Tag Archives: kung fu

One Terrorist, One Bomb, One Martial Artist!

The Martial Arts Question of a Terrorist!

I get tired of hearing about school bullies, secret fighting techniques, and which martial art is best, especially when the real problem is one terrorist, one bomb, and you’ve only got time for one martial arts technique!

You step onto an elevator in Trump Tower, there’s one person in the corner, but, in this ‘eyes down’ society you ignore him and lift your hand to press the button for the fourth floor.

The button is already lit up. Huh! The other guy is going to the fourth floor, too. The fourth floor is a family planning clinic, and your eyes inadvertently flicker up.

He’s wearing a long, dark coat, it is open, you can see rows of dynamite sticks! And he’s trying to plug in a dead man’s switch!

You mutter the F-bomb here!

He’s going to kill expectant mothers! Innocent children! Insert another F-bomb!

You have got less than three seconds before he’s armed. Three seconds in which to disarm him and save half a hundred morning families. Three seconds in which to make sure he doesn’t plug in the switch, render him helpless and save the world!

Here’s the question: WHAT TECHNIQUE WILL YOU USE!

Now, while you’re blinking, maybe uttering an F-bomb of your own for this writer, and your mind is wildly trying to come to grips with this scenario, let me throw a few parameters in here, lay out some ground rules, and play a very serious devil’s advocate.

If you punch him in the head, you might break your hand. Skulls are hard, boxer’s wear gloves for this reason, and one punch actually isn’t a very sure thing for a knock out. Watch a boxing match, or any good MMA tournament, and you will see hundreds of punches thrown, and very few knock outs.

If you grapple, try a single leg takedown and wrestle him to submission, you are taking a big chance. He might not care if you break something as long as he gets that switch plugged in, and a single leg takedown will leave his hands free. Besides, do you really want to get in a wrestling match with a guy wearing 20 sticks of dynamite?

The coat is open, which leaves certain targets open, and certain targets closed.

He is the same height and weight as you. Slightly bigger if you are a lady.

Within one second he will notice that you’ve noticed him. Two seconds he is plugged in. Three seconds and…BOOM!

So, one second to thoroughly assess a situation, at the end of that second you have to know what technique you are going to do. And I don’t care what martial art you study, this is not a ‘my art is best’ question, it is a ‘what are you going to do when the world is about to end’ question.

So, you’ve got one second. Pick your technique and explain it in the comments, or…BOOM!

About the Author: Al Case, 8th degree black belt with over 50 years experience, has written/produced over 100 books/video courses on the martial arts. You can find out the fastest, best, most efficient method for earning a black belt click on the Matrix Karate box at his website, http://monstermartialarts.com.

Why You Have To Study Lots of Martial Arts

Newsletter 929

I Really Want to Kill Someone with Just One Strike!

I get this every once in a while,
somebody wants to find the ‘magic technique,’
the technique that works for everything.
Somebody wants to study just one thing
and be able to kill anybody with it.

I am not going to teach you how to spell comic book,
and for a simple reason,
there actually is a technique,
a perfect technique,
that will do this.
not to be mystical,
or obfuscate,
it is the last move at the end of Seisan.
Go ahead,
find it,
see what it does,
figure it out,
and practice just that one technique.

that having been said,
I want to describe the philosophy behind
why you have to learn a whole martial art,
spend years studying,
instead of just buying a gun.

let’s consider celestial navigation.
You want to take your rocket ship to Arcturus.
You blast off,
you’re sailing away,
but…where is that durned star?
You’re confused by the time you reach Jupiter.
There’s the big dipper,
bunch of stars over there,
and the seven sisters,

Wish you had a map, eh?

let’s compare that to taking somebody DOWN!
You punch for the throat,
except he’s punching too,
so you shift, and he misses, but you miss.
But his arm is there,
so you go for an elbow roll,
except he’s twisting in response,
but your foot is…

Do you get the idea?
The same as going for a star without a map,
there is amazing confusion in a fight.
So you have to make a map.
You have to make it with your experience.

You punch,
he strikes,
but you’ve studied slipping in JKD,
the elbow roll comes,
he shifts,
but you know about shifting from Tai Chi.
he strikes,
but you know about dropping an elbow from karate,
and you finally strike him in the throat,
AND…manipulate him,
AND…take him down.

the analogy may not be quite clear,
so let me elucidate.
You find arcturus by your knowledge of what and where the other stars are.
you achieve your takedown by navigating a map of the human body,
by knowing where the joints are and how they turn,
by understanding leverage,
by subtle shifts of anatomy,
his and yours,
and you navigate to the final strike and takedown.

