Tag Archives: martial arts

Zowie! Volume 2 of how to Fix Karate is out!

How to Fix Karate (Volume Two)!

Zowie! Volume 2 of how to Fix Karate is out!
The whole book is over 400 pages,
around a thousand graphics,
over 50,000 words.
So I had to cut it in two. Amazon has a lot of trouble
with a book that size.
And, the cost for a book that size becomes exorbitant.

volume one is at

And volume two is at…

I will be coming out with hard cover versions.

And thanks to all who have purchased volume one.
Any five star reviews would be appreciated.

let’s talk.

Got an email the other day,
and we were talking about force and flow.
And the concept of flow as more than just motion came up.

let me explain.
Flow is motion
force is no motion.
This is not quite right,
of course.
force is going to be when two flows collide
and create other motion.
But it all becomes martial pertinent when you say

‘If the force is greater flow it,
if the flow is greater force it.’

Then you can consider force as no motion,
but it is really the moment when flow changes.

But this is all complicated when you take the mind into account.
flow is motion
emotion is motion inside the head.
read that again.
Make sure you understand it.

The point is that you need to rid your head of emotion
if you want to perceive motion correctly.
Emotion can slant your perception of motion.

But now things get interesting.
The body is a motor.
It can have motion.
But the mind just sits in the head,
or thereabout,
and it can create emotion outside the body.
(Actually, it’s not the mind,
it is the spirit,
the mind is just a bunch of memory)

Let me explain.
Joe Blow gets emotion,
there’s all this anger running around inside his head.
With most humans the anger can get a little outside the head.
You can feel when somebody is angry.
It’s just…’in the air.’

But once somebody can control emotion,
he becomes more able to project emotion.
Mind you,
he doesn’t project willy nilly,
like a person out of control,
he projects with intention,
and you can fill the air with emotion.
You can stop people coming at you with emotion,
and you can control people with this kind of emotion.

When you are strong enough,
in control enough,
to project emotion,
it doesn’t feel like emotion.
It feels like…flow.

It is like an actual swirling in the air.

This is because it is not anger.
It is not out of control baby emotion,
it is full grown emotion moved around by…intention.
Your will.
Your desire to make things happen
on a much higher level
than normal people are aware of.

So this is what is in my mind
when I speak of force, flow, emotion, and that sort of thing.

If you practice karate
or other classical arts
long and hard enough,
this all becomes second nature.
of course,
will speed up your growth of these abilities.
It is just logical and makes sense,
and the concepts of the martial arts are easier to understand.

Here’s the links for the two volumes of
How to Fix Karate!

volume one is at

And volume two is at…



And don’t forget to check out the interview

I’ve got nothing but five star reviews on

The Science of Government.
It’s really nothing more than applying matrixing to politics.

Matrixing + Politics = Sanity

I told you matrixing works with anything.

Here’s the link…

Karate Footwork for Fighting

Karate Fighting Footwork

what a gorgeous day!
Got up at 6,
worked out at 7
and everything gets better.
a work out ALWAYS makes everything better.

So there are lots of footworks in the martial arts.
Karate has lots of footworks.
the forms don’t usually show them,
so the student doesn’t get the real education.
Usually he gets a straight forward step,
or a spin to the rear,
or something like that
which has little relationship to fighting.

There are two specific footworks
that we used for fighting at the Kang Duk Won.
One is in the forms,
but you’ll never recognize it.
Been hidden pretty good.
The other one is not in the forms,
but we used to use it all the time.

One footwork is the ‘Switch Step.’
The other is the ‘Triangle Step.’

The switch step you bring your front foot back
so it is next to the rear foot,
then step forward with the foot that was in the rear.
this is a tricky one
and requires exquisite timing.
but it real works.
The opponent thinks you’re moving,
but you’re really just setting your legs
for the attack and…
You move in…and with the other side,
a side he’s not set up for.
It is best used for making small
forward and back movements.
Subtle movements when you don’t want to reveal
directions and intentions.
It really messes with his anticipation of distance and timing.

The triangle step is your side to side movement.
the specific triangle might have your right foot forward.
You bring your right foot back and to the side,
and move your rear foot to the position
previously occupied by the right foot.
The problem is that people start moving
their feet forward and back,
and don’t realize it is a side to side movement.

The switch step we just used,
no drills or forms illustrated it.
We just watched our instructor,
that’s what he did,
so we did it,
and it worked.

