Tag Archives: learn karate

A Martial Arts Home Run!

Newsletter 1007

Release of New and MASSIVE Martial Arts Course

7th game of the world series,
top of the 9th
full count
the bases are loaded
the pitcher winds up
he pitches…
Al Case hits a martial arts home run.
Don’t believe me?
Go here…

Research & Development Course

another release,
just as magnificent,
I compiled the books I have written on matrixing in…
‘The Book of Matrixing.’
You’ll see the ad on the right side of the Nine Square site.

Everybody have a great work out!!


How to Make Karate into Tai Chi Chuan!

Newsletter 924

About the New Karate to Tai Chi Book!

Hi Guys and Gals.

This is to announce the official release of
‘Chiang Nan’

Chiang Nan is the title I settled on, the working title is
‘How to Translate Karate into Tai Chi Chuan.’
So Chiang Nan,
or ‘How to Translate Karate into Tai Chi Chuan
was originally bundled into the course.
You can get it in PDF if you order the course.

I just published the official book
‘How to Translate Karate into Tai Chi Chuan,’
and it is available on Amazon.
The official title is…

‘Chiang Nan’

and here’s the link…


And for those who don’t know what it is about…
As the subtitle says,
it teaches one how to make karate into tai chi chuan.

If you have been studying karate,
this will expand your concepts of karate by ten times.
Different way of looking at form applications.
Different way of doing the form.
Really opens the mind.

If you have been studying Tai Chi Chuan,
you will learn a lot about techniques,
doing other arts tai chi style,
and so on.

it’s a different kind of strength,
different energy,
a whole and complete education.
If you know just the hard arts,
you need to know the soft.
or you only have half an art.

If you know just the soft arts,
you need to know the hard,
or you only have half an art.

This is a 270 page book
(three in one, actually)
that covers how to translate karate into tai chi,
what the lost form,
the original form that karate came from,
might look,
and the secret techniques of karate…
deliberately hidden by the secret pact
made by Okinawan karate masters.

So check it out on Amazon,
or just get the PDF by ordering the course through

Have a great work out!


How to Make Karate into Tai Chi Chuan

Turning Karate into Tai Chi Chuan? Maybe…

First, comes the question, why would anybody want to make karate into tai chi chuan?

Lots of reasons, actually.

First, learning how to do Karate Tai Chi style opens the doors for people who are old or injured to enjoy this most marvelous art.

Second, and this is important, it teaches people who study karate a whole new set of principles. It teaches them things about energy, how the body works, exposes a whole new set of form applications, and more.

Third, people who study tai chi chuan have the same learning experience: new techniques, different methods of developing chi power, and more.

The differences between these two arts is pretty sizable.

Karate, rightly or wrongly, is held up as an explosive and linear art.

Tai Chi Chuan is held up as a slow motion adjunct to good health.

Both arts are good, but they are only of the martial art entire.

A good karate practitioner should learn how to move slow, as this will teach a whole new style of energy production, and double potential striking (blocking) power.

Further, the slow movements increases understanding of ‘emptiness,’ which increases the ‘zen’ spirituality of the art form.

And, most important, the viewpoint on bunkai, form applications or self defense moves, undergoes a radical shift.

Karate explodes, tai chi absorbs, thus the karateka learning  tai chi concepts is going to learn a totally different, and sometimes diametrically opposed, method for applying the self defense moves built into the forms.

And, from the other side, people who study tai chi for health, or who don’t fully understand the applications of that discipline, or only buying half a loaf.

Building energy through a simple motion with no resistance is useful, but only of ten per cent of the real value. Learning the applications will create deeper understanding of the form, make the moves mean something, and therein lies the real potential of chi power and health benefits.

There a lot of benefits to combining the two arts, and only a fluff martial artist would not want to avail himself (herself) of the benefits of translating karate into tai chi chuan.

The author has written the first and only tome on this fascinating subject of turning karate into tai chi chuan. The title is ‘How to Translate Karate into Tai Chi Chuan.’ The book is bundled into the video course available at MonsterMartialArts.com. The book will become available in paperback, but it may be some time before this occurs. The video course is over five hours of hands on instruction.

Why Does It Take Years and decades to Learn Martial Arts?

It Really Shouldn’t Take So Long to Learn Martial Arts

The bully charges out of the alley and tosses a whole, darned trash can at you! Do you ask him to take that garbage can back because you’re only on your ninth Karate lesson and haven’t reached the deflecting the garbage can lesson? Or do you ask him go away because, here it comes, you forgot to pay your dues at the local dojo?

learn martial arts

There is a point to all this silliness, why do the martial arts take so long to learn? You can teach a guy to fly a jet, get in a dogfight and get shot down, spend time in a concentration camp, get released and run for political office, and become a senator, and retire, in the time it takes to learn some systems of the martial arts. I heard of one system that it takes seventeen years to get to Black Belt in!

