Category Archives: chi power

Learning Tai Chi Chuan with Western Logic

Matrix Tai Chi Chuan

Speaking of Tai Chi Chuan,
I have just released Matrix Tai Chi Chaun.

online tai chi chuan

Learn Tai Chi Chuan with western logic ~ click on image above!

I actually released this some years ago,
but I stopped selling it.
The reason
I was not happy with the book.
being on a mountaintop
head above the clouds,
I was able to see what I had done and not done,
and I was able to write
one of the best matrixing books I have ever written!

Matrixing a posture
matrixing the postures
how to matrixing the techniques so you get 50 plus applications
matrixing the footwork so you get 25+ silk reeling exercises!
Two matrixes,
one for hard tai chi applications,
and the information so you can change that into hard and soft applications!

And here is something you’re really going to like…
I always talk about the blank spots one finds by using a matrix,
how you can find out the data that was hidden,
glossed over,
made mysterious,
In Matrix Tai Chi I really show how this happens,
and how I compare two matrixes to find all sorts of stuff!

And here’s something you should know…
Matrix TCC is based on this principle…
A beginner learns hard applications
an intermediate learns hard/soft applications
An expert learns soft applications.

Do you understand?
All the TCC boys and girls out there are pushing soft apps,
expecting people to jump from the floor to the roof!
They are missing the basic and intermediate steps!
No wonder TCC can get so messy and misunderstood!

In Matrix TCC you get all three steps.

You’re going to be able to do hard TCC within a couple of weeks,
and then start working on the hard/soft apps for a couple of months,
and then you’ll be capable of the REAL Tai Chi Chuan!

a couple of things.

If you ordered the old Matrix TCC,
and there was only a couple of you,
send me the third page of the matrix TCC book I sold you,
and I will send you the new Matrix TCC book.

The video is the same,
no need to replace that.
It is me and Nehemiah going through
the lines, applications, footworks, form and freestyles.

So if you ordered before,
you get the book for free.
Just follow the instructions above.

what is the difference between Matrix TCC and Five Army TCC,
a little and a lot.

Matrix TCC breaks it all down.
You even get a quick breakdown of the form.

it is not as in depth and comprehensive
as my breakdown of the form and applications of the form
on Five Army TCC.

It’s a matter of time,
and how much I could pack on the course.

Matrix TCC has matrixing,
breaks TCC down like it has NEVER been broken down before.

Five Army TCC I go into the form in depth and detail,
so if you like what I am saying and doing on Matrix TCC,
then you are going to want to get the finer detailed analysis.

So you can now get Matrix TCC by itself,
or you can get the package of both Matrix and Five Army TCC,
and save a few bucks.

Here’s the link for Matrix TCC..

And here’s the link for the TCC package…

I haven’t had time to expand the larger Kung Fu package
but I will int he future.
If anybody is interested in that, let me know.

Matrix TCC is one CD and two DVDs,
Five Army TCC is four DVDs
Together, that’s about one CD and six DVDs
or a book and almost FIVE HOURS hours
of a new logic
presented one on one
in a very hands on format
so you can’t not understand!

I always recommend the instant download,
because being on a mountaintop
I don’t get to the post office every day.

The videos are on youtube
and it is the simplest thing in the world
to find software to download videos from youtube for free.

If ever a disk or download doesn’t work
just let me know at
and I will see to fixing it as quickly as I can.

that’s about it.
I’ve been working hard on this,
didn’t even put out a newsletter last Friday,
but…this is the gold.
This course,
and especially the book
really puts the cap on Matrixing.
All the way from hard to soft,
so you can understand EVERYTHING,
and even turn around and teach it.

And in the shortest possible time.

Think about it,
people spend a couple of decades
to get what I’ve put together,
and then what they’ve got is slanted towards one art,
filled with illogic and blank spots.
And you can get ALL the martial arts,
understand EVERYTHING
and within a couple of years.
Three or four months for each Matrixing course,
and you get DECADES of knowledge
without the mistakes and missteps.

if you’ve just been reading this newsletter
it’s time to get your stuff in gear,
it’s not just…’be all you can be.’
It’s…’become more than anybody imagined!’

