May you have Perfect Art
in your Perfect Work Out!
Interesting concept.
After you read this newsletter
it will be easy to attain.
If you can count every blade of grass in the field.
Perfection means
free from flaw or defect.
Most people don’t even know what a flaw or defect is in the martial arts.
They hit and focus on how hard they hit.
Or they box and exult when they make a good punch.
These things are not even close.
When I was doing Aikido
way back when
the instructor said an interesting thing.
The perfect circle has no corners.
The context he was talking about,
the technique we were involved in,
was a simple shoulder roll.
We would roll,
following instructions as best we could
and we would hit a hip,
or flop a foot at the end,
or find any of a thousand other ‘corners.’
So we worked and we worked until our rolls were silent.
A silent roll is a perfect roll.
Interesting concept.
But how do you apply that to the rest of the martial arts?
In aikido it is easy,
if you have impact with your partner
while doing a technique,
you knock him out of harmony,
you knock him out of the perfect arc of the technique,
instead of merging with his lunch,
you nudge it out of true
and the technique fails.
The technique has corners.
you can apply the concept of silence to this,
a silent technique has no flesh slapping,
no bones knocking,
no collisions,
either with each other or the floor.
But that’s aikido.
How do you apply this technique to other arts?
You look for silence.
Don’t slap the feet on the floor.
Don’t ‘collide with an arm when blocking,
rather cut it effortlessly.
You are silent…he goes ow!
there are times when you will make sound.
Say you hit the floor with your foot to supercharge a technique.
There is sound there.
But is the sound of the foot hitting the floor the only sound?
Is the sound of the kiai,
when you deliver a punch,
the only sound?
Does your fist hit and create sound?
But sound is excess energy
thrown out from a technique that isn’t truly pure.
Can you see where I’m going with this?
The interesting thing is trying to move with no sound.
I sometimes work out late at night,
everybody asleep,
and I try to work out with no sound
except those that are part of the technique.
When you can punch somebody with no sound
the impact is pure,
the transference of weight from one body to another
is pure.
So think about it.
I wouldn’t worry too much about it in class,
it’s one of those work on it…in silence.
By yourself,
exploring how little you can do
to do a lot.
probably the best art
for learning to create silence in your technique is Tai Chi Chuan.
what do you do
if you don’t fee like working out.
get up,
go stand in your work out space,
and wait.
That’s all,
you’ll make a half hearted block,
maybe you’ll snort a little,
and the block sort of slips out.
you’ll find yourself doing it again,
but with a little more vim and vigor.
The longer you just stand there,
allowing yourself to be in your workout place,
the work out will hurry towards you.
It’s true.
ST work outs
I EVER had in my life,
I didn’t feel like going to class.
I made myself get up,
forced my body out the door,
dragged it to the car,
and drove to class.
I made myself.
But the fact of conquering myself,
overcoming my sloth,
made me better,
and I found myself suddenly bursting with energy.
It’s funny,
just being in a class
borrows energy from the class,
you always end up with more than you contributed.
It’s true.
here is where we get into the muse.
What is the muse?
It is a spirit,
it’s what inspires and drives you.
Sometimes you drive yourself,
and you are your own muse.
you can actually feel a greater power.
You can feel it like it is a huge hand,
moving you,
shoving you,
making you aware,
giving you more energy than you knew you had.
But you have to work for it.
You have to…
One time I was teaching a fellow.
We were in a large and noisy and dark warehouse.
I was showing him how to swing a sword.
I felt a huge hand grab the bit of metal I was using for a sword.
It moved the sword,
and it was all I could do to push the sword a couple of inches
out of the path.
A fellow was trying to sneak up on,
he actually had the thought,
‘I’m going to get him!’
And then the giant hand,
the muse,
grabbed my sword.
I would have taken out his face,
but I did manage to push against the muse
and change the path of the metal strip,
and I only cut open his chest.
A nasty gash about 3 inches long,
bled like the dickens.
But that is what the muse is!
It is a power.
You get it from yourself,
you get it from class,
you even get it from…
all the people who have put energy into the martial arts
over the course of the ages.
Energy doesn’t disappear,
it builds,
and it can be cultivated and tapped into.
you will find yourself better able to tap into the muse
if your art is scientific and aligned.
Go here,
the book on sword fighting is one of these ten books.
Do you remember when you were in the fifth grade? You were smarter than the fourth graders, you could, let’s be honest, kick their little butts. But those sixth graders… man, they were big and mean!
And, you realize that I have honestly depicted the martial arts. This is the way the belt structure works, just like grades in school.
Those purple belts, they’ll never toughen up. Little dweebs. But those brown belts, man! They are mean!
But they aren’t bigger. The sixth graders are bigger, but the brown belts…they’re about the same size.
If you take a black belt and a green belt, and you give them a bunch of tests, push ups, sit ups, that sort of thing, there usually isn’t a great difference.
So what is the difference between belts?
The simple answer is: the upper belts have better kicks and punches and stuff.
But there is a more important answer that most people miss out on.
The upper belt has more knowledge.
But what is knowledge?
There’s car mechanic knowledge, and farmer knowledge, and mathematical knowledge. All sorts of fields of knowledge, but martial arts knowledge is different.
What I am talking about is the experiential knowledge.
For upper, upper belts, it is simply referred to as ‘polishing.’ A guy doesn’t learn something new, he ‘polishes’ his technique.
