Tag Archives: karate

Zowie! Volume 2 of how to Fix Karate is out!

How to Fix Karate (Volume Two)!

Zowie! Volume 2 of how to Fix Karate is out!
The whole book is over 400 pages,
around a thousand graphics,
over 50,000 words.
So I had to cut it in two. Amazon has a lot of trouble
with a book that size.
And, the cost for a book that size becomes exorbitant.

volume one is at

And volume two is at…

I will be coming out with hard cover versions.

And thanks to all who have purchased volume one.
Any five star reviews would be appreciated.

let’s talk.

Got an email the other day,
and we were talking about force and flow.
And the concept of flow as more than just motion came up.

let me explain.
Flow is motion
force is no motion.
This is not quite right,
of course.
force is going to be when two flows collide
and create other motion.
But it all becomes martial pertinent when you say

‘If the force is greater flow it,
if the flow is greater force it.’

Then you can consider force as no motion,
but it is really the moment when flow changes.

But this is all complicated when you take the mind into account.
flow is motion
emotion is motion inside the head.
read that again.
Make sure you understand it.

The point is that you need to rid your head of emotion
if you want to perceive motion correctly.
Emotion can slant your perception of motion.

But now things get interesting.
The body is a motor.
It can have motion.
But the mind just sits in the head,
or thereabout,
and it can create emotion outside the body.
(Actually, it’s not the mind,
it is the spirit,
the mind is just a bunch of memory)

Let me explain.
Joe Blow gets emotion,
there’s all this anger running around inside his head.
With most humans the anger can get a little outside the head.
You can feel when somebody is angry.
It’s just…’in the air.’

But once somebody can control emotion,
he becomes more able to project emotion.
Mind you,
he doesn’t project willy nilly,
like a person out of control,
he projects with intention,
and you can fill the air with emotion.
You can stop people coming at you with emotion,
and you can control people with this kind of emotion.

When you are strong enough,
in control enough,
to project emotion,
it doesn’t feel like emotion.
It feels like…flow.

It is like an actual swirling in the air.

This is because it is not anger.
It is not out of control baby emotion,
it is full grown emotion moved around by…intention.
Your will.
Your desire to make things happen
on a much higher level
than normal people are aware of.

So this is what is in my mind
when I speak of force, flow, emotion, and that sort of thing.

If you practice karate
or other classical arts
long and hard enough,
this all becomes second nature.
of course,
will speed up your growth of these abilities.
It is just logical and makes sense,
and the concepts of the martial arts are easier to understand.

Here’s the links for the two volumes of
How to Fix Karate!

volume one is at

And volume two is at…



And don’t forget to check out the interview

I’ve got nothing but five star reviews on

The Science of Government.
It’s really nothing more than applying matrixing to politics.

Matrixing + Politics = Sanity

I told you matrixing works with anything.

Here’s the link…

Little Karate Thoughts…


Good morning!
It really is.
I don’t have a central theme today,
so just let me give you a couple of things
that I have been thinking about
in the recent past.

I first began to understand emptiness
when I realized that I had to relax totally,
being in one position,
then I had to be in another position.
I didn’t move from within the body,
I moved from without the body.
I realized this way back in Kenpo days (1967-68)

Who stops you.
Two people can stop you.
Either yourself,
or somebody else.
But for somebody else to stop you
you have to let them.

You do not move the hips
You move the legs,
and the legs move the hips.
This is the secret of ‘pulsing power.’
You push with the legs,
turn the hips,

When a sniper shoots
he relaxes,
and lets his breath out.
When the breath is totally gone,
everything will be still.
In that stillness
he should make the crook of the finger
the smallest thing in the universe.
This is the secret of the martial arts.

There is motion
easily seen,
there is emotion
easily felt.
The secret is to see the motion
and ignore the emotion.
To do this,
you must negate emotion within yourself.

Anybody who approaches you wants something.
When you approach somebody you want something.

let me give you a bigger slice of thought.
One of the most important things I ever read,
came out of a paper written on yoga (raja?)
back in the twenties.
The writer said a human being is encased in sheathes.
There is an emotional sheath.
There are cultural sheathes.
There are sheathes for beliefs,
for education and work and what people tell you…
and so on.
He mentioned several specific sheathes,
and I understood that these sheathes were the filters
through which I viewed the world.
I had understood something of the concept previously,
but this presentation was unique
made me look at the world differently,
and I started doing karate (and the martial arts)
with the idea of breaking sheathes,
of destroying those things which surrounded me
made me what I am
and imprisoned me.
I found this paper on Gutenburg,
but I sure don’t remember anything more about it.

