nature abhors a straight line.
except for a few stupid trees shooting for the sun
does not happen in straight lines.
Only men, with their buildings and jabs,
create straight lines.
And here this hurricane was on a straight line for me.

Something was wrong with this picture
and I began to apply matrixing.

Matrixing is all about the analysis of force and direction.
That’s all it is.
So here is a straight punch hurricane
and what are the forces that will act on it?
Only two.
There is the surface the hurricane travels over,
and there are the ‘masses of air’ to the sides of the hurricanes.

The surface over which a hurricane travels over
is either flat (the ocean)
or rough (trees and houses and things)
Just by surface alone,
because it has to be a circle,
I could see that the hurricane was going to loop.
As big as the hurricane was,
and considering the surfaces over which it traveled,
I figured it would hit land above clearwater (where I live)
I blew it.
The hurricane skated over the water
and hit land over a hundred miles south of me.

Why did it hit 100 miles below me?
Because there was a HUGE mass of air to the north.
The hurricane simply ran into a wall and turned.

I saw a bigger map later,
and saw the HUGE mass of air to the north,
and that was why it had missed me.

The news media had this information,
So why were they all shouting


Because that’s how they ‘sell newspapers.’
They create fear
and it’s like a roller coaster.
Everybody wants to get on for the scary ride.
So everybody watches the news.

Once I saw the media was wrong
I decided not to evacuate.
Police drove through my park every few hours
telling me I had to leave.
In essence,
they were yelling…


Why would the police do this?
One, because they believed the news people.
more important,
because if people are scared they need the police,
it justifies the police
and gives the police more money.

So the real irritation
of the big hurricane punch
was that I had to turn off all the lights in my house
and let the police pass by.
Chances are they would do nothing,
but they might do something,
and they could give me a ticket.

Can you dig it?
A thousand dollar fine
for defending myself against
the big hurricane punch?
So the police are now put in the position
of potentially becoming the enemy,
interfering with my right to defend myself.

The winds howled,
the rain splattered,
I heard things go bump in the night,
things like pieces of branches hitting the ground.
Midnight my carport started flapping.
Horrendous racket.
I had no rope,
so I wrapped a piece of electrical cord
around one of the supports,
and ran my car over the cord.
Saved my carport.
And it was fun to be out there in shorts and a tee
fighting the elements.

And for all you people who scream
‘what if the wind blew you away?’
‘What if your house collapsed?’
‘What if the police tried to save you and died!’
‘What if…what if…what if…’

I say:

I was working off matrixing.
I knew the dynamics of a punch.
I KNEW the hurricane punch was going to miss.

And if I had known that it was going to hit
I would have headed for my son’s house,
a couple of miles away
and hunkered down.
He lives on the high ground.

That’s right.
I was so sure of my matrixing
that instead of heading a couple of miles to a ‘safe’ house,
I stayed home
drank an adult beverage
played on the computer,
and was so very happy.

for those people who got slammed by the punch,
my sincere thoughts and prayers.
did you know what happened
when the news and the police and the politicians all yelled.


All the people in my area drove a 100 miles to get away.
They drove to (drum roll) Fort Meyers
and Orange county.
That’s right,
they drove right onto Ground Zero.
Because they listened to FEAR,
because they listened to the news,
because they followed the directions of the police,
they took the Great Hurricane Punch
right in the flippin’ gut!

Too bad they didn’t know matrixing.
Too bad they didn’t know the martial arts.
They could have stayed home.
They could have had popcorn and chocolate,
maybe an adult beverage,
been safe with their kids
playing board games
and making up scary stories.

I suggest you study the martial arts
and study matrixing,
and do it quick
before Twitter and Facebutt and all those guys
convict me of ‘spreading disinformation.’
After all,
they don’t want me to interfere
with their money making business.

And the next time somebody starts yelling FEAR!
Look at the situation,
analyze the potential forces and flows,
and put them out of your mind.
A person who works off of fear
is not able to analyze
and ALL his opinions are worthless.

Don’t bob and weave,
don’t side step and block
if the punch is going to miss.

enough about the dreaded and terrible Hurricane Punch,
let’s talk about fun!