In other words, he does something with more and more attention to detail, and in that minutiae, in that painstaking examination of motion, is more knowledge.
Sometimes, the differences of knowledge, on that level, seem inconsequential. But, let me tell you, the differences, the smaller they are, are ginormous.
How do you know when somebody is going to do something before they do it?
Today’s modern black belts often can’t do this. Yet this ability, to tell what somebody was going to do before they did it, was considered normal for a good black belt a few decades ago.
But today’s modern black belts are usually interested in running a school, or somehow translating their activity into money.
Today’s black belts don’t actually work out much.
They teach, and there is knowledge there, but it is not the same thing as creating silence around a technique until you can see the technique before it comes.
This is the knowledge of which I speak.
You do a technique looking at it harder and harder until you see some difference, some odd thing you never saw before, and then you have a bit more knowledge.
Don’t get me wrong, I’m not telling you teaching is wrong, just that there is a field of knowledge which teaching doesn’t plumb into, and which isolating yourself into endless repetitions of a technique does.
Teaching provides a database of knowledge, but you still have to build a high mountain on that database.
Okay, so what does it feel like? What does this higher knowledge look like?
I’m 68, I teach a couple of hours a day, but I work out intensely. Sometimes not as much as I want, but I still try to work out EVERY DAY! To look at an inch, and slice it into finer lengths. To look at a kick and find some awareness of body in it of which I was not aware.
Let’s say I am doing a replacement kick. Specifically, stand in a front stance facing a bag or wall. Now…
replace your front foot with your rear foot and strike the wall with your front foot.
Both feet move at the same time, fear to front at the same as front to wall. The rear foot plants on the floor at the same time as the front foot impacts upon the wall.
And you reverse the motion to the beginning and original posture.
Okay, you do this, and you do this, you begin to appreciate how the angles of the feet, the muscles of the leg, and all the minutiae must come together in an instant. And, if you keep doing this and doing this, maybe for years, one day you will be watching your feet from above, just watching, sort of marveling, and thinking, ‘Huh, that’s good, that’s working.’
No joy or pride, just deeper appreciation, a satisfaction for the days work that nobody, unless they do the martial arts for decades will ever understand.
But here’s what I didn’t mention. You watch your feet, without taking your eyes off your target.
Here’s where it gets tricky, but pay attention to what I’m about to say.
The eyes are a bio-mechanical device through which you look. They eyes don’t look. They are the ‘binoculars,’ the ‘glasses,’ the ‘microscope’ and you have to ask this one important question… who is looking through the microscope?
Who is doing the technique?
Who is operating your body?
If you are watching it from above, without eyes, then who are you? What are you?
This is the knowledge of which I speak, this is the higher levels of the martial arts, lost in calisthenics and tournament training, never seen by people obsessed with bullying groups of students.
So I kick, and, outside my body, outside my eyes, I watch the kick, and in the watching comes a power unlike anything an earthling has ever imagined.
It makes me want to do martial arts every single waking moment of every single day for the length of my life.
And, when you finally get that removed viewpoint, I call it a ‘Neutronic Viewpoint,’ all sorts of things can happen. Things that have nothing to do with the body.
You can fill a room with energy, you can put it in a student to help him understand, you can shoot it at an opponent to overwhelm him.
And yet this energy, too, can be sliced into infinity, made to create a whole new and different body of knowledge.
As getting a black belt opens the door to new experiences and knowledge, so does this achieving of a new viewpoint.
Now, how do you get this knowledge and ability?
First, you study, and you DON’T STOP!
And, you teach. And you gather bits of knowledge, whole arts if you wish and you put them together as a whole.
Think, what kind of a car would we have, if the makers of tires believed that steering wheels weren’t important because they weren’t tires?
You can’t toss out any part of the art for any other part of the art, you have to make everything come together in one picture.
So you study, and you put the arts together through matrixing, and you search for that unique outer viewpoint.
Seek, as in… ‘he who seeks will find.’ You have to be that religious about it.
Here’s a little birthday gift to you. I don’t care if it’s not your birthday, you were born sometime, and if I missed your birthday, then I’m making up for it, here’s the gift.
I don’t think the PayPal buttons work on it, but maybe the links do, have no idea. If a button or link doesn’t work, sorry, nothing I can do about it. But if you find something that works, on this old website, good for you. I’ll honor it.
AND… take a look at the last graphic in the mag. It is an image of how the arts develop, and it actually shows how people can be distracted and fall off, even with the best of intentions.
So enjoy, and remember what I said about… ‘work out, teach, and never hold yourself back.’
Have a great work out! Al
PS, any trouble with courses, any questions about anything, drop me an email at:
Hey! An EXCELLENT morning to you! And a great work out!
Gonna talk about Closed Combat Systems, or…CCS. But first…
You may have noticed that the site was down for a couple of days. My host server moved me to a newer computer, and lost my site. Couldn’t believe it. I kept calling them, even getting nasty, which is something I don’t do. They finally got it back up, but, man, I was actually irritated.
I don’t usually get angry, or even irritated because when things happen, that’s life. You solve it. You don’t let emotions get in the way. Anyway, it’s back up, so let’s talk about CCS, or ‘Closed Combat Systems.’
There used to be nothing but CCS in the martial arts. That’s because martial artists tended to be paranoid. Didn’t want to talk to the competition. So the growth of the arts was slow, and things tended to…here comes the word… ‘circuitize.’
