Category Archives: martial arts

Making Your Martial Arts Systems Work

Newsletter 818 ~ Sign up at the top left!

A Buddha Crane Matrixing Win!

Got a great win from Timothy G this week!

martial arts training manual

Check it out ~ Click on the cover!

Hello sir.
It’s going well. Really well. Once I was able to connect Buddha crane with shuri ryu, the pieces began to fall into place all by themselves.
The Buddha crane is the foundation of the kihon waza, ippons waza and came into their own flow drills(taezus naru waza).
Making changes to the Kata isn’t as easy, but I have done the first few Kata. Even crazier, I found someone who has already blended shuri ryu with something. So, it came rather easy.
Upon showing him how I’ve made changes opened his eyes and he’s asking me to give him pointers on how to make his karate be more ‘alive’.
My shuri ryu master is dead and I never got the chance to get my black belt. So, I’ve gone thru these people I’ve run into and just from what I showed them they are willing to bring me to the black belt in shuri ryu.
I’m not sure if that’s even important now, being that I matrixed the whole art, but I do hope to bring this understanding of shuri ryu to the table. Thus, starting a new (sub) ryu to the family.
I couldn’t have done it without you. Osu

Thank you, Timothy,
and well done!

And for everyone,
please take note of a few things here.

The classical is not suffering,
drills and exercises have more flow,
which comes from increased understanding.

Making changes isn’t always easy.
Aside from the fact of understanding
the potentials of the martial arts
enough so that you can make intelligent changes,
you have to force yourself to change something
that you have come to believe in.

Changing a belief system is often the hardest thing
a man can do.

He shows his changes to another fellow engaged in changes,
and he becomes the authority.
he isn’t just changing,
he has the knowledge,
and this is something that people really respect
and will adhere to.

Upon showing his changes to others
he is recognized as expert,
or having the ability to be expert.
Osu to you, Timothy.

here is a very interesting question:
how important is the black belt at this point?
People going through these changes,
are gaining knowledge
and that is senior to black belt.

Maybe one out of a thousand people
that start karate
get to black belt.

But how many have the knowledge
to put together their own system or subsystem?

I encourage everybody to get to black belt,
but I encourage knowledge more.
Understanding is the most important thing you can ever get.

Thanks, Timothy,
your win is fantastic,
and I hope people understand
the trials and tribulations here,
and the incredible passion you have for the arts.

Here’s how I analyze forms. I do this for every move. Check out video courses at This particular technique is from Temple Karate.

I know Timothy has other courses and books on Matrixing,
but he mentions the ‘Buddha Crane’ book.
So let me explain something about that book.

That was the last book I wrote,
I believe,
before starting on Matrixing proper,
before doing all the matrixing courses.
As such,
I was using matrixing concepts hard and fast,
and I was developing a whole art
out of what I knew.
You can see me reworking techniques,
reworking forms,
trying to bring everything into a new slant,
to be proper,
a ‘de-slanting.’
A truth.

Here’s the funny thing,
the book was actually just a ‘toss in,’
a bonus,
on the ‘Create Your Own Art’ course.
I wanted to show how I was creating an art,
give an example
to back up the theories I was pushing.
The book is PDF on the Create Your Own Art Course.

You can,
I believe,
get it on Amazon,
if you look around you can find it.
You can also get it here…

That’s my publishing company,
so I get a bigger royalty
if you get it there.

That page I just gave you
has a complete write up
on what is in the book.
the Createspace version is paperback,
which most people prefer,
because it’s easier to walk around with the book,
than carrying a computer around
while you practice.

a final word,
the illustrations are most interesting,
I wrote it on an old mac,
and the software was something called Appleworks.
What this means is that I drew the illustrations,
hundreds of them,
one line at a time.
I drew figures,
with lines.
I remember,
at the time,
not being frustrated by the slowness of it all,
but being excited,
because I felt like I was,
by doing the illustrations in this slow and laborious way,
learning something about the human form,
writing what I was doing
in a new way in my mind.
By the time I was done
I felt VERY changed inside.

that’s it.

thanks Timothy,
I hope people appreciate your win,
and I hope they take the time to look at the book,
and get their own wins,
take a stab at understanding,
and even changing,
their own carefully crafted belief systems.

