Tag Archives: mixed martial art

On How to Beat up A Mixed Martial Artist!

Newsletter 877

Have You Beaten Up a Mixed Martial Artist Lately?

Happy freedom to all!

Got an most interesting email,
So interesting that I started to respond,
and couldn’t.
In spite of the fact that the writer sounded like a nice guy,
and appreciated Matrixing.
The statement he posed
just didn’t fit.

He wanted to know if I had trained anyone
to use matrixing against MMA.

On the surface,
it’s a pretty harmless question,
sort of interesting,
should be easy to answer,

Except that matrixing is about putting logic into the martial arts.
It is about learning enough about the martial arts,
all martial arts,
that you understand how they fit together.

It is about the martial arts as one art.
It is not about the martial arts as separate entities
that oppose one another.

one could learn enough martial arts that one could defeat an MMA stylist.
Or a Kung Fu stylist,
or any other specific style of art.

But that isn’t the point!
And I certainly don’t want to get embroiled
in that question that divides all martial arts…

‘Which is the best martial art.’

which question rapidly transitions into…

‘My art is better than yours,’
‘this art is better than that,’
‘my daddy can beat up your daddy.’

the best martial art is the one you study,
and when you change arts,
when you look further afield,
when you expand your thinking and viewpoint,
then your new martial art
is the new best martial art.

if you study matrixing,
figure out the logic behind the martial arts,
you become intuitive.
You become a better fighter.
You become a better martial artist.

The point of matrixing is to help you
appreciate your martial art as the best martial art,
to figure it out so there are no mysteries,
so that you understand everything about it.

And to figure out everything about the next art you study,
and then to put them together until…
your art is separate and unique.

You see,
the martial arts are taught by style and system.
But the real martial art is the one that grows in you.
All those styles and systems contribute
to the unique take you have on the martial arts.

Matrixing just makes that happen,
the point of matrixing is to build you,
to help you create your own art,
taking the pieces from all others,
to make an art that is perfectly suited to you.

So I can’t handle the question
that poses one art against another art.
All arts are good,
you just have to explore them
find out all about them
then put them together your own.

Matrixing is the science that helps you do that.

Matrix Karate is just a piece of it,
a logical slice of certain concepts.
Matrix Kung Fu,
same thing.
And so on,
through all the arts I teach.

Is there a Matrix MMA?
Of course there is.
But I don’t know it because I haven’t studied MMA.
But somebody,
one of you,
And that person will assemble the techniques using matrixing,
will write a matrix,
or compile some graphs,
so that MMA is logical and easier…
and faster…
to learn.
But this will not happen if people hold to the idea that MMA
is part of an arena of the martial arts.

It will only happen if somebody realizes that MMA
is a slice of the whole,
and studies enough arts,
and enough matrixing,
and enough MMA,
to figure out how it all fits into the scheme of things,
and can appreciate the whole picture of the martial arts
from the MMA point of view.

that’s probably what I should have answered,
as you can see from the rant here,
I was just too boggled
by the spirit of the question.

So go here…


This has three arts,
kung fu through classical karate through modern karate,
read these three arts,
do these three arts,
then check your understanding of Karate.
you will be bigger and better,
and you won’t be guilty of the silliness
of thinking one style of karate is better than another,
and that is a heck of a good way
to start your study of the real martial arts,
the complete and total martial arts,
that includes ALL martial arts.

Have a great work out!





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