And if you’re ready for Matrix TCC,
the gloves are off!
Come and get it!

Don’t just have a great workout…
Have yourself a most spectacular journey!


How to Make and Use Energy Beams in the Martial Arts

Putting Real Chi Energy into Your Martial Art Strikes!

The ability to create beams of energy, though I have never seen nor heard of it discussed, is at the heart of the martial arts. I include pressor or tractor or any other type of beam in this discourse.

A beam is a line of energy thrust outward from thebody of the martial artist, and this beam is usually constructed upon a line, though it need not be. It can be said that your martial art is not a true martial art unless it builds the ability to create a beam of energy at will.

Most martial practices on planet earth are aimed towards building muscle, or the shabby excuse of energizing body parts. The purpose of this article is to awaken the reader to the potential of creating beams of energy.

The first thing to be understood is that the body is nothing more than a machine. It is an organic machine constructed of meat and bone and various linking systems.

Indeed, to the person unused to a body, it can resemble a Rubic’s cube, though, in fact, it is very simple to use.

To use the body as a beam generator one must practice classical forms, and understand the value of classical stances.

energy beam martial art

To practice the classical stances requires work, which work necessitates the creation of energy in the Tan Tien, which is the one point, which is nothing more than an energy generator on a body/machine level.

This work should be augmented by breathing in accordance with the expansion or contraction of the body. To stance, to work, to breath, to concentrate awareness along the path of the arms, to imagine.

It is imagination that sets us apart from the beasts, and it is imagination that is necessary to create the idea of a beam of energy coming out of the body. You must practice until the mind is calm and then it will be able to imagine.

To test your ability to beam it is necessary to use a simple and often over looked gimmick. Set up a candle and face it, punch, and stop your fist an inch from the flame.

Do not trick flick the flame by leaving the line of the beam, but focus, and keep the line of the beam as straight as possible. With success over time, stop your fist two inches from the flame, then further. increase distance until you can put out the flame from across the room.

Eventually, with great patience and desire, you will be able to merely look at the flame and make it go out.


There are those that laugh and such practices as detailed here are of little importance, and there are those who will not persist, but seek the instant gratification of simple fighting. Then there are those who will discover the depths of their being through this simple exercise.

The difference between the two is faith, belief in yourself, and the desire to awaken your true abilities, and thus awaken yourself.

If you want to learn more about how to create energy beams, you should look at two books. One is Matrixing Chi, and the other is called…The Punch. Those two books will definitely show you the correct, scientific method for generating energy and projecting it from your body.

An Example of Matrixing in the Martial Arts

Why People Don’t Understand Matrixing

I have people asking me, every once in a while, for an example of Matrixing in the Martial Arts. This is something I don’t want to give, and there is an exact reason for me refusing. Let me explain this reason.

The mind is a bunch of memory. That’s all it is. An animal mind has very short span. A goldfish forgets within three seconds. That’s it. Simply, the goldfish is a being that lives within three seconds, and then moves on.

matrixing in the martial arts

Bound by your own logic, matrixing sets you free.

Man is a rather longer memoried beast. It would be nice to go into this more, but this is not the time and place. So let it suffice to say that you can remember virtually anything. This lifetime alone, you can recall the most minute memories.

Now, mental abilities are something else, and they have absolutely nothing to do with the mind. Mental abilities, such as the ability to create problems, intuition, telepathy and telekinesis and all that sort of thing, that are not born of memory…they are what the awareness of the individual can do.

Separate them: mind is memory, and mental ability has nothing to do with the mind. Mental ability is what you, the human being, can do in your wildest dreams.

When you do the martial arts you memorize patterns. You memorize techniques. You memorize muscle motion.

You put all this into your mind.

But what can you do?

Well, you can do whatever is in your mind, but that has nothing to do with what you, the human being, can do in your wildest dreams.

You see, all this stuff you memorize into your mind is nothing more than…circuits. Just like an electrical circuit, bound by nodes and boards and such…everything is on a set path.