Here’s the obligatory ad…

Matrix Kenjutsu

Matrixing Kenjutsu

When you fill the space around you with weapon,
you extend your awareness into that space
and become a bigger person.

A thanks to Kumar this newsletter.
Thanks for your help.
I’ll try not to be such a slackard after this.



And don’t forget to check out the interview

I’ve got nothing but five star reviews on

The Science of Government.
It’s really nothing more than applying matrixing to politics.

Matrixing + Politics = Sanity

I told you matrixing works with anything.

Here’s the link…

The Tale of the Karate Book

Writing a Book on Karate!

Good morning!
Yes, I’m still here,
and my thanks to those fellows who have written me
and told me to get off my butt.
Kumar, Jerome, Michael,
you know who you are.
Thumbs up!

let me tell you what is happening and why.
And, before I start,
I’m going to be talking about
‘The Book!’
And if you’re not interested,
or wanted me to go heavy duty
on the art,
self defense,
that’s next time.

This time I’ll tell you what my problem is

I’ve studied martial arts for over 50 years,
I’ve written probably a hundred books and training manuals,
thousands of articles,
been a professional writer,
so I know my way around a keyboard.
But this book…
this book has been a bugger.
And the problem is simple,
I’m trying to put too much in it.

I want to cover karate like it has never been covered.
That’s my base art,
and I want to leave it in better shape than I found it.

I want to show some advanced matrixing.
I want to show where karate can go,
and in the simplest fashion.

I want to fix karate,
and that means pointing out some serious problems with the art,
and show how to fix them.

I’m not focusing on matrixing,
except by the way.

Right now,
the book is about 300 pages and counting.
it has been a true mess to figure out.

I get an idea,
I write it.
I write about as fast as I can talk,
books are usually done within three or four days,
and I’m off on another project.
The books I write are quick and easy and very logical.

Karate is not logical,
so it is like I am untangling this MASSIVE knot,
and retying it.

I have had a terrible time with formatting.
I am trying to write the book so it can be understood on the paper page,
but I want to format the thing differently.
For instance,
I write the forms on the left page
and the techniques on the right.
I don’t do the form,
then show the techniques,
I show the techniques along side the form,
and this makes perfect sense
if you are scrolling on a computer.

But creating in this fashion
and for the paper page, too,
has been REALLY messy.
300 pages
and I’ve reformatted it 4 times,
and rewritten it probably six.

I NEVER rewrite.
And now I am stuck in it.

not to bore you,
but that’s what I’ve been doing.

The good news is I actually called on a reader
Ted V,
and he has proven to be a good editor.

Think about it,
the guy was able to tell the arrogant Al Case
that his work is a mess
and I better get back to the drawing board.
I thank him,
and serve warning that it’s coming.

I won’t bore you anymore
with the trials and tribulations of writing
except to say one thing.

I decided,
and this was a conscious decision I made over 50 years ago
to practice two arts this lifetime.
One is karate,
for the external.
One is writing,
for the internal.
A very yin and yang balance.
And they compliment each other wonderful.
I always tell people they should have two arts in their lives.

So if you have a physical job you love,
pick up painting or sculpting or poetry or something.

And if you have a mental job
pick up karate, yoga, dance, whatever.

Seek balance.

my apologies for yakking on about
‘The Book.’
It will get done,
I seem to have the formatting fixed,
and my writing is taking on the normal flow again,
and I am hoping this project
becomes the most intense
and thorough examination of karate ever written.
Thanks for being patient,
and have a great work out!


And don’t forget to check out the interview

I’ve got nothing but five star reviews on

The Science of Government.
It’s really nothing more than applying matrixing to politics.

Matrixing + Politics = Sanity

I told you matrixing works with anything.

Here’s the link…

Self Awareness in the Martial Arts

Building Self Awareness in the Martial Arts

I am speaking of the classical martial arts.
some types of Karate,
some types of kung fu
tai chi…
that sort of thing.

I am not speaking of MMA
and the various arts
that fall under that umbrella.

there is sport
and there is art.

Sports are when you try to beat somebody
Art is when you try to discipline yourself.
Huge difference there.

Trying to beat somebody doesn’t make you wise
Disciplining yourself makes you wise.

I’ll be in your face with this,
if you don’t understand the difference,
why this is so,
then you’re just going to be pissed off at me if you’re into the sports
And you’ll be a parrot supporting your art if you are classical.

here it is…
what is the difference?

