Category Archives: internal martial art

Finding a New You Through Martial Arts

Newsletter 810

Defeating Distractions to Find the True Martial Art

Good afternoon!
Special day tomorrow,
I’ll tell you about it down the page,
but before we get to it,
remember this:
the only way to celebrate this special day is to…
work out!

Okay, hope your interest is piqued,
but before we talk about that special day,
let’s take a moment to talk about emotion.

you don’t want to have any emotion in your martial arts.
You don’t want to cry,
or feel fear,
or anger,
or any kind of emotion.

Emotion is a distraction.
It gets in between the thought of what you are going to do,
and the reality of what you do.

There is this thing called emotional content,
Bruce Lee mentions it in ‘Enter the Dragon,’
but even that,
is a distraction.

To get to the pure state
where you can read the mind of the attacker,
see what he is going to do before he does it,
and move with perfection,
you must get rid of ALL emotion.

There is a problem,
The problem is that nobody really knows what emotion is.

If you can stick with me through a couple of points
I can help you understand,
which is to say that I can help you understand
something that nobody understands.

Here’s the dictionary definition for emotion:
a natural instinctive state of mind deriving from one’s circumstances, mood, or relationships with others: she was attempting to control her emotions | his voice was low and shaky with emotion | fear had become his dominant emotion.

But that doesn’t tell you what emotion is.
That is like saying electricity goes through wires,
but there is no mention of where electricity came from,
what a generator is,
or how electricity ‘flows’ through a wire.

It is an inadequate definition.

Here are three more definitions:
1 she was good at hiding her emotions: feeling, sentiment; reaction, response.
2 overcome by emotion, she turned away: passion, strength of feeling, warmth of feeling.
3 responses based purely on emotion: instinct, intuition, gut feeling; sentiment, the heart.

these don’t tell you where emotion comes from,
what has generated it,
and how it really works.

here we go,
here is what emotion actually is.

Emotion stems from motion inside the head.

And here is a truth,
there are only people in this universe.
Everything else in the universe,
all the objects and non-living things
(or ‘low living’ like animals)
are the effect of motion in the universe.

A bug sits on a stalk,
a frog sees the swaying stalk and must flick his tongue.
A coyote sees the motion of the tongue,
and is compelled to eat the frog.

The universe happens like dominoes.
the ONLY thing in the universe
that can upset the dominoes,
can change the path of the falling dominoes,
can change cause and effect,
is a human being.

A human being has choice,
and that ability,
that decision making ability,
is apart from the universe,
and can cause the path of the universe
to change and change and change.

So a human being can change the universe,
but how does he change it?
by having a thought first.
So he thinks,
and does what he thought about,
and what he thought about comes to be.

in between the thought and the accomplishment,
is emotion.
Think about it:

A man wants to accomplish something,
he sets out on the task,
then he gets angry,
or fearful,
or otherwise emotional,
and his ability to make accomplishment is lessened.

He was distracted.

Which brings us to the crux of the matter,
why does man create these (his own) distractions?
Why does he create emotion
and waylay himself?

What happens when you squeeze an lemon?
Juice squirts out.
Gets in your eye and you cry.

So a man creates emotion when he is squeezed,
like a lemon,
and ‘things’ squirt out.

things like fear,
and so on.

And these things disrupt the mind,
cause distraction,
and obscure the basic thoughts that one may have.

When I was a child I was spanked,
which is to say I was squeezed.
I experienced fear,
and pain,
and anger,
and that stuff,
because I didn’t know what it is,
it stayed with me for a long time.

It would even be fair to say that,
like dominoes,
certain of those emotions
caused me to study martial arts.
How weird.

So when you feel pain and anger
and all those unpleasant things
just say ‘no’ to them.
Just refuse them.
Refuse to dwell on that emotion,
refuse to have motion inside your head,
refuse to feel the lingering effects of being squashed (squeezed),
and go about your life.
Refuse the distraction
and accomplish your thoughts.

Of course,
it is not always easy to do that.
Sometimes what is big in your head is greater
than your ability to ignore.