The triangle step is actually in the forms,
but it has been obscured.
The last move of pinan four,
for instance.
Don’t step forward or back,
or switch feet…
do a triangle step,
and suddenly that move
will reveal fighting potential in a form.

Now this is a bare hint of the things
I’m writing about in the book I’m working on.
There’s a lot of this stuff
as I lay out the forms
in a manner that is different,
and yet illustrates a core workability
that is often missing,
disguised, and obscured
in most classical karate systems.

Of course
you’re going to have to do the forms.
You‘re going to have to compare and contrast
the old with the new
to understand what is happening.

I’ll tell you right now,
this is not a book for people
who want to read about
and not do the work.
This book is only for people
who want to wade in,
get lost in the pages,
scratch their heads,
kick and punch the alligators swarming in their own heads,
and come the other side of the swamp.

One thing I will tell you, though…
there is matrixing in this book
and if you haven’t studied it,
the basic course on matrixing
will save your bacon.

It is ten times easier to study the classical
if you have studied matrix karate.

I have always told people,
do matrixing,
but DON’T put the classical aside.
There’s gold in those forms,
and hopefully,
with matrixing and this forthcoming book,
you’ll find it.

Probably a couple of months now
until I publish.
And say a prayer for poor Ted,
he’s right in the thick of 400 pages,
well over a thousand illustrations.
As soon as he’s out of the swamp
I’ll throw the rest of you guys in.

Here’s the obligatory ad for Matrix Karate…

1a Matrix Karate



And don’t forget to check out the interview

I’ve got nothing but five star reviews on

The Science of Government.
It’s really nothing more than applying matrixing to politics.

Politics is the justification for insanity by a group.

Here’s the link…

Little Karate Thoughts…


Good morning!
It really is.
I don’t have a central theme today,
so just let me give you a couple of things
that I have been thinking about
in the recent past.

I first began to understand emptiness
when I realized that I had to relax totally,
being in one position,
then I had to be in another position.
I didn’t move from within the body,
I moved from without the body.
I realized this way back in Kenpo days (1967-68)

Who stops you.
Two people can stop you.
Either yourself,
or somebody else.
But for somebody else to stop you
you have to let them.

You do not move the hips
You move the legs,
and the legs move the hips.
This is the secret of ‘pulsing power.’
You push with the legs,
turn the hips,

When a sniper shoots
he relaxes,
and lets his breath out.
When the breath is totally gone,
everything will be still.
In that stillness
he should make the crook of the finger
the smallest thing in the universe.
This is the secret of the martial arts.

There is motion
easily seen,
there is emotion
easily felt.
The secret is to see the motion
and ignore the emotion.
To do this,
you must negate emotion within yourself.

Anybody who approaches you wants something.
When you approach somebody you want something.

let me give you a bigger slice of thought.
One of the most important things I ever read,
came out of a paper written on yoga (raja?)
back in the twenties.
The writer said a human being is encased in sheathes.
There is an emotional sheath.
There are cultural sheathes.
There are sheathes for beliefs,
for education and work and what people tell you…
and so on.
He mentioned several specific sheathes,
and I understood that these sheathes were the filters
through which I viewed the world.
I had understood something of the concept previously,
but this presentation was unique
made me look at the world differently,
and I started doing karate (and the martial arts)
with the idea of breaking sheathes,
of destroying those things which surrounded me
made me what I am
and imprisoned me.
I found this paper on Gutenburg,
but I sure don’t remember anything more about it.

Here’s the obligatory ad…

Matrix Kenjutsu

Matrixing Kenjutsu

When you fill the space around you with weapon,
you extend your awareness into that space
and become a bigger person.

A thanks to Kumar this newsletter.
Thanks for your help.
I’ll try not to be such a slackard after this.



And don’t forget to check out the interview

I’ve got nothing but five star reviews on

The Science of Government.
It’s really nothing more than applying matrixing to politics.

Matrixing + Politics = Sanity

I told you matrixing works with anything.

Here’s the link…

A Weird Martial Arts Question

Happy almost Thanksgiving!

You know,

violence escalates.

It just goes up one notch at a time.

A guy says something,

the other guy shoves,

the first guy shoves harder,

a guy punches,

a knife appears,

bang, bang.

It just escalates.

So I started thinking,

what would it take to escalate you to fighting.

So here are the questions:

Would you fight if somebody called you an idiot?

Would you fight if somebody called your girlfriend a B word?