This universe consists of motion.
Objects fly through space.
Go on,
think about it.

cosmic forces impinge on a planet,
a planet forms.
Gravity and such causes compression,
rocks heat up,
heat rises to the surface
a volcano blows up
people run for their lives.
Living in this world
is like living on a game board.

on this game board we call earth
there are humans
and humans have choices
and can even affect the game board.
They can move away from the volcano.
They can dodge meteorites.
They can step out of the way of cars.
Or they can get into the cars and drive through crowds.

All there is in life
is the analyses of the flow of objects

So how do you analyze the flow of objects?
In boxing you hit the bag
and there are drills for bobbing and weaving.
But the point isn’t to analyze the flow of objects.
The intent is to make the body strong
and to create knee jerk reactions.
this is good,
but it does not build the awareness
that will turn into wisdom.

You won’t get wise by being punched,
otherwise we could make Mozarts with clubs.

You won’t get wise unless you pursue awareness.

we come to the martial arts,
and the point I am trying to make here.
Some martial arts,
many martial arts
have gone the way of boxing.
Boxing works,
after all.
Even though it doesn’t breed wisdom,
or elevate one’s awareness and self awareness.

In the classical martial arts,
the real ones that haven’t fallen to knee jerk training methods,
there is a pursuit of awareness.
There are drills that cause one to become more aware
and more self aware.
Smarter and wiser.

boxing works,
and it can be used to beat people up pretty ruthlessly,
but what good is the ability to beat people up
if you keep walking into the traffic?

let’s delve into this subject of awareness in the martial arts.

There are four methods for enlightenment.

martial arts

One can study scripture
and eventually figure out wisdom.
Very intelligent approach,
but not useful for self defense,
but…enough wisdom and one can see a fight coming
and avoid it.

One can study yoga,
which exercises the body
and holds on still long enough
that he might see the motion within his body
and that tends to bleed over to seeing the motion
outside one’s body.
and hopefully the yoga will see the fight coming
and avoid it.

One can deny the existence of the universe
as a fakir does
until he sees himself
and becomes aware of himself.
Sort of a crazy method,
but it works.
But it is difficult to get punched in the face
and say it didn’t happen.

And then there are the martial arts,
which I will describe in a second,
after I have made a brief summation
of the other three methods for pursuing enlightenment.

A scripturalist
learns ABOUT the motion of the universe
until he becomes aware of potential consequences,
and in this method he is enlightened,
which is to say
he is made self aware.

A yoga
looks at the universe inside his body
until he can see the similarities of motion
between the universe of his body
and the game board universe in which he lives.

A fakir says nothing exists
denying the universe
until he figures out that he is all that exists.

A martial artist
studies the flow of fists
until he understands that the universe
is nothing but the flow of objects.
He becomes aware that he cannot see the flow of objects
unless he looks at them,
and he can’t look at them,
unless he looks at himself.
Self awareness.

Of the four methods
the martial arts are the best and the surest.
This is because
reality impinges if he doesn’t look.

How many times have you heard something like this…

‘He tagged you,
better open your eyes.’

Yet most martial arts
have put aside the drills that open the eyes,
and gone the way of such as boxing
with their emphasis on knee jerk reactions.

A knee jerk reaction is a jerk of the body to a threat.
It is not self awareness.
And you have instructors touting muscle memory,
instead of teaching people to ‘open their eye,’
or attain self-awarenes.

And there is just enough truth in muscle memory,
that people think there is more.

You are walking through a dark house
a tap on the shoulder
and you turn around and smack the guy.
Except the guy happened to be your granny
offering you a fresh baked cookie.
That is muscle memory.

You are walking through a dark house
a tap on the shoulder
and you turn and hug your granny,
or smack the guy with the club,
because that is not muscle memory.
That is awareness.

Looking at the flow of objects
on the game board of this universe,
Now analyze force and direction
until you are aware of force and direction
to the point at which you becomes enlightened.
Self aware

if you are still with me,
I have one more point to make.
There are degrees of self awareness,
and these degrees can be arranged in a scale.

A baby walks into walls, falls down.
He isn’t aware of his body much at all.
He/she might be fantastically aware of themselves,
but as the game board of the universe impinges on them
hits them on the nose with enough walls,
awareness of self falls to awareness of hard objects that flow.

A teenager is aware of his body
but not of himself.
He/she is usually out of control
(unless they have VERY enlightened parents)
and deliberately runs into the walls of the universe.