To understand this word consider: a move in the martial arts is a series of small steps. A simple punch, for instance, consists of:
sink the foot, push with the leg turn the hip rotate the shoulder extend the arm
And, aside from these five basic points, there are ALL sorts of minor points, minor points that are ABSOLUTELY crucial to a good punch, to a REAL martial arts punch.
breathing to the tan tien, breathing as if into the strike, turning the wrist or not, focusing the eyes, focusing the energy, turning the limbs so that proper alignment is achieved, coursing energy the right way, and on and on for everybody part every motion every notion.
A good martial artist will be aware of ALL these things, and conduct them, just like an orchestra conductor conducts a 100 piece orchestra, and all in a split second.
To make this all happen the martial artist visualizes, and causes to come into being, a ‘circuit.’ That is, a sequence of awareness impulses that drive the nerves, muscles and bones of the body machine. And there is a lot more to it than that.
Now, some people think it is all ‘muscle memory.’ Muscle memory is a small part of it, and the term isn’t even accurate. For it is not the muscles that remember, it is the spirit setting up a circuit of awareness.
Setting up a ‘robot action,’ as it were.
The point behind all this silliness and significance is that one practices a move until it becomes intuitive. Until he doesn’t have to be aware of all the little pieces.
And one practices these moves until the individual aware pieces disappear and one is left with… intuition.
So one establishes a circuit just to make it disappear. One piece at a time, through endless practice, the circuit becomes an intuitive move. The circuit disappears. The student is left with himself, and is now n expert, on the way to becoming a master.
Now, the point of this is that… old arts, because they didn’t change, became heavily circuited. Changes occurred in small increments, and the whole art could absorb them.
Fast forward to the twentieth century. Books, magazines, internet. Tournaments every week, Dojos on every corner. The appearance of LARGE corporations! Heck, these corporations would even enlist people from OTHER schools to fill the demand as they expanded.
And… systems changed. Ed Parker went through multiple organizations, five different systems, hundreds and hundreds of schools, and he was just one of the thousands of people causing havoc to the CCS.
The CCS method broke down. The art changed. The age old method that caused intuition ceased functioning. And… the quality of black belt went down.
I know because I was there. I started martial arts in 1967, studied MANY different arts, wrote for the mags and saw TREMENDOUS evolution.
Now, let’s be honest, there were a few problems with the CCS. It wasn’t efficient, but it did work. But it was replaced by something less efficient.
People who put aside forms entirely and taught fighting. People who put tournaments above individual awareness. Vested interest aimed at slanting the art for making money. A nationalistic bent that caused SEVERE tweaking of styles. And, of course, the utterly despicable rise of politics. And so on.
So the CCS died. And that brings us to me.
Interestingly, I had a fellow who wrote me the other day, asked me what my purpose was. Purpose is an interesting thing. I am speaking, of course, of the purpose of one’s life. Why a person exists. Why one would choose to have boringness in this universe on this planet in this geography at this time.
We all have purpose.
I laughed when I was asked the question, and I responded.
‘To make a science of the martial arts.’ And, I further said, ‘I accomplished my purpose, now I’m just playing.’
And it’s true.
Look, let me give you a little perspective on me.
My father was an engineer. I grew up reading such mags as popular mechanics, popular science, all sorts of ‘how to do’ mags, and, a little bonus, my father was a golfer. So I read all these mags with the most fascinating pics. Pics of men with planes placed over the body to show how the hips moved to swing the club to drive the energy the analysis of the blade of the club on the dimple of the ball.
I applied this to the martial arts.
In fact, when I picked up my first martial arts book, (Super Karate Made Easy!) I was stunned at the lack of clarity. hundreds of drawings, showing moves and techniques, self defense situations, AND NOT ONE PIC SHOWED HOW IT WAS DONE! No planes through the body, no analysis of how the hips joined to the legs to the feet to sink the weight to provide torque to the shoulders, so the wrist could snap at the right time, and… the moment of impact.
So there came my purpose, to put the ‘how to,’ the REAL, PHYSICS INSPIRED how to.
And, as my life passed I realized that I was obsessed with putting science into the martial arts. Something NOBODY had ever done.
Now, I succeeded. Got over 600 pages of testimonials letting me know that I succeeded. And I didn’t pursue these testimonials, they came out of the blue.
So I succeeded. I’m not famous, not rich, don’t care. Because money and fame is not the purpose of life. The purpose of life is to become competent in something, and to share that competence.
So I succeeded when I sold my first matrixing course. I succeeded because that fellow, whether he bought into my scheme of arts or not, was putting science into HIS OWN art.
And he was going to pass that science down for one simple reason: it was true. It worked, and you can’t argue with the universe. Only a fool would want to.
And, heck, people can disagree with me all they want about art. Art is subjective, it is the expression of the person, and every person is different, but… NOBODY has ever disagreed with matrixing. Matrixing is the logic, and it is an analysis of, and is based upon, cold, hard science.
Not the limited science of the colleges and western influence.
A science that includes such things as chi power, and all manner of ‘sixth sense’ phenomena.
So, now you know what CCS is, and, for what it’s worth, you understand what drove me, what inspired this obsession of mine, and how it all worked out.
But, of course, there are a few loose ends here.
The main being… what do you do to reinstate CCS. And that, interestingly enough, is where we come to matrixing.