That is where the martial arts come in.

The martial arts train you to accomplish an attack,
no matter the distraction,
and the heck with emotion.

No other practice on earth does this
more efficiently or to greater effect.

You face your partner on the mat.
He growls,
people yell,
you are tired,
but because you have endured training,
and pain and other distractions,
and gotten to your black belt,
you are able to ignore the distractions,
move forward,
and accomplish the thought of the strike,
or the lock,
or the takedown,
or whatever.

You simply train yourself to ignore
the motion inside your head,
to ignore anything in the universe that tries to stop you,
and you accomplish your thought.

Here’s a cruel trap,
people who start the martial arts,
then quit,
were distracted.
They let something squeeze them,
and they quit.
And the cruelty is that if they had kept going
they would have found the ability
that would have enabled them to ignore distractions,
and accomplish their thoughts.

Catch 22.

One last thing I want to say about this.
There are many people who fail,
there are many people who are studying something
thinking it is a martial art,
when it isn’t.

You have to study the true martial arts.
You have to find forms that work,
and you have to make them work.
You have to cleanse your techniques
so they become pure
and can show the thought that created them.

That path creates the discipline.

Just fighting does not.
Fighting teaches you to fight.
Doing the real martial arts,
practicing techniques until you can make them work,
that is the discipline of ignoring distractions
and getting yourself to the point
where you can make your thoughts work.

The best method,
because incorrect movements
(which are distractions)
have been removed,
is Matrix Karate.

that special day I was talking about.
For me it is the most important day in the universe,
for it is when I decided to have physical presence on this planet.

if you have been following this blog
for the last couple of decades,
then you know I always ask for one, specific present.

Forgive me.
If I have sent out the wrong order,
didn’t answer an email,
didn’t answer an email quickly
said the wrong thing,
didn’t understand something,
failed in some way,
if i have done
that might have offended you,
or caused you ANY sort of distraction…

Forgive me.

Help me clean up my universe,
help me not have the distractions
of bad service,
poor communications,
or ANYTHING else.

It will help me,
and it will help you.




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Finding the Secrets of the Martial Arts

Newsletter 808

Arresting a Thug Using Martial Arts

Good afternoon!
is it good!
Go on,
work out,
you’ll find out!

I received an interesting win.
Here you go…

martial arts law

Click on Cover for The Secret of the One Year Black Belt!

Last night I arrested a thug at work.  I lost count of how many times I have done this over 25 years, but get this…  We use Aiki-jitsu (the late Bob Koga brought this to us and other law enforcement) as our tactics base.  Very watered down it works OK at best.  Last night I used a straight arm bar take down.  Usually a distraction technique, shuffle pivot hands on and gravity is how the magic starts.  Unfortunately some of these thugs learn through misadventures how to counter what we do.  To make a long story shorter.  I found myself doing a Buddha palm from a natural indexed stance and moved to the side.  My end position happened very fluid and I found his wrist and elbow on the transition of arm positions (during BP), reverse it with a modified arm bar take down stepping back and it was something else.  Not sure what the percentage of luck was but I think all my hours practicing clicked.  Pretty awesome! My partner was in awe! ~ KB
Thank you KB!
I love a good win!

Here’s an interesting little tidbit.
In Karate,
or other martial arts,
I sometimes talk about the space between the techniques.
I talk about this space as being crucial.
This win highlights why.

Put your hands together
in front of your face
as if praying.
Now circle one hand around
until it scoops
and is basically palm up pointing at the elbow
of the still praying hand.
That is the Buddha Palm position.
as you go back and forth,
circling the hands so that first one hand is praying,
then the other,
you find the ‘hidden’ technique.
But it’s not hidden,
it is one of those ‘spaces’
that you will find simply by doing the form.

there are A LOT of these ‘hidden’ techniques
in classical Karate.
You just pick two moves
and go forward and back
forward and back,
until you see what the motion is trying to do.

a lot of these ‘secrets’ are garbage.
They are just motion
nothing to be found in them.
there are also the little gems
that you will find here and there.

most people only do the forms one way.
Straight forward,
they never look at the other side,
or going backward from move to move,
and look at what the motions really have in them.

it is really fun to go through these
with a partner,
and look for ‘secrets.’

no partner?
Just do the form forward and back,
forward and back,
move by move,
and you will find them.
as in the win that started this newsletter off,
they will,
if you throw yourself into the practice,
pop up when you need them.