A fellow who has started the martial arts
has taken a step towards self control.
And this is a discipline
and a step towards self awareness.
the state of the martial arts,
the obsession with hitting people for fun
keeps them in a very low state of self awareness

A black belt…in a GOOD art,
an art that is logical and based on physics,
has a greater degree of self control.
He has awareness of himself,
but not to any great degree.
He is a baby in a new universe.
The key here is this:
while there is an art to destruction
the true art lays in control.

A fellow who has mastered a true art,
one based on physics and with the precept just mentioned
is aware of himself to a great degree.
He is somewhat enlightened.
But he is like a teenager in a new universe.

How do you become totally enlightened?
Totally self-aware?
Don’t give in to the games of the universe.
Don’t teach to dominate.
Don’t play politics.
Do study other arts,
and study fields outside the arts
with the intent of developing self awareness within those fields.
Most of all…
teach with the idea of helping others.

And here is the fun fact…
there is no end to developing self awareness,
and that is the True Art.

time for the obligatory ad.
If you do the one simple exercise in the Matrix Karate course
you will be close to, and might even attain, enlightenment.
That is because it puts the observation of the flow of the objects (fists) of the universe
to logic.
That which is logical is ten times easier to learn
ten times faster to absorb.
But here is the cruel trick.
Most people read the drill,
it is called
‘The Matrix of Blocks,’
and they say,
‘Oh, I’ve done all those blocks.
So I don’t need to.
I understand what he’s saying,
and it’s enough that I’ve read it.’

I am close to saying a dirty word here.
That’s like saying
‘I’ve been in a car,
so I don’t need to know how it works.’
and this is a good one,
‘I’ve seen water,
so I don’t have to take a bath.’

Stupid, eh?
So you have to get the course,

Knowing about it is not enough.
Having a surface knowledge of the basics isn’t enough.
You have to experience the blocks
and how they work together
in the Matrix of Blocks.
Just a few times through,
until you can do them as easy as you count from one to ten,
and then you’ll have it.
But please…
don’t read about it and think you know it.
Don’t be a paper tiger.
Be the real thing.


my HanaKwanMass present to you,
If you order the Matrix Karate course,
you may order any other course you wish,
of comparable value.

That’s the Master Instructor course,
the Matrix Aikido course,
the Shaolin Butterfly
or whatever.

To be specific,
any course that’s $40 or less.

Just make your order,
and write me and tell me what course you would like
and I’ll send you the download link.
email me at aganzul@gmail.com
Write me if you have questions.

And have a great work out!


And don’t forget to check out the interview

I’ve got nothing but five star reviews on

The Science of Government.
It’s really nothing more than applying matrixing to politics.

Matrixing + Politics = Sanity

I told you matrixing works with anything.

Here’s the link…

13 Reasons People Degrade the Martial Arts

Why people speak ill of the martial arts

You survived Thanksgiving!
And now it’s almost time for Christmas,
or as I call it,
Happy HanaKwanMass!

Okay, let’s talk about people who degrade the martial arts.
I’m not talking about people outside the martial arts,
we all know they are idiots,
talking about something they know nothing about.
I’m talking about people inside the martial arts.
People who say things like,
or hold the opinion that…
My art is better than your art.
That art sucks cause it wouldn’t work in the ring.
of course,
the dreaded…

So I was just sitting around
and popped out 13 quick reasons
why these people say bad things about the arts,
or other martial arts.
Here they are:

people who have not studied it completely
people who have not been able to make it work
people who received inadequate training
people who received an incorrect form of the art
people listen to other people and aren’t able to think critically about what they hear
people of low character (negative people)
people who have been trained/influenced by negative people
people who think you have to beat somebody up (joy of combat)
people who have studied a little and think they know something
people who have a need to be ‘the’ authority
people who practice putting other people down to make themselves ‘bigger’
people who are general malcontents (disgruntled)
people who are ignorant and can’t think

Of course,
some of these reasons overlap,
and there are doubtless more reasons,
but they boil down to one basic thing.

People who speak ill
of others, of other arts,
are ignorant.
Go on,
read the list again
and you will find that common denominator.
Haven’t been trained enough so they ignorant…
haven’t gotten a true version of the art so they are ignorant…
can’t make it work so they are definitely ignorant.

what do you do about ignorant people?
What’s that old saying?
You can’t live with them but you can’t kill them.

So the choices you have are two,
and only two.

if they can be educated
you can educate them.
Sit down, talk with them,
show them where they are wrong.
This one,
quite honestly,
doesn’t work.

you are talking to somebody who is so ignorant
they are holding on to their ignorance like it was a banner.
Here’s the thinking behind that:

I’m right and if you try to educate me
then you are attacking my rightness and I will kill you.

