Tag Archives: fighting back

A Weird Martial Arts Question

Happy almost Thanksgiving!

You know,

violence escalates.

It just goes up one notch at a time.

A guy says something,

the other guy shoves,

the first guy shoves harder,

a guy punches,

a knife appears,

bang, bang.

It just escalates.

So I started thinking,

what would it take to escalate you to fighting.

So here are the questions:

Would you fight if somebody called you an idiot?

Would you fight if somebody called your girlfriend a B word?

Would you fight if somebody was picking on a child?

Would you fight if somebody was picking on a girl?

Would you fight if somebody was picking on a woman?

Would you fight if somebody was picking on a woman and they had a knife?

Would you fight if you surprised a burglar and he tried to flee?

Would you fight if a burglar attacker you and you knocked him down and he tried to flee?

Would you fight if you were caught in a riot?

Would you fight if the guy was a cop and was beating somebody with a baton?

Would you fight if somebody wanted to jab you with a needle?

Would you fight if you went to vote and somebody stopped you?

Would you fight over a political disagreement?

Would you fight if somebody kicked a dog?

Would you fight if the person was a woman and they were punching you hard?

Would you fight if the woman punching you was a trained martial artist?

Would you fight if you were in the army and they told you to?

Would you fight if somebody started breaking all your windows?

Would you fight an old man who was out of shape who kept pushing you?

Would you fight even though you knew you were going to lose?

Would you fight if a guy said he was going to go get a gun and kill you?


I know some of these questions need context,

maybe a little explanation.

But, just take them as they are.


don’t quibble.

Don’t weasel out of answering by making up. something like…

‘well, I’d try to talk him out of whatever…’


no saying something stupid like, ‘Id try to control the situation.’

The situation is what it is,

and you have to make a decision.

At what point do you make the decision to fight?

Simply, at what point would you fight?


there’s no need to really answer these questions,

just to do a little self interrogation

and say ‘yes’ or ‘no.’

Because while they’re all sorts of grey areas,

the moment you start to fight is and on-off switch.

It is a yes or no.

Of course,

if you have an opinion, 

fill up comments.

I like opinions (not!)


I hope I made you think,

one way or the other,

and here is the obligatory advertisement…


Best and fastest martial arts in the world,

easy to understand, easy to use,

and…if you order the whole package,

hard and soft,

you get The Master Instructor Course free!

All right,

‘nuff said,

I hope I haven’t stepped on anybody’s toes this week,


if I have,

that I’ve stepped on them REALLY hard.

have a great work out!


And don’t forget to check out the interview



Have you ever checked out 

‘How to Kill?’

It’s not about the techniques of killing,

it’s about a guy who is so put upon he finally decides to kill.




Here’s the interesting thing,

it’s based upon my own actual experiences.

Not that I killed,

but I was driven to that point,

and totally understand why people would kill.

I just couldn’t take that last step.


here’s another interesting thing…

only two people have reviewed it on Amazon,

but they both give it 5 stars.

That amazes me 

because I just threw it out.

Typed it in a few days.

Spurted out of me like a coffee break.


if you do read it,

make sure you give it five stars.