And everybody,
it’s summer,
have fantastic work outs!


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How to Study the Martial Arts

Newsletter 809

The What and How of Matrixing Martial Arts

Good Lard…it’s summer!
And absolutely perfect for learning another art.
So which art do you want to learn this summer?
A hard art to go with the soft?
Soft to go with the hard?
Tai Chi?
I mean,
why not?
what else do you have to do?
And there is nothing else that is better for you.

how to study martial art

Click here to get the whole story on Matrixing the Martial Arts

every once in a while I like to go over what Matrixing is,
and suggested methods of study.

Matrixing is a system of logic.
It is based upon analyzing potential motion.
It is applicable to any art,
and to any system.

But here’s the thing…
the martial arts are put togethers.
As such they are conglomerations
of what worked for individuals.
But these are all based on what an individual prefers,
or works for his body,
or the culture he has grown up in,
and so on.

The result has been a lot of mystery,
which is hidden by calling it mysticism.

So if you apply matrixing to your martial art,
it becomes logical,
and thus easier to learn,
and there won’t be hidden spots.
No more mysticism.
Just hard core science.

That is matrixing in a nutshell.
You can find out a lot more about it
by subscribing to the newsletter,
and just thinking about how
it can be applied to your art.

recommended ways of studying matrixing.

Each course looks at the martial arts from a specific viewpoint,
from a specific art or concept.
If you have a specific weakness in your system,
say…no weapons,
or too hard,
or something like that,
you can just study the art that will take care of that weakness.
the logic on the art you study
will start to seep into the rest of your arts.

the best way to study is probably to just follow
the arts as they are listed on the site

For instance:
Matrix Karate analyzes the hard arts and classical blocks.
Matrix Kung Fu analyzes locks and throws
Matrix Aikido analyzes learning by concept.
The Master Instructor Course analyzes the body
Shaolin Butterfly analyzes footwork
Butterfly Pa Kua Chang analyzes the transition from soft to hard
Five Army Tai Chi Chuan analyzes soft takedowns
And so on.

But each art can be taken apart by a sequence of matrixing courses.

If somebody wanted to learn karate,
for instance,
and from the ground up,
I would recommend the following courses:
Outlaw Karate (inspiration)
Buddha Crane Karate (modular studies)
Matrix Karate Making the art pure)
Temple Karate (what old forms actually mean)
and so on.

So there are many ways to study matrixing.
But the fun of it all is this:
you learn multiple arts…fast.
Which is why I said,
at the beginning of this newsletter,
what do you want to learn this summer?
you could learn three or four whole martial arts
all within a year.
That would be a high state of mastery.

Here’s the Matrix Karate page,
because that is the one that started it all,
that is the one with some pretty crucial matrixing data on it.

Have a great summer,
with 100 work outs in a row,
and let me know how it goes with learning the art of your choice.

Have a great work out!


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Insanity in the Martial Arts

Newsletter 801
Sanity and the Martial Arts

Good summer to you!
It’s almost here,
and do you have a plan?
Have you selected what martial art
you want to master this summer?

I was talking to this fellow today,
He was a pilot,
used to push B1s around.
that’s right,
he was carrying the biggest bullets known to mankind.

We talked about a lot of stuff,
and veered into politics,
and it was refreshing.
He was from Arizona,
told me about gun laws there,
concealed carry,
the incredible border war that is going on
and that the news media doesn’t cover.
I told him about sanity.

He made the remark,
the old saw about:

insanity is when you keep doing the same thing
over and over,
and expect different results.

I told him that sanity was when you could observe reality.
He blinked,
and said I was right.
Never thought of it,
but I was right.
And I am.

When you do the martial arts,
you practice for some guy coming down at your head with a knife,
and you have to observe the exact reality of it all.
Observe something other than a knife
coming at your head,
and you get cut.
Blood spurts.
You know?

And here is what it all means,
most people deal in opinion.
Opinion is talk without the facts.

Most politicians do this.
They pay no attention to the fact
that every state that has fewer gun laws,
has less crime.
They call for more gun control,
if you observe the reality,
is asking for more crime.