With matrixing you go through certain evolutions.
First, you realize how to make your system work. You apply the principles, start to streamline your art, and therefore create your own CCS.
Be sure, you will learn 10Xs faster and more efficiently, heck, 1000Xs faster and more efficiently, if you create your art.
When you take apart the art you learned, be it Taekwondo, Aikido, or whatever form of Kung Fu… and put it back together, you are involved in a form of creation. You are the artist. You are no longer ‘monkey see monkey do.’ You are the one making something that is unique to you. Even though it is based upon other arts, it is unique to you.
Second, you start to create your own art. You finish aligning the systems you learned, and you start expressing yourself, creating an entirely different martial art than anything you’ve ever learned.
This is the ultimate stage of CCS.
Yet… you never close your mind to others. Matrixing won’t allow you to. You learn a system, you IMMEDIATELY start figuring out how to make that system mesh with everything else you know.
Matrixing IS a CCS. Matrixing allows you to put ALL arts, all the pieces, into one ‘picture.’
But, of course, it requires you to obsess. Just as it required me to obsess. But, just as I said the purpose of my life was to put science to art, and as I said the purpose of life itself is to become competent, the purpose underneath it all is… to put order to everything.
You put order to the tools in your garage. You tune your car so it is in order and can run. You talk to people at work to make sure you are on the same page, thus putting order to your work. Everything… EVERYTHING… requires order, and it is the obsession of every right thinking human being to make that order happen. On that scale it becomes almost religious.
And, let me say one…last…thing.
As I said, I have achieved the purpose of my life. I achieved it when I sold my first matrixing course. And I achieve it when you buy my course. And, at the end, when you have achieved your purpose… you play.
That’s what is at the end of Matrixing.
Not fame and riches, not dominance and subjugation, not corporate ownership and king for a day, but the single and sole ability…
So get a course, start the journey, and come play with me.
Have a great work out! Al
PS, any trouble with courses, any questions about anything, drop me an email at:
It’s Xmas,
Merry Xmas!
of course,
Got three new vids out for you.
Two of them on working out.
it is very important to get the teacher’s viewpoint.
You will see this in these videos.
you’re teaching yourself,
So it’s important.
But the logic here goes a bit further.
If you are the dummy (the receiver)
in training,
you learn how to take a punch,
how to see a punch,
how to analyze a punch from the viewpoint of one getting struck.
This is valuable data.
If you are the person doing the hitting,
you get to learn how to implement a technique,
how to drive through a block,
how to make it work in spite of anything
an opponent might do.
VERY valuable data.
But when you teach,
you get both viewpoints,
and you get outside the technique.
You start to understand it in a way
that a student,
be he attacker or defender,
will NEVER understand.
That is the MOST VALUABLE data of all.
So figure out these warm ups,
get your family members to warm up with you,
start to appreciate
how little people understand their bodies
and how to make them work.
see it from a teacher’s viewpoint
and you’ll suddenly understand things
like you NEVER understood them before.
Here’s the Christmas vids.
‘MB 30 Moon Form Variations’
Different way of doing the Moon form.
low level students repeat the form
until they can repeat it like robots.
they blow through circuits,
and will eventually make the moves intuitive.
they don’t understand
all the different ways
of looking at and doing a form.
‘MB 31 Warm Ups kids’
Perfect for teaching kids,
for getting them to make the transition
from play to work.
But you have to be patient.
These Warm Ups are also excellent for people
getting back into the martial arts after lengthy time off,
or rehabilitating.
If you want some real fun,
I suggest you bolster these warm up routines
with exercises from Yogata.
‘MB 32 Warm Ups Adults’
These are the Monkey Boxing warm ups.
A little more vigorous,
they focus on making the body empty
at the same time you warm it up.
Not muscles,
but mind,
emptying the body so it can move faster
and with more sureness.
Okey doggone oakley
time to eat, drink,
and celebrate a couple of thousand years
of attempted peace.
With Monkey Boxing
maybe we can get there a little faster.
and to all…
here is my famous Christmas ditty,
designed to put joy in your hearts,
and bells on your swords.
Click on Cover for The Secret of the One Year Black Belt!
before we go with my yearly rendition
of the Night Before Xmas,
let me say something.
please forgive.
If I have offended you,
been late on an order,
said something you didn’t like,
please extend your forgiveness to me.
I’m trying hard,
but I make mistakes.
A little forgiveness
will go a long way.
before we start
on that bit of eternal poetry,
let me say something.
Did you know
more people have canceled their subscription
to this newsletter
after reading this poem
I don’t know.
I just know that a lot of people cancel.
I only want the serious martial artists.
And how can you be a serious martial artist
if you don’t know how to laugh?
Or at least groan at my poem?
So to you,
the grumps,
the misogynists,
the bank robbers and dog kickers,
the fellows (and gals) who don’t work out
and will live a dry,
empty of excitement
this poem is designed
to get rid of you.
Heh heh!
Twas the night before Christmas
I was in my shack
primed and ready
for the red fat attack.
my weapons were loaded
the windows were barred
all would be safe
while I was on guard
The chimney was decked
with concertina wire
I crouched by the couch
ready to fire.
I had an M60
with ammo to feed
I didn’t care
if the red fat did bleed.
A loaded shotgun
and grenades to spare
when red fat came down
I’d blow him out of there.
Throwing stars and knives
and a really long sword
and if that didn’t work
I knew a bad word.
