Tag Archives: taekwondo

Through Fantasy to Reality Martial Arts

Newsletter 789
Fantasy Martial Arts!

Happy Sunday morning!
It is perfect,
is it not?
For a Sunday workout.
A time in which to make yourself stronger.
More enlightened.

Okay dokay…
I was thinking about fantasies and the real world.
A fantasy is when you think,
‘I’m going to do this!’
and it bears no reality to the real world.

You practice the martial arts,
you mock up defenses for everything
from rape to atomic wars
and you think you are prepared.

But that’s not what it is all about.

The average person will get in three fights in his life.
That’s the actual statistic.

some people have more than that.
A lot more.
A guy who trains in boxing might have a dozen fights,
A cop might have a dozen fights.
The guy who trains in a dojo
usually doesn’t have any fights.

It’s true!
People who train,
and especially in the classic martial arts,
almost never get in fights.
The fights happen around them,
but somehow they walk the walk…
right out of the confrontation.

You can’t believe how many people have verified this for me.

‘I started the martial arts
and now nobody bugs me.’

And the truth is that they have learned to face their fellow man,
and themselves,
and they don’t have that certain set of fears
that results in fighting


And it lasts their whole life.


And this is what happens when you go through
the fantasy of the martial arts.
Your fears fade
and you are left
with the reality of you.

let me change pace,
if you think about it,
what I have just said is the truth,
and there is nothing more to be said.

Let me bounce around a bit.

Hanakwanmass to you.
Whether you believe in Happy Hanukah,
Krazy Kwanza,
or Merry Christmas,
let everybody around you
feel the joy you have found in the martial arts.

Give yourself a present,
or give somebody else a present,
this year,
of martial arts.

Let everybody know,
just by your calm attitude
and peace of mind,
what you have
by giving it to them.

If we had a planet full of black belts
we wouldn’t have any wars.


That is such a totally inescapable conclusion.

get ready,
next newsletter will be
my yearly rendition of
The Night Before Xmas.

And here’s something I have never mentioned,
every time I recite that Xmas poem,
every year,
I get people jumping the newsletter.
It’s true.
I send out my rendition of
The Night Before Xmas
and people cancel subscriptions at a mad rate.

Makes me laugh.

See there are two responses to the thought
behind this Martial Arts Xmas poem.

You can laugh,
and embrace the insanity.

You can get mad,
and struggle against the insanity.

But the insanity will be there
until you do enough work outs.
Do enough work outs
and the fantasy leaves,
and you are left with the truth of the martial arts.
All I’m doing is showing the way.

The Way.

Have yourself an incredible HanakwanMass.

and a fantastic work out!


After 50 years in the martial arts,
these are the forms I study…


My gift to you.


Have you subscribed to this newsletter? No? Go to MonsterMartialArts.com, sign up for the free books, and you will be signed up.


Revenge through the Martial Arts

Newsletter 786
Revenge…Martial Arts Style

Good Evening!
Feel tired after a long day’s work?
Go stand in the ready stance.
Don’t burst into motion,
just wait.
Let your body fall into the first move.
then the second.
Soon you will be working out full bore,
and feeling tremendous amounts of energy.
Just don’t push it…
let it happen.

Okey dokey!
I was talking with a fellow this past week end,
and an interesting subject came up.

I don’t know why.
We were just talking,
and then…revenge.

Now revenge is very over rated.
if you want revenge,
then you have already lost.
Already been beaten.
So get over it.

that said,
if you are the kind of fellow
who dwells obsessively
on all the things that people have done to you…
the best cure is hard work,
attention to details,
and dedicating yourself to the goal.
In this case,
the goal of revenge.
Of beating him.
Of teaching him a lesson.

And that brings us to an interesting saying.

‘Revenge is a dish best served cold.’

You probably heard it in a Steven Seagal movie,
‘Hard to Kill,’
I believe is the name.
The one where he goes through a seven year coma
only to wake up and kick ass,
and have revenge.

So this old saying an oriental saying and…
except it is not oriental.
Do a google,
and you’ll find it is French!

That’s right.
there is some argument
as to which novel it appeared in first.

it sounds oriental.
It sounds like them evil slant eyes
with their insidious plots,
said it.