But you can only trap a human being so long. Eventually, be it a few seconds or a million years, the human being is going to say, ‘wait a minute! I recognize this place! I see what I’ve been doing! I see this memory!’

At that second the circuit is blown, the pattern disappears, and you become free.

Now freedom is relative, and that’s an absolute, and this is another one of those things I should skirt during the course of this essay.

So the point is this, when you blow a circuit you enter into mushin no shin. Mind of no mind. Or…a place where there are no memories telling you what to do.

Here’s a couple of things that go along with that phenomenon.

Mushin no shin can be achieved through the necessity of the moment…because of the need for survival. A fellow on the battlefield may experience it. Time slows down, he develops other perceptions rather instantly.

I remember reading of one fellow who survived Viet Nam because he could ‘smell’ Viet Namese. We could argue whether he actually detected by odor, or whether the human being sensed and attributed this ability to his nose, but the fact remains, he survived through an ability ‘grown’ for the moment.

Mushin no shin might last for a brief instant…then the memories come flooding back in. Still, that experience, that ‘aha’ moment, will open up a human being and let him or her know that there is a lot more to him, and life, than is ever written in a book, any book, in western society…or eastern.

Indeed, it is near impossible to describe this moment except in general and almost cartoonish terms.

The world glows. You understand God. You can see forever. These are descriptions of something that cannot be described.

And there are other phenomena connected with mushin no shin, or as I have segued into…enlightenment.

The difference between mushin no shin and enlightenment may be merely one of degree, or perhaps depth of understanding. Or perhaps the type and size of circuits blown.

But let’s return to the martial arts and why I don’t give examples of matrixing.

The martial arts are a series of memories. They are patterns. They are circuits implanted in the mind through hard work. And here is the bugaboo.

If the martial art is sufficiently illogical, there will be no mushin no shin, except by the severest accident. There will be no enlightenment.

One example of this is boxing. There are no examples that I can think of where a boxer suddenly threw off his gloves and said, ‘I understand that the essential nature of the universe is a golden vibe which we call God.’

There are a few boxers who have been pounded into believing in God, but this is not enlightenment, this is worship by the beaten.

Another example would be kenpo.

To be plain, I love Kenpo, I have loved it since I encountered in 1967, but I was not able to matrix it for a variety of reasons.

It doesn’t create a connection with the earth through serious stance work. It is a put together, a real conglomeration, of everything Ed Parker encountered and thought about: it is the memories, jumbled and reconstructed in a desperate effort to make sense, of one man. It is five evolutions of thought as one man went through life without ever encountering mushin no shin, or an ‘aha’ moment.

Nothing against kenpo, it just best exemplifies illogic in the martial arts.

And what it specifically exemplifies is the basic training method, which is memorization, or implantation of training sequences in the mind.

When I developed matrixing it seemed like an accident, but it was really my search for logic in a universe that is rather slipshod and haphazard and put together by whim and shamble.

Why me, why the martial arts, why the million and one experiences that set me free, I don’t know. Call me a cosmic accident.

But the fact remains, I tripped over a form of logic, described briefly in Boolean algebra, that puts order to ALL the jumbled up strings of random motions that we have been memorizing and calling the martial arts for a zillion years.

Now, if I could, in one word, or simple sentence, describe matrixing, I would, but you wouldn’t understand it.

Here is that sentence:

For something to be true the opposite must also be true.

Doesn’t make much sense, does it?

But it will if you do a few hundred hours of logical work in the martial arts.

Mind you, you could do a few thousand hours of work, a few million hours of work, and get nowhere. You would merely be trying to make sense of the insensible, the stored up memories in your mind.

You see, without the logic, without matrixing…the mindless mass of memorized circuits that are the martial arts just won’t make sense.

And, without the martial arts, with only the logic, you are left with:

For something to be true the opposite must also be true.

A simple phrase that means everything, and nothing, and is sort of like a zen koan, and doesn’t describe any sort of logic you have ever experienced.

So, it is impossible for me to give you an example, your jumbled up memory of a mind just won’t accept it. You will translate it into gibberish.