Sitting there late
my eyes started to close
when suddenly I heard
a bunch of ho hos.
Off with the lights
safety off, too
I watched the fire close
and heard a sound from the flu.
‘Ouch and gosh darn it
who put the wire here
those are my undies
starting to tear!’
Then a shower of soot
and a grunt and a groan
he landed in the fire
and gave out a moan.
He was rubbing the place
where the wire did tear
so I held down the trigger
and lead filled the air.
belt after belt
did I deal the red fat
he danced and he jumped
I knew he felt that!
then quicker than spit
I ran out of lead
but enough was enough
he had to be dead.
Boy was I shocked
to see him stand tall
stepping out of the fireplace
not bothered at all.
So I grabbed up the 16
to mow him down
he had to be hurting
cause I saw his big frown.
Then I was empty
and he came straight for me
I pulled out my knives
and sliced him with glee
He jumped to the side
moving real quick
disarmed my knives
with a well placed kick
then he dropped the big bag
he had on his shoulder
reached forth his arms
and his anger did smolder
He grabbed hard my neck
and held me up high
I tried kicks and punches
but I was like a fly
Not karate nor judo
no art did work
and he grinned a mean grin
and called me a jerk
‘Don’t you know
you stupid little man
Christmas is forever
in spite of your plan.’
Then he threw me aside
and proceeded to work
giving presents to all
and to me a great smirk
And when he left
the great big red fat
he left me a lump of coal
the big red fat rat!
Got lots of things today,
including a PHEEEnominal win from a Monkey Boxer.
it is the month of HanaKwanMass,
and I should explain that to all you newbies
who only joined the newsletter in the last year.
HanaKwanMass stands for…
Hanukkah, Kwanza, and Christmas.
Political correctness is for idiots,
if somebody says Happy Kwanza to me,
I say Happy Kwanza back.
Skin color, religion,
those are just distinctions for the ignorant.
We all bleed red,
and I don’t care what you call your viewpoint
of the Supreme Power.
I reach everybody,
or offend everybody,
and the heck with political correctness.
the path of the martial arts
involves making a person intuitive.
So they don’t have to think,
but do the right thing,
without thinking about it,
What matrixing does is do this FAST.
there’s a lot to matrixing,
and that’s because the martial arts have had a lot done to them.
well meaning instructors,
have obscured the real arts.
They have hidden the path to intuition.
Matrixing merely cleans up the field,
derails mysticism
with scientific observation,
and heaping helpings of logic.
One of the first things I ever wrote about Matrixing…
If you want to teach somebody how to count,
you wouldn’t say…
4, 7, green, 5 elephant…and so on.
You would say…
and so on.
The martial arts, because of politics,
religion, nationalism, personal interest,
and so on,
are a mixed mesh up of…
4, 7, green, 5 elephant…and so on.
Matrixing returns the art to the logic of 1…2…3…4…and so on.
But there’s so much more,
there is the intense scrutiny of basics,
the rearranging of form,
the alignment of techniques,
and the presentation of a scientific philosophy
so that people no longer get lost in the mysticism.
people who aren’t too smart,
can’t let go of the mysticism,
and they resist matrixing.
they haven’t studied it,
but they sure know how to badmouth it.
here’s a win.
It is a spectacular win,
comes from a Monkey Boxing student.
And I should say something about this.
Matrixing presents the logic,
can be applied to any art.
Monkey Boxing is me teaching.
I use matrixing,
and all the tools at my disposal.
You might see a drill I learned in the Kang Duk Won
45 years ago.
You might see a translation from Wing Chun to Aikido,
that I worked on 40 years ago.
You might see something I made up yesterday
to help one student make the leap
from the hard grind of repetition
to the joy of intuition.
It goes this way and that,
an intuition of teaching,
and I have no way of judging
whether my instincts are correct.
So to get a win like this
really makes my day.
Here’s the win…
I don’t have room here to say this big enough or joyfully enough— but if I did, I’d put a HUGE big “Whoopee!!”
I’ve finally been through the first few videos of the Monkey Boxing course. I have a habit of watching all I have- this from a learning technique I picked up years ago called “super-learning” and it basically says to learn anything- first skim over the material, which creates a ‘sense of familiarity’ to the information. I’ve done that. I have been left on CLOUD 9.
I was injured in an accident in 99– got mashed between two HUGE trucks– my 16 ton tow truck and a 9,000 pound Ford Excursion SUV…. and after that, I took almost 3 years to learn just to walk semi-normally again and I still limp. Lately, I’ve had more “arthritic” effects and stiffening as a result. The other effect it had on me is, for some reason, and no doctors have been able to tell me why- I’ve lost a LOT of memories of my life. I can put all my past memories probably in a two or three hour video if I could transfer my thoughts to video. My 5th degree black belt in Kenpo- for instance– is GONE. I know it did it, and every so often get a little “glimpse” of things but doesn’t stay with me. My bodyguard years- I have a few memories of that- and even the last few years since the accident, most of the past part is just not there.
I’m telling you this because I wanted to get back into a martial art- more for self- defense than the “art” part. I’m 60, not in good health at all, but want to learn to take care of myself.
What I found, just watching the first 14 videos (for some reason I missed 13- which I’ll get when my internet is back on- my data limit ran out).. was that it IS exactly as you said– SO INTUITIVE!! It’s a truly NATURAL grouping of actions and motions- and I easily flow with it. I’m So excited, I could scream– probably will a bit later!!