It’s true.
And this is one of those things I refer to
when I say that
the art will do you.

Thanks again,

And for everybody,
start looking,
there aren’t any secrets,
there are just people
who don’t look at the forms,
who don’t throw themselves into the art,
until the art does them.

Here’s the link
for the ‘easiest to find’ secrets

Have a great work out!


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New Version of Matrix Karate

The breakthrough Martial Art, Matrix Karate, is now available through Kindle!

earn black belt karate

First Volume of Matrix Karate ~ Kindle version

This is a long awaited development, as Kindle is not user friendly for books the size of Matrix Karate. Kindle refuses to hold large amounts of pictures.

Thus, this version of Matrix Karate has been broken into 6 volumes, and reformatted to be Kindle friendly.

There will be six volumes of Matrix Karate, and this is the first. These new volumes will be renamed as ‘Earning a Black Belt.’

The subject matter of the six volumes is as follows:

  1. Vol 1 ~ Two Man Basic form
  2. Vol 2 ~ First Form and Self Defense movements
  3. Vol 3 ~ Two Man Intermediate form
  4. Vol 4 ~ Second Form and Self Defense movements
  5. Vol 5 ~ Two Man Advanced form
  6. Vol 6 ~ Third Form and Self Defense movements

The entire matrix karate system is delivered through these six volumes. The price has been adjusted commensurate with the printed version.

For people wishing to view the original video course, go to

Karate Blocks Make the Man!

Newsletter 807

How Karate Blocks Make You Better

May you have the best work out of your life.

earn black belt karate

First Volume of Matrix Karate ~ Kindle version

Speaking of blocks…
When I was in my teens I was studying Kenpo.
I learned all these neat tricks,
was excited about fighting,
and I kept having these weird ideas about strategy
and how the martial arts were shaped.
I couldn’t make these strategies work.
I could fight well,
but these things I was thinking about,
they just eluded me in combat.
And it was because there wasn’t much
in the way of blocking,
in Kenpo.

In my twenties I joined the Kang Duk Won,
I bashed my arms for years,
and I learned about pain.
I learned that pain is a warning device.
And it was all because of blocks.

Most people won’t use a real block in freestyle.
I can,
and do if I am teaching somebody
and there is a lesson in it.
But it’s easier to just hit the other fellow
than it is to block.

But I never would have learned
how to slide in and hit somebody
if I hadn’t learned how to block.

I always remember the specific technique
where it all came home.
It was the technique
from the first move of Batsai.
Batsai is spelled a few different ways,
but it means
‘defending a fortress.’

In that technique I had to do three blocks.
And I had to do these three blocks with hips twists,
I had to twist the hips
to align the body
so it could support the impact
without collapsing.
And I had to do it faster
than somebody could throw three punches at me.

For months I tried to get that technique.
I would practice it and practice it,
get guys to give me that attack,
but I just couldn’t move my body fast enough.

One day,
I did.
Just like that.
One second I couldn’t,
and the next second I could.
Like a switch had been thrown.
But here’s the interesting thing:
I felt like I was behind my head.
I felt like I was out of my body,
just a little bit,
and watching my body move without me.

it was moving because I had mastered
the thought pattern behind the blocks.
I had practiced that mental circuit
until it broke,
and what was left was me.

From there I moved into other things,
hitting without blocks because,
darn it,
I had gotten so good at them I didn’t need them.
And I moved into concepts
of how to move the energy in my body
just by thinking about it.
Which is understandable if you realize
that learning how to block
had taught me how to influence my body
with just thought.

I began to be able to accomplish
all those odd ideas I had had
way back in Kenpo.
Which led to Matrixing.