I mean,
it even sounds sort of…zen!


But here is the trick,
it doesn’t really mean what you think it means.

Everybody think it means you take twenty years
craft a glorious payback,
and laugh evilly over the dying foe.

That’s downright silly.
It’s silly because
in 20 years a lot can happen.
The guy might die.
Your plan might fail.
You might evolve and realize that he was right to win,
and he isn’t such a bad guy.

But assuming he is a villain of Darth Vader’s stature…
why would you want him to enjoy himself for 20 years?
I mean,
get your revenge and get it while the getting is good!

So here is what the saying REALLY means.
Mind you,
this really is going to be zen.

Served cold refers to having a calm state of mind.

If you laugh maniacally
as he lays dying,
then you have become him.
You have become the evil.
And where is the enjoyment,
when the mind is fevered?
You aren’t enjoying,
you are giving in to your own base urges.
if you can have a calm mind,
then you have beaten him,
not just with your revenge,
but you have ‘out-evolved’ him.

don’t wait,
get your revenge as quick as you can,
but cool your mind down
so you can actually enjoy yourself.

Of course,
as for myself,
I think I would rather dedicate myself to training
before I lost,
before I ever needed a revenge.
Win the first time.
That’s the real key.

Have a great work out


here’s a course that will help you take control
of your hot to trot,
out of control mind.


Or you can get the whole package.



‘Matrixing Karate: Master’ is on the Bookshelves!

Releasing the Fifth Volume of Matrixing Karate: Master

This is the official announcement that ‘Matrixing Karate: Master,’ has been released.

It was actually finished a couple of weeks ago, and it has had time to get up on Amazon, and it is in the createspace bookstore, so it’s time to make it official.

Release of final volume of Matrixing Karate Series!

Release of final volume of Matrixing Karate Series!

The first volume of this pivotal Karate series was dedicated to fixing basic movements. Volumes 2 – 4 were aimed at explaining matrixng principles, introducing matrixing graphs, and so on. Volumes 1 – 4 were based on the Matrix Karate course available at MonsterMartialArts.com.

The fifth and final volume is a bit different. It is based on a series of manuals written over the years, and upon the ‘Create Your Own Art’ video course.

The thing that makes this final book so important, and sets it apart from even the books it was based upon, is that it goes through the history and concepts of Matrixing and details exactly where each concept came from.

Thus, you are taken on a journey, from the first martial art studied by the author, Kenpo Karate, through each and every martial art he studied. This includes detailing concepts from separating two arts successfully (Kang Duk Won and Kwon Bup) and developing a third based on those two. (Outlaw Karate: The Secret of the One Year Black Belt). It goes into the exact influences that resulted in the development of matrixing, including the original matrixing lists from the 70s and 80s, and leads right into the creation of the Matrix graph.

One thing that may be surprising to students of the martial arts is that the author developed matrixing without the matrixing graph. Instead, he used lists of techniques, reworking the lists for every concept he encountered. This actually entailed, literally, thousands of lists. Thus, the development of the Matrixing Graph is a bonus to the martial arts of unparalleled value.

The book may be found on Amazon. It is paperback, and students of the martial arts are encouraged to get the earlier volumes first, that they may better understand the import and significance of this volume.

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Breathless Martial Arts…Empty Karate…Silent Aikido

The Value of Silence in the Martial Arts

Karate, Gung Fu, Taekwondo…no matter what martial art…they need silence to grow.

My first hint of this was the ‘empty’ in Empty Hands, which is the literal translation of Karate.

Empty hands, and empty mind. A zen thing.

kung fu karate

Be silent, my friend, and hear yourself think…

Not how many tournaments you can win, not how ‘bad’ you are, but how silent you can be.

A light bulb depends on space to create the spark that lightens society. Is not space emptiness? Silence?

The human being is a light bulb, a machine through which sparks energy. But he blathers so much that there is no silence, thus, he never turns on those extra sensory perception tools like telepathy.

He is left with the sound of his body, a noisy thing that obscures his real thoughts.

A human being must create silence, and then the light bulb can go on.

