Newsletter 1119
Two New Martial Arts Books!
Two, count ‘em two…
martial arts books.
But, let me give you a couple of cautions.
I like to sell stuff,
but I detest misrepresenting,
or selling stuff that people will be sorry they bought.
The books are about Neutronics,
which is my science as it developed from matrixing.
I think it is crucial to understand the science
behind the science of the martial arts.
People who understand why end up being better martial artists.
But if you disagree and just want to roll.
That’s okay by me.
a second caution…
I wrote the first book,
titled ‘Insanica,’ and didn’t like it.
The structure was wrong,
came off a little twitchy.
So I rewrote it as ‘Neutronica.’
Better structure,
but there were things left out,
things which were in the first book.
The heck with it.
I published both books.
Let the reader figure it out.
The same book written twice,
but from different points of view.
I recommend reading Neutronica first,
then, if you’re still with me,
dig into Insanica.
So what’s in these books?
Complete description of the universe,
where it came from, how it was made.
Complete description of you.
What you are and where you came from.
Complete instructions on how to use Neutronics
to manipulate the universe and everything in it.
Not just the martial arts, but…
This stuff makes you think,
it’s not for the dumb at heart,
but I tried to write it for people who
just want the working facts.
Some of this stuff will upset people.
They’ll say I’m crazy,
and even want to burn the book.
But what these books are is like life…matrixed.
If you agree with how I matrixed the martial arts,
you might like how I’ve matrixed life.
If you don’t like matrixing,
or even like it but disagree with it,
you might not like Insanica and Neutronica.
like it or not,
I’ve done my best.
Future plans include further books in this line,
maybe a rewrite if I can figure out how to combine
and keep everything silly.
Here they are…
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Have a great work out!
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Don’t forget to check out the interview—Al-Case-e12e3np
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