Some people will make the excuse that you’re learning more than self defense. You’re solving martial mysteries and its all about the lifestyle and you need to invest in your old age, you know? But you’re still lying under that trash can and the guy is pulling out a knife, and no matter how many lessons you’ve taken, you have to do something!

One of the old sayings that I heard, long time ago, is garbage in, garbage out. The sad fact of the matter is that if something is hard to put into your head, then it might not be easily accessed and used. Maybe it would be appropriate to find an art that is as easily absorbed as track, or boxing.

It is true that the Martial Arts are not a sport, they are an art, but they can still be learned easily and quickly. They just have to be taught not by one mystical technique after another, but rather by understanding concepts behind them. Those endless techniques that you memorize, to be truthful, are random data, and, often as not, they don’t really relate to one another.

That is a problem, to be sure, even if you learn a thousand techniques, you might not have enough data to be able to make sense out of the whole thing until you reach one thousand and one. And, let’s face it, a hundred years is to long to become competent. And then go to heaven.

The solution is that the martial arts must be taught on a conceptual basis. Instead of having a fellow memorize endless strings of tricks, have him learn the rather simple principles behind those tricks. Have him learn conceptually and he’s suddenly going to be able to figure out those thousand techniques without any need for endless memorization.

Give him an acorn and throw in the watering pot, that’s what I believe, and then watch the oak shoot upwards. Most martial artists, and I don’t mean to be mean in this observation, are lost in the limbs of the trees. The real way to teach, however, is to show the guy the principles, then have use those principles, and, faster than a rabbit on steroids, you’ve got yourself a fast and competent martial artist.

How and Why Matrixing Will Work in Your Martial Art!

Learn a Martial Art in a matter of months!

A lot of people read my site, or articles on the web, and they raise their eyes and say, ‘Oh, right. A guy can learn a Martial Art in a few months? Ha!’

Lot of cynicism out there, and I understand it. Some fellow studies for years to learn Karate or learn Kung Fu or whatever, and I come along and say, ‘You could have learned it ten times faster.’

martial art

Don’t just look at the moon…BE the moon!

That guy is going to be upset! He’s going to think I’m full of it, just because if he doesn’t, then it invalidates all his years of training.

But, when somebody actually does matrix their martial art, and this works for Aikido and Kenpo and ALL other martial arts systems, then they find that I am not invalidating all they have done…I am making it count! I am organizing their data, making it more accessible, and that means their martial art is sharper, quicker, more intuitive…and so much more!

So how do I convince the doubter?

Try these facts on for size.

Take two pigeons and put them together for 6 weeks and they will mate for life.

6 weeks, and you cam MAKE a pea brain MAKE a life altering decision. Doesn’t even matter if Mrs. Pigeon is ugly.

Now this is a stupid fact, but it tends to open the door to facts more pertinent to you and the Martial Arts.

The US army takes a common, garden variety man or woman…and MAKES them into a soldier in three months. Another three months and we’re talking about a high tech soldier, able to use a computer, or some other complicated device, right in the middle of a firefight!

That’s a good fact. It speaks highly of dedicated, factual training.

Here’s another one: there are ads on TV that claim you can MAKE your body into a lean, mean muscle machine in three months. Three months and you no longer have a beer barrel, but, instead, have a six pack!

So the point here is this: if you are smarter than a pigeon, then you can change your mind and change your body in three months.

Or, in other words,

You can learn a martial art in a matter of months!

You don’t even have to believe! You just have to get a martial arts course and do it!

So now we come down to choice.

Do you want to sit around and tweet one liners…or do you want to join a brotherhood that has lasted for thousands of years…the brotherhood of the Martial Artist!

Do you want to be sweet meat for that home invader? That mugger? That guy who wants to take your girlfriend?

Do you want to watch Bruce Lee movies and think, ‘How cool!’ Or do you want to BE like Bruce Lee?

Okay. Nuff said. I hope I’ve changed your mind, gotten you to get up off the coach, inspired you to do something that will give your life value forever!

So take a look at this http://monstermartialarts.com site, check out the courses, and decide what you want to do.

Remember, the only person stopping you from being more than you…is you.

This has been a page about how to learn a martial art, and how you can learn them in a matter of a few months.