And, here is a cruel trick, when somebody gets close to understanding they say, ‘Oh, we’ve got that in our system.’

Simply, they have latched on to some simple point, and they do have it in their system, but their mind has slid right off of Matrixing the way teflon slides off bacon and eggs.

So you are caught. You are trapped in your own hard work, trying desperately to justify it, and refusing any example of real logic I could give you.

And your only real solution is to dig into the martial arts, and dig into matrixing that you might hope to understand the martial arts.

And, nobody really understands the martial arts.

True. Sad, but true.

They think they do, and they explain the martial arts by saying something like, ‘a punch is just a punch,’ or, ‘a kick is just a kick.’ Or some other pithy saying after a few decades in the martial arts.


That’s just more teflon sliding off the pan.

The real martial arts are a thought.

Not meat, not mind circuits, not even freedom.

They are a simple thought.

And the only way you will ever understand the thought that is the martial arts is through matrixing. I say this because the martial arts have never been understood in the history of mankind. Ever. Not on any planet, not on any plane of existence.

If they had been understood they would have, like one of those circuits, disappeared, and we would have a civilization without war and disease and the general corruption of mankind.

This essay has been written by Al Case, the discoverer of Matrixing. You can read more concerning matrixing and martial arts at Monster Martial Arts. If you are more interested in the type of thought process described in this essay, you should go to the Church of Martial Arts.

Don’t forget to subscribe to the newsletter, download any free books, press the FB like button, and donate (order matrixing materials).

This has been a page about why there are no examples of Matrixing in the Martial Arts.

The Easy Way to Develop Poison Hand Dim Mak in the Martial Arts

How to Make a Great Poison Hand Dim Mak with the Martial Arts

Dim Mak, the Poison Hand of the Martial Arts, is death by a single touch.

One of the more esoteric forms of Dim Mak is to coat the fingernail with poison. It is said that a serious assassin would coat his fingernail with wax, then apply the poison. Thus, he could scratch an opponent with a slight flick of the finger, not risk death himself, and cause death easily.

kung fu fist

Just how Deadly is the Martial Arts Poison Hand called Dim Mak?

This is said to be a skill developed in certain less than honorable gung fu practices, and utilized by ninjitsu assassins.

Mind you, nobody has ever given any rock solid historical examples of this type of Poison Hand Dim Mak, but that is not to say it is impossible.

If the modern student happens to be a worker in a chemical factory, or perhaps have connections in the biological warfare department of the US Army, then such a thing as a poison hand dim mak is possible.

It is this writer’s opinion that there is a far simpler method for developing this technique.

In the saga entitled ‘Iron and Silk,’ by Mark Saltzman, a certain kung fu teacher would strike a piece of metal a couple of thousand times a day.

He did this gently, so as not to damage the knuckles, but with enough force to develop a punch that was ‘metal tough.’

In fact, during the filming of the movie, ‘Iron and Silk,’ the kung fu teacher was asked to demonstrate the technique, and the resulting sound of his fist smacking on his piece of metal caused the film crew to get sick to their stomachs. They ended up canceling the audio and dubbing in a less sickening ‘smack.’

The point is that anybody can develop the poison hand death touch if they simply train and train and train.

Something that is anathematic to many of today’s ‘go for the gold’ martial artists. Many martial artists, you see, go to class, do their forms, then discuss how deadly they are over tea.

The dedicated poison hand dim mak specialist isn’t going to do that…he is going to train.

He is going to hit pieces of metal, or slabs of wood, or some other substance. He is going to do this softly, but insistently, and for an hour or more every day.
And, he is not going to be satisfied with a couple of months, as if ‘earning a belt,’ or even a couple of years, as in ranking in another system.

No, he is going to do this for years and years. Decades. And, in the end, he won’t be satisfied until the mere touch of his knuckles is enough to cause an opponent to curl up and die.

Perhaps it is good that we don’t have people with the depth of personality to train in this intense manner.

After all, shake hands with a poison hand dim mak specialist who has trained in this fashion…and your hand may well just curl up and die.

