How to Fix Karate is Published!

How to Fix Karate is Published!

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All right!
I know you are doing fine!
People who study the martial arts are ALWAYS fine!
‘The Book’ is published.
At least the first half is.

How to Fix Karate (Volume One)

The book is over 400 pages long.
It comes in two volumes because
I can’t put that much material in a single volume.

The book presents eight forms,
the basic forms of karate.

Book one dissects Pinan One and throws it out.
All the way out.
And the reasons are delineated in detail.

I give you the ‘New Pinan One,’
which is Matrix One.
A MUCH more intelligent form.
And I give you all the reasons,
and show you how to make 16-20 techniques from that one form.

I then have sections for
what is wrong with pinan two and
how to fix it
what is wrong with pinan three and
how to fix it.

The remainder of the forms,
including advanced materials and
a whole video course
(Matrix Combat),
are in the second book.

I have included links at the beginning of certain chapters
which will lead to videos of me doing the forms.
Please keep receipts
in the event that links change.

This is NOT a book for dummies.
People will think that I have made it too simple,
they will think I have made it too complex,
that my logic is faulty,
they will argue over my reasons and conclusions.
This is good,
because I am going to tell you a secret…

Virtually EVERY martial arts book written
is merely a show and tell
of what they have been shown.
There is almost NO original thought,
certainly not analytical thought,
in the martial arts books on the market.

It is just what they have been shown
and accepted without question.

People have much pride in passing down martial arts
EXACTLY as they have been shown them.
Nobody asks why.
Nobody looks at the material and says…that technique sucks,
Nobody questions the venerable old master
and asks themselves if the old guy is in his second childhood,
or suffering Alzheimer’s,
or just had too much to drink.
They just take the art and pass it along,
and they make up reasons for forms that don’t make sense,
and teach the same old worthless techniques
that don’t work in reality..

The only real objection is in the form of people who quit karate.
And they have certainly NEVER looked at the art,
and questioned it,
or they wouldn’t have quit.
They just didn’t understand it and they quit.

Can’t really blame them.
They found karate to be unworkable,
and it is difficult to argue with their conclusions.
Hopefully we can rescue a few of these people
and bring them back into the fold.

Anyway, this book will cause consternation, argument,
and all the other things that a real artist must deal with
if he is to understand the art.

The glory of this book is that I’ll take the forms,
technique by technique,
and tell you not only what is wrong with it,
but how to fix it.
The techniques will suddenly make sense,
which will bring about a rejuvenation
in the belief in forms as a method.
I use logic, history, physics and matrixing to do this.

as you argue over my conclusions
and even think bad thoughts of me
I will have succeeded.

When I was in 6th grade
everybody was doing reports on South America.
Joe had 10 pages.
Barry had 15 pages.
Sue had 30 pages.
And that was about it.
I wrote over 200 pages.
Had to put it in two folders.
Teacher’s eyes popped out.
All the kids started whispering and
I thought I had done something wrong.
Turned out I had actually done something right,
for a change.

But that wasn’t the real story.
The real story was that the next semester
we did reports on Central America.
I did 300 pages.
BUT… six kids had larger reports than me.

Now you’d think I would be disappointed.
I wasn’t top dog.
But I had an interesting thought:
I made those kids do more than me.
I inspired them.

And I realized that this was what I wanted to do.
I wanted to inspire people.
It was cool.
It gave me such a sense of self worth I never got over it.

And that has been what has been driving me all these years.
That and the idea that I wanted to write a letter
to people who live a thousand years from now.

In writing this book I feel I have succeeded in my purpose.
Enjoy the book,
hate it,
argue over it,
and that is my success.
You won’t be able to stop analyzing
and looking and figuring out
how to make Karate
the powerhouse it originally was.

I will have made a whole art
become a method for analytical thought.
Talk about changing the world.

Here is the link.

I do have to thank Ted VanderNoot for his editing.
No matter how hard I look,
the mistakes are all still mine.

If you want to see a real mistake,
glance at the back cover.
It’s a small mistake,
that is huge,
and glaring,
and you’ll laugh.

The second book is going through the publishing process.
I am publishing hard bound copies
in the near future for those interested.

Do me a favor and pass the word
on this book.
And give me five stars when you can.

Okay, everybody,


How to Fix Karate (Volume One)

And don’t forget to check out the interview—Al-Case-e12e3np

I’ve got nothing but five star reviews on

The Science of Government.
It’s really nothing more than applying matrixing to politics.

Matrixing + Politics = Sanity

I told you matrixing works with anything.

Here’s the link…

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