I have begun, and will have to work consistently and SLOWLY, and let it build on its own. I can see myself doing it all- very slowly- and with dynamic tension to get the motions correct and build the muscles for that particular move as the same time- then over time the drills will build the motion back into my muscle memory (which hopefully will stay with me since they ARE natural- logical motions). I don’t know how long it will take me to learn and get really good at this- and don’t really CARE– because I KNOW it works- my “spirit” says it WORKS… and my mind KNOWS it works- because it is NATURAL/LOGICAL and REAL. I’ve already put my Kenpo books, cds., and other stuff I was looking at BACK in storage– and won’t be needing them. I’m not interested in spending another 5+ years just learning something that is NOT right for me anyway. And I love that just doing the Forms is the only realy “workout” I need. I DO a workout- have begun recently- called 7 miracle tiger moves.. which is dynamic tension in motion.. and LOVE them- they are very effective and are working. I can just AD this system to my routine and learn Monkey boxing while “working out” at the same time!! I LOVE this.
You can’t possibly KNOW just how happy this has made me. I have no one to work out with–and the forms will take care of that. Later, once I’m settled where ever I go- I want to get a dummy and stuff to work out on. I’ll probably teach it to someone close by once I get settled too.
I DO have a lousy internet right now, though– it’s wirless through Net Zero– which is a good service– but the “hotspot” I got from them is crappy. It’s a pad that I use for hotspot- and most of the time it kicks out right in the middle of whatever I”m doing- and I have to shut everything down and start over… and the signal strength is weak- so it doesn’t pick up well at all when it’s cloudy. I’m ordering a better “hotspot” later- like Jan. (my check this time is already spent on my truck).. Until then- I’m hoping all the videos you post are ARCHIVED– because I will miss from now to about the 5th… That is why I want to DOWNLOAD them all to my hard drive– because I use up “data” limit time watching them directly and can’t do them over and over like here at home.
I thought I would have loads of questions– but don’t- because it IS so “intuitive” and natural (or maybe the kenpo and tai chi is still in there helping with that somewhere- just unconsciously).. and I just LOVE this.. I was seriously looking at JKD online, and Wing chun online– etc.– but not now– I’m Doing MONKEYBOXING totally!! Forget all that other long time stuff!!
Anyway- hope this wasn’t too long- but just wanted you to know- I have FOUND my “niche” in this!!! THANK YOU.
David C
pS– There’s NO WAY I can possibly do the Monkey in a Box for a bit– I have trouble getting up and down out of a regular chair lately… but I’m working on it.. and I’ve always had this “feeling” in me that there was “an answer” or a “secret” to ALL martial arts– and this is it!!
thank you very much for the win.
Thank you for allowing me to share this,
I know it will inspire people.
for all you guys and gals.
David’s points are very simple…
anybody can learn it,
it is intuitive,
it can be learned fast…
or slow.
Depends on what you need and want.
I don’t wish to replace anybody’s arts,
but that sometimes happens.
I actually prefer that you take my material
and revitalize your own art of choice.
Here’s the key,
matrixing breaks apart and rebuilds,
it makes logic, and logic becomes intuitive.
Monkey Boxing is me teaching.
I teach matrixed art,
and I draw on ALL my experiences
to get the student to experience ALL of his abilities.
those of you who have signed up for Monkey Boxing,
you’ll get a Monkey Boxing newsletter shortly
giving you the heads up on the new videos,
and other things that are happening on the site.
Here’s two links…
starts the matrixing path…
a page I’m trying out
to gear to ads on the internet.
Excellent! You survived Thanksgiving, now all you have to do is make it through Xmas! Or, Hanakwanmass, as I call it. Remember, the best way to make it through anything, is to work out every single day. Nobody can beat a guy (or gal) who is in top condition!
Click on the Monkey to find out about Monkey Boxing!
Okay, time for an update on Monkey Boxing.
Before I start, let me say that the main focus of this newsletter is matrixing. Monkey Boxing will come up every couple of weeks, but, believe it or not, there are a few people who don’t want personal lessons from a guy with 50 years experience, they don’t want to tap into the mind that created matrixing and neutronics.
And, believe it or not, that’s okay, I have nothing against people who choose to remain ignorant. Good people, them, and future customers.
To them I recommend Matrixing. Good place to start before you jump into my world.
So, that said, Monkey Boxing is doing excellent!
About 20 videos were released this month. They deal with the whole spectrum of Monkey Boxing, from warm ups to kicks to the incredible ‘Rolling Fists’ exercise, to techniques and forms… lots of stuff.
And here’s something to think about… everything has my stamp on it, been matrixed up the yin yang, very scientific, very thorough, very intuitive, but… nobody has ever seen, except maybe through a quick mention, or an obscure video, such things as ‘The Circle of Blocks’ (Monkey Boxing Style) Monkey in a Box Circle of Blocks and attacks The Flower of Blocks Grab Hands The Monkey Blast
Never been seen, or almost never been seen.
Monkey in a Box will build your shoulder strength and help flexibility like gangbusters.
Grab Hands is a VERY heavy zen drill. BUT…you have to do it right. Here, you see it right.
The Flower of Blocks will build hand speed, and leg strength, if you do it while in a horse stance, like nobody’s business.
The Circle of Blocks opens up total new vistas of ability.