If you want to see some real chi hung power, as in the Poison Hand Dim Mak, check out Matrixing Chi. Then put that together with The Punch. Both courses are at Monster Martial Arts.

This has been a page about poison hand dim mak.

New Book Tells how to Fix Criminals!

Neutronic Prison

Many people have asked me for an example of how neutronics works. The answer, on a person level, is in the book, ‘Neutronics.’

On a larger scale, one effecting all of society, the answer is in ‘Neutronic Prison.’

criminal rehabilitationNeutronic prison is about the largest problem our society has…criminals.

We spend immense amounts of money on the incarceration and rehabilitation of criminals. And the money is wasted, as people are not regularly rehabilitated, and they treat the prison like a college to learn new ways to be brutal and violent and break the laws of man.

Neutronic prison offers the only viable option, the best way to reverse this trend and actually create a society without criminals.

Oddly, the book is useful on many levels. The only real monster that man has not been able to slay, you see, is himself, and this book offers a heartfelt example of how simple it would be to control others, and to control the self.

Heck, you could even use it to raise children, and be gauranteed they would not turn to criminal options!

The book is only $10, and it is at the Church of Martial Arts.

Have a great day!

BTW ~ it is not a book on martial arts, it is a book about criminals, what makes them, and how to fix them.

Reaction Time in the Martial Arts vs Mushin No Shin

Martial Arts Reaction Time…

I find that there is vast misunderstanding in the martial arts as to what mushin no shin is…people usually and incorrectly compare it to reaction time.

Now, to be precise, when people talk about mushin no shin they mix it in with not just reaction time, but especially muscle memory. The idea they are coming from is that if you do something long enough then it becomes intuitive, and even ‘on automatic.’

martial arts reaction time

Mushin no shin is far beyond muscle memory…it is the other end of the spectrum.

Mushin no shin means mind of no mind. Another way of saying this would be time of no time.

Which is to say that there is no mind, or memory in this case, involved.

When you train in reaction time, when you build ‘muscle memory,’ then you are building memory, and memory is based on time.

But mushin no shin refers to no time…to perceiving things as they are, and not through the artifices, or demanding the reaction time, of muscle memory.

Now, the real world difference is this.

You feel a tap on the shoulder, you spin, you chop, your grandmother, who was offering you a plate of cookies, goes down for the count.

That is reaction time. It is not intuitive, it is knee jerk reaction.

Or, you feel a presence behind you, or, better yet, without feeling the presence behind you, you turn in concert with the tap of the finger to your shoulder.

There is no contact because you have merged with the action. There is no reaction; there is no moving after the fact, or moving violently because of something.

That is mushin no shin.

The first time I ever experienced mushin no shin I was 16. I was at a bowling alley, and one of the bowlers put a pencil on the slanted desk, and it started rolling.

I watched it, and watched it, and time started to stretch out and become inconsequential…I was ‘in the moment,’ free from reaction time.

The world glowed, and I felt this delicious sense of freedom. I realized that I had total control over the flight of the pencil. I could move any way I wanted to, and there were no boundaries or limits.

The pencil fell, and I reached out and plucked it out of the air.

A fellow there said he had never seen such fast reaction time in his life.

But it wasn’t reaction time…I was moving in between moments of time. I wasn’t using muscles to make motion, I was making motion directly, as an Awareness, as an ‘I am.’ And this was without any martial arts training; years before I ever started training in the martial arts.

Now, a quirk of the moment, was that experience, and the real problem came when I tried to make it happen at will. Couldn’t do it. I needed the training.

And, even with the martial arts training, it took me nearly 20 years before I started experiencing these things as a matter of course.

The point here, however, is that it is not muscle memory, or reaction time. Muscle memory trains the body, but not the awareness, and that is knee jerk out of control. Reaction time means something has to happen before you act. Neither of these are mushin no shin.

Mushin no shin is when you are aware of life as it happens, without the interference of muscle memory, or reaction time, or training, or anything.

People who are asleep use the term muscle memory, or reaction time, to describe phenomena they don’t understand.