Simple but true.

So on one side we have the relative insanity
(all sanity and insanity is relative)
of opinion.
On the other side we have the relative sanity
of observation.

The thing is,
it is actually pretty easy to be sane.
Just practice your forms,
and practice the techniques in your forms,
and toss out the bushwah,
the stuff that doesn’t work.

and this is an example of insanity,
many people don’t do that.

Look at the chat rooms,
everybody has an opinion.
One or two have the facts,
and the other 98 or 99 has an opinion.

is why I don’t bother going to chat rooms,
and have even,
thus far,
eschewed a chat room of my own.

here it is again,
if you can observe what is real,
you can be sane,
and the martial arts help you observe what is real.

If you can’t observe what is real,
you can only speak in opinion,
and the more opinion you have,
the more insane you are.

think about it.

And think about getting the Outlaw Karate course.

I was doing the Outlaw Karate course,
and tossing out bushwah techniques,
and trying to find EXACTLY what worked.
It really helped me to discover matrixing,

what martial art are you going to learn this summer?

Have a great work out!


What Matrixing in the Martial Arts Really Does

Newsletter 800
What is Actually Happening With Matrixing and the Martial Arts

Good morning!
The sun is shining,
and then it is raining,
and shining and raining,
and so on.
that makes it THE day for working out!

To injure an opponent is to injure yourself. To control aggression without inflicting injury is the Art of Peace.

To injure an opponent is to injure yourself. To control aggression without inflicting injury is the Art of Peace.

I just received several emails.
Some fellow was bashing me on his blog.
He was a long time martial artist,
quoted me,
then proceeded to ‘dissect’ me.
if anybody spoke up for me,
he bashed them.
Nice guy.

I thought this made for a wonderful opportunity
to explain about bad people in the martial arts,
what really makes them,
what you do about them,
and…what is really happening with matrixing.
So here we go.

Here is a scenario.
You are in the seventh grade,
and you are charged with teaching a fourth grader,
you have to teach him how to multiply.
You lay out the problems,
you show him,
and show and show him,
and he just doesn’t get it.
You get mad.
Stupid kid.
Teacher comes up,
she doesn’t get mad,
she just sort of straightens everything out.
here is what happened:
you had never taught anybody.
You didn’t know all the tricks.
The teacher has seen it all,
she knows all the tricks.

the people who attack me,
who attack matrixing,
they are like seventh graders.
They have done some martial arts,
but they don’t know all the tricks.
in this specific,
they don’t understand
how all the arts fit together.
They don’t understand the underlying principles,
the real philosophy behind it all.
they get mad.

think about it,
they have spent their lives doing martial arts,
and here I come along and say:
oh, that’s not right,
you should do it this way.

am I a threat.
So they strike back
against what is threatening them,
threatening their carefully cultivated view of themselves,
of their construct of how the world works.

here is a proof for what i am saying:
If they knew the truth they wouldn’t get mad.
I don’t get mad…because I know the truth.
I know how the arts fit together,
I know all the tricks,
the gimmicks and methods,
the way it all works,
so I don’t get mad
when these fellows speak ill of me
on blogs and chatrooms and so on.

If you know the truth you don’t get mad,
you can look down to their level,
and see what it is they don’t understand.

The problem is…
you can’t make them understand
if they don’t want to understand,
that is to say,
if they are holding to the small bits of truth
they did manage to accumulate,
to the methods and things that they constructed
to try to make sense
out of the martial arts
which don’t always make sense.

the specific fellow who was attacking me,
was dissecting one of my Kenpo books.
And it gets very interesting.

For instance,
he claimed I wasn’t a serious student of Kenpo,
in the book,
I explained that i wasn’t a serious student of Kenpo,
that I was applying matrixing principles
to what i had learned decades ago.

For instance,
he said my work needed more depth,
in my book,
I set forth the idea that this was a beginning,
and that somebody should come along
and exploit my principles
to look deeper.

Do you get it?

He was saying things I had already pointed out in my book.

He was criticizing me
using points i had already used to criticize myself.