Nowadays people don’t practice the blocks.
And if they do,
they don’t practice them with the proper hip movement,
the proper alignment,
the proper breathing and thought.

I know this because when people
come to me for lessons,
they show a complete lack of understanding,
no knowledge of the drills,
of how blocking works.

The thing is
there is a whole realm of thought
that goes with learning how to block.
You learn all sorts of things,
and it builds a springboard
for moving into other concepts.

Think about it,
you can box,
and learn how to take a punch,
but that doesn’t teach you
how to run energy through your body.

Nothing wrong with boxing,
it’s actually pretty good stuff,
fills in a few gaps
that are in the martial arts,
but it just doesn’t have the energy theory
that goes along with the martial arts.

I’m working on the Matrix Karate
for a Kindle version.
Kindle is very unfriendly to photos,
so I have to take some out,
and rewrite the thing.
It’s be good,
but not as good as a book,
or a video.
even the other electronic readers are better,
because they take PDFs easily.

But one of the things I focus on
to make up for that lack,
is the specific blocking in the forms.
Not the matrix of blocking,
which provides a logic
which blasts one to intuition,
but the old way,
learning the blocks,
making them work,
until the art does you,
and you become the art.

You guys are lucky.
You understand something the Kindle readers
may never understand.
You get everything on these courses.
On the other hand,
the kindle readers may understand something you don’t
because they will be seeing the art
in a more bare bones viewpoint,
that will let their mind fill in the blanks,
which is very healthy for a student.
who’s to say.
The real lesson is in the work out.
Getting the material and doing it,
thousands and thousands and thousands of times,
until it becomes you,
and you become it.
That will teach you the art,
no matter which of my books or courses you get.

Here’s the full Matrix Karate course.

Have a great work out!


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Martial Artists are Dying at a Young Age!

Newsletter 806
Why Martial Artists Die Young

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Click on the Cover!

Click on the Cover!

Good afternoon!
Good weekend,
and great work out.

Just released a new Martial Arts book.
it is not for everyone.

I recently read a book which claimed that
martial artists are dying young.
It was a very well researched book.
Went over the history of the martial arts,
traced the ages of death
and pretty much proved that
the martial arts are bad for your health.

Well, I can’t have that.
Even if it’s true its a lie.
So I wrote a book
proving that the truth was really a lie,
and that martial artists can live a long life.
of course,
they do certain things.
So this book is about those certain things.

it is not for everybody.
It is not a book of technique nor form.
It is not a training manual.
It is a serious discussion
as to what is wrong with the martial arts
that makes martial artists die young.
And there are recommendations
and data concerning things like energy (chi),
how you’re supposed to use the body,
and so on.

So it’s a brainy book.
Strictly for those who like to read and understand.
but it could have fantastic consequences
for those who want to understand
the principles behind adjusting your body
so it works properly.

So it might be for you,
but it might not.

Here’s the link

here’s some other news concerning it.
It is a kindle book, which means you download it and read it
on your kindle or iphone or whatever.

I am planning to write a few books strictly for Kindle.
The Kindle format is unfriendly to pictures,
so there won’t be tons of illustrations,
just a few.
the books are usually about half as long as a regular book.
That is just the kindle format and problems.

it is a huge market for me,
so I have to gear a few books over to it.

the most well reviewed book I’ve got
is Outlaw Karate.

Five Five star ratings.
Nothing under five stars.

I recommend the paper version
because the kindle version comes in two parts
and isn’t always easy to read.

So that’s about it,
I’ll have some great wins for you next time,
things are changing,
and one of these days
I’ll have Monkeyland open again.

Have a great work out!


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Making the Promise of a Fight in Karate

Newsletter 805
The Promise of a Fight

Beat Google!
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Gorgeous day.
Absolutely gorgeous.
And that means it is an absolutely gorgeous day for a work out.
So get going!

Was teaching this morning.
We were doing Promised Fights,
and my partner was grimacing,
and finally backed off.
“Ow,” he said.
And we got into a long discussion.
he was hurting,
I had to let him recover,
give him some data,
and then hurt him some more.