What makes it really confusing is when you get some fellow who trains for years, then tries to explain what he is experiencing. in the western world we fall back on the inadequate descriptions provided by science, a science which, I might add, has never adequately explained such concepts as are manifested when a person is showing mushin no shin.

Terms such as ‘reaction time,’ and ‘muscle memory,’ are offered by western science for concepts they do not understand.

The term mushin no shin is used to describe a person who is free from muscle memory, has no reaction time, and is in a realm beyond the simple physics of the universe. He is in a second set of physics, the physics of sixth senses and intuition and dreams and all sorts of things.

Mushin no shin is used when a person is not confined by his memories, and other such limitations to the human spirit.

Here are some articles which touch upon the procedure for waking the person mired in Martial Arts reaction time, and endowing him with muslin no shin.

Church of Martial Arts Book Win!

A Win for Prologue!

Here’s a win I received some time ago for prologue. It’s a little egghead, but dot let that put you off, the book is simple.

Prologue is the first book of neutronics, which is the science behind the science of matrixing. And matrixing is the science behind martial arts.

sacred text

Creating a ritual of awareness.

A martial artist can monkey see monkey do his way through the martial arts. Takes a while, but there are spectacular results.

A fellow who has matrixes the martial arts has mastered the martial arts, logically, in a short period of time.

A fellow who studies neutronics understands the martial arts.

These three levels can be equated to this:

a martial artist can drive a car.

A matrixed martial artist can fix a car.

A neutronicist can build a car.

Except we are talking about not cars, but martial arts specifically, and life.

Here’s the win.

Mr. Case,

I want to thank you profoundly for sending me that little book called Prologue. You may or may not have heard of an old fraternal organization known as The Golden Dawn but Neutronics in many ways reminds a great deal of the conclusions that you will encounter and discover within that system… but you reach them by an entirely different path. Very powerful stuff, life changing really.

Matrixing is phenomenal, as I read the concept began to unfold in my mind. The beauty, the simplicity, and the power of this way of thinking blew me away. I’ve had exposure to the concept before. In digital logic and more specifically boolean algebra what you call a matrix is used to explore the function and to simply digital circuits. In computer programming these are known as multi-dimensional arrays. In order to express multiple dimensions in a two dimensional way you have to use… a matrix. Except that you have taken this concept of manipulating computer storage and modeling three dimensional space out of the computer, out of the electronic circuit and transformed into a mode of human thought. This is an astounding breakthough, I believe you have unlocked the key to the human mind thinking in three dimensions and beyond. After all, a three dimensional concept of space would be a 1×3 matrix of height,width,depth and even time would be only one more element in the matrix… matrixing actually makes concepts vastly more complex than this simple.

Thank you for the karate and the power kicks as well. I look forward to encoding these arts within my mind in a nice neat matrix of neural connections.

You can pick up Prologue at Church of Martial Arts.

So, if you feel like looking, I won’t stop you. Have a great day, Al

Horse Stance Meditation Karate to Get Out of the body

Good Lard is it a beeootifull day for a horse stance!

Good day to work out, limber up the muskles, knock the fat off yer frame…a karate horse stance. Get healthy. Ya know? Are ya ready to talk?

One of the karate drills I hated the most, but got the most out of, was the simple horse stance. We would spread the legs, get the thighs down to where they were almost parallel to the floor, and put up one high block, and extend the other hand to the side in a chicken beak, and look at our finger tips. We called this karate horse stance position Kima Chasie. Horse Meditation.

karate horse stance

Focus awareness,, get out of the pain…get out of the body.

And we meditated on the pain it would cause us.

Now, forget the pain of the karate horse stance, forget the stronger legs, forget everything but the real purpose of it. Get out of your body.

After a couple of years of dabbling with the karate horse stance Meditation I decided to do it right. I decided that pain wouldn’t cause death (in this instance) and that I should just do the exercise until I got what it was all about.

So, I hit the stance, looked at my fingers, and concentrated on breathing. Time passed. Minutes seemed like hours. My mind began to still, the world slowed down. Seconds seemed like hours.

And, suddenly it all stopped hurting. No pain at all. The whole universe was one peaceful concept that i could live with forever.

how long did it take me to get there?