When there is no sound he can create silence.

When there is no sound he can listen…and hear.

Hear what?

Hear his own thoughts.

Hear the thoughts of others.

When I was in the city I found it difficult to work out. I had done martial arts in such a way, and for so long, that I wasn’t interested in speaking, and the speaking of others disturbed the silence.

Humans are a loud variety.

Their heads actually make enormous noises, but the noises are beneath the human band of hearing. Thus, he is guilty of noise pollution, a machine trundling through life making squeaking gurgling sounds that are deafening to animals, but nothing to himself. He has made sure he can’t hear his own noise.

A polluter.

When you create enough silence the world speaks to you.

You can hear the animals look at you.

Animals are silent. They know how to listen. They never bothered to learn how to speak. Their ‘speech’ is more in action, pose, posture, grin.

Humans are so miserable.

They talk and they talk and they talk, and the world never listens.

Try the martial arts.

Try them blindfolded in a room without lights late at night.

Move by using your imagination.

Do your karate or kenpo or aikido in silence, lessening even the slither of bare foot over carpet, doing without noise.

Until not even your breath can be heard.

Breathless Martial Arts.

When you finally succeed in making perfect silence, then will you hear the true martial arts.

Then will you hear the world.

Then will you hear yourself.

Al Case has been studying the Martial Arts since 1967. Tai Chi Chuan is perfect for creating silence in the Martial Arts.

An Example of Matrixing in the Martial Arts

Why People Don’t Understand Matrixing

I have people asking me, every once in a while, for an example of Matrixing in the Martial Arts. This is something I don’t want to give, and there is an exact reason for me refusing. Let me explain this reason.

The mind is a bunch of memory. That’s all it is. An animal mind has very short span. A goldfish forgets within three seconds. That’s it. Simply, the goldfish is a being that lives within three seconds, and then moves on.

matrixing in the martial arts

Bound by your own logic, matrixing sets you free.

Man is a rather longer memoried beast. It would be nice to go into this more, but this is not the time and place. So let it suffice to say that you can remember virtually anything. This lifetime alone, you can recall the most minute memories.

Now, mental abilities are something else, and they have absolutely nothing to do with the mind. Mental abilities, such as the ability to create problems, intuition, telepathy and telekinesis and all that sort of thing, that are not born of memory…they are what the awareness of the individual can do.

Separate them: mind is memory, and mental ability has nothing to do with the mind. Mental ability is what you, the human being, can do in your wildest dreams.

When you do the martial arts you memorize patterns. You memorize techniques. You memorize muscle motion.

You put all this into your mind.

But what can you do?

Well, you can do whatever is in your mind, but that has nothing to do with what you, the human being, can do in your wildest dreams.

You see, all this stuff you memorize into your mind is nothing more than…circuits. Just like an electrical circuit, bound by nodes and boards and such…everything is on a set path.

But you can only trap a human being so long. Eventually, be it a few seconds or a million years, the human being is going to say, ‘wait a minute! I recognize this place! I see what I’ve been doing! I see this memory!’

At that second the circuit is blown, the pattern disappears, and you become free.

Now freedom is relative, and that’s an absolute, and this is another one of those things I should skirt during the course of this essay.

So the point is this, when you blow a circuit you enter into mushin no shin. Mind of no mind. Or…a place where there are no memories telling you what to do.

Here’s a couple of things that go along with that phenomenon.

Mushin no shin can be achieved through the necessity of the moment…because of the need for survival. A fellow on the battlefield may experience it. Time slows down, he develops other perceptions rather instantly.

I remember reading of one fellow who survived Viet Nam because he could ‘smell’ Viet Namese. We could argue whether he actually detected by odor, or whether the human being sensed and attributed this ability to his nose, but the fact remains, he survived through an ability ‘grown’ for the moment.

Mushin no shin might last for a brief instant…then the memories come flooding back in. Still, that experience, that ‘aha’ moment, will open up a human being and let him or her know that there is a lot more to him, and life, than is ever written in a book, any book, in western society…or eastern.

Indeed, it is near impossible to describe this moment except in general and almost cartoonish terms.

The world glows. You understand God. You can see forever. These are descriptions of something that cannot be described.