Go on,
read that again.

If you try to smarten me I’ll hurt you.

That’s a mantra for idiots,
and yet it is prevalent in the world.
It is probably,
if you think about it,
political rule number one.
But don’t get me started on government.

the first solution,
while it is the preferred,
is only rarely able to be applied.
And that leaves us with rule number two.

I’m going to speak French here,
just to let the easily offended know,
so they can plug up their ears.

my personal solution,
the way I get through life while surrounded by idiots is

Stay away from assholes.

There it is,
I think this is the first time in over a thousand newsletters
that I have used bad language.

But we can transcribe that to English…


if you rub elbows with idiots,
with the truly ignorant,
you risk getting their ignorance all over you.
You will get involved in all sorts of unpleasantness
as they hang on to their ignorant ‘rightness’
and try to hurt you.

why do I speak of this here?

because people should learn how to survive
the stupidity of this world.
there might be an ignorant person reading this.
Right now.
And I am really hoping
that they scratch their head,
wonder if I could actually be talking about them,
and perhaps even start the arduous journey
to the land of critical thinking.

obligatory ad here,
close your eyes and go nah nah nah
while reading…

it’s HanaKwanMass
everybody deserves a present,
so here’s my present to you…

Purchase the download version of
Rolling Fists

4ac Rolling Fists

I will give you
absolutely free
the Blinding Steel course.

4a Blinding Steel (Matrixing Weapons)

Just buy one,
email me at aganzul@gmail.com
and tell me you want the rolling fists/blinding steel deal.

I will then email you the link for the second course.

Easy peasy.
And there you go…

And have a great work out!

And don’t forget to check out the interview

I’ve got nothing but five star reviews on

The Science of Government.
It’s really nothing more than applying matrixing to politics.

Matrixing + Politics = Sanity

I told you matrixing works with anything.

Here’s the link…

What is ‘Fake Karate?’

One Thing Wrong with Karate…

Good morning!

One of the main things wrong
with karate today
is bunkai.

It’s funny,
I have heard people who believe in
the more combative methods,
talk about how worthless Bunkai are.

I have seen a LOT of schools that don’t even practice bunkai.
so people don’t practice making karate work,
as a result,
they don’t know how to make it work.

when I was training we didn’t call the form applications ‘bunkai.’
We called them ‘Promise Fights.’
It was the ‘promise’ of a fight.
as time went on,
it was more.
It was the postulate of a fight.
A postulate is an idea.
If you practice promising enough,
the idea works.
It is that simple,
and that complex.

many of the applications are worthless,
they are either dancers or posers.

they don’t fit the form.
But the forms have been really screwed up,
so that is understandable.

when we did the form applications,
or ‘Promise fights,’
as we called them,
we had 1/3 to 1/2 of the class time to do them.
We would face each and get ready,
we stepped forward with an attack,
and the defender did his promise fight.
Class after class,
year after year,
and a strange thing happened.

Because it was the same every time
we began to see where a body would move
before it would move.
We weren’t fighting,
we were looking,
and we would suddenly see the dip of the shoulder,
the turn of the foot,
the glaze of the idea,
and we knew what was coming,
before it was even launched.

So damned simple and workable,
yet it has,
in many schools,
been put aside.
And even if bunkai are practiced,
they don’t make sense,
they don’t fit the form,
they dance and they pose.

Our applications were VERY workable.
No posers,
no dancers.
They looked like the forms,
but they were VERY functional in combat.

I’ve talked about how the upper students
could actually make them work in freestyle.

And people have given up doing applications
across the arts.
It is easier to have a fellow punch a bag,
than think about the turn of the hip,
or the wrist,
year after year.

The sad truth is that most people
think that karate,
and other martial arts,
are all about fighting.

May I coin a phrase?
If people think that,
they are not doing karate,
they are doing…
‘fake karate.’

And here’s an interesting little item,
the people who say,
‘my art is better than yours,’
are manifesting a fight,
and they are guilty of…
‘fake karate.’

believe me,
Fake Karate is every bit as bad as fake news.

just to let you know,
I’m working on a book,
and it’s a big one.
Might even come in two parts.
But it is proving…difficult.
when I write a book
I sit down and write it,
takes maybe a week or two.
But this one is just beating me up.
I have rewritten it,
broken it into pieces,
recombined it,
and it is just being stubborn.
my apologies for making you wait,
you might want to make sure
your matrix karate is ready for when this is released.
You are really going to need
to have your art down,
because this is going to expand it.