So when you study a whole art,
instead of buying a gun,
or searching for that mystical one finger technique
that reverse spirals the energy
so that the chakra explodes
in the fourth lumbar…
what you are doing is studying
a method for navigating the body.
No star will confuse you,
no motion or joint will confuse,
and you will find your way to…
better health,
understanding that common folk don’t have,
and the certainty that martial arts bring.

So, the best map for understanding the body,
because it can be applied to ANY martial Art!
The Master Instructor Course.
You learn how the body works.
You learn how techniques work.
You can make any art work,
any technique work,
you understand forms better,
and…and it just gets better.

Here be da link!

Have a great work out!

Here’s the link for the ‘One Terrorist, one bomb, one martial arts technique… http://www.sooperarticles.com/sports-articles/martial-arts-articles/one-terrorist-one-bomb-one-martial-artist-1657952.html


On Naming your Very Own Martial Art

Newsletter 927

Picking a Name for Your Martial Art

One time I was down at the offices of CFW,
which published the Inside Karate mag,
which I wrote articles and a column for.
One of the guys,
in charge of video,
suddenly called to me.
‘Hey, Al! Got something to show you!’
I went into the video room and he put on a tape.
The tape was a half hour long,
but within a few seconds I knew what it was.
The guy on the tape was a perfect Bruce Lee imitation.
He swooped wooped,
he swung the nunchucks
as Bruce had swing them in his movies.
Move for move.
He spoke lines from the movies,
and it was eery,
it was almost as if he WAS Bruce!

of course,
he was just a copy cat,
a guy without much of a life,
a guy who didn’t know who he was,
so mimicked others.

That leads us into this weeks subject…
I am very big on people creating their own martial arts.
There is a simple reason for this.
If you just learn what has gone before,
then you are only a copy cat.
But when you create your own art,
when you alter the moves to fit your frame,
when you craft energy to fit your situation,
when you rearrange pieces of arts
to fit changing situations…
then you are an art.
Would Michaelangelo be an artist
if he merely copied everything Davinci did?
Same thing is true for the martial artist.
you should learn,
and that usually implies at least getting your black belt,
in Shotokan,
or Aikido,
or whatever art you study.
at a certain point you have to step outside your art.
Keep the original the same as you learned,
but create your own separate art.

that all said,
let me slide into a connected but different thing.

I subscribe to something called Quora.
On that platform people ask questions,
and answer questions.
You get a wide cross section of what people are thinking,
you get answer,
a whole host of different answers,
to questions mundane and bizarre.

a fellow asked the question:

What’s a good name for a fictional karate style that a flow state fighter would use?

This is a very interesting question.
I have had a LOT of people ask me about naming their art.
Since I am about the only one telling people how to be artists
a lot of artists end up up sending me this question.

I remember one fellow,
many years ago,
personal student of mine.
He reached the point where he had to go out
and create his own art,
and he asked me about a name.
He was was coming up with names like…
‘The Way of the Golden Fist,’
and so on.
So I told him to call his art…

‘Rick Do.’
The way of Rick.

he didn’t.
He teaches his arts
with some very fine labels.
Very smart guy.
Smart enough to know when to ignore me.

I got this question on Quora,

What’s a good name for a fictional karate style that a flow state fighter would use?

And I gave the following answer.


By fictional you mean to use it in a book/script? Or for own use?

What I used to do, just for stuff and giggles, was find a word, or even a zippy type word, and get it translated by google. Zippy karate, not to be facetious, but just as an example, translates as ‘bibi.’ So ‘Bi Bi Do.’ (The Way of Zippy!) This can get fun, you can have ‘crouching tigers eating unwary hunters’ translated, ‘Dūn fú lǎohǔ chī cūxīn de lièrén.’ Then shorten it up as you wish.

If you want to go more serious than my flippy examples you can certainly do that.

Good luck with it, and have a great work out!
Al from monstermartialarts.com

So there you go,
one of the things I do as an artist,
as an author and as a martial artist.
It is great fun,
makes you think,
and might even be worthless.

But I told everybody on Quora,
and didn’t want you guys to feel cheated,
so I pass it on here.

So try it out.
Make up a name for your art.
Focus in on what principles and tricks you want to teach,
and sum it up.
Then have google translate it into whatever language.

while you’re at it,
You can always check out
the ‘Create Your Own Art’ course on the Monster.
It is old,
the video quality isn’t good,
but you can understand it all,
and the principles are SOUND!