And there are other phenomena connected with mushin no shin, or as I have segued into…enlightenment.

The difference between mushin no shin and enlightenment may be merely one of degree, or perhaps depth of understanding. Or perhaps the type and size of circuits blown.

But let’s return to the martial arts and why I don’t give examples of matrixing.

The martial arts are a series of memories. They are patterns. They are circuits implanted in the mind through hard work. And here is the bugaboo.

If the martial art is sufficiently illogical, there will be no mushin no shin, except by the severest accident. There will be no enlightenment.

One example of this is boxing. There are no examples that I can think of where a boxer suddenly threw off his gloves and said, ‘I understand that the essential nature of the universe is a golden vibe which we call God.’

There are a few boxers who have been pounded into believing in God, but this is not enlightenment, this is worship by the beaten.

Another example would be kenpo.

To be plain, I love Kenpo, I have loved it since I encountered in 1967, but I was not able to matrix it for a variety of reasons.

It doesn’t create a connection with the earth through serious stance work. It is a put together, a real conglomeration, of everything Ed Parker encountered and thought about: it is the memories, jumbled and reconstructed in a desperate effort to make sense, of one man. It is five evolutions of thought as one man went through life without ever encountering mushin no shin, or an ‘aha’ moment.

Nothing against kenpo, it just best exemplifies illogic in the martial arts.

And what it specifically exemplifies is the basic training method, which is memorization, or implantation of training sequences in the mind.

When I developed matrixing it seemed like an accident, but it was really my search for logic in a universe that is rather slipshod and haphazard and put together by whim and shamble.

Why me, why the martial arts, why the million and one experiences that set me free, I don’t know. Call me a cosmic accident.

But the fact remains, I tripped over a form of logic, described briefly in Boolean algebra, that puts order to ALL the jumbled up strings of random motions that we have been memorizing and calling the martial arts for a zillion years.

Now, if I could, in one word, or simple sentence, describe matrixing, I would, but you wouldn’t understand it.

Here is that sentence:

For something to be true the opposite must also be true.

Doesn’t make much sense, does it?

But it will if you do a few hundred hours of logical work in the martial arts.

Mind you, you could do a few thousand hours of work, a few million hours of work, and get nowhere. You would merely be trying to make sense of the insensible, the stored up memories in your mind.

You see, without the logic, without matrixing…the mindless mass of memorized circuits that are the martial arts just won’t make sense.

And, without the martial arts, with only the logic, you are left with:

For something to be true the opposite must also be true.

A simple phrase that means everything, and nothing, and is sort of like a zen koan, and doesn’t describe any sort of logic you have ever experienced.

So, it is impossible for me to give you an example, your jumbled up memory of a mind just won’t accept it. You will translate it into gibberish.

And, here is a cruel trick, when somebody gets close to understanding they say, ‘Oh, we’ve got that in our system.’

Simply, they have latched on to some simple point, and they do have it in their system, but their mind has slid right off of Matrixing the way teflon slides off bacon and eggs.

So you are caught. You are trapped in your own hard work, trying desperately to justify it, and refusing any example of real logic I could give you.

And your only real solution is to dig into the martial arts, and dig into matrixing that you might hope to understand the martial arts.

And, nobody really understands the martial arts.

True. Sad, but true.

They think they do, and they explain the martial arts by saying something like, ‘a punch is just a punch,’ or, ‘a kick is just a kick.’ Or some other pithy saying after a few decades in the martial arts.


That’s just more teflon sliding off the pan.

The real martial arts are a thought.

Not meat, not mind circuits, not even freedom.

They are a simple thought.

And the only way you will ever understand the thought that is the martial arts is through matrixing. I say this because the martial arts have never been understood in the history of mankind. Ever. Not on any planet, not on any plane of existence.

If they had been understood they would have, like one of those circuits, disappeared, and we would have a civilization without war and disease and the general corruption of mankind.

This essay has been written by Al Case, the discoverer of Matrixing. You can read more concerning matrixing and martial arts at Monster Martial Arts. If you are more interested in the type of thought process described in this essay, you should go to the Church of Martial Arts.