Not very creative,
especially for so called critical thinking.

here’s the kicker.
in his attack he made an interesting statement, he said something to the effect that he had read my books,
and that at a certain point he came face to face with

a different way of seeing things.

This was the effect of matrixing.

And he immediately pushed it aside,
which is to say,
he held on to his carefully constructed world,
and was unable to evolve.

I will say something else.
In my books I tell people, very plainly,
that they can’t just read the books,
they have to do the techniques,
then they will understand,
then they will get what I am talking about.

I gauran-forking-tee he did not do this.
He was a seventh grader,
thinking he was a teacher,
and he read the book without doing ANY of the techniques.
Without experiencing what I was really saying.

If he had done the book,
instead of reading it like a comic,
he would have been changed,
that different viewpoint would have popped out,
nice and neat and gently overwhelming,
and he would have evolved.

His art would have evolved.
He would have become a teacher,
a real teacher,
instead of a seventh grader thinking he was a teacher.

I know what I have just said
is the absolute truth,
because I have seen it work over the last ten years.

There are thousands of people who have DONE the material I have written.
Who have DONE the forms and techniques.
Who have DONE the drills.
And my wins book is packed with their stories.
Over six hundred pages of thanks yous.
Of ‘how did you ever figure this out?’
Of ‘OMG, I am making my own art,
and it all makes so much sense!’

So that is the point i want to make here.
You can read about,
or you can do.
But don’t bother criticizing what I’ve done
until you have done it for yourself.

Don’t be a seventh grader,
thinking you know it all,
when you only know what a seventh grader knows.
Don’t settle for that.

that brings us to where this matrixing thing is going.
Let me make a few points.
I love the martial arts.
There is nothing i love more than doing the forms,
working out with people,
it is all a ball.
I left the fighting part of the martial arts decades ago.
I lived in a time that has passed
where i was able to accumulate all the data,
and make sense of it,
and I was able to put fighting aside.

the point of matrixing is to help you do this, too.
To learn how to fight so well,
that fighting stops being a game of chance,
and becomes a scientific endeavor,
where you analyze and handle people
like you are a teacher,
and they are seventh graders.

We are talking about actual evolution here.

If you lived fifty years,
you would have fifty years worth of knowledge.
But what if I could give you that knowledge in a year or two?
where would you be in fifty years then?
You would be at a hundred years,
because you would have my fifty,
plus your fifty.
And here is the interesting thing,
the martial arts accelerate beyond that,
once they are matrixed.
It is not just about getting my fifty years of knowledge,
it is about getting thousands of years of knowledge,
all the knowledge accumulated by the ancients
and passed down,
and finally made sense of.

Let me ask you a question:
what step of evolution is it
where you don’t get mad?

You watch the world
and everybody gets mad.
The politicians lie and get mad,
the corporate bosses,
for all their success,
cheat and steal,
and get awfully mad.
People on the street,
they get mad in their cars,
they flip each other off,
they have road rage,
they beat each other up with baseball bats.
Husbands and wives get mad,
they snipe at each other,
and the next thing you know
the man punches out the wife,
the wife does a Lorena Bobbit,

do you get it?

From the playgrounds of our ‘educational’ institutions
to the prisons,
to the businesses and politicis,
we are a raging,
wild beast.

I don’t get mad.
And I am telling you exactly why,
because I have done the martial arts so much
that I have given up fighting.
Because I understand what frustrations
all those seventh graders are having out there.

Do you want to get ‘unmad?’
Do you want to give up anger?
Do you want to understand,
not like a seventh grader,
hopped up on GMO and vaccines and testosterone and all that,
but like a calm, patient teacher?

Do you like a world where you are out of control?
Where you travel from one conflict to the other,
and never partake of the chocolate cake in-between?

That’s what I am selling,
that’s the truth of what Matrixing does.
That’s where you would be,
if you could suddenly ‘evolve’ yourself.
If you could leap past all the minor frustrations
of a society that is dedicated to killing itself.

the interesting thing is this:
I have often thought about taking all the books off the market
that are attempts to apply matrixing to other arts.
It just seems to cause so much anger.
People think I am trying to destroy their construction,
instead of enhance it.
They think i am attacking their art,
when I am only trying to make it bigger,
more logical.
When all I want is to take them to the end of one street,
and show them a thousand other streets.
When I just want to evolve them.