Five minutes.

That’s all.

Zingo bingo, instant enlightenment.

Now came the problem. When I tried to move, I couldn’t. My whole body had locked up. Man, I was freaked. Tried to wiggle backwards, couldn’t move, couldn’t even rock. Tried forwards, ah, there we go, I could fall for…oh shit…ah! Landed on my face.

So, enlightenment is possible through the old training methods, but sometimes it can be weird, freaky, and even as significant as a punch on the nose.

Hey, any of youse guys feel like coming over to see me, I live on good old Monster Martial Arts. Brings your friends, the doors are open, leave your old life outside.

See ya.


This has been a page about karate horse stance meditation, and here is a great page about breaking heads with your board…uh, breaking boards with your head!

Martial Arts Meditation Unleashed!

Don’t Make the Mistake of Asking the Question!

Good morning to you!
A work out morning!
A morning where you get stronger,
smarter, quicker, faster…
More aware.
Because that’s what a martial arts workout does.

martial arts meditation

The Secret of All motion is…No Motion.

The secret of meditation,
and life,
is to clear the mind of distractions.
Distractions are the bushwah probs and dialogues
and such that you carry around with you.
What did so and so say about me?
Guy in the next department pisses me off.
I need a drink.
And so on.

The martial arts clears the mind of distractions through one simple method:
You learn to focus your awareness on one thing.
I’ve suggested that you hold up your index finger and look at it,
Until you understand what I mean,
but that’s sort of mean.
it’s frustrating because it is the truth, and it is advanced,
and one should really have a proper build up
before they do the single finger meditation.
So here’s the proper build up.

Mind you, i went through this stuff for years,
one piece at a time,
before I figured it out and experienced an empty mind,
but I didn’t have the instructions you are about to get.

When you stand in the room, stand squarely,
that means you don’t lean in any direction.

When you have finally found your balance,
don’t lean (or sway or anything),
just ask yourself the question,
how do I unbalance myself
so that I can move.

It’s true,
the secret of motion from a balanced position is to unbalance yourself.
Walking is the process of learning how to fall in a direction,
and catch yourself on a leg just enough
that you keep falling and catching yourself.

The problem here is that we are not walking.
We are falling to a stance.
And we must fall as fast as we can
to a balanced (front stance) position.

So look at your options.
Do you bend and push with the legs?
What part of the body do you unbalance first?
How do you unbalance it?
Do you move muscles inside the body?
Do you push your body with a hand of energy from outside the body?
Do you pull your body towards an object/direction?

It’s an interesting question,
and one that will drive you half mad
before you finally figure out
how you actually move your body.

Let’s say you move the body with a contraction of a leg muscle
which lowers the body so you can push with a (set of) muscle on the other leg.
What mental command are you giving that first muscle?
Where is that command coming from?
Your mind?
Who told your mind what to do?
Do you understand?
It’s frustrating, and it tends to really mess you up.
But, when you finally work your way through this,
and figure out how, exactly,
you are moving your body,
It will change you as a martial artist.
Heck, it will change you as a human being.
Big time.

And this is just learning how to unbalance the body to fall into a front stance.
Now you get into which muscles are you actually catching yourself with?
What are you doing with the arm?
What torques your body as you fall?
What muscles do you use to align the arm with the action?
Does the arm resist motion to make motion?
Are you using the planet to push yourself?
Or just moving the leg over the surface without sinking your weight?

I used to do my forms for hours,
one move at a time,
looping that move,
grinding that move,
searching for the answers of body motion.
And let me make a point here.

You may think it is silly,
all this frustration for…for what?

But I came across one of my own neutronic quotes this morning,
one of the Master Instructors puts it as a signature at the bottom of his emails. Here is the quote…
“Man learns by his mistakes. Without a mistake a man never learns. Stop a man’s mistakes and you stop a man. Watch a man’s mistakes and he’ll learn every day of his life.”

consider that when you lose balance it is a mistake.
Of course it is a mistake (grin).
You were perfectly balanced,
and then you went and ruined it!
But that is the process of life.