Would you fight if somebody was picking on a child?

Would you fight if somebody was picking on a girl?

Would you fight if somebody was picking on a woman?

Would you fight if somebody was picking on a woman and they had a knife?

Would you fight if you surprised a burglar and he tried to flee?

Would you fight if a burglar attacker you and you knocked him down and he tried to flee?

Would you fight if you were caught in a riot?

Would you fight if the guy was a cop and was beating somebody with a baton?

Would you fight if somebody wanted to jab you with a needle?

Would you fight if you went to vote and somebody stopped you?

Would you fight over a political disagreement?

Would you fight if somebody kicked a dog?

Would you fight if the person was a woman and they were punching you hard?

Would you fight if the woman punching you was a trained martial artist?

Would you fight if you were in the army and they told you to?

Would you fight if somebody started breaking all your windows?

Would you fight an old man who was out of shape who kept pushing you?

Would you fight even though you knew you were going to lose?

Would you fight if a guy said he was going to go get a gun and kill you?


I know some of these questions need context,

maybe a little explanation.

But, just take them as they are.


don’t quibble.

Don’t weasel out of answering by making up. something like…

‘well, I’d try to talk him out of whatever…’


no saying something stupid like, ‘Id try to control the situation.’

The situation is what it is,

and you have to make a decision.

At what point do you make the decision to fight?

Simply, at what point would you fight?


there’s no need to really answer these questions,

just to do a little self interrogation

and say ‘yes’ or ‘no.’

Because while they’re all sorts of grey areas,

the moment you start to fight is and on-off switch.

It is a yes or no.

Of course,

if you have an opinion, 

fill up comments.

I like opinions (not!)


I hope I made you think,

one way or the other,

and here is the obligatory advertisement…


Best and fastest martial arts in the world,

easy to understand, easy to use,

and…if you order the whole package,

hard and soft,

you get The Master Instructor Course free!

All right,

‘nuff said,

I hope I haven’t stepped on anybody’s toes this week,


if I have,

that I’ve stepped on them REALLY hard.

have a great work out!


And don’t forget to check out the interview



Have you ever checked out 

‘How to Kill?’

It’s not about the techniques of killing,

it’s about a guy who is so put upon he finally decides to kill.




Here’s the interesting thing,

it’s based upon my own actual experiences.

Not that I killed,

but I was driven to that point,

and totally understand why people would kill.

I just couldn’t take that last step.


here’s another interesting thing…

only two people have reviewed it on Amazon,

but they both give it 5 stars.

That amazes me 

because I just threw it out.

Typed it in a few days.

Spurted out of me like a coffee break.


if you do read it,

make sure you give it five stars.


Justin Earns 4th Black Belt!

Newsletter 1003

A New Fourth Black Belt!

Happy Covid!
Hope you’re enjoying your vacation,
and that all is well with your friends and families.

Haven’t been writing much lately,
well I have,
actually I’ve been writing 8 hours a day,
but it’s been in other fields.
I need to make some money.

That lame excuse out in the universe,
let me say…

Justin just earned his black in Shaolin Butterfly,
which, with the other arts he has studied
earns him a fourth degree black belt.


Now that’s a guy who takes advantage of the Corona crisis!

Since I haven’t been writing much lately,
you can always catch up on old writings.
the inexpensive way,
just go to
and start reading the blog.
There’s probably
a 1000 blogs there.

if you want to go a bit more in depth,
I compiled all my articles in a ten book series.
The Biggest Martial Arts Lesson

That’s a lot of articles,
near a thousand,
and they cover EVERYTHING!
you could just start ordering courses,
stop reading about and start experiencing.

You know,
I came across an interesting question today.
It was something to do with how many defenses you need
to really protect yourself
I started to chuckle,
cause the guy had it backwards.
You don’t worry about how many things you can do,
you just worry about what he is going to do.
If you are worried about what you will do
you are introverting,
and not looking out,
to where the danger is.
So look outwards
and learn to analyze strikes.

Do you know how many punches there are?
That’s all.
So let me cover this in more or less logical (matrixed) fashion.

There are two punches left and right
There are two types of punches straight and circular
There are two modes of punches snap and thrust

When you matrix these, and toss out things that don’t work (you don’t snap a circular punch, for instance) You end up with six possible strikes. Of course they could sail in fron odd directions, but still, only six…

left straight snap
left straight thrust
left circular
right straight snap
right straight thrust
right circular

first, watch for the kick.
No danger from punches or other strikes,
maybe from weapons,
but you will usually see if there is a weapon pretty quick.