These things haven’t been seen, or only briefly referenced or described.
They are…NEW!
New martial arts. Stuff developed for Monkey Boxing, and never been seen in ANY other martial art.
Something to think about.
And, that all said, the coming months are going to be fantastic.
I’m writing a complete book, a freebie for the Monkey Boxers.
Dozens and dozens of unique and original (which is to say ‘never been seen’) exercises and drills.
The frustrating thing about all this is that I am gearing this off a real class I am teaching. People from the ground up, very little experience, so I jump around.
I’m writing a Monkey Boxing book, (freebie to subscribers) and the book will help in this. It will be ready in a month or so, and provide a massive overview and work out schedule.
But you will be picking and choosing, and trying to make sense out of this for a couple of months.
The good news is that in jumping around I am referencing things that haven’t been seen for a LONG while.
Grab Hands, for instance, you might have actually seen, but never the martial arts side of it, never the zen side of it. And it is TOTAL dynamite. Calms the mind, gets rid of twitches and flinches, and zeroes you in like a lazier guided rocket!
Okay, enough of the good news, let me give you some bonus good news.
Every month will be archived once past. BUT, I can’t sell an empty page to somebody on the first few days of the next month. So, the first week of the month, the videos from last month will remain up. After the first week, the previous month will get archived, but, for that first week, if you are smart… sign up and the previous month is still there. Watch, download, save your own personal copy, (but, please, don’t give my stuff away).
What this means is that you will have a window, about 7 days, when you can actually get two months for the price of one.
Remember, once a month is archived you will have to purchase separately.
Subscribers will, of course, have access to every month since they began subscribing.
Okay, that’s it, back to Matrixing next time,
Remember, a work out every day of the month is better than anything Santa can bring you. So start working out now, and give yourself the best present ever!
Why I Wrote About Martial Arts and Indian Stealth Skills!
Happy Friday! Time for a great weekend! Time to work out!
Recently, I finished a five part series on Indians and their stealth techniques. I thought you might be interested in why I wrote that series. Not much martial arts in this newsletter, but an interesting story.
Members of my family lived in Arizona last century, during the time of Geronimo. One summer Geronimo went on the warpath. White people left their ranches, headed for town, and waited for the military to come.
On my family’s ranch there were two hands. These fellows were named, and you will chuckle when you understand the relevance of this, ‘Red’ and ‘Baldy.’ Seriously. Red had a full head of hair, Baldy had only a bit of hair.
One night the family heard the Indians in the distance. They decided to turn out the lights, and travel to town the next day. Red and Baldy, minimum wage workers, decided the heck with that, ‘We’re gettin’ out of here now!’ and the heck with the family, which included a couple of young girls.
So the family put out the lanterns, and acted like the ranch was deserted. Red and Baldy saddled and skedaddled.
All through the night the family huddled in fear, listening to the sounds of marauding Indians. Somehow, they survived, and the next day they got in the wagon and headed for town.
Who should they find, just a couple of miles down the road, but Red and Baldy. Red was no longer red, and Baldy was much more bald.
Anyway, it was being told this story, as a young child, that encouraged me to write the series on Indian stealth. That, and the fact that the Indian warrior truly was the finest light infantry and light cavalry in the entire world.
If you want to be the best, learn from the best, so I’ve always had an eye and ear on American Indians, and especially the Apaches.
You can find five articles for Indian skills here…
The word Apache, incidentally, means ‘enemy.’
The word was apparently coined by a neighboring Indian tribe and stuck.
Apaches used weapons, and here’s the Matrix way of using weapons.
‘Karate is the best thing you can do for your child.’
Who said the above quote?
The answer is at the bottom of this newsletter.
We didn’t have much of a kids class
back when I was learning at the Kang Duk Won.
There weren’t many schools back then,
and there was no shortage of adult students.
of course,
schools can only survive if they have children’s classes.
But how the heck do you teach a child?
Children have short attention spans,
they tend to whine,
and they don’t remember everything you say!
Which brings us to the solution.
First off,
don’t try to teach classical forms,
just keep working on the basics.
Teach them basic kicking,
basic rolling,
and do lots of freestyle ‘games.’
Here’s a couple of things to illustrate what I mean.
I went into a school, a pretty good school,
and noticed a healthy sized kid’s class.
there was a riot of color when it came to belts.
white, yellow, orange, purple, blue, green, red.
All with stripes of…
yellow, orange, purple, blue, green, red.
This school had an amazing amount of belts,
and I asked the instructor about it.
He equivocated,
and when I watched a class,
I suddenly realized what he was doing.
He was teaching nothing but basics.
But there was a method here.
Kids can’t remember things,
so he just kept emphasizing basics,
and waiting for an individual child
to reach the point where he could accept instruction.
Until that point was reached,
it was calisthenics,
and games.
Interestingly enough,
though there wasn’t an emphasis
on teaching classical forms and techniques,
children who were wild and wooly
began to calm down.
The exercise tired them out,
and made them amenable to reason.
The discipline of just doing the basics,
made them more able to focus.
And when were they ready?
When they stopped trying to interrupt the class,
when they began to focus on what they were doing,
when they became aware
that there was more than a game going on.
Here’s something to think about:
I have seen young children
who were mature beyond their years.
I have known adults
who were nothing but children.
The key word is responsibility.