You are fine,
then you mess it up,
then you find fine again,
then you mess it up,
and so on.

So the procedure of doing a form
is a constant method of finding balance in your form,
messing it up to get to a new point of balance,
then messing it up again to find a new point of balance,
and so on.

And if you don’t ask the questions I have posed in this newsletter,
if you don’t find out how to mess it up…to unbalance…to make yourself make a mistake and fall forward as efficiently as possible. then you are doing the martial arts like a monkey.

Monkey see monkey do, with never a thought as to what causes motion…and what causes life.

You simply must ask the question, else you will never be aware.

if you want to look at your finger until you are enlightened,
it is possible.
Very possible.
But you simply must go through this concept of unbalancing to find new balance,
of making mistakes to find awareness.
You must.

You must…workout.
A lot.
With these questions in your mind…until there is no question in your mind.
Until your mind is freed from distractions.

let me add one thing,
the Master Instructor Course is the result of what happens
when you ask yourself these questions
for thirty or forty years.

It IS the perfection of human form,
and it IS the perfection of martial arts technique.
And it has never been done before.
The stuff in the Master Instructor course has simply never been written about,
and if it was ever stumbled over in a conversation,
there was no point to it all,
no way to relate all the parts
of what I tell you on this course.

So let me ask you a question…
do you want to go through the frustration of asking yourself questions for decades?
Or do you want to get the truth about how to use your body
and how to make your martial arts perfect…right now?

Look, I’m not the first person in history to ask these questions,
but I am one of the few to come up with the right answers,
and I am the only one to ever put down the answers on paper.
Plain English.
Not only no mysticism,
but the death of mysticism.
Because mysticism dies when you replace it with knowledge.

heres the URL,

And have yourself the BEST workout you can!


PS ~ you can subscribe to the Monkeyland Gazette and find out about the Church of Martial Arts at the top of the right sidebar at

The Pa Kua Chang Mystery

There is a Pa Kua Chang Mystery, and here’s how You Solve It

Pa Kua Chang, as many people know, is that martial art where you walk in a circle endlessly. Circles where you find loops within spirals within circles. To explain this really weird thing that happens in Pa Kua Chang, let me explain a couple of things first. Understand these things, and you will find that weird is normal in this universe, and normal is weird.

pa kua chang mystery

Do Pa Kuua Chang long enough and you will solve the pa kua chang mystery.

Okey dokey?

The circle must consist of eight steps from beginning to end. This is about one good leg sweep, or six feet in diameter. And, of course, the beginning is the end, and the end is the beginning, and so on.

Long time Pa Kua Chang students claim that if you explore various positions of the palms as you walk the circle, that the positions stand for various phenomena. Fire palms, water palms, lightening palms, thunder palms, and so on. By following this analogy they have created a separate and entire universe. While this universe can occupy a student for a lifetime, there hasn’t been a good explanation for what is happening, up till now.

When you create this Pa Kua universe, you should understand that the body is a machine. Just like alternating current, power goes down and up the legs. You should confirm it with a good dictionary, at this point, that power is energy, and energy is the capacity for work, and the capacity for work is how much weight you can lift.

Energy of the body is credited with being created by the tan tien. The tan tien is a point a couple of inches below the navel. The tan tien sends the energy down and up and the legs and back into the tan tien. What happens is that the body becomes a capacitor, a storage device, and the energy can be stored for later use. But also, and most interesting, is that after walking the circle sufficient with the idea I’ve detailed here, you will experience actual lightening going up and down your legs.

You will also, as you explore the potential of the palms in conjunction with the storing of the energy, experience a barber pole type energy swirl up and down your arms.

Pa Kua Chang is not mystical, it is common sense physics, but it does take a dedicated practitioner and a calm mind to experience what I have explained here. For the body to start acting as a capacitor one must tell the body to do so enough times and with enough sincerity, and this while walking the circle enough times. If one learns to believe that this universe is not a trap, but a journey, what I have told you here is not only possible, but even easy.

Check out the butterfly Pa Kua Chang…it is the fastest, most efficient Internal Martial Art on the planet.