Tag Archives: karate fight

A Martial Arts Fight to the Win…

Newsletter 972

A Great Martial Arts Win

Here is an awesome little account of a fight that was a win…

Master Al,

I hope you accept the appellation I have given you,  I know no other way to address you.  Although we have never met, you have given me so much.

I have sent you a couple of ‘wins’ in the past, but in your Master Instructor course, you say to simply send a win, and ask.  To this day, I never have.  Oh, I’ve had wins,  taught unruly children, helped class members to their Black belt, taught some excellent self defense (and more importantly – in my opinion – taught people to walk away from situations.

However, tonight I write this email as I await my second X-Ray in accident and Emergency  (I think the US equivalent is probably ER?)

My middle finger on my right hand is pretty jacked up.  Ninety degree angle to the rest of my hand.  Reason?  I threw a terrible punch.  The worst I’ve ever thrown I think.  Yes, I have a thousand excuses, none of them change the fact that my hand doesn’t look like a hand currently.  It was a ‘live target,’ a human head… they aren’t soft like pads, aren’t flat like pads, and don’t stay still like pads.  But all that is my fault… it was a bad punch.  I broke my ‘good’ hand.

Let’s backtrack a little though.  I was punching another human in the face, to cut a long story short, because I was walking home and heard shouts.  Upon approaching the wooded area, I found a lady in her twenties being assaulted by a man, maybe thirty.  He had torn her dress and was doing his best at the undergarments when I arrived.  He rushed me and I threw a punch he’d never come back from.  Except it was awful.  Shocked and surprised him.  Did me too.  He wasn’t expecting to get hit, I wasn’t expecting him to still be vertical.  Awful punch.  Moving,  awkward target… but a terrible punch.

That is the worst win you’ve ever heard.  But hold on…

In that moment, I knew I’d screwed up, felt my finger snap.  But I didn’t feel the pain.  Time slowed and crystallized.  Like a scene from a movie.   My stance shifted to a left stance as I moved my ‘weak’ hand into play.  Only it’s not that weak any more, because I’ve matrixed.  I can do the same both sides and cbm comes into play… it might be my weak side,  but it’s trained more than his best side, this much was evident.  It was like I had all the time in the world, all the options laid out before me to choose from. Left outside, left inside, left upward, left down?  From my breaking my finger to my having him incapacitated was probably a second, at most, in real time, felt like an hour with the cheat code activated.

As I sit here awaiting repair, the lady is at home where she belongs, upset, and had a rubbish night, but is home and safe.  He is behind bars where he deserves to be, and I’m awaiting somebody to reconnect this joint.

Maybe not the best win you’ll ever hear… but for me a triumph.  When the chips were down, zero hesitation.  From a detached location outside my body I not only assessed the damage and selected the next best option.  I did so without thought.  But again that isn’t my win, my win is that I’ve been teaching others for months in this mindset (albeit within another system) there are another dozen people out there because of me (and in turn, you) who would have stepped in and done the same.  And of that, I am truly proud.

Perhaps in your eyes that doesn’t constitute a win.  However, I feel I won’t be writing out anything that I find more worthy, so it shall have to stand.  I haven’t before, but I shall now ask (as per your manuscript’s askance to simply offer you a win) may I step up and become a master instructor of your Matrix system?

Thank you for your consideration, and for the system/s you have created.  I truly believe that because of them at least one lady (although she has been through a hell of an ordeal) sleeps a little easier tonight knowing that sometimes the good guys win in real life… even if they have to swing by the hospital after instead of the bat cave!


Ps.  If I didn’t make it clear, it is my honest belief that through me, you saved someone’s life tonight.

Well done, Master Instructor Adam Daniel.
And, just so all you people understand,
it is not the fight that promotes him,
but the fact that he has been teaching others
using the data off the Master Instructor Course.

The interesting thing here is that when the material is logical
the human being experiences profound change.
Adam experienced being out of his body,
intuition in spades and in spite of being injured.
of course,
compassion and protection for another human being.
to be honest,
I may have contributed my matrixing,
but it is Adam who contributed the hard work and understanding.
He is the fellow who stepped into the breech
and put down the forces of evil.
Well done…
Master Instructor Adam Daniel.

For every one,
there is gold on The Master Instructor course,
these wins have been coming in since 2007,
when I first released it.
It worked then and it works now.
No exceptions.
Have a tremendous work out!


Mr. Case,
I have received the Master Instructor Course, read it multiple times and have wondered…where has this information been and why is this not required for all instructors that have the care of their students entrusted in them? I was amazed that the principles of Matrixing and how they can take any martial art and develop it into one practicum. ~ Garren L

“Life’s battles don’t always go to the stronger or faster man.
But sooner or later the man who wins,
is the man who thinks he can.”
– Bruce Lee