Second, as you step in
the kick gets jammed,
easy to handle with a retreat or a turned hip, etc.
Now you have to worry about the punch,
but worry introverts,
so you just watch him.
I know some people say you have to train
for punches from the rear,
but as soon as you turn to him he is in the front,
so front training is where the punch is coming from.

Watch his feet to see if he is angling for a punch
watch his shoulders to see if he is loading
sidestep slowly,
always being ready,
and always moving so he can’t quite fix on you.

don’t worry about knees and elbows,
he has to close to use those,
and that is so obvious it is ridiculous.

And there it is.
Fighting is easy,
reading an opponent is easy.

Of course,
it all means nothing
if you don’t spend some time
hitting things so you can feel what it feels like
practicing forms so your body is in top top shape,
and just training like your life depends on it
darn it,
it does.

that is sort of how you apply simple logic (matrixing) to fighting.

obligatory ad,
you really should look into my courses,
because they are all like this,
simple and thorough,
realistic and fun.

That all said,
don’t worry about the Covid crisis,
because worrying is introverting
and life is out there.
train hard and strengthen the immune system,
best medical advice I can give you.

Sensei Case

Have a great work out!


Here is ‘The Last Martial Arts Book,’
Best one I have ever written,

Nine Square Diagram Boxing

Dark Martial Arts Holiday is Here!

Newsletter 992

Martial Arts Holiday HanaKwanMass is Coming!

One punch at a time…
one kick at a time…
day by day we get closer and closer…
it’s just a few days until…


You old guys know what I’m talking about.
Hanukkah, Kwanza, Christmas!
the one day out of the year
I get to insult EVERY person who says…
happy holidays.

Happy holidays is a phrase invented so you don’t
hurt the feelings of somebody who believes in Kwanza
by saying Merry Xmas to him,
or offend a Jewish fellow by saying Kwanza,
and so on.

But I say
a holiday is a holiday,
and if somebody says the wrong one to you
he meant well
and you walk away with good wishes,
and the heck with the politically correct bushwah.

You know,
there is a deeper thread here.

A fellow knows karate,
so he bad mouths Kung Fu,
or Aikido or whatever.
A fellow does MMA,
so he looks down on Kenpo or Taekwondo.

These fellows are the garbage minds of the Martial Arts.

When I meet a fellow who studies something I don’t,
I am all over him,
how do you guys handle this?
What about that weapon?
what’s your training like?

Every question I get answered
opens my mind
makes me a batter martial artist.

No art is better than any other,
they are just different steps in the martial arts.

No person is any better,
or worse,
than any other.
We are all cogs in the same machine,
we are all the different faces of God,
we are people…
and HanaKwanMass to us all.
And HanaKwanMass to you
and all your kids,
and your brothers and sisters,
aunts and uncles,
and even your dogs and cats,
and especially to your instructors.

If you understand what I just said,
then you understand the real spirit of the martial arts.

(you may skip if you wish,
but you’ll probably wake up tomorrow with a rash.)

4d The Punch

This is for those of you
who wish to develop
the strongest punch
known to mankind,
and even a few aliens.


4d The Punch

Chi Energy Developed through Martial Arts

Newsletter 990

Odd Things About Energy in Tai Chi Chuan and Karate

I don’t talk about energy
in the martial arts
(in Tai Chi Chuan, Karate, etc.)
as much as I should.
Some people think energy (chi) is bogus.
That’s okay,
they can bail this newsletter and pick up the next one.
But here’s some stuff about chi in the martial arts.

I was talking to a student the other day,
and we got into postures
when you are just talking to people.
We had just finished some form
and she was standing,
and she clasped her hands in front of her.
I pointed out that when you do a TCC form
energy is moving.
When you clasp your hands
or otherwise touch your body
you turn the energy into the body
and the creation of chi stops.
it goes into circuit,
instead of flowing outward,
which the form trains the energy to do.
So after a form,
you should simply stand,
let the chi exude from your fingertips,
and swell from your body.

This concept relates to postures
when in simple communication with somebody.
She understood that when you fold your arms
you are indicating,
on a ‘subliminal’ level,
you are closed to communication
When you open your arms you are open to communication
And there are variations and versions of this
‘opening’ and ‘closing’ of the body
that people do in simple communication.
But this opening and closing relates to the circles of the arms
and the flow of energy
when doing the martial arts
and specifically Tai Chi

In Aikido we used to do a ‘two step’ movement across the mat,
pretending chi was flowing out of our out flung arms.
Then we tried to keep that flow moving as we entered into techniques.