So you teach things like
kicks and shoulder rolls,
basic one step sparring games,
breakfalls and punches,
and you back everything up with
don’t let them rest.
Don’t make them cry,
don’t drive them like an adult,
make everything fun and laughs,
but don’t let up.
It is an interesting line you walk with this method.
When a child starts to look at you,
to understand what you are saying,
and especially when he is willing to help younger students,
then he is ready for instruction.
It might take a month,
it might take years,
but you just have to watch and wait.
You have to keep them there with games and fun,
until they can string a half dozen moves together,
and remember them,
until the light of awareness enters their eyes.
Here’s what you are actually fighting.
Parents that don’t feed their children properly,
that send them off to school
with cereal,
if that.
Electronic games that consume children,
and drive them to frenetic activity.
Peers that squash children.
Drugs that are handed out freely
by adults who don’t understand
what the real solution is.
or any martial art,
can be part of the solution.
In many cases,
it is the only solution that is needed.
We live in a weird society,
a place where values have been forgotten,
where parents have never been parented themselves,
and simply don’t have a clue,
where teachers are guided by psychological interests,
and the simple fact of raising a child
has been forgotten and neglected.
As a martial arts instructor,
you may be the first sane person a child has ever seen.
You might be the only sane person a child has ever seen.
Yet your small influence,
being based in common sense and good values,
may be the difference.
Who gave the quote at the beginning of this newsletter?
Chuck Norris
Go to the Testimonials in the menu and do a search for your martial art!
Hi Sensei Al!
(On the Black Belt Course) Everything is working great! Thank you for the quick responses. I am enjoying the one on one videos. It may be cliche, but I do feel like I'm there. I also like the conversational style and the way you explain how you're teaching and why. You've got a new student for life. Thank you. ~ Daniel
What's interesting about Al Case's writings and teachings is there isn't any emphasis on 'the unknown' or 'mystery' behind martial arts. Al will slam this information in your face! Quite frankly the data isn't hidden, you'll find you're blind. ~ WG
Al Case is a powerful presence to be around, but if you can confront it, then you will not be sorry, for there is no one like him, and it is an extreme privilege and honor.
I used to read your articles in Inside Karate and was excited when I found your web site. ~ RV
As an old timer with thirty-five years of experience I was really bored, but your works have peaked my interest and shown me that there is much more to learn. I Thank You Again, Sincerely ~ CC
Where was this information 24 years ago? This course is one of the best things to ever happen to me. Thank you Al Case for the gift of knowledge!
Be blessed my teacher, ~ Rev. Ernest R
I bought the Infinite Fist tape YEARS ago and you know? I Keep going back to it! ~ KS
You are a master. You have opened me up to things that I have never thought of before. ~ KFM
I purchased your course on "Create Your Own Martial Art" and absolutely love it. I believe that your matrixing system is very unique. ~ DW
In my entire experience twenty years as a student and an instructor since, no one has contributed more to my martial arts education than you have. I started following your works twenty years ago and although I was young then I knew you had the True Art it was obvious to me even then. ~ Charles C
Students will know longer be slaves of poor instructors and practitioners. ~ Lonnie M
Win from Master Instructor Course
Let me start out by saying thank you. Thanks from all the martial artists who asked why. Al, I'm in the Security and Law enforcement field and carry Instructor credentials, so effective methods in combat and teaching them is what I constantly look for.
Win from Matrix Aikido
I just had to write to you to say WOW. Your INSTANT AIKIDO is great!!! ~ SD
My students have started coming up to me after class telling me how much more they are enjoying it, and that the classes have stopped being so ridged and now flow in a kind of give and take between me and them. I have stopped being a task master and started having fun and letting them teach me as well.
I did the Master Instructor Course and it hit me. The Basics that are so concisely communicated in this course including the Matrix principle IS the solution. It doesn’t matter what “style” I call my art, because all styles follow these same principles. It doesn’t matter how hard I train or how many repetitions I do if I don’t train the right way. And I would never become a master if I didn’t know how it all fits together. Now I do! I can honestly say that I am now on the path that I have always sought as a martial artist. Thank you Al!
I conducted a Matrix Aikido training class for a Security Team at a local manufacturing plant. I tailored the training according to their Use Of Force policy. As you know they need control and takedown skills. I knew Matrix Aikido would be the answer. The training plan you shared was boss. The class went so smoothly. The participants learned very quickly. By the end of the class you could see techniques of Monkey Boxing coming through. They were also able to create their own techniques. There was one female officer in the class who asked to become my private student. She was throwing, locking and taking down guys twice her size. The Security Supervisor wants me to come back and with more participants! I'll keep you posted. ~ L M
Have found your books and dvds excellent. My background is mainly in medical qigong but I practice Sun Style Tai CHi, BaGua and HsingI as well as Eagle Claw, Snake Style Kung Fu and several Wudang weapon styles. This is the first time I have had the underlying principles so clearly explained and in a way that they are immediately workable and demonstratable. I have worked through the Master Instructors Course, Aikido and Butterfly Bagua and have started to breakdown the Sun Hsing I using your matrix method. I was even able to teach a 70 year old friend of mine with no martial arts background your instant aikido where she was able to do some very accomplished locks and throws after the first lesson
Search the testimonials for your martial art!
Free Martial Arts Books
Includes books on Bruce Lee, the Truth About Matrixing, the first Martial Arts book sold in America (It's a real hoot!), and much more!