The book is about what happened to karate,
and i am specifically speaking of the applications.
The bunkai, if you will.
Full of history,
full of applications,
full of matrixing.

I’ll keep working on it,
but you should look into either

Matrix Karate
The Master Instructor Course

In fact,
I really shouldn’t do this.
there’s no reason to,
except that I’m a nice guy…

Buy one and I’ll give you the other.
Just buy one,
then email me at: aganzul@gmail.com
and I’ll send you both courses.

This is good until October 31st.
Happy Halloween!

Now, have a great work out!

And don’t forget to check out the interview

I’m always pushing my novels,
did you know I write other stuff?
If you want to know the truth about government,
why we have riots and why idiots keep getting into office,
why the government seems to do the exact wrong thing
almost ALL the time…
then check out:


1a Matrix Karate

1d Master Instructor Course

The Essence of Bruce Lee’s Jeet Kune

Newsletter 1028
The Essence of Bruce Lee’s Jeet Kune Do

I wrote
a couple of newsletters ago
about the essence of Bruce Lee’s Art,
Jeet Kune Do.

Let me expand just a bit on that.
Bruce was concerned with the initial point of contact,
the entry into the fight.
So he figured out that there were five places
where you could ‘attack an attack.’
And that one concept
really sums up
The Way of the Intercepting Fist,

You can interrupt an attack before it starts,
you can stop an attack on the way in.
You can attack and attack at the point of contact.
You can attack when the attacker is on the way out.
You can beat an attacker after the attack.

Obviously, each one of these points
has certain considerations.
Number five, for instance,
attack after it is over.
That’s like saying start anew,
but i fully understand Bruce putting it
with the five points of attack.

his attack could be summed up
with three steps,
kicking, punching and kneeing/elbowing.
So his basic drill was
punching the pads on the way in
and closing for the knee elbow.

Now this is simplicity,
and it is genius for its simplicity.

So where do I differ from him?
I analyzed lots of arts like he did,
but I decided the essence of the martial arts
was not to obsess on attacking.
you have to throw the punch
or do the throw,
but you should see it coming
before it happens.

This idea,
seeing something before it happens,
was a product of the karate style I studied.
It’s very zen.
I often wonder
if Bruce had studied Karate,
I mean in a ritualistic setting,
he would have come up with similar idea.

But the point is this,
I decided that the time to handle the attack
is when it reaches a certain physical point,
and that point would be when it enters ‘slapping’ range.

I structured Monkey Boxing around this idea.
Don’t charge in a fight,
rely on the sla[ping distance.

Part of it was that I’m 6 foot and 200 pounds,
so I encountered smaller guys
who were faster.
When I stopped trying to get them,
and relaxed and waited for them,
then I started winning.
I was no longer the big ‘sitting duck,’
but a guy who’s punches they ran into.

there are many different ways
of looking at this matter of fighting.
Bruce isn’t right or wrong,
neither am I.
We’re just people with strategies,
and preferred methods.
And the real point is that you
have to look into each art
and play with the techniques
until you understand the concepts,
then put what works for you together.

The martial arts are not a set in stone methodology.
They are a changing, adapting tactic.

obligatory ad…

4a Blinding Steel (Matrixing Weapons)

My method.
amongst all my other studies and methods.
It sets you up for weapons, hands and feet and takedowns.
Check it out.

one last thing…
I get wins from people all the time,
and ometimes I like to share them,
hope somebody else’s wins
can inspire oyu.
So here is Justin Harris…

I just had a hell of a workout with my Matrix Karate forms plus House 1, House 2, and Moon form. The interesting thing about a matrixed form is how well it stays in memory. I hadn’t practiced these in a while but I busted em out today and let me tell you they are so natural and intuitive, they just flowed right out of me. I can’t remember many classical forms I learned years ago. But the interesting thing is that the logic of a matrixed and organized form sticks in the mind and body better than random stuff. Not saying classical forms are bad, I do quite a few of them sometimes but logic and a clear sense of how to make the art True makes things so much easier.

Many thanks!

Sifu Justin Harris
Dragon Palm Tai Chi and Kung Fu

Thanks, Justin,
I appreciate the kind words,
and I love it when Matrixing works for people.

have a great work out!

