Responding to Matrixing in the Martial Arts

Newsletter 954

The Two Responses to Matrixing in the Martial Arts!

People usually react in one of two ways
when I tell them about Matrixing and the Martial Arts.

In the first response,
it starts out with a fellow describing a technique.
Something he learned which blows him away,
on the other side,
a technique he dismisses as worthless.

I say,
‘that’s interesting,
but what about the other four ways of doing the technique?’
They blink then.
The world is black and white to blinkers,
and they never think of the colors.
they force it out,
‘What other three ways?’

So I tell them about the truth table,
how to matrix techniques,
usually turns into an interesting discussion
concerning how force and flow work in the martial arts.
Which is interesting.
Most artists,
except for an occasional technique,
have no idea of the force and the flow,
they just hit or throw,
tain’t nothin’ else,
specially not no three ‘other’ techniques.

And the discussion goes out on the mat,
blinks turn into open eyes,
and they are usually blown away.
I don’t fight them,
I just show opportunities and deviations
which they have never thought of.

the second way people react?
That usually happens when they are talking,
or worse,
and can’t let go of their opinion.
They feel that if they let go of their opinion
they have lost themselves,
their autonomy,
their sense of self,
their worth.

They aren’t there with me,
you see,
so I can’t take them out on the mat,
and show them what I am talking about.
And here is the VERY sad truth.

Most people don’t know how to read,
can’t understand written directions.
Of course Matrixing makes no sense to them,
even sounds bogus.
But they are filtering everything through their minds,
and everything is tainted and slanted by their inability
to read and understand
So what do they do?
They attack me as a scamster,
as an internet get rich quicker dude.
And the gold floats past their eyes.

they know something has happened,
and it infuriates them even more.
They were so close,
and yet…they missed.
And they are stuck in the mess of the martial arts.

Let me finish by saying something:
the martial arts are a maze.
They are a path from you to…you.
You study,
you practice,
you become enlightened and discover…yourself.

the path has been so messed up by
inability to read,
vested interests,
to be an authority and to dominate.,
that is it virtually closed.

So Matrixing opens up and straightens out the path,
makes it quick and easy,
gets rid of mysticism and stupidity.
But you either have to be smart enough to read and understand,
or experience it directly from me
or somebody who has taken a few courses.

And those are the two responses to Matrixing in the Martial Arts.

Have a great work out!

1a Matrix Karate

Here’s a great win…


Master Al,

Matrixing is a scientific approach the same as quantitative research and mastering it from that standpoint.

I have seen and experienced many individuals whose goals are usually to beat people up, be the top dog, create an Alpha male environment. Though martial arts is about winning to save your life there is a higher purpose and that is to polish one’s mind to a higher state of consciousness.

I feel that as a group we have lost our true calling of polishing ourselves and true potential due to the misguided thinking that one way is better than another. It is true we must test ourselves with competition but, we should also be wise in how we choose our fights and when to fight and hurt someone.


Joshua R

“Good judgement is the result of experience,

and experience the result of bad judgement”
Mark Twain

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