Thanks for buying
How to Fix Karate.
Do you know why How to Fix Karate is so different?
Every book out there
talks about the way the old masters did it.
They make photos of their system
and THEY NEVER consider whether their system is right.
How to Fix Karate takes each step
of each form
analyzes each step
for workability,
asks whether it is right or wrong,
and offers reasons
as to how and why something might be wrong,
and offers alternative solutions.
No other book does that.
All other books
treat Karate like a sacred cow,
never touching it.
How to Fix Karate dissects the sacred cow,
takes it apart like a 50s car
and shows you how to put it back together…

here’s a little clip for your entertainment,

MB 149 Two Man Punch Drill.mp4

and don’t forget to check out


it’s not a little book.
Two volumes for over 400 pages,
a thousand images,
and it is not designed to be read,
it is designed to be scrutinized,
to be poured over,
to make you THINK!
This is not simple Hurricane Punch,
it is the real thing.

Have a great work out!

And don’t forget to check out the interview

I’ve got nothing but five star reviews on

The Science of Government.
It’s really nothing more than applying matrixing to politics.

Matrixing + Politics = Sanity

I told you matrixing works with anything.

Here’s the link…

How to Fix Karate! (volumes one and two)

volume one is at

And volume two is at…

Republished a Martial Arts Book!

I republished Chiang Nan as a video course book

It’ll be available on Amazon in a day or two.
It has links to about five hours of video.

So far I have several books repub-ed as ‘video course books.’

How to Fix Karate 1
How to Fix Karate 2
Shaolin Butterfly (the butterfly form) (Kindle)
Shaolin Butterfly
Nine Square Diagram Boxing
Hidden Techniques of Karate (Chiang Nan)

Sales are good, and I thank you.
and I’ll be doing more books,
and writing new ones.
I have a couple of hundred hours of video
that have never seen the light of day,
so I’m looking forward to that.

the courses are still the best source of information.
They have all the videos,
the best videos,
and all the bonuses.

I had a fellow asking about the usage of the hips in the martial arts.

The hips are the cornerstone of the martial arts,
because that is where the major weight of the body resides.
If you hit somebody,
try to get your whole body behind the strike (block)
If you have to move out of the way,
you have to move the hips to effectively move the body.
Unless you want to bend at the hips and be out of balance.
We used to have an exercise.
We would hold a broom stick across the front of hips
then slam the hips back and forth,
pivoting from one front stance to another.
We would judge out effectiveness
by how well the tips of the broom stick
would snap into place.
Really got us centered down.

But here’s the funny thing,
each art has a specific to the hips.
Consider that there were only three directions that the hips can go,
forward, down and rotational.
In karate you thrust.

You drive the hips forward and align them with the strike or block.
In Pa Kua Chang you rotate the hips.
In Aikido you rotate the hips.
But in all arts you must sink the hips.

Sinking the hips connects with the ground,
braces your technique on the earth itself,
and you might consider a small study in physics
concerning the idea of grounding.
Understand what a ground is in electronics,
what it is in architecture,
and so on,
and suddenly you have the idea.

You see most people don’t understand
that their body is a machine
and that it must function as a machine.
Instead, they get emotional,
they start putting their attention (intention)
on their head,
and the body becomes up rooted easily.

One of my big kicks
was to show somebody how to ground.
I would push on their shoulders
and show them how to let the force
go through their bodies and into the ground.
when they had it,
I would simply say ‘look up,’
and they would fly away.

The col thing was that after I had done that a few times,
people started learning how to put their intention down,
and not be distracted by up.

In other words,
they learned not to be dependent upon their eyes.
They learned intention
without the distraction of the earthly senses.
Very interesting.

Want to know something REALLY interesting?
I would take a student and deliver strikes and have him give the blocks.
Easy peasy, he’s got it in no time.
Then I would have him close his eyes and I would say,
‘I am striking you slowly,
block when you feel it.’

Sometimes my strike would touch them.
Sometimes they would feet it coming too soon.
But eventually, and we’re talking about an hour or so,
even spread out over a couple of classes,
they would feel me coming and get it right.
Blew their minds.

You don’t need your eyes.
You don’t need your ears.
You just need to know where you are
and forget about what is happening.
It’s that easy,
and it changes everything you do.
It’ll change the way you move.
It’ll change the way you fight.
But don’t believe me.
Try it, you’ll like it.
But you should practice your forms a whole lot
before you try it.
The forms enable you to learn control and discipline,
and control and discipline
is what the martial arts are all about.

I’ll talk more on this stuff some day,
but for now,
check out my books from above
and have a great day.



And don’t forget to check out the interview

I’ve got nothing but five star reviews on

The Science of Government.
It’s really nothing more than applying matrixing to politics.

Matrixing + Politics = Sanity

I told you matrixing works with anything.

Here’s the link…

How to Fix Karate! (volumes one and two)

volume one is at

And volume two is at…