And don’t forget to check out the interview

I’m always pushing my novels,
did you know I write other stuff?
If you want to know the truth about government,
you will find some startling matrixing going on in


The True Path of the Martial Arts

The True Path of the Martial Arts

In the next couple of months
I’m going to be rewriting the website.
There are a lot of reasons for this.
I basically built Monster Martial Arts
as I progressed as a person.
This resulted in a specific path.
A True Way.
A method that works,
ties all the martial arts together,
and gets the student there FAST.

I was just plugging in stuff as I did it.
No rhyme or reason,
just putting it up
and moving along
as fast as I could.

The result is that Monster,
while enlightening,
doesn’t present the path as I envision it.
So I’m going to fix that.
Following is a graphic that I will use
to restructure the website,
and present the art in the correct order.

the way this works is simple.
The boxes on the left side
are the arts in order.

The boxes in the middle are the courses
specific to the arts.

you would simply do the arts
as I have listed them in the middle boxes.

The box on the right
are supplementary materials.
I will be drawing on those as I see fit,
as they fit into the line up of arts and courses.

there is much room for jiggling and joggling.
For instance,
just to name one specific,
which should come first?
Tai Chi or Monkey Boxing.

Monkey Boxing would be the first.
But culturally,
Tai Chi should come first.
So I chose my order of arts,
but that doesn’t mean you are bound by it.

what about weapons?
it is at the end,
but we all know that weapons
can be plugged in anywhere.

So you can do the arts in any order you wish.
Although I always recommend Matrixing first,
as that is the core of the logic,
of the science,
of the martial arts.

that is what I am working on,
and I will keep you posted,
and even set up a dummy site first,
and invite you to go through it
and offer comments and criticisms as you wish.

I know I’m not giving you
the secrets of the universe this time,
although one could say that offering
a completely sane pathway for the martial arts
IS a secret of the universe,
but stay tuned.
The pearls are coming
so don’t be swine.

that said,
here’s a little fourth of July gift for you.


I wrote this back in 2002,
and I put it on almost every course,
and it has even been pirated
and put on the internet,
and I never bothered invoking copyright
because it is so valuable.
The definitions illustrate matrixing,
and highlight the real science of the martial arts.

obligatory ad…
Got an injury?
Want to get more flexible?
Try this…

4b Yogata (The Yoga Kata)

have some great fire works and…

Have a great work out!

And don’t forget to check out the interview

Have you checked out my novel?

The Real Martial Arts Secret of the Universe!

Newsletter 1016

A Bit of Effective eMartial Arts Philosophy

What a day!
I just saw a duck walk past
with seven ducklings behind her.

Okay, a real secret of the universe today.
Not one of those shabby, second rate secrets,
but the real goods.
Let’s set the stage…

What is the universe?
A bunch of objects floating through space.

Not much of a secret, eh?
Until you consider what this means to the martial arts.

A fist floats through space
it is aiming for your jaw.
two things may happen,
and only two.

The fist connects,
or it misses.
And there is the secret.
You don’t see it?
Here we go.

If the fist connects it is force.
If the fist misses it is flow.

And that’s ALL there is.
A guy connects with you,
or misses.

Force bad if his fist hits you.
Force good if your fist hits him.
Sort of.

Flow good if fist misses.
Flow bad if it wasn’t a fist,
but a beautiful girl
that was trying to ‘connect’ with you.

I know
thats too simple to be a real secret.
Let’s go further.

Without force the universe stagnates and dies.
no punching,
but also no sex.
No resultant familes.
No civilization.
We’re all alone,
man IS an island,
and that’s all she wrote, brother.

So the universe needs force to survive.
here is the problem,
and this is starting to become secretive,
or at least,
you’ve probably never heard this…

The universe teaches force.

It’s got to to survive.
And the real problem here
is not that the universe teaches force,
it is that man buys it.

man never buys flow.
He has been trained not to.
The universe won’t reproduce
and give him all those nifty things
like cars and buildings and TVs and so on,
if he doesn’t buy force.

Which means,
anybody who buys into force too much
is only living half a life.
He is only living the force part.
The force part gives him
and so on.

The flow part gives him something else.
But to understand this
we must understand the benefit of flow.

Here’s some stuff to think about.
If you go away from something…it’s gone.
If you go towards something there will be impact,
with good and bad potentials,
and resulting vectors and new shapes and forms
and so on.

But if you go WITH something…
if you flow with them,
not colliding,
but encouraging harmony…there’s the other half of the universe.

there is art
and beauty
and love
and children playing in the fields.

I hope this train of thought has encouraged
a realization or two,
and thus qualifies as a good secret.

Let’s go one step further.