Don’t forget to subscribe to the newsletter, download any free books, press the FB like button, and donate (order matrixing materials).

This has been a page about why there are no examples of Matrixing in the Martial Arts.

Martial Arts Makes Mind Go 3D

How Matrixing Martial Arts Makes Mind Start to Work!

To understand how matrixing martial arts makes the mind open up and work right, you have to understand that  the universe is nothing but rocks and stuff. A bunch of debris floating around. That body you’re in? It’s just a conglomeration of stuff that runs into things. And things run into it.

Do you see how you’ve been victimized by the universe? Was that a rock that hit me? What was that? Was that a rock?

martial arts makes calm minds

Martial Arts makes calm minds…

You see, you are a black and whiter living a world of color. You can’t see the color. Your perceptions have been stunted.

Want to unstunt your perceptions? Want to see the world in color? Martial arts makes that happen if you have matrixed them.

Matrixing is a way of getting that instant depth perception in the universe that enables you to see, oh…color…that stuff is…color!

I realized this through studying the martial arts, through studying the fact of fists colliding with my body trajectory in the universe. Studied it a bunch, tried to see all the potentials, came up with a matrix. Matrix enabled me to see more…more…

And, I was matrixing back in the eighties, long before the movie.

Matrixing, you see, is a way of describing three dimensions on two dimensional paper. I’ve figured out how to take it out of the computer and put it into the universe, to write the truth of the universe on a mind currently working in two dimensions.

The great thing is it doesn’t work just for the martial arts, though that is the template. It works for everything! Simply, you can measure and put order into anything in the universe with matrixing. Things you didn’t even know needed ordering get ordered.

Things you didn’t know suddenly pop out at you, make you blink, and become instantly resolved.

The only reason a matrix wouldn’t work, to be honest, is because if the mind was so stunted that it couldn’t conceive of the matrix except as in black and white. If you look at a matrix and it is black and white, stay away. Your mind isn’t ready.

Well, the door is open, the choice is yours.

This has been a page about how Martial Arts makes the mind function, here’s a series of articles dealing with this phenomenon.

Karate Improves Chances of Survival in a Real Fight!

Karate Will Help You Survive a Real Fight!

I came across these statistics about being in a real fight the other day, and they are pretty interesting.

First, 80% of all real fights had a clear winner. This is interesting because it means that four out of five real fights were taken to the point where one person was incapacitated. This means that people should be studying martial arts which are effective. Tournaments are fine, and one has to learn how to do kumite, but one also has to understand how real a confrontation can get.

real fight

Karate may be the correct answer to this type of attack!


10% were broken up and 5% were outright draws. This means that once a real fight starts, it’s not likely that somebody is going to come and save you.

Second, 10% ended up on the ground. Well, there goes the big hype for MMA and Jujitsu and the argument that combatants are likely to end up on the ground. This means that one would be better served by learning a stand up martial art like Karate or Kung Fu.

10% of real fighting started with a punch. But that means that 90% started with…a push? A weapon? something else? But not a kick, as we will see below. Again, the need for combat oriented karate or something that is specific to punching distance, yet adaptable to other types of attacks.

80% of first punches were with the right hand. And, follow this statistic up with the fact that 95% of the right hand punches were to the head. So you have to prepare for a right punch to the face.

And, finally, only 10% of the fights had a kick in them. This statistic deals out Taekwondo.

Now, I have made a few remarks about the statistics here, and I should probably offer some sort of explanation so that there is no misunderstanding. So here’s the conclusion:

A fight can start with anything, but they don’t usually go to the ground, and they don’t contain much in the way of kicks. Thus, you need some knowledge of grappling and kicking, but not a lot. There is grappling and kicking in Karate, but not to the exclusion of other distances or ranges.

These are the statistics of a real fight, not the rare atmosphere of the cage, or a tournament, or any other organized sort of match, and since the average person will get in three fights in his life, it behooves Joe Average to start a study of Karate. I say Karate because it deals with kicks, does have some ground work, but is heavy on fists and blocking punches. Makes it perfect for a street altercation.