In karate we ‘pump’ the energy in the body.
we build it in the fists.
Which is an oddity,
because closing the fists actually stops the flow of chi.
But you need closed fists,
but you should,
every so often,
do your forms with open hands,
and explore the different sensations and energies you get.

In Tai Chi you move chi through the body, yes,
but it should eventually exit the body in most most postures.
Here is how chi works in a few of the stances.

slant flying
two ‘horizontal’ circles of the arms
the chi contracts and expands as if you are holding a ball of chi in your arms
this is very close to the tan tien.

brush knee
with roll back it is as if you are pulling a rope
then pushing with a palm
a circle in front of you with the blocking hand
a circle (pulsing oval) of the pushing arm next to you
(feels like a locomotive chuffing)

fair lady
the front hand makes a circle
the rear hand (oval) comes through the circle made.
Something interesting here,
fair lady was originally called
‘fair lady weaves at the shuttles.’
it was a series of plucking motions,
resembling a lady weaving at the shuttles.
Martial techniques changed the original motion
into a more shaolin or pa kua version.
‘tiger comes out of the cave.’
You sink and then corkscrew upward,
one arm creating the mouth of a cave,
the second hand coming out of the cave.

I mention this last because martial arts names
especially Chinese,
resemble certain images,
and you have to explore the images
and the changes of images,
to get to the truth of how energy works.

So there are three postures.
first you look at what kind of circles are involved
in the hand motions.
Then you explore whether the energy
expands and contracts,
whether it fits an imagery
(fair lady can be done like a locomotive chuffing,
very interesting)
and you do a bunch of other things.
when you strike you should…
push with legs, turn waist, circle (pump) the arms.
of course,
you should practice relaxing
and focusing on the smoothness of your motion.
It helps to imagine perfect circles
(ovals, spirals, etc.)

Probably the most important thing of all
when it comes to creating energy.
Breath in when the body contracts,
out when it expands.
Breath to the tan tien,
then sink the energy down the legs.
Breath as if into the body part striking
or getting struck.

there is a lot more.
Usually small things
that create a big wholism.
What the hands do the energy in the tan tien will mimic.
Shoulders MUST be over hips.
turn the body as one,
all pieces of the body must support one intention,
and so on.

if I made a simple list,
it would be a thousand items.
doing the form year in and year out
and you will figure them out in 20 or 30 years
or maybe 40.

Now you see why I obsess on matrixing so much.
People should, and can, learn faster.
If you do a form for 30 or so years,
if you understand the techniques,
you figure it all out.
With matrixing you can cut the time by tens.
Instead of 30 years,
3 years.

But there is money in stretching the time of learning out.
Car contracts are a big thing,
most schools can’t survive without them.
when you think about people who want self defense,
and are sold,
a bill of goods.

But when martial arts started up,
over the ages,
people needed to be put in combat.
So they needed to be taught quick,
the teacher couldn’t mess up,
or make mistakes,
lives depended on him.
He didn’t worry about getting a student on contract for several years,
he simply taught fast,
knocked heads and you’d better learn,
or else.
Armies of pheasants were created in months, even weeks.

The US army is based on learn quick and fast.
We turn out the best soldieres in the world in a matter of months.
Can you imagine the US army with such a viewpoint
as is presented in the martial arts today?
‘It will take you three years to complete basic training.’
We wouldn’t be the best military in the world
with that kind of thought.
Yet that is EXACTLY the kind of thought
that goes along with the martial arts.

I can teach a guy to fight in a month.
Fight well,
survive in a real fight,
no problemo.
But fighting isn’t the martial arts.
If you read this newsletter again you’ll see
that I’m not talking about fighting…
I’m talking about the body as an energy system.
I’m not talking about muscles,
I’m talking about energy as a viable and useful tool.

I’ve talked long enough.
You’ve either got it,
or you aren’t going to get it.

There is more to life than push ups and fights.
There are philosophies,
energy systems,
methods of thought,
ways of living
far beyond what you ever thought…Horatio.

So here’s the obligatory ad.
Have fun,

2c Five Army Tai Chi Chuan

Or try the whole package…

2ca Tai Chi Chuan Package

and have a great work out!