Here’s the link.

2d Create Your Own Art

Have a great work out!

2d Create Your Own Art

What the Old Martial Arts Masters Knew

Newsletter 926

The Last Word on Chiang Nan

Got an email from Tom J the other week,
said an interesting thing.

I am getting the picture that “real” true karate, being true to its Okinawan roots, comes very close to stand-up grappling with strikes, I think, also, much of the sensitivity developed in Tai Chi – like exercises was there.

Even though they were not doing Tai Chi as such, lots of practice and thinking through the moves probably brought the Okinawan masters into that level of skill

Which brings me back to your “Everything must be practiced”, admonition. All the pieces are like pieces of a pie and all should be visited in practice.

Thanks Tom.
And he is so right.
People think that Tai Chi is the ultimate,
and it is,
but that doesn’t mean there aren’t others that are the ‘ultimate,’
it doesn’t mean that there aren’t other arts
that don’t elevate the student to the top.

My instructor said to me once:

There are many roads to the top of a mountain.

He had certainly reached the ability,
let alone the sage wisdom,
of a tai chi master.

The problem is that so many people think it is all about fighting.
Fighting is important,
but you go past fighting,
and start to understand how to handle life,
and what person can fight you
if you know how to handle life?
a guy throws a punch
and it is an exercise in dissection,
in quick and sure manipulation,
and there is no fight.

And the truth of the matter is that these old guuyts,
these old masters,
who knew so much,
they knew so much because they studied more than just half an art.
Shake Morihei’s tree and you’ll find
the very thorough and complete
aikido jujitsu.
And you’ll find spear fighting,
sword fighting,
and all many of no nonsense studies.
Take a look at the Tai Chi masters,
you’ll find Shaolin,
types of kung fu,
history as bodyguards,
and it’s all to the death.

So don’t think you are going to be a master
if you study just one art.
but it’ll take half a century,
and then you die.

All of which means you should study ‘Chiang Nan,’

How to Translate Karate into Tai Chi Chuan

Which takes karate and applies tai chi principles to it.
You get a soft way of train a hard art.
You figure out different ways,
sometimes more efficient ways,
to move the body.
You undo the effects of training that has been too hard,
and has resulted in injuries.
You elongate your life in the martial arts.
You learn more than you ever thought there was in the martial arts.

enough preaching.
You heard or you didn’t,
and the choice is up to you.

I think,
next time,
I’ll talk about the various courses.
I’ve got so many,
got so many books,
I should probably differentiate them,
maybe acquaint some of the newbies to this newsletter
about the how and the why of matrixing your martial arts.
Until then,
think about Chiang Nan,

And have a great work out!

How to Translate Karate into Tai Chi Chuan

How Retreating makes Winning Martial Arts

Newsletter 918

The Danger of Reverse Martial Arts!

there are three dangers here,
and one exception,
but first let’s answer the question…
What the heck is ‘Reverse Martial Arts?’
The answer is simple.
Backing up.
Retreating…and usually in disarray and with little hope!

The simplicity,
as you’ve no doubt heard,
is that there are three levels to a man.

If the body backs up,
if you are running,
can’t cope with the attack,
then the opponent can see it,
exploit it,
and chase you down.
By not holding your ground you become weak.

the body backs up because the mind has failed.
The mind is a bunch of memory,
and the memories we are speaking of
are those techniques
you’ve tried so hard to make
But if the attack comes too fast,
is something you don’t understand,
you flinch…
which is to say back up.
So the mind has to back up first,
then the body.

the mind backs up because the spirit has failed.
The spirit is you.
You set yourself a task,
you decide to ‘go forward,’
but something confuses you,
makes you blink,
and you let go your task,
and the mind shuts down,
and the body backs up.

You are in retreat,
and in retreat is the danger of losing.

there is an exception.
If your retreat is a plan,
if you realize something about the other person,
that you can deflate his presence,
depower his weapons,
confuse his strategy,
by a momentary retreat,
by ‘suckering him in,’
then you are not running.
You are setting the other fellow up,
or ‘attacking in retreat.’

that all said,
there is a cure,
a way to make sure that you never fail on any level,
and not on all three levels.
This is to keep the eyes open,
to study your mistakes,
to go forward with thought,
with consideration,
with analysis.
But that’s hard to do.
it is the key to superlative martial arts.

here’s the obligatory link…


if you can do this course,
if you can keep your eyes forward and steady,
unblinking and ready,
while doing this drill…
you are da man!

Have a great work out!