I started out with the old
‘Do it a form a thousand times and you know it.
Do it ten thousand times and you’ve mastered it.’
My student did exactly the right thing,
he said,
‘So if I do it 20 times a day,
then in fifty days…’
“Yep,” I said.
“You could know it.
You could be expert in 2 months.
But you have to do it right.
You have to understand the alignment,
how the feet work and why,
and you have to know the Promised Fights…
otherwise you could do it forever and not know it.”

we went into proper body alignment,
which is covered on the Master Instructor Course,
and how the feet must align properly,
and how the particular form we were doing had to be done
to make this all work.
I ended up saying,
“align your body,
make it a single unit,
then he won’t hit your body parts,
he will hit a single, integrated unit,
and it won’t hurt you.
Energy flows through a body that is a single unit,
it doesn’t flow through body parts used in individual fashion.
This is especially important in a Promised Fight.”

came the look I had been waiting for.
I had been using the term Promised Fight,
and I knew he would eventually ask about it.

“What is a Promised Fight?”

A Promised Fight,
or a Promise Fight,
is a piece of the form applied.
A form Application.
It is a self defense movement.
It is bunkai.
It is the working part of the form.
it is more.
In fact,
if a person doesn’t understand what I am about to tell you,
he/she is not doing karate.
They are just fighting themselves.

I asked my instructor what a Promised Fight was,
and he said,
‘The Promise of a Fight.’
while the study of PFs gave great abilities,
and the answer he gave me was correct,
it was terribly incomplete.

To understand what a Promised Fight is
I need you to look up the word ‘Postulate.’

Look it up for yourself,
get all the nuances,
where it came from,
and all that,
but for this newsletter,
the short and inadequate version is this:

suggest or assume the existence, fact, or truth of (something) as a basis for reasoning, discussion, or belief

Assume existence,
put forth the truth,
as a basis for belief.

If you understand the hint here,
you should be diving for a big old Oxford Dictionary,
wanting to know why a simple karate move
becomes the basis for truth in this universe.

So let me break it down a bit,
from the viewpoint of 50 years of training.

A postulate is a thought,
which if worked on,
becomes true.

Worked on,
as continually done in a work out.

As in a piece of the form,
practiced again and again and again.

let me back up a bit,
a form is a circuit,
a pattern of moves that you practice and practice
until you just do it without thinking about it.
You strengthen the body,
you remember the applications,
you get light and quick,
and all those sorts of things.

When you do a piece of the form,
over and over and over,
you condense the circuit,
and you get rid of thought,
and suddenly there is nothing but the move.
Somebody punches,
and you don’t exist,
you just track the incoming,
and the Promise Fight,
the postulate of moves,
pops out of you.
And it works.
You punch him,
and he falls down.
And he doesn’t understand what hit him.
But here is the truth of it all…
a thought hit him.
A Postulate of thought hit him.
A Promise Fight,
clean and simple,
without distractive thoughts,
hit him.
And there is nothing purer in this universe.

I am always so busy trying to get people to understand,
offering all sorts of methods,
that i sometimes forget to go into this factor.
in Matrix Karate there is the Matrix of blocks.
These are like mini-Promise Fights.
Very important to get these,
to understand them,
it is important to learn the small PFs
before you get to the big ones.
The big ones are on Temple Karate.
There isn’t talk of a matrix there,
because it is assumed you have done the groundwork of Matrixing first.
And the form applications are VERY pure Promised Fights.
They REALLY result in a zen frame of mind,
and the ability to hit somebody with a thought.

If you get Temple Karate
and you haven’t done Matrix Karate,
then you are taking the long route.
It will take you years,
and as distractions mount,
you can be knocked off the path
and never get there.

So you should do Matrix Karate,
work on the Matrix of Blocks,
make inroads and discover what a PF is.
you can always take the pieces of the form,
they are pretty obvious,
and work on them to make real Promised Fights.