My consideration is simple.
Are my books causing anger among those unable to understand
because they cannot do more than read,
because they cannot do,
because they cannot understand the instructions?

Something to think about,

I’ve also thought about,
and even begun work
on setting up lines of endeavor
which can be closely watched.
I made an attempt at Monkeyland,
and still think about the mistakes made I made,
and how i could fix them.

I’ve thought about setting up a website
dedicated to taking people step by step,
but not allowing them to purchase the next step,
until they have completed the previous step.

And there are reasons I haven’t done this yet,
though I have made half starts.
Reasons like I don’t have the time and wherewithal.
Not very good reasons are these, I admit,
but…that is where I am.

hope I didn’t bore you,
hope I actually made some sense with this ranting,
but let me just say this…
the most important course I’ve got
is the Master Instructor Course.
I push it more than any other,
because it lays out the way energy works in the martial arts,
it presents how techniques work.
And it tends to divest one of ALL the false reasons
behind the actual martial arts.
It tells you the information you need to instruct.
It opens the door
to the way of becoming
a calm, patient teacher,
and not a seventh grader.
Here go.

to all,
happy March,
March is named after the God of War,
so it is your month.
Enjoy it
by working out every day.

Happy martial arts!
and have a great work out!

How the Ignorant Defend Themselves in Martial Arts

How Ignorant People act in Kenpo and Karate and Other Martial Arts

what a wonderful month.
I’m going to work out every single day,
right into April.
You do, too!

I was checking my stats on Amazon,
and reading the reviews people write about me.
Interesting reading.
But crazy.
Let me explain.

I’ll get two reviews for a book,
one is a five star review,

VERY Interesting.. and I like the “creation” theories and methods… JUST what I was looking for.
and one is a one star review.

Waste of time if you are a serious martial artist…poor illustrations…bad

The five star talks about interesting ideas.
The one star just says ‘stupid.’

How could one book provoke two such dissimilar reviews?

let me tell you.

I received an email a while ago,
the fellow said:
I don’t understand all the writing,
but when I see the pictures (videos),
then I get it.

of course,
a picture is worth a thousand words.
the real key here
is that he didn’t understand the writing.

Here are some frightening statistics.

50% of adults can’t read at 8th grade level.
45 million people are functionally illiterate.
one that is very important,
6 out of 10 households don’t buy a single book in a year.

Let’s consider the implications of these statistics
as they relate to my books.

Out of the 50% adults that can’t read at 8th grade level,
there are going to be a substantial number
who are passionate about the martial arts.
They are going to read what some people see as five star material,
but because they don’t understand it,
because there aren’t enough pictures,
they are going to perceive it as worthless.
At best,
they are going to sense that something just passed them by,
and they are going to be pissed.
Pissed enough to give one star.

Out of the 45 million that are functionally illiterate,
some are passionate,
they live in blogs with small words,
and they are,
A rich life is passing them by,
and though they feel that something is happening,
they can’t see it.

But here’s the kicker,
6 out of 10 don’t buy a book in a year.
But they do read on the computer,
and they are vocally upset,
when they don’t understand what somebody has said.

This is the defense mechanism of the ignorant:
get upset when you don’t understand something.

why do I bring this up.
Because I get a few low reviews,
that discourages others from buying,
and the vey valuable knowledge
that is in my books,
is then removed from the hands of the consumer.
The intelligent consumer who needs to know,
but is being waylaid by the ignorant.

Feel free to give a review.
I prefer nice,
but honest will do.

When you see a bad review,
especially if you have read the book,
and disagree,
answer them.
I can’t,
but you can.
Set the record straight.

make sure you are literate,
that your children are literate,
and that knowledge can be passed down.

This world is not Rep v Dem,
it is not haves v have nots,
it is ignorant v intelligent,
and if the intelligent don’t set the ignorant straight,
then the intelligent lose.
So do you want the world to get more intelligent?
Or more ignorant?

Here’s the book which received the reviews I listed above.

Have a great work out!