2c Five Army Tai Chi Chuan

Or try the whole package…

2ca Tai Chi Chuan Package

Unding your Education with Matrixing

Newsletter 989

The Odd Effects of Matrixing in the Martial Arts

Started matrixing back in the 80s.
Been a long time.
Formalized it around 2007.
Taught a lot of people,
but here’s the thing…
matrixing is VERY subtle.

You do the first courses,
maybe you get a blast of realization,
especially if you’ve spent some time in the arts,
have a good database that needs to be organized.
Then the real work starts.

Time passes
and the seeds gestate within.
The initial blast of logic fades a bit,
but it keeps working.
Sometimes you don’t realize it
but you are looking at the world differently.
Life becomes smoother.
things other than the arts make sense,
are made logical by the matrixing going on inside you.

When you go to school
you are told to shut up and learn.
It’s all behavior modification.
Teachers can’t control the classes
unless they can control the masses.
So shut up and do your work.
Doesn’t matter that the work isn’t logical,
doesn’t have much to do with life.
Shut up and do your work.

They even go after you after school.
Do your homework.
No rest.
Get trained (modified)
so you can be a cog in a factory.

And here’s the thing…
there isn’t much real learning.
it’s memorizing.
When was the battle of Bull Run.
Who cares.
Memorize that algebraic function.
Even though you will never use it in life.

when a lot of people graduate
they are in one of two modes…
a robot ready to man a desk somewhere…
and learning sucks.

school teaches you that learning can be boring,
meaningless and stupid.
So people come out of school thinking that learning sucks.
I did.
And I’d probably still think that learning sucks,
if it wasn’’ for martial arts…
and then matrixing.

There are things in school,
underneath all the drivel,
that do mean something.
Learning how to write,
what all that grammar stuff is,
is incredible.
But they don’t spend a lot of time on that.
Better to modify your behavior.

Underneath that algebra,
is a whole method of learning and analysis
and critical thinking…
but they slide over that quick,
too hard to explain.

And speaking of critical thinking…
schools don’t go anywhere near that.
Kids might start thinking for themselves,
and then where would the behavior modifiers be?

I started learning when it came to the martial arts.
I wanted to understand it.
I wanted to figure it out.
And I started thinking.
I started analyzing it,
being critical in my thought concerning it.
I started doing things that school never prepared me for,
and never wanted me to do.

A quick way to line up all the data,
to make sense of it
and apply it.
And the carefully arranged rigidity of my mind
started to shatter.

it doesn’t work that way for everybody.

I was lucky,
had a couple of good schools,
an instructor who didn’t say much,
but could do a lot,
but who wanted us to figure it out for ourselves.

I remember once,
when a couple of the students went to Bob (my instructor).
They showed him two techniques
and asked him which was better.
He said,
‘I don’t know.’
But it was obvious he knew!
But it was also obvious he wanted to think for ourselves,
to make up our own minds.
To look at the techniques,
try them out,
mix them up,
analyze them,
synthesize them,
understand them.

That is something that almost no teacher,
in todays schools,
martial arts or otherwise,
wants you to do.

No critical thinking for you…
you have to stay a bozo.

I’ve ranted enough,
and it’s up to you.
Be a carefully crafted
‘do what I say’ person,
or start looking.
Get critical,
get analytical,
start matrixing,
look for understanding,
here’s the real deal…
start having some fun.

when you finally figure out what I’m saying
you’ll understand something that teachers may talk about
but don’t know how to make happen…

Here’s some real fun…

1a Matrix Karate

hapy vets day to you!
and have a great work out!


1a Matrix Karate

Why You Should Register Your Hands and Feet with the Police if You Know the Martial Arts

Newsletter 979

Register Your Hands and Feet if You Know Martial Arts!

This is one of those great myths
that have followed the martial arts
ever since they began.

When I was starting out as a white belt,
a newbie in 1967,
I heard you had to register
your hands and feet with the police
as deadly weapons.
Did that sell me on how deadly I was going to be!
I would walk the streets,
impervious to harm,
beating up anybody who looked at me.
I mean,
if i had to register with the police,
I was going to be one deadly mofo!

I believe it was the pages of Black Belt magazine,
there was an ad
for registering your hands and feet!
Double Zowie!
I was going to be SUPER deadly!

fifty years later,
I just heard this statement again.
So here’s the truth.