Then you do Temple Karate,
get into the classical forms,
and really go to town on the Promised Fights.

Matrix Karate is pretty simple,
it presents the movements that are pure karate,
no distractions from other arts.
It aligns you,
and sets you up for the broader moves of Temple Karate.
It is a real Closed Combat System.
You can do it by itself,
or you can do it,
then move into the classical,
and see what kinds of things
the old guys who came before us were into.
Temple Karate is a larger assortment of tricks,
it broadens the education,
and digs you to new depths.

that is the story on Promised Fights.
Dig ‘em…they are the real zen of Martial Arts.

Here’s the link for Temple,
if you have already done Matrix Karate.
You can just go to MonsterMartialArts and find Matrix Karate,
it is one of the first arts presented on the home page.

have a great work out,
and schedule yourself for twenty times a day,
and send me your wins in two months.

Have a great work out!


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Reading Minds in Martial Arts

Newsletter 804
Matrixing the Thought of Combat

Time for a BEEYOUTIFUL workout!

A quick word:
Google is suppressing newsletter,
but you can find this newsletter blogged at

Bruce Lee did a good job of analyzing the motion of combat.
He took apart when,
for instance,
during the opponent’s punch,
you should attack.
You can find out more about this if you dig around at

nobody’s ever really tried to figure out
what happens at the moment of combat.
Not the moment of launch,
but the thought that must occur
before the launch.

to be honest,
nobody’s ever had the neutronics data,
so it is no wonder that nobody has ever done this.


the one thing to remember is that you have a thought,
and energy, and body,
follow it.
The odd thing in all this
is that thoughts go in only two directions.

Thoughts go out.
Thoughts go in.

This can be made complex,
if you stick on analyzing emotion,
emotion disguises what you are doing,
and so on.

the exact moment of attack,
should be when the opponent is,
for whatever reason,
not thinking out,
towards you,
but inwards,
towards himself.

If you understand this,
you understand the purpose of meditation:
sitting (or moving) and never allowing thoughts to invert,
to come back towards yourself.
In other words,
to watch the world
without having internal thoughts.

Here are the ways you can take advantage
of this momentary lapse of awareness.
The most important is distraction.

Distraction is when you point the opponent’s attention elsewhere.

He blinks because of a fly.
He looks because of a motion to the side.
He thinks when you tell him there is someone behind him.
He thinks because you trash talk.
He gets mad,
or otherwise falls to emotion.
And so on.

You can attack when any of these,
or other,
distractions occur.

You can attack after the thought of attack,
but that is not a good idea,
unless you are immaculate in your strategy and tactics.
The reason is attacks will collide,
mistakes can be made once you let him go into motion,
and so on.

the best time to attack a person?
Before he has the thought.

Doesn’t matter when he makes a decision,
or for what reason,
you simply attack before his thought.
At that point he has become victim,
as he is going to be responding to your attack,
instead of creating an original one of his own.

Here’s the thing,
people think you can’t see a thought.
But you can.
It takes an immense amount of discipline in classical martial arts.
It takes less time in matrixed martial arts.
Logic just allows you to study,
and therefore learn,

you see people thinking all the time.
You see the look in their eyes,
you read their bodies,
you feel their energy.
If you are good you actually perceive the thought.
But that level of good
depends upon how effective and sincere your training has been.

The lesson here?
Train hard,
train long,
matrix (make logical)
everything you do.
Make yourself a perceptive person
by looking out at the world,
and not inward to your own thoughts,

Here’s my personal martial art…

I created it after doing most of the matrixing courses,
it was my own understanding codified.
It should help you read thoughts faster.

Have a great work out!


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The Monster Martial Arts Newsletters

Newsletter 802
What’s Happening in the Martial Arts!

Good afternoon!
Think I’ll do a Tai Chi workout,
those always make me feel so large.
It’s funny…
large on a peaceful scale.