The Importance of Earning a Black Belt

Newsletter 798
The Importance of a Black Belt in the Martial Arts

Good afternoon!
Absolutely stunning day.
Absolutely perfect for a work out.

I had somebody ask me,
the other day,
what belt I was.
It’s a legitimate question.

I received my black belt in 1974.
It was in a classical karate system,
the Kang Duk Won.

a few years ago,
a bunch of my black belts decided
I should be an 8th black belt.
I had some forty years training at the time.
But it was sort of interesting.
we had a wall,
and everybody who made black belt
got a plaque on the wall.
We had a dozen or so plaques,
and somebody noticed there wasn’t one for me.
So they got together and got an 8th black plaque for me.

The funny thing is I didn’t notice it
for quite some time.

Here’s the deal.
I’m proud of my black belt.
shortly after I received my belt,
I lost all interest in belts
and promotions
and such.
(Though I did appreciate
what my black belts did)

I became addicted to the information,
the the art,
to the development of myself in a spiritual sense.
But that’s me.
For those who have just begun,
you should be very concerned
with earning a legitimate black belt.

A legitimate black belt carries with it
the realization,
the knowledge,
that you have just begun to learn.
If you earned a black belt,
and you didn’t get that thought,
then there is a good chance that you aren’t legitimate.
You haven’t CBMed,
made the art into yourself,
inverted your viewpoint of the world,
haven’t understood that reality is the illusion,
and yourself is the projector.

the real point of the martial arts is this:
Does it work.

does it work as self defense.
Can you defend yourself?

does it make you grow spiritually?
Do you understand your worth as an ‘I am,’
do you see yourself as a point of awareness,
do you understand how your thoughts control the universe?

I suppose,
analyzing my own preferences,
that is why I prefer Karate first,
and Tai Chi second.

Karate works.
It makes my bones hard,
puts snap in my muscles,
and gives me long life.

Tai Chi works also.
It makes me sensitive,
removes me from illusion,
and gives me long life.

Tai Chi,
learned effectively,
is one of the most incredible
self defense styled martial arts
I have ever experienced.

they provide me with a ‘hard and soft’ progression of art.
After you do a bit of matrixing,
you can see how karate can become tai chi.
And how tai chi enhances Karate.

All very interesting.

If you are experienced with the hard,
I recommend the soft.
If you are experienced with the soft,
I recommend the hard.

It’s the only way to be sure
that you really understand
all aspects of the martial arts.

The trick,
of course,
is to make sure you matrix BOTH martial arts.

Here are the Matrix links.

Have a great work out!

Tai Chi Chuan vs Karate

Major Difference between Karate and Tai Chi Chuan

One of my work out partners,
way back in the Kang Duk Won,
decided he was going to do Tai Chi Chuan.
He figured it would be easy,
because of his karate conditioning.
He threw his back out so badly
it took him two years to recover.

Soft, flowing Tai Chi Chuan,
and it was too tough for a young karate guy.
What’s wrong with that picture, eh?

What is wrong is simple,
when Bruce, my friend,
did Tai Chi he thought he could just do a karate kick slowly.
But karate is fast and explosive,
the leg is out and back,
in Tai Chi the muscles have to strain to keep the leg up.
And I mean a whole sequence of muscles.
Bruce’s muscles,
though karate powerful,
couldn’t support the leg for an extended period of time,
and the result of his attempting to do such a thing
disrupted the muscles
all the way back to the spine..

Now isn’t that interesting,
tai chi chuan has more ‘weight lifting’
in its moves.
Karate has the fast explosion,
and the muscle tightening (focus)
builds the muscles.
But those muscles are built
at the beginning and end of the move.
In Tai Chi the muscles must support the weight,
throughout the move,
for a long(er) period of time.

A simple difference,
but it leads to an important concept.

Karate is explosive energy.
Tai Chi is suspended energy.

The difference manifests in movements,
in timing,
in focus of concentration,
in emptiness,
in energy.

Now we could actually analyze these differences
from different points of view.
But what I’ve said here is probably the best point to start.

Not speed,
not sensitivity,
though those are important,
but defining how energy is actually used.
Because how energy is used
defines the other terms.
This concept is core.