Probably the fastest and most efficient way to become competent enough to survive real fighting, be it on the street or anywhere, is at Learn Karate Online. You can get some Free Karate Lessons starting here.

A Real Church of Martial Arts!

Monkeyland…Here We Come!

Great Day in Paradise!
Monkeyland may be as little as two weeks away.
that’s worth a dozen work outs!
So here is the URL so you can take a look at this gem in the wilderness.


Give the page time to load,
there’s a couple of large pictures.
And make sure you hit the FB LIKE button at the top of the page!

church of martial arts

The Church of Martial Arts!

let’s talk about Monkeyland.
Let’s talk about how it got started,
how it developed,
and how it is going to progress.

First, I wrote a book,
and it is called Monkeyland,
and the tagline is…
‘Another word for Freedom!’

It is a story of war and corruption and disaster and man’s inhumanity to man.
after five books,
there is a sublime message,
one that forgives the thought of war
if we can only understand ourselves,
transform ourselves…
mankind has hope.

I kept working out,
developing matrixing,
nibbling into Neutronics,
and I started thinking about a real Monkeyland.

A place where people were free to be themselves,
without the regulations and intrusions of government,
without the interference and distractions of evil people.
A place where the martial arts could flourish,
and people could experience what the true martial art was like.
A place where people could be free.

And I used to sit and wonder,
How the heck was I supposed to pull this off?
How could I make this happen?
And I mentioned Monkeyland in the newsletter.

Frank was one of the first people I ever taught matrixing to.
Back about 1984 we locked ourselves in the dojo
and worked out until he was a black belt.
Frank read the newsletter,
and he had his own bad case of good dreams.
He wanted a place where, among other things,
he could escape the grind of a society going bad,
where GMO could be defeated,
where solid stock, animal and human both,
could be raised.
And our dreams were going in the same direction.

It took a couple of years, some very intense negotiating,
a bunch of hoops to jump through,
but within a couple of weeks we will be on the land.
A ranch free from the contaminations of society.
A Church where people can be encouraged to plumb their depths,
find the true art that is within themselves,
is their inherent nature,
just waiting to come to the surface.

Of course,
there is going to be an immense amount of work,
we are in the right time,
and the right place.

Did you know that people actually love to work?
The country only gets depressed when people aren’t working.

Did you know that people love to solve problems?
With a government telling them no,
with a society of political correctness,
where you have to ask permission to pee in ocean,
people are miserable.

But set them free,
tell them to build something,
tell them that nobody is going to stop them,
and you have paradise each and every single day.

Did you know that some people love the martial arts?
Yes, it’s true,
the brighter and more industrious members of mankind all LOVE the martial arts.

What better gift to the best on earth
than to give them a place where they can let loose their talents,
change the path of mankind,
elevate ALL martial arts!

more to come,
I’ll probably have to set aside a separate section of the newsletter
just to deal with the happenings at Monkeyland.

remember this…
if you are a true martial artist,
if you want to find the truth of yourself,
and if you are willing to work your fingers to the bone,
then you have a bed up here.

Within the month I should have some sort of plans started
to enable visits and instruction and even some possible live in arrangements.

let me say this right now,
study your matrixing.
When you come to visit,
the first thing we’ll do is check out your matrixing.

If you can do your Matrix Karate,
right out of the box,
then we won’t have to spend time teaching you things you should already know,
and we can get right into the deeper teachings.

So here’s the URL for Matrix Karate…

And in a future newsletter
I’ll lay out the complete sequence of study.
But for now,
it all starts with Matrixing.
Matrixing led me to Monkeyland,
and it’s going to bring you here, too.

thanks to all,
and special thanks to Frank,
and I’ll be talking to you later.
Have a great work out!


Martial Arts Testing and Belts and Rank and All that Stuff…

The Truth About Martial arts Testing and Fees!

I recently came across the most interesting discussion concerning Martial Arts testing for belts. It was interesting because it was well thought out, concerned, and because I disagreed with most of what was said.

Sometimes I will make a comment, but in this case I am prompted to tell the truth about Martial Arts testing. What makes this particularly juicy is that the people involved in this discussion were nibbling at the edges of what I did a lo-o-ong time ago, and which is more in keeping with the true spirit of the martial arts.

real fighting

Is Karate the answer to this type of attack?