Got an email today,
asking where the newsletters have been.
Here, read for yourself…

Hey Al,
Haven’t heard from you in a while. Are you okay? I miss your newsletters. I’m sorry you’re catching flak from a bunch of little cowards spouting their worthless and unqualified opinions from the safety of their mother’s basement. I’ve been playing this game for a long time (since 1978), and I see you as nothing less than an innovator (if for no other reason than your unique ability to systemize that which has always been chaotic). We live in a unique time where the sharing of information is easier than ever. It’s easy to put people on a pedestal and idolized those who went before us as more than men. But the truth is, they only had a narrow perspective and worldview, and while they did the best they could with their extremely limited access to information, this doesn’t necessarily mean that they are deserving of worship. Just like grade school, only about 5 people out of a hundred actually studied hard and put in the work. The rest either ostracized them, or agreed with them and parroted their phrases to appear more intelligent. I think this phenomenon is seen in the Bible, with William Shakespeare, & in the martial arts. Five percent actually understand what the hell they’re reading (or have read it at all). Most of us do not understand or have not read it, so we agree with those who have and praise the brilliance of the work. The rest think it’s just a bunch of bullshit. My friend, you are among the 5%… No, you are one of those that the 5% study. The difference, is that we have access to more tools than any of our predecessors have had. There will always be  the few that create change, and the lazy masses  that first  violently oppose, and then  blindly  parrot. You can’t be extraordinary  by being ordinary. Keep on pressing on. I value and appreciate your perspective.

I thank you, Sean,
from the bottom of my heart.
So let me explain what,
has been happening,
and why I am so slow these days.

When I came down from Monkeyland
I was pretty broke.
No place to live,
no job…
no prospects.

it’s against the law to whine,
so I took on a bunch of jobs.

I drive Uber in the morning,
tutor kids in the afternoon,
do the martial arts in the evening,
and have a janitorial business on the weekend.

And I make sure I work out every day,
and multiple times a day,
if I can.

So that’s what’s been happening.
Survival on the stupid level.
the need for petty, crass cash.

A couple of things happened because of this,
a person gets tired if he isn’t doing what he loves.
So I’m tired all the time.
Poor me.
there will come a time when I can shift everything back around,
focus on the martial arts,
and keep going.

After all,
at the end of the road is Monkeyland.
A place where people can go to study martial arts.

it’s not the small people who whine about what I am doing.
There is one common factor in these people:
they have never read what I am doing,
never seen a tape.
They offer opinion without facts.
They think they know everything
based on their own experience,
and they don’t need no durn facts.

So how can I get upset about a bunch of fellows
who offer ignorance as their stock in trade?

It’s sort of like listening to fourth graders
whine about how tough math is,
when the truth is
they just just don’t want to do the work.

the root of the matter,
I’m just stuck in a boring spot,
should be out of it one of these days,
and doing more martial arts.

Then my chi kicks in,
my energy swells,
and life is great.

So that is what is happening.
That is why I am slow in coming out with the newsletters.
It’s my own durn fault,
for putting myself in this situation,
and it continues to be my fault
until I figure out how to right the situation.

So I thank you Sean,
and all the others,
the fifty,
and even the passersby.
Thanks for writing me the email,
encouraging me,
and even chastising me.

I apologize for being a lazy…fellow,
and I guarantee it won’t last forever,
nor probably even long.

In the meantime,
it is up to you.

Work out every day.
Don’t make ignorance your comfort zone,
but delve in,
buy books and videos,
enlarge your cranium with the swell of martial arts.

Put them to work with your friends.
Understand that their is perfection of the spirit
in the study of martial arts,
and that it makes the world a better place.

It calms the spirit,
it undoes undue excitement,
it gives lazerlike insight into the problems of the world.

I’ve been around for a while,
and I will go away,
but the martial arts are your true teacher,
they are the liberator,
the educator,
the enlightenment.

They last forever.


I’ll try to work a bit harder,
and stop being a lazy…fellow.

And you go have a great work out!


hHeere’s a course that undoes ignorance…

What is the Real Reality of Boxing and the Mixed Martial Arts?

Is there a Disconnect in Boxing and Mixed Martial Arts?