This is not to discourage you from trying,
but to caution you,
and help you make the transition.

If you do your karate forms slowly,
and round out the edges of your motion,
you can get Tai Chi power.
Just take it easy when you begin.

If you do your Tai Chi forms fast,
you can find Karate power,
and pretty easily.
But you do have to adapt to a different mind set.

Explosive and slow
two sides to a coin,
two sides to the martial arts.
And there are many more sides that these concepts can lead to.

Here’s the link to the Five Army Tai Chi Chuan course.

Have a great work out!

Congrats to a New Martial Arts Master instructor!

How Master Instructor Knowledge in the Martial Arts Transcends Time and Language

Good morning!
Fantastic morning,
for I not only get to work out,
but there is

Congrats to
Garib De Kwaadsteniet

Hello Master Al

My name is Garib, I am a Bujinkan Taijutsu instructor from Amsterdam, as well as studying Matrixing thru the master Instructor course, and the Monkey boxing system with my Master Instructor, Will Sess. A lot of the finer points that you mention in the course, were subject in passing in my old system, without being explained the reason behind them, whereas just thru your solid and clear and concise explanations, the reason /concept or theory behind them became immediately obvious and a lot of the random data, as collected thru the various techniques, started to fall into place and made sense from a pragmatic point of view. What I have learned from matrixing is to look at every conceivable angle, to look for the universal truth/reality in any given motion, be it passive (evasive) or active (advance/attack/counter). By that i mean if it is a balanced, body natural motion which contains all the elements of the basic basics…in alignment. Technique over strength, mobility over forced movement, softness over hardness, working with the whole body (Taijutsu),… this way, just a minimum effort, is enough for maximum protective efficiency. Those are the elements i have taken from the master Instructor lessons, which makes my approach to movement now a whole lot more scientific based, than the randomly collected heap of techniques i was taught before. In other words, Matrixing is the art of getting to the heart of the matter, in a much shorter time than it would take with the traditional or common way of Instruction. I compare the matrix method to a compass, not only because of the directions (angles) but also because it gives me a starting point, a reference from where i can easily spot and connect the energy lines, in harmony with my opponents motions and intentions…
Thank you very much for this really compact and comprehensive block of Instruction on how to execute and transmit movement and energy, in alignment and under pressure, as well as making the theory behind them clear.
Garib De Kwaadsteniet

Thank you Garib,
and well done!
Your win is a very concise and excellent summation
of matrixing.

Garib was assisted by Master Instructor Will Sess,
and I believe he is non-English speaking,
which makes this win all the sweeter.
It proves that matrixing goes beyond language,
that it is a concise set of scientific principles
that transcend speech.

It is the way the universe works.

So thank you again,
well done for your hard work,
and thanks to your instructor
Will Sess.

Okay guys and gals,
wouldn’t becoming a Master Instructor be
the greatest HanaKwanMass present
you could ever give yourself?

Simply go here…

Do the course and submit your win,
and you have made it,
you have gotten that knowledge,
that martial artists from around the world,
and throughout time,
have wished to get…
You have gotten the ultimate knowledge of the martial arts
you have gotten the knowledge
that is on The Master Instructor Course!

Have a great work out


Revenge through the Martial Arts

Newsletter 786
Revenge…Martial Arts Style

Good Evening!
Feel tired after a long day’s work?
Go stand in the ready stance.
Don’t burst into motion,
just wait.
Let your body fall into the first move.
then the second.
Soon you will be working out full bore,
and feeling tremendous amounts of energy.
Just don’t push it…
let it happen.

Okey dokey!
I was talking with a fellow this past week end,
and an interesting subject came up.

I don’t know why.
We were just talking,
and then…revenge.

Now revenge is very over rated.
if you want revenge,
then you have already lost.
Already been beaten.
So get over it.

that said,
if you are the kind of fellow
who dwells obsessively
on all the things that people have done to you…
the best cure is hard work,
attention to details,
and dedicating yourself to the goal.
In this case,
the goal of revenge.
Of beating him.
Of teaching him a lesson.

And that brings us to an interesting saying.

‘Revenge is a dish best served cold.’