Originally there were no belts, which doesn’t mean there were no ranks.

Gichin Funakoshi introduced belts which, I believe, came from the a method used by swimming teams.

The first two belt ranks were white and black. This expanded to white, green, brown and black.

Some fifty years ago ranks and belts exploded. Ed Parker and Kenpo Karate led the way with a rainbow of colors. Taekwondo expanded the colors even further.

Now, this is the way it happened, but, there is an incredibly valuable piece of data missing.

I began studies with Kenpo, and was introduced to the belt system, and found it valuable in encouraging people to study.

Isn’t it interesting that people have to be encouraged to study?

But, when I went to the Kang Duk Won, I wasn’t encouraged to study. We had four basic belts, white, green, brown and black, further delineated by stripes, and nobody much cared.

Simply, people who cared about flashy belts left the school, and only the faithful, the ones who didn’t need to be encouraged to study, were left.

Nowadays people treat the martial arts like a business, structure everything around sales and promotion, and the belt is held up as the goal.

Fact: the belt means nothing.

Fact: knowledge means everything.

But these two facts seem to have become twisted, and the belt means everything, and knowledge means nothing.

I didn’t understand my Kang Duk Won instructors thoughts concerning belts, and I didn’t care. I was one of the faithful. I worked out till I bled, and there was no middle ground. There was no entertainment, and freestyle while recognized as a game, was treated like life or death.

Not to beat somebody else up, but to hone your own skills.

Interestingly, this type of freestyle brought one to mushin no shin (mind of no mind), which is an intuitive method, and it was a science, and it was TOTALLY combat effective. When people say their art is not combative effective, or not useful on the street, I know they didn’t study the real art, but rather an art that entertains children.

When I became an instructor I awarded rank according to forms and techniques learned.

As I progressed I realized the inadequacy of that, and I stopped giving out belts. For years I gave no martial arts tests, simply gave a person a black belt when he had the knowledge.

This thing of knowledge is quite interesting.

The number of forms learned, of techniques done, has no relationship to martial arts knowledge.

And I could ascertain the depth of knowledge a person had by simply looking at him.

Just to mention a couple of the actual criteria:
how deeply does a person ‘screw’ himself into the ground when doing his forms and techniques.
Or, what level of intuition has the student progressed to.

And there are other criteria, all coming from the removal of the student from his body.

I know, sounds crazy, but the awareness that is a human being becomes removed from his body through the method of doing the martial arts forms and techniques correctly.

Emphasis on ‘correctly,’ as it requires an experience of physics beyond the normal ‘fist in the face’ ‘apple falls on the head’ physics. This is an entirely different set of physics which I have seen only a few dozen people demonstrate, and none of whom actually understood.

Now, fees. I charge little, if at all. The rationale here is: how can I charge somebody for what he already knows? What he already paid for, and not just in money, but in sweat and blood?

Yet I had one fellow come to me and said he was required to pay $800, plus plane fare to Japan, plus lodgings and meals and all, to take a martial arts test.

For what?

Three old guys would sit behind a table and watch him demonstrate for an hour, then pass or fail with NO comment on why he was passing or failing!

Obviously, these guys loved themselves…and wanted his money. And they called themselves masters.

Anyway, as time went on I got back into giving not belts, but checklists, and then I would just work people to the bone, making sure they screwed themselves into the ground during form and technique, that they reached intuitive levels of freestyle, and other things.

And, eventually, I made these checklists public, selling them as courses, and here an interesting thing happened. Knowledge became able to be transcribed on paper.

Yes, the student still has to work, and those students in it for the entertainment or the belt and so on will have problems.

But a student who actually reads the courses, does the courses, gets the knowledge.

And they usually stop needing to be entertained and become the faithful.

This became an immense and tremendous boon to ANYBODY who possesses these courses.

It eliminated guesswork. It gave workable knowledge.

It enabled the true art to be passed on even if the instructor didn’t have all the knowledge, as it passed on the knowledge to all involved.

Then I come across discussions on how to test.