The secret of teaching kids martial martial arts

The Value of a Mistake!

Okay, let me lay some truth on you.

This is a world that penalizes mistakes.
You make a mistake somebody will tell you,
might even call you stupid.
And then how do you feel?

BUT…here’s something to think about.

A mistake is an opportunity to learn.

So if you rip into a child for making a mistake
you‘re telling him (or her) not to learn.

In your child’s mind: Don’t make a mistake = don’t learn.

Here at the dojo we love mistakes.
Every time we see a mistake we get to teach,
to contribute to the growth of a better generation.

Why do you think,
every once in a while,
a child comes up and gives one of the teachers a hug?

Because we didn’t make them wrong, we helped them learn.

Mistakes are a god given opportunity to prove your worth.
for the child,
for the instructor,
and yes…even for you great parents!

So enjoy your mistakes, and…



Four Steps to Create Your Own Martial Art

Newsletter 912

Can You Create Your Own Martial Art?

I’ve been getting a LOT of questions lately,
how do you matrix krav maga,
how do you matrix the martial arts,
how do you create your own art.

Usually I answer as best I can,
realizing that these people are not normal.
hope I’m not offending anybody,
but they sound like bot driven questions.

As to how to matrix the arts,
read some of my books,
get some of my tapes.
Easily explained and shown.

the one that got me was
‘how do you create your own art.’
What got me about this question
was that other people tried to answer it.
The question seemed to be addressed to me,
it was quorum,
so not sure,
but several people tried to answer,
and they totaled MESSED it.

Answers included:
you can’t.
you have to have something unique.
you can but it has to be proven in MMA.

the short story is this:
if you just copy somebody else’s art
you aren’t an artist,
you’re a copy cat.
somewhere along the line,
you HAVE to create.
Else you aren’t really an artist.

ask this same question of a painter
and you will end up with something like this:
you can’t paint until you learn to make canvas.

that was the attitude in the middle ages,
and famous artists would gain apprentices
who would make their canvases for them,
and never learn anything.
They were just being used.

I hope you appreciate that analogy,
because it is REALLY spot on.

here is the FULL story:

first, study an art to expert (black belt)
second, study other arts on your own
third, find what works for you
fourth, categorize according to concept, principle, or whatever.

And that is the truth about creating your own art.

I encourage people to study as many arts as they can.
I help them through my courses.
I encourage them to take a class to black belt.
I give an education that helps people understand
the concepts and principles involved.
I make the best martial artists in the world.
NO copycats.

you want to be an artist?
A REAL artist,
considering that an artist is somebody who actually creates art?
There is actually only one place on earth that does that.
There is only one place that gives access to a variety of arts,
and is dedicated to the student learning,
as opposed to mindless drilling,
as opposed to the art as a calisthenic,
as opposed to a single art being considered the ONLY art.

Here go…


Have a great MLK day,
he was a man who believed in peace,
and making peace work
without using force,
is the highest martial art.

Have a great work out!



Where Matrixing in the Martial Arts Really Came From

Newsletter 906

Is Matrixing actually New?

I get this question every once in a while.
Some fellow writes in, makes a comment,
and the question is:

Has matrixing ever been done before?

Valid question.
let me give you a couple of instances
so you can totally understand whether Matrixing is new.

In the original hard bound ‘Aikido and the Dynamic Sphere,’
(not the soft bound or kindle)
by Westbrook and Ratti,
there is a fold out which sort of matrixes Aikido techniques.
It is actually quite brilliant,
but it is not a true matrix for several reasons.

One, it pertains solely to Aikido,
therefore, it lacks the viewpoint necessary to the whole art.

Two, it doesn’t provide for a gradient list of techniques,
advanced or basic, you figure it out.
This makes it VERY difficult to learn.

it doesn’t demonstrate the ‘basic-basics’ of Aikido
(those body motions which construct the basics themselves)
rather it espouses a singular concept (giving way)
this results in a student going down a singular path,
and not being able to develop certain attributes and tendencies necessary to quicker understanding,
if not more thorough understanding.

Another example of ‘almost matrixing,’
is in the book ‘Wing Chun Kung Fu’
by James Yimm Lee.
This book was supposedly authored by Bruce Lee,
but I’ve read nothing to substantiate this,
other than the fact that Bruce was teaching out of Jame’s house in Oakland.
So, who knows on this point?

The specific matrixing would be the ‘four doors and eight gates’ theory
with the resulting drills.
This is quite genius,
explains the blending of hard and soft admirably,
and in a mostly mechanical manner.