Boxing and Mixed Martial Arts? A disconnect? Something tells me I should stop right now, before people get mad at me.

The most important Martial Arts book ever written.

The most important Martial Arts book ever written.

Except, there might actually be something in the question.

When you box, or perform Mixed Martial Arts, you wear gloves. You don’t wear such gloves on the street.

When you do the ‘Sweet Science,’ or battle in the Octagon, there are ‘fences,’ which means a cage, or ropes, to enclose the fight. There are no such barriers in real life.

When you are down, there is a referred to save you. No ref on the streets, bro.

When you fight in a public venue, such as i have mentioned here, the rounds end and you have a chance to recoup in your corner. No end of round, no corner, no recoup on the street.

I know, this is all unfair, I’m picking on your favorite gladiatorial sports.

Except, I’m not.

Look, I’m not saying these things are bad, I’m just saying they are.

The real disconnect is when you train for things that are, and they might not be. If that makes sense.

The real disconnect, when you study boxing or the Mixed Martial Arts, is merely the ability to break away from your training when you have to.

Training is to enhance the martial artist, it is not to imprison him.

So don’t object to what I say, just consider it, and come up with plans for times when you have to defend yourself and you are not in the ring, in the Octagon, doing Mixed Martial Arts or Boxing.

If you want a real slice of reality, check out ‘Binary Matrixing in the Martial Arts.’

And, if you want real training for reality, check out ‘Blinding Steel.’

Al Case has been studying martial arts for 50 years.

The Importance of Earning a Black Belt

Newsletter 798
The Importance of a Black Belt in the Martial Arts

Good afternoon!
Absolutely stunning day.
Absolutely perfect for a work out.

I had somebody ask me,
the other day,
what belt I was.
It’s a legitimate question.

I received my black belt in 1974.
It was in a classical karate system,
the Kang Duk Won.

a few years ago,
a bunch of my black belts decided
I should be an 8th black belt.
I had some forty years training at the time.
But it was sort of interesting.
we had a wall,
and everybody who made black belt
got a plaque on the wall.
We had a dozen or so plaques,
and somebody noticed there wasn’t one for me.
So they got together and got an 8th black plaque for me.

The funny thing is I didn’t notice it
for quite some time.

Here’s the deal.
I’m proud of my black belt.
shortly after I received my belt,
I lost all interest in belts
and promotions
and such.
(Though I did appreciate
what my black belts did)

I became addicted to the information,
the the art,
to the development of myself in a spiritual sense.
But that’s me.
For those who have just begun,
you should be very concerned
with earning a legitimate black belt.

A legitimate black belt carries with it
the realization,
the knowledge,
that you have just begun to learn.
If you earned a black belt,
and you didn’t get that thought,
then there is a good chance that you aren’t legitimate.
You haven’t CBMed,
made the art into yourself,
inverted your viewpoint of the world,
haven’t understood that reality is the illusion,
and yourself is the projector.

the real point of the martial arts is this:
Does it work.

does it work as self defense.
Can you defend yourself?

does it make you grow spiritually?
Do you understand your worth as an ‘I am,’
do you see yourself as a point of awareness,
do you understand how your thoughts control the universe?

I suppose,
analyzing my own preferences,
that is why I prefer Karate first,
and Tai Chi second.

Karate works.
It makes my bones hard,
puts snap in my muscles,
and gives me long life.

Tai Chi works also.
It makes me sensitive,
removes me from illusion,
and gives me long life.

Tai Chi,
learned effectively,
is one of the most incredible
self defense styled martial arts
I have ever experienced.

they provide me with a ‘hard and soft’ progression of art.
After you do a bit of matrixing,
you can see how karate can become tai chi.
And how tai chi enhances Karate.

All very interesting.

If you are experienced with the hard,
I recommend the soft.
If you are experienced with the soft,
I recommend the hard.

It’s the only way to be sure
that you really understand
all aspects of the martial arts.

The trick,
of course,
is to make sure you matrix BOTH martial arts.

Here are the Matrix links.

Have a great work out!