The incredibly sad truth
is that a person can’t really understand truth and beauty
until he understands rot and ugliness.

in the martial arts,
if you don’t learn how to maim and kill,
dismember and rip body parts off…
you won’t understand this thing called ‘Flow,’
and truth and beauty and all that sort of thing.

this is going to sound like a fortune cookie,
or a bumper sticker…

“You can’t learn the soft arts
unless you have learned the hard arts.”

This is a tremendous statement
with incredible ramifications,
and I know I have said it before.

you must have yang to learn yin.

the actual place I learned the concept,
to help me describe what I was understanding
through the discipline of arts
was in The Tao.

Something about…
‘there is no high without low.
There is no forward without backward.’

this is sort of basic Neutronics,
for anybody who is interested,
but let me give you
the obligatory advertisement.

Check out the video
halfway down the page here…

2c Five Army Tai Chi Chuan

I wouldn’t have understood all these things
about jointlocks and pressure points
and balance and how the body works
if i hadn’t dabbled in the softer arts.

let me tell you, brother,
these things are incredibly functional
if you have the hard to understand them.

the conclusion…

The universe teaches force.
Humanity teaches flow.
You have a wonderful choice and opportunity here.
Have a GREAT work out!


2c Five Army Tai Chi Chuan

My novel, Monkeyland, is worth the read.
Check out the five star reviews on Amazon.

Justin Earns 4th Black Belt!

Newsletter 1003

A New Fourth Black Belt!

Happy Covid!
Hope you’re enjoying your vacation,
and that all is well with your friends and families.

Haven’t been writing much lately,
well I have,
actually I’ve been writing 8 hours a day,
but it’s been in other fields.
I need to make some money.

That lame excuse out in the universe,
let me say…

Justin just earned his black in Shaolin Butterfly,
which, with the other arts he has studied
earns him a fourth degree black belt.


Now that’s a guy who takes advantage of the Corona crisis!

Since I haven’t been writing much lately,
you can always catch up on old writings.
the inexpensive way,
just go to
and start reading the blog.
There’s probably
a 1000 blogs there.

if you want to go a bit more in depth,
I compiled all my articles in a ten book series.
The Biggest Martial Arts Lesson

That’s a lot of articles,
near a thousand,
and they cover EVERYTHING!
you could just start ordering courses,
stop reading about and start experiencing.

You know,
I came across an interesting question today.
It was something to do with how many defenses you need
to really protect yourself
I started to chuckle,
cause the guy had it backwards.
You don’t worry about how many things you can do,
you just worry about what he is going to do.
If you are worried about what you will do
you are introverting,
and not looking out,
to where the danger is.
So look outwards
and learn to analyze strikes.

Do you know how many punches there are?
That’s all.
So let me cover this in more or less logical (matrixed) fashion.

There are two punches left and right
There are two types of punches straight and circular
There are two modes of punches snap and thrust

When you matrix these, and toss out things that don’t work (you don’t snap a circular punch, for instance) You end up with six possible strikes. Of course they could sail in fron odd directions, but still, only six…

left straight snap
left straight thrust
left circular
right straight snap
right straight thrust
right circular

first, watch for the kick.
No danger from punches or other strikes,
maybe from weapons,
but you will usually see if there is a weapon pretty quick.

Second, as you step in
the kick gets jammed,
easy to handle with a retreat or a turned hip, etc.
Now you have to worry about the punch,
but worry introverts,
so you just watch him.
I know some people say you have to train
for punches from the rear,
but as soon as you turn to him he is in the front,
so front training is where the punch is coming from.

Watch his feet to see if he is angling for a punch
watch his shoulders to see if he is loading
sidestep slowly,
always being ready,
and always moving so he can’t quite fix on you.

don’t worry about knees and elbows,
he has to close to use those,
and that is so obvious it is ridiculous.

And there it is.
Fighting is easy,
reading an opponent is easy.

Of course,
it all means nothing
if you don’t spend some time
hitting things so you can feel what it feels like
practicing forms so your body is in top top shape,
and just training like your life depends on it
darn it,
it does.

that is sort of how you apply simple logic (matrixing) to fighting.

obligatory ad,
you really should look into my courses,
because they are all like this,
simple and thorough,
realistic and fun.

That all said,
don’t worry about the Covid crisis,
because worrying is introverting
and life is out there.
train hard and strengthen the immune system,
best medical advice I can give you.

Sensei Case

Have a great work out!


Here is ‘The Last Martial Arts Book,’
Best one I have ever written,

Nine Square Diagram Boxing