One, it is, same as Aikido, specific to an art.
It is readily applicable to other arts,
but most people don’t understand the basics of their arts
well enough to understand the how and the why.

Two, it is specific to the Wing Chun method of controlling the contest through the arms.
Thus, several other theories are ignored, or at least not mentioned.

There are other things which influenced me,
but these two were key.
Important to note,
when you consider them,
is that I was studying several other arts at the same time,
writing extensive records (to be books) concerning them,
and really examining them from a ‘whole art’ point of view.

is matrixing new and unique?

It is totally new and unique.

It is not just a new model of car,
it is a new and incredibly faster type of vehicle.

It’s like comparing a Mustang to a Tesla.
Really different.

Of course,
you won’t believe it till you’ve tried it,
and the best place to start is the basics,
as in Matrix Karate.
Not just the basics of karate,
but the basic theories of matrixing,
and a completely different way of looking at the arts,
of being able to combine all arts so that they make sense,
don’t fight one another,
and join into one whole art.

Here’s the obligatory link…


Oinkly Doinkley,
Next Monday is HanaKwanMass,
stay tuned for the yearly rendering of a Martial Artist’s ‘Night Before Christmas.’

Have a great work out!


The Golden Age of Martial Arts is About to Happen!

Newsletter 903

The Coming Golden Age of Martial Arts…

Let’s talk about Matrixing,
and how it works.
Before I do,
let me put forth a shameless ad…

Almost here!
I call it HanaKwanMass,
so I can offend the most people.
whether you are offended or not,
you will probably give gifts,
and the best gift you can give
is a course in Matrix Martial Arts,
it not only gives now, but over the years,
for the course of an entire lifetime.

the ad officially over,
I noticed something very interesting,
back when I figured matrixing out.

Take a carburetor apart.
Clean it.
Put it back together.
If you have no experience,
you’re going to mess it up.
At the least,
it is going to take you a lo-o-ong time.
It often takes a lot of mistakes
to figure things out.
That’s the story with the martial arts.
You learn forms with no meaning,
nobody shows you the tricks
to make the techniques work.
Higher belts beat the crud out of you,
and don’t tell you what they know.

The problem is that people don’t know how to explain
what they know.
They earned it over time,
by making a lot of mistakes,
and they can’t explain it to you.

What if somebody could explain the mistakes to you,
could give you the knowledge to make it work,
without all the time and mistakes?
And that is the essence of matrixing.

Instead of spending four to five years,
grinding through bruises and even breaks,
figuring it out one step at a time,
what if you could just get the data,
learn the martial arts,
and do them?

So when I started teaching matrixing,
I would show somebody the real reason behind a punch,
I would show them how the lines of energy align in the human body.
virtually instantly,
their blocks became solid…
and they caused pain.

It didn’t take years of lessons
on how to build the mysterious ‘chi power,’
it didn’t take dozens of forms
and hundreds of techniques,
it just took the actual and real reasons
behind what and how you do the martial arts.

If you understand something you can do it.

If you don’t understand something
you have to suffer through mistakes.
And nobody tells you what the mistakes are,
you just keep doing them
until you accumulate enough bonks on the nose
to figure out you’re doing something wrong.

So why lead with your face?
Why not lead with your mind,
with logic,
with the real reasons behind the martial arts?

I know
I’m an internet scamster,
tricking people for their money.
I’ve been on the internet since 2002.
Check the Time Machine if you don’t believe.
And before that I was doing mail order since 1984.
In that time I have received FOUR complaints.
Two of the complaints people didn’t even open their orders,
just sent them back.
One of the guys I have no idea why he wanted his money back.
One guy was highly upset
that I didn’t give him the classical art he wanted.
He apparently didn’t read the ad,
didn’t figure out that I was doing things differently,
that I was fixing the classical.

here’s something to think about.
People say that the Golden Age of Martial Arts
was back in the sixties.
They are wrong.
That was a period of discovery,
of growth and expansion,
of categorizing various arts into packages.
We have stars exploding,
arts become franchises,
and every week it seemed like something new was happening.

That’s not a golden age,
that’s just discovering something.

A REAL Golden Age is coming,
and it depends not on advertising and movies,
on stars and franchises.
It depends on knowledge.
before 1970 there were hundreds of people in China
who could too the ‘one finger’ trick.
Stick their finger through a board and leave a hole.
There were people who could break bricks from ten feet away,
just a blast of ‘chi power.’
I even have a photo of one fellow
placing a piece of bamboo across two slices of watermelon
and breaking the stick with a chop,
and not denting the watermelon slices.