You probably heard it in a Steven Seagal movie,
‘Hard to Kill,’
I believe is the name.
The one where he goes through a seven year coma
only to wake up and kick ass,
and have revenge.

So this old saying an oriental saying and…
except it is not oriental.
Do a google,
and you’ll find it is French!

That’s right.
there is some argument
as to which novel it appeared in first.

it sounds oriental.
It sounds like them evil slant eyes
with their insidious plots,
said it.

I mean,
it even sounds sort of…zen!


But here is the trick,
it doesn’t really mean what you think it means.

Everybody think it means you take twenty years
craft a glorious payback,
and laugh evilly over the dying foe.

That’s downright silly.
It’s silly because
in 20 years a lot can happen.
The guy might die.
Your plan might fail.
You might evolve and realize that he was right to win,
and he isn’t such a bad guy.

But assuming he is a villain of Darth Vader’s stature…
why would you want him to enjoy himself for 20 years?
I mean,
get your revenge and get it while the getting is good!

So here is what the saying REALLY means.
Mind you,
this really is going to be zen.

Served cold refers to having a calm state of mind.

If you laugh maniacally
as he lays dying,
then you have become him.
You have become the evil.
And where is the enjoyment,
when the mind is fevered?
You aren’t enjoying,
you are giving in to your own base urges.
if you can have a calm mind,
then you have beaten him,
not just with your revenge,
but you have ‘out-evolved’ him.

don’t wait,
get your revenge as quick as you can,
but cool your mind down
so you can actually enjoy yourself.

Of course,
as for myself,
I think I would rather dedicate myself to training
before I lost,
before I ever needed a revenge.
Win the first time.
That’s the real key.

Have a great work out


here’s a course that will help you take control
of your hot to trot,
out of control mind.

Or you can get the whole package.

Congrats to a New Master Instructor!


Martial Arts Master Instructor Course

my apologies,
I should have announced Jim a few weeks ago,
but this durned Al’sheimers really gets me.

Congrats to Master Instructor Jim McElroy!

Dear Mr. Case
Something I want to say:
I’ve studied martial arts for many years (1977-) and never had them explained as clearly as your courses do. I cannot thank you enough for these courses. Sincerely Jim Elroy
Now with that said here I go:
Some Wins and realizations that i have gotten from your (Master Instructor) course:

sorry to say,
I can’t tell you the rest of Jim’s wins.
The reason is that he goes through the material,
point by point,
explaining exactly how it works,
and how he understands it.

This tells me that he really understood the material,
which means that he will be able to use it,
if I tell you the win then I will be giving you
the contents of the course.

we don’t want to do that!

But here’s the thing,
this is the only course in the world
that people read,
and understand the material
well enough to transform their martial art.
Just by reading!

it is simple stuff,
but it is not talked about commonly in the martial arts,
if it is spoken of,
then only in mystical terms
that reveal a fascination for what is being said,
but no understanding.

This is important,
this thing of mysticism vs understanding.

Three blind men came across an elephant.
One said, ‘it is like a wall!’
The second said, ‘it is like a little snake,’
the third said, ‘it like a fire hose with two big teeth!’

Each has a different viewpoint,
and they pass these viewpoints down
until everybody argues what the elephant is like.

Then you come across one yourself,
and you are not blind,
and you see how each blind man misunderstood,
and you are the only one that truly understands.

This is what matrixing does.
And it does it not by passing down my viewpoint,
but by giving you the actual physics of the martial arts.
Not the western world version of physics,
but the physics that takes into account
things like chi energy,
how the body is constructed for the martial arts,
and so on.

Things that people have rarely heard,
and then only in mystical terms.

my thanks to Master Instructor Jim Elroy.
Well done for that great win.
And my apologies for being so late in announcing you.

now the news,
the next book,
‘How to Matrix the Martial Arts
(and the universe and life and everything else),’
is almost ready to go.
I am actually working on the physical version,
just a couple of things to do,
and then it will be here.

for everybody…
it is fall.
Fall has fallen,
so have you picked an art to dedicate yourself to this winter?
Are you going to know a new art by Summer?

Think about it,
do it,
and let me know how it goes.

Have a great work out!