Man, there are hundreds of theories out there, but all passed on being able to monkey see monkey do a form, and none having to do with the perception of knowledge, of how to actually increase the students awareness.

So I say this: stop entertaining. Get brutal. Search for knowledge and not belts. Award rank for knowledge and not memorized skits.

This is the only way to the true art, and it is the way martial arts testing should be.

Here is a page that will tell you how to find out your true rank without Martial Arts testing.

The Arizona Spiritual Martial Art Workout!

Have a great work out from Texas!

Got here last night,

and immediately did a workout!

The only way to survive the insanity of traveling!



I was in Arizona the other night,

and a couple of interesting things to note.

Upper Arizona is beautiful,

trees all over the place,

lots of wildlife.


Really gives a lie to anybody who says

we are running out of things.


there is so much space,

so much lumber,

so much wildlife…

there is no shortage in this world,

just crooked politicos who try to frighten you

by saying there is!


But enough ranting,

let’s move on to the good stuff,

let’s move on to that unique universe

of doing the martial arts in Arizona.


Lower Arizona is dry and dusty.

Wind blowing everywhere.

At first,

I was discouraged.


sitting up late at night,

listening to the desert,

I felt it…



do you know how it feels

when you cram a bunch of people in a room?

100 people in a 20 by 20 room?

People knocking elbows,

bumping into each other,

sooner or late…

there’s going to be a fight.



multiply that by ten thousand,

and you have a city.

People packed together like sardines,

not enough room,

everybody getting cranky!


So I’m sitting in the middle of the Arizona deseert

and there’s no people,

and I could feel the deep, deep spirituality.

The space.

The vastness.


The clouds overhead were surging with life.

I could feel elemental forces moving across the deseert floor.

And then there was me,

a mote,

a speck,

audience to this vast moving play,

this magnificent display of earth and element.


It was spiritual.




I began doing my forms,

and I couldn’t stop!

Elements were moving me,

forces were shoving my punches,

nibbling at my stances,

making me feel ENERGY!


It was massive.



of course,

I had a realization.

In truth,

I have realized this before,

but from different perspective,

which made it all the newer and more potent to me.


When you are starting out

it is good to be in a dojo,

to feel the bodies,

to interact with other martial artists.


as time goes on,

you need space.

You are the center of the universe,

you need to look out,

to feel the massive space within which you sit.



your physical body is part of you,

but the real you is as far as you can see,

as far as you can imagine!

And that is space.

That is the true empty in empty hands.

That is the truth of you that is just waiting for you to…wake up to it!


Sitting in Arizona,

unable to stop doing forms,

I was in the middle of that realization.

Absolutely spectacular.



it goes without saying,

I could see myself,

I could imagine myself,

doing my forms on top of Mt. Nipomo.


120 acres,

nearest neighbor four miles away.

Exuding the essence of me through the discipline of the martial arts.




All the best of modern society,

but isolated,


with sufficient space

to truly delve into the martial arts.



that in mind,

when you do Tai Chi

the image is often of doing it on top of a mountain.


Horzons beyond horizons.

Able to see everything.



One of the most impressive images I have ever encountereed

was a cheap wookd block carving.

It was a viewpoint of a mountain range…

from above.


But how could the guy get above to see that?

How could he see a yin yang in a mountain range as if from hundreds of miles up?


By being alone,

by doing the martial arts,

and getting so much discipline

that he was a pooint of awareness

outside of his body

high in the stratosphere.



that was the train of my thought,

and how it related to martial arts

and to monkeyland,

and all sorts of things,

as I stood in the desert

and did forms…

and couldn’t stop.



here’s the Tai Chi URL,




in case you want to get started on being alone,

creating space,

finding the purest,


most elemental level of martial arts you can.


Mind you,

don’t give up that hard stuff,

or partners,

or the blessings of living in community of city,

and don’t give up your karate forms…


do your martial arts at night,



creating massive space.


Becoming aware of yor true body,

of the true extent of your awareness…

your imagination.


Take a hike,

find a mountain top,

exude yourself,

see if you can discipline yourself to greater and greater awareness.


Have a great workout,

and I’ll tell you about New Mexico Martial Arts Soirituality next time!