Most of you have never heard of this stuff.
Have certainly never seen it.
you won’t learn it in today’s schools.

study the knowledge behind the martial arts
and you will not only understand tricks like these,
you will be able to do them.

The essence of the martial arts is in the knowledge
that is not currently being taught.
That knowledge is in the matrixing courses.
The matrixing courses are the real reasons,
the actual physics behind the martial arts.
All it takes is you,
to understand it,
to study it,
to make it work.
And that’s when we’ll have the true Golden Age of Martial Arts.

I talk,
blue in the face,
here’s the link,
and for God’s sake,
I hope you understand the difference between mindlessly practicing techniques,
and understanding the real reasons for those techniques.

excuse me for being overly passionate,
I just love the martial arts so much,
and I so want you to have them,
the real martial arts for the real you.
Have a great work out!



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Martial Arts Technology Provides Incredible Breakthrough

Newsletter 898

Old Martial Arts Technology vs New

Good afternoon!
Let’s talk about the old martial arts technology,
and what it may be doing to you.

Old technology is drilling until your feet fall off.
Until your bones shake with fatigue
and your bone bruises are turning into calcium deposits.

to be truthful,
I like this method.
I love this method.
I love to start a work out
and drive myself until I am ready to drop.
Like a tired dog my head droops,
and I know my teeth work just fine…

what is new martial art technology?
let’s consider a few things.
A couple of hundred years ago,
there was no public education in China.
People learned how to talk by duplicating their parents,
and that was it.
No math,
except what you needed to barter.
if you did get an official education,
in China it was the five excellences.
calligraphy, painting, poetry, t’ai chi, and medicine
No math to speak of,
nothing like physiology, grammar, science, physics,
etcetera, etcetera…
And the really rich people sent their children to western schools to get educated.
I’ve probably overstated it,
but not by much.

martial arts were learned by monkey see monkey do,
and nobody ever thought to examine other sciences
to see where they overlapped
and how those other sciences could be used
to understand martial arts.

When I matrixed I began using a form of logic,
a form based in Boolean algebra.
I compared body motion to angles and stresses in physics,
such things as building bridges,
flying airplanes,
and so on.
Of course,
at the core,
I still push the hard work out,
the do it till you drop dead approach.
But I propose that people understand what they are doing
they work out.
Understanding is the prime ingredient.
Would you become a world class musician if you copy catted
your favorite rock stars?
You would just become good imitations,
at best.
If you want to become a good musician
you have to study such things as harmonics,
scales, and understand how vibrations work,
and so on.
Would you become the next Einstein
if you hand copied all his books and notes?
Nothing new there,
just a repeat of what has been done.

To be a real artist you must be able to create.

So why don’t people do this in the martial arts?
And they really don’t.
They argue that their style is best,
without experiencing other styles.
They see a guy work out,
so they assume they know what he is doing.
I even get people get upset with me.
They get angry when I show them a different way of doing things.
They are so regimented in old styles,
so ingrained with monkey see monkey do
that they cannot learn.
They can’t actually compare and contrast data.
They can’t see how the body can be made to support energy like a bridge,
using the same principles.
They believe in chi as a mystical thing
that people get when they get old,
if they are faithful copycats,
and they never see that chi
is a subject with scientific rules.
They can’t apply science to chi.
But they hold on to their last promotion
because it makes them an authority,
without having to really understand anything.

here’s the thing,
you doubt me.
Words like ‘snake oil’ come to mind.
Internet scamster,
another get rich quick scheme.
And so on.

I began selling martial arts by mail order
in magazines back in the 80s.
I went internet in 2002,
check the ‘wayback machine’
if you doubt.
I have a solid rep,
and offer a complete money back guarantee.
If a course is not as I describe it,
you get your money back.

Since the 80s I have refunded money maybe five or six times.
That’s all.
Not once or twice a year…
Now that is a statistic!

check out the Matrix Karate page.
Read it carefully,
then order the course.
You will get more than you paid for.
You will get more than you expect.
You will get something you NEVER expected:
a scientific approach
that makes the martial arts ten times easier to learn.
You will get a way of looking at the martial arts,
that makes sense of ALL martial arts.

The alternative,
what you get if you don’t check out Matrix Karate,
and all my other courses,
is the same old same old,
that people have been grinding at for hundreds of years.
you will get better.
Slowly and surely.
And you might even achieve mastery
before you get too old.

The course is here…

Have a great work out!



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