You don’t have to register your hands and feet,
if you study the martial arts
and get arrested for fighting,
you could be charged with
assault with a deadly weapon.

It’s true.
But don’t think this is bad,
You are going to be such a deadly mofo!

if I was ever in a fight
and had to use martial arts,
and hurt somebody,
I would probably leave the scene of the crime
(fearing for my safety)
then consider carefully
whether I should notify the police,
or tell anybody,
and endure all the trouble that might cause.
Just talking…

Here’s my favorite course,
the one I would be thinking about in a fight,
and is incredibly fun to do…

4a Blinding Steel (Matrixing Weapons)

Have a great (and deadly) work out!


I was able to matrix now everything I do in martial arts, even managed to start to matrix a complete escrima system out of the basics of blinding steel. You were right, it is a totally different understanding of matrixing, once you master/understand matrix karate. The matrix blocks gave me a lot better insight into wing chun as well, mainly from the mini matrix. That was one heck of a revelation. I hit 3 flies in one go. I understand karate, wing chun and escrima now a lot better and was able to extract that out of the material. thank you very much. I really enjoy the way to the goal now.

“What you habitually think largely determines what you will ultimately become.”
– Bruce Lee

Most Important Martial Arts Attribute

Newsletter 978

Why Martial Arts Changed

That the martial arts have changed is obvious.
They have changed in many ways.
Arts have intermixed,
forms are looked down upon,
people want more reality in their sparring,
and so on.

For me the change is drastic,
and I always focus on a single aspect
or characteristic of the martial arts.
I think it is the real reason
for the decline of martial arts.

When I began training we didn’t know anything.
Nobody knew karate,
or any of the other martial arts,
it was all new,
and nobody knew anything.

We were told stories.
The fellow who could hold onto a horse’s tail
and run as fast as the horse.
The fellow who could catch a samurai sword
and snap it with his palms.
Catching arrows with the bare hand.
Breaking rocks with a single chop.
And so on.

we didn’t know if these stories were true,
we simply believed
because we knew no better.
as time went on,
some of the stories were bogus,
and some…were true.

What I noticed
as time went on
was that less and less
had people heard these stories.
Less and less
they tried to do the tricks in these stories.
More and more they fell to fighting,
and stopped being able to catch an opponent mid technique
and do what they wanted.

In short,
people stopped believing.
And stopped striving for those mystical feats,
stopped developing mystical abilities.


Because of the people who trained before,
who had no success in achieving mystical ability
and so denounced it.

I’ve heard people say karate punches are inferior.
And they tout the endless boxing drills
as superior to karate.
Yet I have never seen a boxer
thrust a finger through a board and leave a hole.
I have seen a karate man do that.

I’ve heard people say karate blocks don’t work in a real fight.
Yet I have seen a fellow
break a leg bone,
break it in two places,
with a simple low block.

I’ve had people say chi doesn’t exist,
it is a trick.
Check out the video here…

4c Matrixing Chi Power

Or simply google such things as ’chi power.’

Here is the point.
In the beginning we didn’t know better,
so we believed that tales
just like a bunch of goofy kids.
Most couldn’t figure out how to do those cool sounding tricks.
But a few could.

But the kids of today listen to the trash talk
and they never hear of the ‘chi tricks,’
they never hear about people dehorning and killing bulls
with a single chop.

They listen to the fellows who failed,
and don’t seek out the ones who succeeded.

It seems that the fellows who couldn’t succeed,
are happy to shout their failure to the world,
and denounce the arts they failed in,
instead of figuring out the tricks
and practicing until they could succeed.

And the fellows who succeed,
they are self satisfied
and they have no reason to shout to the world.
Humility, you know.

I tell you this:
the most important element
in your success or failure
is going to be your ability to believe.
To believe that you can do.
To believe some of those old fables.
And to train in a manner
so that your belief is made stronger.


Have a great and believable work out!

Here’s that link again…

4c Matrixing Chi Power


…you’ve changed the way I approach the arts that I love. 2018 marks my 40th year as a martial artist, and I believe that what you do is so important to us true believers. Please remember that innovation is always going to be violently resisted initially. What you do is absolutely logical, and it’s impossible for any sane man to argue with logic. Press on with pride brother. You ARE making history and a legacy. Best wishes and thanks ~ Sean

“The doubters said, ‘Man can not fly,’
The doers said, ‘Maybe, but we’ll try,’
And finally soared In the morning glow
While non-believers Watched from below.”
– Bruce Lee